A Letter From Mexico to Dr. Robert O. Yo

A Letter From Mexico to Dr. Robert O. Young

Dear Dr. Robert O. Young,

The following pictures of the before and after of our patient with medically diagnosed leukemia. He changed his foods & drinks to alkaline foods and drinks and it changed his life. He is one of our patients. He was diagnosed with leukemia this year, with over 125,000 leukocytes which reduced to 25,000 leukocytes in just 14 days on your alkaline training program, based on your research and your New Biology.

Thank you for being a true revolutionary, for swiming upstream. Maybe, we are too “Young.” I am 25 and my sister is 3, she is a PhD in Biology. We know that science have to change and we are working harder to make that live in the country Mexico where Coca Cola kills more people than all the drugs cartels together (24,000 deads per year). We are pioneers here in Mexico with your alkaline lifestyle and diet. We started 6 years ago with other nutritional currents such as, ayurveda, health coaching, china medicine, etc.

When we heard about you Dr. Young we began to read your books and blogs. You introduced us to BeChamp, Enderlein, Naessens,Rupert and Shaldrake, etc.

We realized that we were infront of the most logical, simple and powerful scientific concepts ever presented in the history of the World.

We started to apply your pH Miracle lifestyle and diet with our patients and the “miracles” began.

Thank you for sharing all your research, your time and your experience! i will keep working hard to get the resources to attend one of your microscopy courses soon. It is my dream, and then we can help more people in my country, Mexico.


– Pakou http://ow.ly/i/dQPYo

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