Tag Archives: #alkalinefoods

At 57 years old, Paula Abdul is far from slowing down!

How Does She Do IT?

 The singer and dancer is currently prepping for her first Las Vegas residency — which begins Aug. 13 at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino — and she’s putting in the hard work, starting each day before the sun and going until late at night.

“It’s very physically intense,” Abdul tells PEOPLE. “I get up at 6 and I work with my trainer for an hour and a half. Then I go to rehearsals at about a quarter to 9. We do a warm-up and then we dance. We go from about 9:45 until 7 p.m., and we take one day off.”

The “Opposites Attract” singer has to treat her body well to keep going day after day.

“I do a lot of stretching,” she says. “When I’m with my trainer I’m doing Pilates, I’m doing a lot of back and core work. Even though I’m dancing all day I often do straight cardio just so that I’m conditioning my body. And after each performance I usually get in an ice-cold tub. It’s not fun! It shocks your body, but it helps with inflammation.”

Abdul also watches what she eats, partially because of the hours spent dancing, and partially due to her history with reflex sympathetic dystrophy(RSD), a type of chronic pain after an injury or surgery.

“When you have RSD, the best thing to do is lower your acidity to slow inflammation, so I follow a low alkaline diet,” she says. “I don’t like following diets but I try to keep the acidity down because that’s what causes flares up in my body. But I’m really blessed; I’m in remission and I’ve been in remission for years now.”


Dr. Robert O Young discovered many years that you cannot have inflammation without acid. He has stated, “acid is inflammation and inflammation is acid.”


Where do acids come from?

According to Dr. Young acids come from, “what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think and what you believe.”


To learn more about an alkaline lifestyle and diet read, The pH Miracle, revised and updated. www.drrobertyoung.com and http://www.phmiracleproducts.com


Why Supplement Vitamin K1? Especially Children Who Are NOT Ingesting Liberal Amounts of Green Vegetables!

High levels of a protein called MGP are associated with cardiovascular disease!

The work, published in the American Journal of Hypertension, indicates that these high blood levels of inactive matrix Gla protein, or MGP, may help identify those at the highest risk for cardiovascular disease and who might benefit most from vitamin K supplementation, says Mary Ellen Fain, student at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University and the study’s first author.

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Active MGP appears to be the only natural inhibitor of vascular calcification and vitamin K the only known activator of MGP.

When MGP is active, calcium also circulating in the blood, binds to it — instead of the lining of blood vessel walls — so it gets eliminated by the body.

“We know that the lifespan of patients on hemodialysis is reduced, that cardiovascular disease accounts for about half their deaths and that vascular calcification is a key contributor,” says Dr. Norman Pollock, bone biologist at MCG’s Georgia Prevention Institute.

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Inactive MGP is what’s circulating in the blood, and the investigators measured those levels in 37 African-Americans on hemodialysis as well as 37 age and race matched healthy individuals. In people on hemodialysis, they also measured arterial stiffness as well as endothelial function, based on the ability of their blood vessels to perform basic functions like expand and contract in response to the body’s demands.

They found mean levels of inactive MGP were 5.6 times higher than in healthy controls and those high levels correlated with increased arterial stiffness and impaired endothelial function.

Researchers noted that like vitamin K levels, vascular calcification is difficult to measure directly, so they measured these two related indicators of cardiovascular health.

The MCG study appears to be the first to look at the relationship between circulating levels of inactive MGP and these markers in this very high-risk group. The deleterious impact on cardiovascular health they found held even after adjusting for other established risks like diabetes and high body mass index and blood pressure.

Just why the balance of active versus inactive MGP is off in these patients is unknown, but these individuals may simply need more vitamin K to maintain sufficient levels of active MGP, Pollock says.

He notes that their colleagues at R&D Group VitaK, at Maastricht University in The Netherlands, have shown that kidney dialysis does not affect vitamin K levels. Higher calcium levels in the blood also are not a guarantee of vascular calcification, Fain adds.

Heart disease and kidney disease are among the leading causes of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. African-Americans are among those at highest risk for both, and kidney failure significantly increases the risk of heart disease. The reason is very simple – the ingestion of highly acidic foods, such as beef, chicken, turkey, duck, pork, fish and dairy products and eating very little green fruit and vegetables!

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Vascular calcification occurs most extensively in individuals with chronic kidney disease, particularly in those on hemodialysis, which is considered lifesaving in patients whose kidneys have failed.

Vitamin K is active only about six hours after it’s consumed, and is found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, kale, grasses, as well as olive oil.

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There’s increasing evidence that Vitamin K, better known for its role in bone health, has a role in cardiovascular health as well. Calcium is typically important for strong bone, and that’s where we store most of it. It even normally helps blood vessels with their usual contraction and relaxation in response to your body’s demands. But with vascular calcification caused from an acidic lifestyle and diet, there is a double whammy as calcium gets pulled out of bones to reduce blood and interstitial acidity, so the bones they get weaker, and deposited in blood vessel walls which become stiff. All caused by acidic lifestyle and dietary choices, according to Dr. Robert O Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Center.

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Although not yet used clinically, the circulating, inactive MGP measured in the newly published studies is widely considered an indicator of cardiovascular risk. Additionally, measuring inactive MGP levels is the only way currently available to gauge vitamin K levels, which cannot be measured directly.

In October 2017, Pollock and Fain published a study in, The Journal of Nutrition that showed otherwise healthy teens who consumed the least amount of vitamin K had 3.3 times higher risk of an enlargement of the pumping chamber of their hearts and that the chamber pumped out less blood.

To prevent or reverse Vitamin K deficiency and the risk of cardiovascular disease and bone loss it would make sense to begin to supplement Vitamin K1.

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To purchase your life saving dose of Vitamin K1 derived from green vegetables go to:

pH Miracle® Vitamin K-1 – capsules

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

Which Lifestyle and Diet Did YOU Follow in 2018!

Number 1

Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet

Victoria Beckham keeps her slender physique in shape by following the pH Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet, recommended by Robert O. Young PhD. This plan means you ingest ONLY alkaline foods and liquids to keep your acidic levels in your blood, interstitial fluids, intracellular fluids at an alkaline pH between 7.35 and 7.45. All of these fluids can be tested with the Full-Body 3-D Bio-Electro Scan and the non-invasive blood testing of the chemistry, including pH of the blood, stomach, intestines and interstitial fluids.

To learn more about these non-invasive medical tests click here: (http://www.universalmedicalimaging.com/index.html

The following chart lists some of the acidic foods on the pH Miracle Alkaline Diet to eliminate completely or eat sparingly:

The following chart lists some of the foods you can eat freely on the pH Miracle alkaline diet:

The supermodel Elle Macpherson stated that following a plant-based pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and taking supplements have helped her look younger than her 54 years. (wwwijuicenow.com and http://www.phoreveryoung,com)

“When I turned 50 I realized things I did in my 20s weren’t working anymore,” Macpherson said. “I follow a plant-based alkaline diet, focusing on healthy, whole food. I take green powder and protein powder every day, and I drink three liters of water a day.” (www.ijuicenow.com, http://www.phoreveryoung.com)

So where does a 6’7″ man who weighs over 270 pounds get his protein from? Tony Robbins eats broccoli! Over 50 percent of the calories from steamed organic broccoli comes from protein. It is important to note that the body does not build muscle from protein – it builds it from red blood cells. Muscle, bone, and all organs and glands are made from red blood cells NOT protein! Tony is a strong advocate and walking testimony of Dr. Young’s alkaline lifestyle and diet which he teaches from the stage at ALL his events.

Prince Harry and Meghan follow the pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet. In fact it was Meghan who introduced Harry to the alkaline lifestyle.

So what keeps Tom Brady so healthy, fit and strong at the age of 41 and still playing NFL Football? The answer is the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Number 2

The Vegan Diet

Beyonce is a big fan of Marcos Borges 22 days of Vegan program which is a vegan meal service. Although not a full vegan, the singer ordered in the service to get in shape for Coachella. “The benefits of a plant-based diet need to be known,” Beyoncé said. “We should spend more time loving ourselves, which means taking better care of ourselves with good nutrition and making healthier food choices.”

The following are just a few of the foods I recommend that you can eat freely when following an Vegan Diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated book and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss – http://www.phoreveryoung.com

Number 3

The Ancient Grains Diet

To keep her energy levels at an all-time high, Angelina Jolie snacks on ancient grains such as quinoa, chia seeds, millet, buckwheat and spelt. “She’s into eating products made from ancient grains and raves about their health benefits,” a source told Marie Claire. “She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin.”

The wonderful benefits of ancients grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and spelt, they are low in carbohydrate (sugar) and higher in protein. Keep in mind though I only recommend these grains sparingly and no more than 10 grams of protein daily.

Remember, all body cells, including bone and muscle are made from blood NOT protein. And blood is made from chlorophyll (green foods), unsaturated oil, alkaline water and mineral salts or sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Number 4

The Paleo Diet

Jessica Biel credits her super svelte physique down to the Paleo diet. Heavily endorsed by Pete Evans, the diet works on the ethos you go back to eating like a caveman and eradicate dairy, grains and legumes from your diet. “Eating Paleo just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat and water-weight right off your body,” says Jessica. “I do a lot of cooking at home using fresh fish or lean meat like chicken and vegetables,” she adds.

The Paleo diet will provide short term benefits but long term damage from ALL the acidic foods from dairy, legumes and grains such as wheat. You are better off with both short and long term benefits by sticking with a diet that does not cause eventual gland, organ and tissue damage. That diet would be low carbohydrate, low protein and liberal amounts of healthy unsaturated oil, like hemp seed, flax seed, broccoli seed, carrot seed, cabbage seed, just to name a few.

Number 5

The Atkins Diet

Kim Kardashian lost 25 kilos in 11 months on the Atkins diet, which is a high acidic protein, low carb diet. “ Anyone who has had kids knows your body changes, and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” she said. “It takes so much determination, and mental and physical power and energy.”

Unfortunately this diet also has short term benefits with long term damage, especially to the intestinal villi if you are ingesting animal protein which does not digest (unless you juice the animal flesh). Maybe that is why Kim looks bloated in the lower abdominal area. It is important to stay away from this diet unless your protein sources are from green plants such as avocado, broccoli and buckwheat.

Check out the above list of foods to avoid and especially avoid animal sources for safe and healthy weight loss.

The World’s Number 1 Lifestyle and Diet for Health, Energy, Vitality, Fitness & Beauty!

For safe and effective weight loss or weight gain read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Robert O Young PhD – http://www.phoreveryoung.com or on amazon.com at: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0446694703/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i1

Maryanne lost over 150 pounds in less than a year following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.

Scott Jacobs lost over 100 pounds in 12 weeks following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss lifestyle and diet plan.

Ryan Marcotte lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!

Donna lost over 100 pounds following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet! See Donna’s before and after pictures below as she shows her new found energy doing the splits on the Jump Sport Rebounder.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and Dr. Robert O. Young go to: http://www.drrobertyoung.com

The True ‘pH’ of Foods

The Alkaline and Acidic Food Chart

Robert O Young’s CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner shares his work, research and discoveries on the ‘true pH values’ of many alkaline and acidic foods. Dr. Young’s ‘true pH values’ of foods and liquids are listed in his book Sick and Tired. The charts below are a simplified version, based upon testing the whole food before burning the food at high temperatures and then measuring the remaining mineral ash. This is critical to understand, because the FDA determines ‘pH values’ by burning the food at 5000 degrees F to simulate the effects of digestion in the stomach when it combines with the hydrochloric acid. All that remains for determining a ‘pH value’ is a mineral ash, without the consideration of ALL acidic or alkaline components, such as the water, sugar and enzyme content. Thus, this procedure used by the FDA for testing common foods gives a ‘false pH value’. This is the reason you cannot rely upon the ‘pH values’ of the FDA food charts.

Conversely, Dr. Young’s method of testing ‘pH values’ includes all the acidic and alkaline components that are not evaluated by the FDA, such as water, sugar and enzymes. Because these components are included in determining the ‘pH values’, they may be considered more accurate than the ‘pH values’ provided by the FDA.

The following is a simplified version of the “Alkaline-Acid Food Chart” that was taken from the revised and updated pH Miracle book (2010). To find a more comprehensive list of specific ‘pH values’ of the foods listed below, refer to Dr. Young’s book, Sick and Tired.

To learn more about alkaline foods and drinks and for great alkaline recipes, read Sick and Tired, The pH Miracle, and The pH Miracle Revised and Updated www.phoreveryoung.comwww.drrobertyoung.com,www.phmiracleretreat.com, www.ijuicenow.com, www.innerlightblue.com, www.phmlife.com, www.phmiraclestore.com 
