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Five Important Questions

Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner, Commissioner International Tribunal of Natural Justice

The Conference of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice in Bali, Indonessia

Question One:  Has the SARS CoVid – 2 or now known as SARS CoVid – 19 ever been scientifically isolated and identified under the scientific method?

Answer to question One: NO! Please see the links below from government health departments and research institutes announcing that ‘SARS-COV-2 or 19’ has never been isolated, purified, identified and shown to exist or to be contagious according to the accepted scientific methods of Koch Postulates or Rivers Postulates!

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[1] British Columbia’s Provincial Health Services Authority (Canada) admits (to an FOI submitter who prefers not to be named) to having no record describing isolation of “SARS-COV-2” by anyone, anywhere, ever:

[2] An updated “no records” FOI reply from the Public Health Agency of Canada where someone is clearly unhinged from reality, admitting that the request “has resulted in a “No Records Exist” while insinuating that the problem is mine for not accepting an oxymoron (“isolation in culture”) + useless PCR tests + wild assumptions based on a wildly uncontrolled experiment as a substitute for actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation:

[3] “Hall of Shame”: An FOI request re “SARS-COV-2 isolation” submitted to Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health by Michael S. on August 9, 2020 remains completely ignored by the Ministry:

[4] [Expose published Jan 31, 2021 by Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Stefano Scoglio and investigative journalists Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter: Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2

[5]Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO (“Australia’s national science research agency”) admits to having no record describing the isolation of ANY virus on Australia’s national “immunization” schedule, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

[6] New Zealand’s crown research institute, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research once again equates “isolation” with culturing and this time admits to having no record re isolation of “SARS-COV-1” or (once again) any “virus” on NZ’s “Immunisation” Schedule. And, they simply ignored a query re isolation of any “common cold coronavirus”:]

Question Two: If CoVid 2 or 19 is not the cause for severe acute respiratory syndrome of SARS then what is the cause?
Answer to question two: SARS CoVid 2 or 19 is caused by pathological blood coagulation which is caused by chemical and radiation poisoning of the fluids of the body (especially the interstitial fluids of the lung) which leads to the symptoms of a fever, dry cough, loss of taste, shallow breathing, hypoxia, just to name a few and NOT the coronavirus which has never been scientifically proven to exist. Please read my published article on the cause of SARS CoVid 2 or 19: Here is the link to our article:
Citation: Young RO, Migalko G (2020) What Causes Oxygen Deprivation of the Blood (DIC) and Then Lungs(SARS – CoV 2 & 19)?. Integ Mol Bio Biotechnol 1: 001-007

See also our published peer-reviewed scientific paper; The Genesis of Severe Acute Respiratory (Syndrome) Disease or SARS (Coronavirus – COVID – 2 and COVID – 19) is Found in the Interstitial Fluids of Intestitium.

Question Three: Does wearing a mask or social distancing reduce the chances of infectivity from the SARS CoVid 2 or 19 virus?

Answer to question three: Since the existence of the SARS CoVid 2 or 19 virus does NOT exist then why wear a mask or social distance other than for the purpose of fear mongering for mind control of the population at large.

Please read my article, “Is Wearing a Face Mask Good for YOUR Health Protection?”

Question Four: Is RT PCR testing accurately testing and identifying the presence of SARS CoVid 2 or 19.

Answer to question four: Absolutely NOT! According to nobel laureate Kary Mullis stated that, “the identification of a retrovirus can NOT be identified by a PCR test”. SUMMARY CATALOGUE OF ERRORS FOUND IN THE CORMAN-DROSTEN Scientific PAPER CONCERNING RT PCR TESTING FOR the identification of SARS-CoV-2 Renamed as SARS-CoV-19 Virus

The Corman-Drosten published paper which has been relied upon worldwide contains the following specific errors:

1. There exists no specified reason to use these extremely high concentrations of primers in this protocol. The described concentrations lead to increased nonspecific bindings and PCR product amplifications, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus.

2. Six unspecified wobbly positions will introduce an enormous variability in the real world laboratory implementations of this test; the confusing nonspecific description in the Corman-Drosten paper is not suitable as a Standard Operational Protocol making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus.

3. The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection.

4. A difference of 10° C with respect to the annealing temperature Tm for primer pair1 (RdRp_SARSr_F and RdRp_SARSr_R) also makes the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus

5. A severe error is the omission of a Ct value at which a sample is considered positive and negative. This Ct value is also not found in follow-up submissions making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus

6. The PCR products have not been validated at the molecular level. This fact makes the protocol useless as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus

7. The PCR test contains neither a unique positive control to evaluate its specificity for SARS-CoV-2 nor a negative control to exclude the presence of other coronaviruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus.

8. The test design in the Corman-Drosten paper is so vague and flawed that one can go in dozens of different directions; nothing is standardized and there is no SOP. This highly questions the scientific validity of the test and makes it unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus.

9. Most likely, the Corman-Drosten paper was not peer-reviewed making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 renamed as SARS-CoV-19 virus.

10. We find severe conflicts of interest for at least four authors, in addition to the fact that two of the authors of the Corman-Drosten paper (Christian Drosten and Chantal Reusken) are members of the editorial board of Eurosurveillance. A conflict of interest was added on July 29 2020 (Olfert Landt is CEO of TIB-Molbiol; Marco Kaiser is senior researcher at GenExpress and serves as scientific advisor for TIB-Molbiol), that was not declared in the original version (and still is missing in the PubMed version); TIB-Molbiol is the company which was “the first” to produce PCR kits (Light Mix) based on the protocol published in the Corman-Drosten manuscript, and according to their own words, they distributed these PCR-test kits before the publication was even submitted;[5] further, Victor Corman & Christian Drosten failed to mention their second affiliation: the commercial test laboratory “Labor Berlin”. Both are responsible for the virus diagnostics there [6] and the company operates in the realm of real time PCR-testing.

Conclusion to my answer to Question Four

In light of my re-examination of the test protocol to identify SARS-CoV-2 and renamed as SARS-CoV-19 described in the Corman-Drosten paper we have identified concerning errors and inherent fallacies which render the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test useless.[7][8][9][10]


[1] Young RO, “Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST)”. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(6): 00048. DOI:10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00048

[2] Young, R.O., “The Effects of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF) on the Blood and Biological Terrain.”…/the-effects-electromagnet-f…

[3] Young, R.O., Young, S.R, “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.” Hachett Publishing, 2010.

[4] Young, R.O., Migalko, G., “Interstitial Fluid Lung Disease (IFLD) of the Interstitium Organ the Cause and Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Lung Disease”. International Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy,, January 20, 2020

[5] Instructions For Use LightMix SarbecoV E-gene plus EAV Control, TIB-Molbiol & Roche Molecular Solutions, January 11th 2020: gene_V200204_09164154001 (1).pdfArchive, timestamp – January 11th 2020:; Archive:

[6] Christian Drosten & Victor Corman, responsible for viral diagnostics at Labor Berlin:

[7] Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020, External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.

[8] The Genesis of Severe Acute Respiratory (Syndrome) Disease or SARS (Coronavirus – COVID – 2 and COVID – 19) is Found in the Interstitial Fluids of Intestitium.

[9] Young RO, Migalko G (2020) What Causes Oxygen Deprivation of the Blood(DIC) and Then Lungs(SARS – CoV 2 & 12)?. Integ Mol Bio Biotechnol 1: 001-007

[10] Young RO (2020), Missing in Action, December 4th, 2020.

Question Five: Who are the main culprits behind the coronavirus Plandemic?

Answer to question five: Bill Gates, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations Children’s Fund, WHO, and the World Bank.

Please read my article on this bold condemnation of Bill Gates at:

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Please read and share the following scientific articles on SARS CoVid – 2 renamed to SARS CoVid – 19

1. Is History Repeating Itself Again

2. NO Isolation of “SARS-COV-2-19” from Australian, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, & Canadian Researchers

3. Missing in Action

4. The Blood Never Lies – People Lie!

5. Dismantling the Viral Theory

6. The Testimony of Dr. Robert O. Young in Bali, Indonesia

Our World-wide crisis


People all over the world have been lied to. from our air, food, water and EMF’s to viruses, vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, you’ve been lied to. The question is.. 

Do you even care?


Many of you will immediately deny or push back, but I can assure you, if you take the time to watch this in its entirety, critically think and do more research, you will be left with some big changes to make in how you think, what you believe and how you will move forward.


Thank you for visiting the UnMasked Documentary website.( Please begin in Chapter 1 and proceed to the end. Skipping chapters will only lead to information gaps and many questions. The content is laid out in a specific order for your viewership. God bless you and stay healthy and safe.



Dr. Robert Young gives you a portion of who he, what his life has entailed and why he’s fighting the good fight for all of us.

Air, Food, Water, EMFs…. We are bombarded with toxins all day every day. Find out what to do.


What is a virus? Where is the meaning “virus?” Why do you believe what you believe about viruses?


Vaccines may be the greatest “CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY” ever. Dr. Robert Young breaks down what vaccines are made of how they affect our bodies.


Big Pharma doesn’t and never will have your best interest in mind. EMFs are attacking our bodies all day, every day.


Dr. Young helps you to understand how our thoughts and mind effect our lives internally. He gives pragmatic solutions for moving forward to healthier lifestyle.


Dr. Robert O. Young Testifies Before the International Tribunal of Natural Justice

Dr. Robert Young gives details on his arrests and why the “bad actors” have made such an effort to come after him.




Watch Dr. Robert O. Young’s latest interviews

Five Critical Health Questions Asked and Answered by Dr. Robert O Young and Sasha Stone

Kerry Cassidy Interviews Dr. Robert O Young on COVID Revelations

Have YOU Lost Your Mind?

Did YOU Know?

Children and infants are susceptible to harm from inhaling pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) of less than 10 micron (MPM) to 1 nano micron (NPM)because they inhale more air per pound of body weight than do adults – they breathe faster, spend more time outdoors and have smaller body sizes. In addition, children’s immature immune systems may cause them to be more susceptible to PM than healthy adults.

Figure 1: Possible entry routes for NPs. After accidental exposure or intended NP application, NPs enter the human body by intravenous injection or by oral, dermal, and pulmonic routes. Upon contact with physiological environments, biomolecules immediately absorb onto the NPs, forming the biomolecule corona. Upon contact with other (micro)environments, the corona composition most likely changes, but still keeps a stable “fingerprint” from its initial entry site.[1]

Ask YOURSELF The Following Questions?

1) Does the so-called infectious virus have morals and refuses to attack children, infants and toddlers?
2) Why does the so-called infectious virus bypass the young? If the virus is the prey of life then why are infants, toddlers, children and young adults not attacked?
3) IF, an infectious virus existed, as described by current medical savants (without scientific documentation using the gold standard for identifying any germ), wouldn’t infants, toddlers, children and young adults be the #1 victims, for the reasons I have stated above?

What Are the Sizes of Particulate Matter?

Some of the particulate matter found indoors originates from the outdoors, especially PM smaller than 2.5 microns (a micron is 1/25,000th of an inch). These particles enter indoor spaces through doors, windows, and “leakiness” in building structures.

Figure 2: Particulate Matter Sizes in Microns. One micron is equal to 1/25,000th of an inch.
Figure 3: Micro and Nano micron sizes of toxic acidic PM that can cause serious sickness and disease.

A Few More Questions!

4) Have YOU seen people getting out of their cars and putting on their masks, as well as getting into their cars and then taking off their masks?5) Does the so-called infectious virus have morals, with a common courtesy of not entering someone’s private property?6) Does the so-called virus fear being arrested for entering your car, home or office without your permission?

So Why Are Viruses So Selective?

7) Why does the so-called virus prey on those with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease patients?

gure 4: Particles with proven lung carcinogenic effects in animals and/or humans (most of the classifications are also classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC

What is the Real Virus?

Answer: Ignorance

What is the Real Disease?

Answer: The loss of common sense

What is the Real Treatment:

I have suggested for over 4 decades that there is only one sickness, one disease and one treatment. The one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the vascular and interstitial fluids due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking, feeling and believing. The one treatment is to restore the alkaline design of the vascular, interstitial and intracellular fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Figure 5: Comparison of the Louis Pasteur’s germ theory and Dr. Robert O Young’s terrain theory

To learn more about particulate matter (PM) and the dis-eases they cause check out the following charts and read the following articles at these links:


Figure 6: Exosomes and COVID-19 are anatomically identical.[2]


Figure 7: Showing cellular membrane breakdown and aging of the cell, known as the ‘Corona Effect’ due to acidic chemical and radiation poisoning from PM and EMF.[3]

To learn more about the one sickness, one disease and one treatment read, Sick and Tired, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, the pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Cancer and the soon to be released Thrive on Perfect Health.

Figure 8: The predominant routes of NPs exposure, uptake, translocation and potential risks. The gray boxes indicate the source of NPs exposure, blue boxes indicate the primary routes of uptake, the orange boxes the potential translocation pathways and the red boxes the potentialdamage.[1]
Figure 9: Possible entry routes for NPs. After accidental exposure or intended NP application, NPs enterthe human body by intravenous injection or by oral, dermal, and pulmonic routes. Upon contact with physiological environments, biomolecules immediately absorb onto the NPs, forming the biomolecule-corona. Upon contact with other (micro)environments, the corona composition most likely changes, but still keeps a stable “fingerprint” from its initial entry site.[1]
Figure 10: Human exposure to NPs. Main anthropogenic sources of NPs, their release in the work place and environment, the subsequent occupational or public exposure through several ways of entry and translocation into human body.[4]

Now YOU Know the Sizes of PM Will Social Distancing or Wearing a Mask Provide Any So-Called Protection?

Now is the time for YOU to put on YOUR COMMON SENSE HAT!

Figure 11: Particle size chart of PM the efficiency of wearing a mask for filtering PM. You will note that the sizes of the PM are smaller than the ULPA and the HEPA filters therefore providing no benefit.[5]
The answer to the mask question is a scientific NO! Wearing a NP95 or NP99 or HEPA or ULPA mask to protect yourself from PM or any so-called virus is useless. All you do is create increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the alveoli, interstitial fluids and blood causing hypoxia and pathological blood coagulation and an increased risk for hypercapnia and death.

How Can I Protect MySelf From Micro and Nano Particle Pollution Completely?

Wear the mask and protective suit pictured below and read The pH Miracle revised and update book?[6] or move to another planet![7]


[1] Zoroddul M.A., Medici S., Ledda A., Nurchi V.M., Lachowicz J. I. Peana M., “Toxicity of Nanoparticles.” Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 21, 3837-3853 3837. [2] Young, R.O., “What Do Viruses Like HIV & Corona Have In Common With Exosomes?”[3] Young, R.O., “Dismantling the Viral Theory.”[4] Fadeel B., Pietroiusti A., Shvedova A., “ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ENGINEERED NANO MATERIALS EXPOSURE, TOXICOLOGY, AND IMPACTION HUMAN HEALTH, SECOND EDITION.” Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, United Kingdom. [5] Young, R.O., “Is Wearing a Face Mask Good for Your Health Protection.”[6][7]


Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), is an acid busting alkalizing supplement that improves mood, learning, and memory.

ALCAR also helps lactic acid in muscles, use fat to buffer acidity, which can increase your endurance, give you an edge in the gym, and help you recover faster. For nootropic benefits, take two grams of ALCAR a day.For better endurance and faster recovery, take 2-3 grams of ALCAR a day — one capsule at breakfast and 2 capsules before your workout. You can also take one capsule after workout.

Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), is a powerful addition to your biohacking toolbox. This valuable little molecule has been a staple in the bodybuilding and brain-hacking communities for years now, thanks to its ability to help you lose weight and power up your brain.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of acetyl L-carnitine, safety and proper supplement dosage.


Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino naturally produced in your body to protect cells from excess metabolic acids, use stored fats to build stem cells, and protect electrical energy for cellular function.. We suggest supplementing with acetyl L-carnitine, because of its many benefits.


You can use ALCAR to enhance your cellular electron function to increase cognition function, and to reduce metabolic acids, like lactic acid during workouts, and more. ALCAR helps your body use fat for buffering excess acidic so that the body cells have more more energy — especially for your muscles and brain.

Acetyl L-carnitine has two main benefits:

Boosts brain power: ALCAR is an anti-aging nootropic, or smart amino, meaning, it helps your brain perform better. The acetyl group on it lets it pass your blood-brain barrier and reach your brain and nerves, for buffering metabolic acids thus improve your mood, learning, and memory.

Helps the body use fat and builds muscle: ALCAR can give you an edge in the gym, too. It buffers lactic acid from cellular function of the muscle, which increases cellular endurance and recovery time of the muscle. ALCAR also improves acid-bound fat elimination while you are working out.

Here’s a closer look at how ALCAR works.


When you take pH Miracle ALCAR, it turns into carnitine in your body, and if your insulin levels are low — for example, from eating a high carbohydrate/sugar diet, doing intermittent fasting, working out intensely, eating a highly acidic diet of animal protein or not eating enough alkalizing fruit and vegetables— carnitine becomes very important for reducing metabolic and dietary acid-loads.

When your insulin (insulin buffers the metabolic acid glucose and lactic acid)levels are low, your body starts pushing metabolic and dietary acids into the interstitial fluid compartments and then into the fatty tissues..[1]

The more metabolic and dietary acids that are not properly eliminated through the five channels of elimination – urination, defecation, respiration, perspiration and for women menstruation – are then stored away from the organs that sustain life in the fatty tissue. It is important to understand that overweight is NOT a fat problem but an acid problem! (Read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss)

Basically, carnitine latches onto metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acidic waste and carries them out of the interstitial fluids into the fatty tissues when they cannot be removed via the elimination organs. Depositing acidic waste into the fatty tissues is protective but is also the cause of excess weight that leads to obesity!

In other words, you need carnitine to eliminate acidic metabolic, dietary, respiratory, and environmental acidic waste out through the five channels of elimination. If you’re low on carnitine, acidic waste can get into your body cells that make up all of your organs causing enervation,(low energy), irritation, inflammation, ulceration, induration (stones and tumors) and finally degeneration (cancer).

Once again, the body retains fat to protect the organs and organ systems from breakdown.[2] But with abundant L-carnitine, your body can remove excess metabolic and dietary acidic waste and you will feel more life force energy or experience less fatigue or enervation. The best news is you will start losing excess acidic weight bound to fat and start building muscle. That’s why the pH Miracle ALCAR supplement is so popular with folks who want to lose weight and build muscle and prevent chronic and acute diseases.


Acetyl-L-carnitine is a supplement form of L-carnitine that can pass your blood-brain barrier, giving it access to the dense collection of mitochondria in your brain, as well as to the mitochondria in the rest of your body. That explains why ALCAR is becoming so popular as a nootropic supplement (something that makes your brain work better).

Here’s what the research has to say about using ALCAR to make your brain work better:

More mental & physical energy: Older men and women who took ALCAR daily saw a significant boost to their physical and mental energy levels, as well as better overall cognitive ability.[3]

Improves cognitive function: People with low carnitine levels see a major decrease in brain function. Taking ALCAR improves that brain function. A lot. In a recent study, 8 out of 14 participants reversed a diagnosis of dementia and returned to their full cognitive abilities after taking ALCAR daily. [4]

Lowers inflammation: Acetyl-L-carnitine decreases inflammation in healthy adults. Part of it is because ALCAR increases glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant.[5] Side note: glutathione is awesome for hacking hangovers. And, as it turns out, ALCAR decreases damage to brain cells after drinking, too.[6]

Boosts circulation: In healthy adults, ALCAR increased circulation and nutrient-rich blood flow after a high-fat meal.[7] Good blood flow is an essential part of brain and muscle function and the removal of dietary and metabolic acids from the interstitial fluid compartments of the Interstitium that make YOU sick and tired.

Improves focus: Acetyl-L-carnitine improves attention, both in kids with ADHD[8] and adults who struggle with mental fatigue.[9]


It’s worth mentioning that, although a few of these studies are in healthy young adults, a lot of acetyl-L-carnitine research is in older people. It’s clear that ALCAR is great for anti-aging, but what if you’re young and thriving, and want an extra edge?

As is the case with many nootropics, ALCAR is popular in the brain-hacking world thanks to lots of individual reports about how much it helps cognitive function. That is why pH Miracle L-Carnitine is one of those supplements that’s worth trying on your own, to experience ALL of its benefits.

What about pH Miracle ALCAR for improving your workouts?


ALCAR has been a staple of the bodybuilding community for years. Check out the research that backs up all the incredible benefits:

Increases strength: Resistance-trained young men who took carnitine 90 minutes before intense exercise enjoyed a significant increase in power output, as well as lower lactate levels (lactate contributes to the burning feeling in your muscles).[10]

Burns more fat: Young men who took carnitine burned more fat during moderate exercise, and their muscles produced more energy during intense exercise.[11]

Boosts testosterone: Men who took acetyl-L-carnitine after lifting had more dense hormone receptors in their muscles, which may have improved their testosterone uptake. In other words, ALCAR doesn’t increase your testosterone; it makes you better at using the testosterone you have (Here’s how to increase your testosterone).

Speeds recovery: pH Miracle ALCAR can speed up recovery and decrease muscle inflammation after exercise, in both men and women.[12][13] [14][15]

Better insulin sensitivity: pH Miracle ALCAR improves insulin sensitivity in people who don’t process glucose well.[16] [17][18]

Builds muscle: ALCAR is a powerful anti-aging supplement if you’re older and want to build muscle. In older people, it decreases muscle fatigue and increases fat loss.[19][20][21]

Ian Jacklin – World Kick Box Champion –

Reduces muscle fatigue: One study found that acetyl-L-carnitine decreases muscle fatigue in young people, too.[22]

Summing up

The pH Miracle ALCAR can help your workout in the gym, reduce acidic waste that causing inflammation that leads to faster recovery. And if you’re older, pH Miracle acetyl-L-carnitine is especially useful for maintaining your energy levels and shedding acidic body fat

Before & After Following the pH Miracle Lifestyle for 12 Weeks!



pH Miracle Acetyl-L-carnitine is a valuable addition to your daily supplement routine, especially if you’re an athlete or you’re looking for anti-aging benefits. As with most supplements, timing matters. Here’s what you need to know.

Most of the studies you just read about used between 2 to 3 grams of L-carnitine, taken every day. Two grams a day is a good place to start. From there, you can increase or decrease the dose when you reach your goals. Here are sample plans for taking pH Miracle ALCAR:


2g/day; half first thing in the morning, half in the afternoon


2-3g day; half 90 minutes before exercise (to increase your muscle endurance), half after exercise (to speed up recovery)


Just click on the following link:




[3] Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2008 Mar-Apr;46(2):181-90. Epub 2007 Jul 20.

Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) treatment in elderly patients with fatigue.

Malaguarnera M1, Gargante MP, Cristaldi E, Colonna V, Messano M, Koverech A, Neri S, Vacante M, Cammalleri L, Motta M.

[4] J Psychiatr Pract. 2010 Jan;16(1):5-14. doi: 10.1097/01.pra.0000367773.03636.d1.

Clinical outcomes and low-dose levocarnitine supplementation in psychiatric inpatients with documented hypocarnitinemia: a retrospective chart review.

Cuturic M1, Abramson RK, Moran RR, Hardin JW.

[5] Tohoku J Exp Med. 2011 Jul;224(3):209-13. doi: 10.1620/tjem.224.209.

Single dose administration of L-carnitine improves antioxidant activities in healthy subjects.

Cao Y1, Qu HJ, Li P, Wang CB, Wang LX, Han ZW.

[6] Free Radic Biol Med. 2011 Oct 15;51(8):1601-9. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2011.06.020. Epub 2011 Jun 28.

Stabilization of superoxide dismutase by acetyl-l-carnitine in human brain endothelium during alcohol exposure: novel protective approach.

Haorah J1, Floreani NA, Knipe B, Persidsky Y..

[7] Am J Cardiol. 2008 Nov 15;102(10):1413-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2008.07.022. Epub 2008 Sep 11.

Effects of carnitine supplementation on flow-mediated dilation and vascular inflammatory responses to a high-fat meal in healthy young adults.

Volek JS1, Judelson DA, Silvestre R, Yamamoto LM, Spiering BA, Hatfield DL, Vingren JL, Quann EE, Anderson JM, Maresh CM, Kraemer WJ.

[8] Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2002 Jul;67(1):33-8.

Efficacy of carnitine in the treatment of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Van Oudheusden LJ1, Scholte HR.

[9] Psychosom Med. 2004 Mar-Apr;66(2):276-82.

Exploratory open label, randomized study of acetyl- and propionylcarnitine in chronic fatigue syndrome.

Vermeulen RC1, Scholte HR.

[10] J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2009 Apr 2;6:9. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-6-9.

Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine produces enhanced anaerobic work capacity with reduced lactate accumulation in resistance trained males.

Jacobs PL1, Goldstein ER, Blackburn W, Orem I, Hughes JJ.

[11] J Physiol. 2011 Feb 15;589(Pt 4):963-73. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2010.201343. Epub 2011 Jan 4.

Chronic oral ingestion of L-carnitine and carbohydrate increases muscle carnitine content and alters muscle fuel metabolism during exercise in humans.

Wall BT1, Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Marimuthu K, Macdonald IA, Greenhaff PL.

[12] Metabolism. 2010 Aug;59(8):1190-9. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2009.11.012. Epub 2009 Dec 31.

l-Carnitine l-tartrate supplementation favorably affects biochemical markers of recovery from physical exertion in middle-aged men and women.

Ho JY1, Kraemer WJ, Volek JS, Fragala MS, Thomas GA, Dunn-Lewis C, Coday M, Häkkinen K, Maresh CM.

[13] J Strength Cond Res. 2008 Jul;22(4):1130-5. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31817d48d9.

Effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on muscle oxygenation responses to resistance exercise.

Spiering BA1, Kraemer WJ, Hatfield DL, Vingren JL, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Thomas GA, Häkkinen K, Volek JS.

[14] J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Aug;17(3):455-62.

The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery.

Kraemer WJ1, Volek JS, French DN, Rubin MR, Sharman MJ, Gómez AL, Ratamess NA, Newton RU, Jemiolo B, Craig BW, Häkkinen K.

[15] Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Feb;282(2):E474-82.

L-Carnitine L-tartrate supplementation favorably affects markers of recovery from exercise stress.

Volek JS1, Kraemer WJ, Rubin MR, Gómez AL, Ratamess NA, Gaynor P.

[16] JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2010 May-Jun;34(3):295-9. doi: 10.1177/0148607109353440.

Caloric restriction and L-carnitine administration improves insulin sensitivity in patients with impaired glucose metabolism.

Molfino A1, Cascino A, Conte C, Ramaccini C, Rossi Fanelli F, Laviano A.

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Ameliorating hypertension and insulin resistance in subjects at increased cardiovascular risk: effects of acetyl-L-carnitine therapy.

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Effect of oral L-carnitine administration on insulin sensitivity and lipid profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

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L-Carnitine treatment reduces severity of physical and mental fatigue and increases cognitive functions in centenarians: a randomized and controlled clinical trial.

Malaguarnera M1, Cammalleri L, Gargante MP, Vacante M, Colonna V, Motta M.

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Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) treatment in elderly patients with fatigue.

Malaguarnera M1, Gargante MP, Cristaldi E, Colonna V, Messano M, Koverech A, Neri S, Vacante M, Cammalleri L, Motta M.

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Levocarnitine administration in elderly subjects with rapid muscle fatigue: effect on body composition, lipid profile and fatigue.

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Effects of Citric Acid and l-Carnitine on Physical Fatigue.

Sugino T1, Aoyagi S, Shirai T, Kajimoto Y, Kajimoto O.

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You Don’t Get SICK – YOU Do Sick!


Sickness and disease is not something you catch it is something you do with what you eat, what you drink, what you breath, what you think and what you believe! The treatment is simply – Stop IT!

Stop IT and Wake Up to YOUR Divine Possibilities!
Extraordinary Health and Fitness
Extraordinary Prosperity
Extraordinary Relationships
Extraordinary Divinity
Stop living at a lower frequency of personality or ego and open yourself up to the higher frequency of YOUR true Divinity and to God’s love and light!
You are not a physical being having a spiritual experience.
You are a divine spiritual being, a GOD in embryo having a physical experience!
Why? So that you might experience the duality of life and understand that there is opposition in ALL things! Good and evil, light and darkness, hot and cold, sadness and happiness, hate and love, finite and infinity and the list goes on and on.
The duality of life can only be experienced in a state of physicality. But you are infinite, eternal and capable!
So Stop it!
Stop eating beef!
Stop eating chicken!
Stop eating fish!
Stop eating pig!
Stop eating eggs!
Stop eating dairy products! Yogurt, ice cream, cheese!
Stop eating high sugar fruit like banana and pineapple!
Stop drinking coffee!
Stop drinking black and green tea!
Stop drinking alcohol!
Stop drinking soda pop!
Stop drinking sport drinks!
Stop drinking cow and goat milk!
Stop smoking cigarettes and weed!
Stop drinking vinegar!
Stop eating or drinking fermented foods!
Stop eating mushrooms of any kind!
Stop eating peanuts and cashews!
Stop eating corn and corn products!
Stop the thought attacks!
Stop it!
Today realize the all things are possible to those that believe.
Start believing and receiving NOW!
Read The pH Miracle revised and updated –

To learn more how to “STOP IT” read The pH Miracle revised and updated – Share this post with everyone you love and care about. The obvious truth of “STOP IT” will make you laugh!


Think about what truly happens in those private meetings that determine what will be taught to our future generations about diet and health. It’s coming from the same people that are attempting to put aspartame in baby food. Im not saying that your family doctor is a bad person for trying to put your 2 year old on ritalin, what I’m saying is that there is another way and it is a way that actually works.
It’s quite simple, we must build a healthy and fit body starting with its internal environment. If healthy babies are composed of 80 to 90% water and alkaline, and people are dying at 40 to 50 percent water and highly acidic, could it be that an acidic internal environment could be to blame for early death and disease? Think about it, even fish can’t live in acidic water.
If your goal is to build healthy muscle, supplement your workouts with foods rich in chlorophyll because of your body’s ability to easily convert it into healthy muscle. There is absolutely no need to put unhealthy stress on your body in the form of steroids and an acidic diet. What’s the point of looking fit if you are putting yourself at risk of a heart attack or cancer? I would rather do it right by consuming foods that actually extend youth, and life, then by taking an unhealthy approach that will accelerate the aging process and cut life short.
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Do yourself a favor and pick up some learning material
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Body built with SuperGreens !To order go to:
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Body built by SuperGreens ! To order go to:

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

Ian Jacklin & Robert O Young PhD, get each others back on the pH cure. It’s true. Dr. Bernardo’s dad knew it. Dr. B taught me and Dr. Young backs it up. Get the protocols in our books. I Cure Cancer by Ian Jacklin and The pH Miracle for Cancer by Dr. Young. Learn about donating electrons and keeping your body healthy, fit and young!


You don’t need a gun when you have a camera and microscope to record the truth!

To learn more read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for the Heart, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The Cancer Solution, Sick and Tired Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, and the Back to the House of Health Books 1 and 2.

Hydrogen: What Are the differences between H+, H2, H- and OH-?

Distinguishing between these different forms of Hydrogen can be confusing to those of you who do not understand chemistry.

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Here is brief clarification.

H+ = Atomic Hydrogen:

Atomic hydrogen is number 1 on the Periodic Table of Elements. It consists of single proton and is an oxidant or acid.

However an atom of hydrogen rarely exists on its own because its unpaired proton eagerly seeks to join up with an electron stealing life-force energy from the body.

The H+ hydrogen ion is the basis of the pH scale that runs from 0 to 14. This scale is measuring the proton or acid concentration of any liquid.

The molecular form of hydrogen is more common.

H2 = Molecular Hydrogen

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H2 is a gas which forms when two hydrogen atoms H+ bond together and become a hydrogen molecule. H2 is also called molecular hydrogen. It consists of two protons and two electrons. Consequently it is the most common form of Hydrogen because it is stable with a neutral charge and therefore is NOT an electron donor or a proton acceptor and thus provides no life-force energy to the human or animal cell. Since it is a neutral molecule it is NOT an antioxidant and cannot bind or pickup protons as a scavenger of acidity.

H– = Hydride or Reduced Hydrogen

Hydride or reduced hydrogen is a hydrogen atom which has an extra electron. This means that it is a negatively charged ion, or anion. That is why Hydride ion (H-) has the minus sign distinguishing it from a regular Hydrogen atom (H+).

The extra electron means that H- is not an oxidant or free radical but is an antioxidant or chelator of protons or acids. H- or reduced hydrogen is the spark of life and a strong chelator of metabolic, respiratory, dietary and/or environmental acids and thus protects the alkaline design of the body. In other words, this form of hydrogen gives life energy and protects the human body from sickness and disease.

H– + H2O –> H2O + OH–

Hydride (:– ) also binds to Oxygen (O+) to form chemical compounds which are reducing agents or what is referred as an anti-acid or anti-oxidant which means against acid.

OH– = Hydroxide ion

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Hydroxide (OH–) is also known as the hydroxyl ion. When water dissociates or comes apart into its component parts it forms OH– (hydroxide ions) and H3O+ (hydronium ions).

2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+

This reaction is reversible. The hydroxide ion also reacts with the hydronium ion (H3O+) to become two water molecules.

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The Hydroxide ion (OH– ) is a base (alkaline). The Hydroxide ion is not a free radical but a strong anti-acid or anti-oxidant or proton acceptor.

H3O+ = Hydronium ion

A water molecule (H20) plus a hydrogen ion (H+) becomes a hydronium ion (H3O+). The H+ ion is a lone proton with a powerful charge. It does not exist on its own in an aqueous solution because it is immediately attracted to the unshared or paired electron in the oxygen atom of H2O. The result is Hydronium (H3O+). This process is reversible. Two water molecules can disassociate to form hydronium plus hydroxide.

2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+

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Experiments indicate that the proton (H+) is very promiscuous or damaging to DNA. It changes from one H2O partner to another many times per second creating a new H3O+ ion as it moves.

pH = The Potential of Hydrogen

pH stands for potential of Hydrogen and is actually a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Water breaks down (dissociates) into protons (H+) and hydroxides (OH–). This reaction is reversible.

H2O ⇆ H+ and OH–
2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+

pH indicates whether water is proton saturated or acidic or an electron donor or energy donor or alkaline. More H+ = more protons or acids. Less H+ = more electrons or more alkalinity.

Because H+ immediately associates with H2O to form H3O+ (Hydronium), pH can also be said to be a measurement of the concentration of H3O+ in a solution.

The pH scale

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The pH scale is logarithmic. Increasing by 1 on the pH scale results in a 10 times decrease in the proton ion concentration and increasing by 3 on the pH scale results in a 1,000 times decrease in the proton ion concentration.


Foods are Either Proton Donors and Electron Acceptors or Electron Donors and Proton Acceptors!

The foods and liquids you ingest (see pictures below) are either proton donors poisoning your body and making you sick or electron donors providing you with energy and base protection.

Some of the most acidic, proton donating foods, drinks and supplements are:

1) Eggs
2) Pork
3) Chicken
4) Beef
5) Turkey
6) Vinegar
7) HCL found in all drugs and supplements
8) Enzymes
9) Alcohol
10) Cheese
11) Ice Cream
12) Black tea
13) Coffee
15) Corn
16) Peanuts
17) All fermented foods like soy sauce
18) All the “ose” like fructose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, etc
19) Carbonated water or sodas
20) Chocolate


Some of the most alkaline, electron donating foods, drinks and supplements are:

1) Alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 with an electrical potential of -250 Mv.
2) Avocado
3) Wheat and barley grass/Sprouts
4) Celery
5) Cucumber
6) Kale
7) Poly and Super poly-unsaturated oils
8) Sodium and Potassium salts
9) Ocean and Inland salts
10) Sunshine
11) Peppers
12) Ginger
13) Turmeric
14) Beet tops
15) Dandelion greens
16) Spinach
17) Collard greens
18) Lemon
19) Tomato
20) Boccoli


It is important to understand that the human and animal body uses electrons for energy and produces chemical wastes that if not eliminated will cause genetic and cellular damage leading to ALL sickness and disease.

To learn more about the importance of drinking alkaline water and protecting the alkaline design of your body read: The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The Cancer Solution, Sick and Tired, Back to the House of Health I and 2, just a few of Dr. Robert O Young’s many books which can be found


Why Supplement Vitamin K1? Especially Children Who Are NOT Ingesting Liberal Amounts of Green Vegetables!

High levels of a protein called MGP are associated with cardiovascular disease!

The work, published in the American Journal of Hypertension, indicates that these high blood levels of inactive matrix Gla protein, or MGP, may help identify those at the highest risk for cardiovascular disease and who might benefit most from vitamin K supplementation, says Mary Ellen Fain, student at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University and the study’s first author.

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Active MGP appears to be the only natural inhibitor of vascular calcification and vitamin K the only known activator of MGP.

When MGP is active, calcium also circulating in the blood, binds to it — instead of the lining of blood vessel walls — so it gets eliminated by the body.

“We know that the lifespan of patients on hemodialysis is reduced, that cardiovascular disease accounts for about half their deaths and that vascular calcification is a key contributor,” says Dr. Norman Pollock, bone biologist at MCG’s Georgia Prevention Institute.

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Inactive MGP is what’s circulating in the blood, and the investigators measured those levels in 37 African-Americans on hemodialysis as well as 37 age and race matched healthy individuals. In people on hemodialysis, they also measured arterial stiffness as well as endothelial function, based on the ability of their blood vessels to perform basic functions like expand and contract in response to the body’s demands.

They found mean levels of inactive MGP were 5.6 times higher than in healthy controls and those high levels correlated with increased arterial stiffness and impaired endothelial function.

Researchers noted that like vitamin K levels, vascular calcification is difficult to measure directly, so they measured these two related indicators of cardiovascular health.

The MCG study appears to be the first to look at the relationship between circulating levels of inactive MGP and these markers in this very high-risk group. The deleterious impact on cardiovascular health they found held even after adjusting for other established risks like diabetes and high body mass index and blood pressure.

Just why the balance of active versus inactive MGP is off in these patients is unknown, but these individuals may simply need more vitamin K to maintain sufficient levels of active MGP, Pollock says.

He notes that their colleagues at R&D Group VitaK, at Maastricht University in The Netherlands, have shown that kidney dialysis does not affect vitamin K levels. Higher calcium levels in the blood also are not a guarantee of vascular calcification, Fain adds.

Heart disease and kidney disease are among the leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. African-Americans are among those at highest risk for both, and kidney failure significantly increases the risk of heart disease. The reason is very simple – the ingestion of highly acidic foods, such as beef, chicken, turkey, duck, pork, fish and dairy products and eating very little green fruit and vegetables!

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Vascular calcification occurs most extensively in individuals with chronic kidney disease, particularly in those on hemodialysis, which is considered lifesaving in patients whose kidneys have failed.

Vitamin K is active only about six hours after it’s consumed, and is found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, kale, grasses, as well as olive oil.

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There’s increasing evidence that Vitamin K, better known for its role in bone health, has a role in cardiovascular health as well. Calcium is typically important for strong bone, and that’s where we store most of it. It even normally helps blood vessels with their usual contraction and relaxation in response to your body’s demands. But with vascular calcification caused from an acidic lifestyle and diet, there is a double whammy as calcium gets pulled out of bones to reduce blood and interstitial acidity, so the bones they get weaker, and deposited in blood vessel walls which become stiff. All caused by acidic lifestyle and dietary choices, according to Dr. Robert O Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Center.

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Although not yet used clinically, the circulating, inactive MGP measured in the newly published studies is widely considered an indicator of cardiovascular risk. Additionally, measuring inactive MGP levels is the only way currently available to gauge vitamin K levels, which cannot be measured directly.

In October 2017, Pollock and Fain published a study in, The Journal of Nutrition that showed otherwise healthy teens who consumed the least amount of vitamin K had 3.3 times higher risk of an enlargement of the pumping chamber of their hearts and that the chamber pumped out less blood.

To prevent or reverse Vitamin K deficiency and the risk of cardiovascular disease and bone loss it would make sense to begin to supplement Vitamin K1.

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To purchase your life saving dose of Vitamin K1 derived from green vegetables go to:

pH Miracle® Vitamin K-1 – capsules

The DO’s and DONT’S of an ALKALINE DIET!


Due to their valuable ingredients, certain foodstuffs have an alkalizing and health-enhancing effect. Learn the foodstuff which should be on top of your menu.

Vegetables are the most important source of nutrients nature has to offer. It provides alkaline-forming minerals, energizing proteins and a multitude of cell-protecting vitamins and secondary plant substances – with a really low calorie and sugar content. In addition, there are dietary fibers and enzymes which we need to ensure regular digestion. Greens such as leafy vegetables and salad should account for the major part of our diet as they reveal a wide range of nutrients and are good chlorophyll suppliers.

Grasses vereineunite all benefits of green vegetables in themselves –even exceeding them. Edible types include types such as wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass, couch grass and field horsetail. Some of them are available in health food stores but they can also be taken in as food supplements.

Sprouts and germlings from the seeds of corn, legumes and other plants are loaded with minerals, vitamins, proteins and enzymes. In addition, they are more wholesome than raw or cooked peas, lentils and so on. Homegrown sprouts and germlings can usually be harvested within a few days and guarantee absolute freshness all over the year.

Soy in the form of soybeans and soybean sprouts as well as tofu is an excellent source of proteins and contains a number of unique secondary plant substances protecting not only the cells.

Nuts, seeds and oils made of them provide valuable fatty acids. If you soak almonds, sesame or linseeds, you can even increase their nutritional value as the water activates the enzymes contained therein.

Fish is valuable food as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as in other vital nutrients and is advised as a transitional food for those who are starting out on their alkaline journey. Like all animal products, it generates acids in the body though – this is why we should only enjoy it occasionally and in moderation. It is important that the fish is freshly caught. Advisable species are salmon, sea bass, red snapper. But you should avoid shellfish. Some of the shellfish species are really omnivorous and do not even spare feces of other fish.

Herbs and spices refine every dish and lend some extra health to it. Fresh green herbs provide us with an additional portion of chlorophyll. Garlic, onions and ginger in turn combat harmful micro organisms, and chilli, cayenne and cumin stimulate digestion.


A lot of widespread food takes an active part in making the body overly acidic and colonizing it with pathogenic micro organisms. In an alkaline diet we should avoid such food or eat it very sparingly.

Meat, milk and eggs as well as any products made of them contain protein which the body metabolizes acidly. Moreover: Animal food is rich of saturated fats burdening the cardiovascular system and putting high demands on digestion. In addition, milk sugar or lactose, like any other type of sugar, encourages the growth of yeast.

Sugar is primarily responsible for the spread of yeast as it is its preferred food. This is true both for white retail sugar and for brown sugar, fructose or the sugar contained in honey or syrup. If you abstain from eating sweet things can sustainably prevent fungal infections. Artificial sweeteners are no alternative either as the body also forms acids out of them.

White flour made of wheat grain is one of the strongest acidizers and – like sugar – allows the development of yeast. It serves as a basic ingredient of a lot of bakery and pasta products – from bread via cake through noodles. It is true that types such as millet, buckwheat or spelt generate clearly fewer acids – cereals should not account for more than a maximum of 20 per cent of the daily diet though.

Convenience products such as foil dishes, deep-frozen menus or canned soups are inconsistent with a healthy diet as even the few good ingredients lose their nutritional value in processing them. Mostly, they even contain sugar, hydrogenated fats or artificial additives which have and acid-forming effect. By the way, this also applies to condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise as well as to pickled or marinated foodstuff.

Yeast refers to a certain group of quickly reproducing fungi which colonize our body and can make us ill. This is why we should avoid yeast-containing products. Since yeast – in the form of brewer’s baker’s or nutritional yeast – is hidden in a multitude of foodstuff and beverages – from beer through bread to spice blends and broth – it is advisable to read ingredients lists carefully and look for alternatives, if required.

Fruit is not unhealthy but rich in sugar and therefore has an acidizing effect on the body. This is the reason why only small quantities of fruits with high sugar content such as pear, apple or banana should be consumed. Limes and grapefruit, instead, contain less fructose and have an alkalizing effect after consumption. For a chart showing the fructose content of fruits, please go to the website of the German Association for Nutrition .

Luxury foodstuffs such as coffee, tea and spirits increase the development of acids. Coffee increases the production of gastric acid and fosters digestive problems. Beer, wine and a lot of spirits are produced with the help of yeast fungi which may damage the body in the same way as alcohol does.

To learn more about the foods that heal and the foods that kill, read The pH Miracle revised and updated.  To order go to:
