Category Archives: Green fruit and vegetables

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

Which Lifestyle and Diet Did YOU Follow in 2018!

Number 1

Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet

Victoria Beckham keeps her slender physique in shape by following the pH Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet, recommended by Robert O. Young PhD. This plan means you ingest ONLY alkaline foods and liquids to keep your acidic levels in your blood, interstitial fluids, intracellular fluids at an alkaline pH between 7.35 and 7.45. All of these fluids can be tested with the Full-Body 3-D Bio-Electro Scan and the non-invasive blood testing of the chemistry, including pH of the blood, stomach, intestines and interstitial fluids.

To learn more about these non-invasive medical tests click here: (

The following chart lists some of the acidic foods on the pH Miracle Alkaline Diet to eliminate completely or eat sparingly:

The following chart lists some of the foods you can eat freely on the pH Miracle alkaline diet:

The supermodel Elle Macpherson stated that following a plant-based pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and taking supplements have helped her look younger than her 54 years. ( and http://www.phoreveryoung,com)

“When I turned 50 I realized things I did in my 20s weren’t working anymore,” Macpherson said. “I follow a plant-based alkaline diet, focusing on healthy, whole food. I take green powder and protein powder every day, and I drink three liters of water a day.” (,

So where does a 6’7″ man who weighs over 270 pounds get his protein from? Tony Robbins eats broccoli! Over 50 percent of the calories from steamed organic broccoli comes from protein. It is important to note that the body does not build muscle from protein – it builds it from red blood cells. Muscle, bone, and all organs and glands are made from red blood cells NOT protein! Tony is a strong advocate and walking testimony of Dr. Young’s alkaline lifestyle and diet which he teaches from the stage at ALL his events.

Prince Harry and Meghan follow the pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet. In fact it was Meghan who introduced Harry to the alkaline lifestyle.

So what keeps Tom Brady so healthy, fit and strong at the age of 41 and still playing NFL Football? The answer is the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Number 2

The Vegan Diet

Beyonce is a big fan of Marcos Borges 22 days of Vegan program which is a vegan meal service. Although not a full vegan, the singer ordered in the service to get in shape for Coachella. “The benefits of a plant-based diet need to be known,” Beyoncé said. “We should spend more time loving ourselves, which means taking better care of ourselves with good nutrition and making healthier food choices.”

The following are just a few of the foods I recommend that you can eat freely when following an Vegan Diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated book and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss –

Number 3

The Ancient Grains Diet

To keep her energy levels at an all-time high, Angelina Jolie snacks on ancient grains such as quinoa, chia seeds, millet, buckwheat and spelt. “She’s into eating products made from ancient grains and raves about their health benefits,” a source told Marie Claire. “She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin.”

The wonderful benefits of ancients grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and spelt, they are low in carbohydrate (sugar) and higher in protein. Keep in mind though I only recommend these grains sparingly and no more than 10 grams of protein daily.

Remember, all body cells, including bone and muscle are made from blood NOT protein. And blood is made from chlorophyll (green foods), unsaturated oil, alkaline water and mineral salts or sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Number 4

The Paleo Diet

Jessica Biel credits her super svelte physique down to the Paleo diet. Heavily endorsed by Pete Evans, the diet works on the ethos you go back to eating like a caveman and eradicate dairy, grains and legumes from your diet. “Eating Paleo just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat and water-weight right off your body,” says Jessica. “I do a lot of cooking at home using fresh fish or lean meat like chicken and vegetables,” she adds.

The Paleo diet will provide short term benefits but long term damage from ALL the acidic foods from dairy, legumes and grains such as wheat. You are better off with both short and long term benefits by sticking with a diet that does not cause eventual gland, organ and tissue damage. That diet would be low carbohydrate, low protein and liberal amounts of healthy unsaturated oil, like hemp seed, flax seed, broccoli seed, carrot seed, cabbage seed, just to name a few.

Number 5

The Atkins Diet

Kim Kardashian lost 25 kilos in 11 months on the Atkins diet, which is a high acidic protein, low carb diet. “ Anyone who has had kids knows your body changes, and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” she said. “It takes so much determination, and mental and physical power and energy.”

Unfortunately this diet also has short term benefits with long term damage, especially to the intestinal villi if you are ingesting animal protein which does not digest (unless you juice the animal flesh). Maybe that is why Kim looks bloated in the lower abdominal area. It is important to stay away from this diet unless your protein sources are from green plants such as avocado, broccoli and buckwheat.

Check out the above list of foods to avoid and especially avoid animal sources for safe and healthy weight loss.

The World’s Number 1 Lifestyle and Diet for Health, Energy, Vitality, Fitness & Beauty!

For safe and effective weight loss or weight gain read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Robert O Young PhD – or on at:

Maryanne lost over 150 pounds in less than a year following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.

Scott Jacobs lost over 100 pounds in 12 weeks following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss lifestyle and diet plan.

Ryan Marcotte lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!

Donna lost over 100 pounds following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet! See Donna’s before and after pictures below as she shows her new found energy doing the splits on the Jump Sport Rebounder.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

Tom Brady’s pH Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady — a five-time Super Bowl Champion and three-time NFL MVP — is widely considered to be one of the greatest athletes of all time. Lately, however, Brady has been following an alkaline lifestyle and diet.

In September 2017, Brady released his book, The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance. In this book, Brady detailed exactly what he eats every day. One main feature of his diet is liberal amounts of alkaline foods and liquids.


In the mornings, Brady doesn’t eat a full meal. When he wakes up at 6:00 am, he drinks 20 ounces of alkaline water infused with electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. He then drinks a smoothie and/or juices containing alkalizing grasses, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. Two hours later, he has another glass of alkaline electrolyte-infused water, and a post-workout protein shake. Brady claims to drink somewhere between 12 and 25 glasses of alkaline water per day.


He also heavily encourages snacking. He usually snacks at around 11:00 am, just before lunch. For lunch, Brady will usually have a piece of fatty fish like salmon and a lot of green vegetables. In the afternoon, he may have another protein shake or protein bar, and around 6:00 pm, Brady eats dinner, which, again, consists of mostly green vegetables.

His book provides recipes for green juices, green soups, green salads, and a few carbohydrate recipes such as his pasta dish — which is odd, considering that he supposedly rarely eats carbs. But even Brady treats himself sometimes. He doesn’t often eat dessert, but he does give a recipe for his famous alkaline avocado ice cream.


His book also contains several alkalizing rules for eating. Brady won’t eat carbohydrates and protein together. He recommends eating carbs or protein with green vegetables instead, as he knows that this is better for assimilation and elimination.

Brady’s chef Allen Campbell says that 80 per cent of his diet is green vegetables and the rest of his diet is grass-fed organic steak and wild salmon.

Brady follows what he refers to as an alkaline lifestyle and diet created by Robert O. Young PhD, in order to minimize muscle inflammation caused by the buildup of lactic acid in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium (see illustration below). This entails limiting ‘acidifying foods,’ which mostly includes starchy foods like potato, pasta, bread and ALL dairy products.

What is even more interesting is the list of acidic foods that Brady doesn’t eat. For Brady, caffeine, white sugar, white flour, dairy, and some nightshade vegetables —  eggplant and mushrooms — are completely off the table. He also won’t consume olive oil if it’s used in cooking — but he’ll have it raw. And he won’t eat high sugar fruit, unless it’s in a smoothie.

Since there are profound benefits with Brady’s pH alkaline diet, and it is clearly sustaining his play on the field, there a 100’s of specific health and fitness benefits of the pH alkaline lifestyle and diet which are backed by published scientific evidence.


He claims that limiting acidic foods helps control the body’s pH balance. What one eats, drinks, breaths and thinks has a huge effect on the body fluids, including the blood plasma, interstitial and intracellular fluid pH which is ideal at 7.365.

Brady also knows that the alkaline lifestyle and diet can decrease the lactic acids that causes inflammation in the body, leading to ALL sickness and disease, including connective tissue disorders that can end an athlete’s career.


At 41 years young, which is considered ancient in football years, Brady says he wants to play at least another five years. While he is certainly capable, his pH Miracle lifestyle and diet will be a major reason he WILL achieve HIS goal.

To learn more about the pH alkaline lifestyle and diet read The pH Miracle revised and updated –

To learn more about the lifestyle and attend a pH Miracle Retreat in Marbella, Spain or Sardenia, Italy, go to:

How NOT To DIE! and How To Live!

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20 Ways on How to Live Longer and Healthier – Free from ALL Sickness and Disease and Old Age

Have you heard about the ravages of acid rain in Australia and the loss of the coral reef or in Alaska and the loss of millions of pine trees or maybe you have heard about the oceans and the pH dropping because of acid rain. The cause is the result of toxic acidic carbon emissions in the global environment. Acid rain damages the leaves and needles on trees, reduces a tree’s ability to withstand cold, drought, disease and pests, and even inhibits or prevents plant reproduction. The oceans of the World are dying because of acidic carbon emissions from cars and cows. In an effort for the Earth and the oceans to stay alive and combat increased acidic pollution, as tree roots pull important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium from the soil and calcium and the oceans are pulling calcium and magnesium from the coral reefs and sodium from the ocean water increasing acidity. The extraction of alkaline minerals from the soil and water is necessary for all living things on the earth and oceans to stay alive and avoid sudden death. These alkaline nutrients help to balance the increased effects of acid rain, but as they become depleted from the soil or from the ocean, the trees’ and marine life’s ability to survive is strained and placed in certain danger of extinction. Just look at the pictures below and see what is happening to the forests of Denali, Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia. The forests in Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia are both headed towards irreversible extinction because of acid rain.

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We Are All Subject to Acid Rain!

What if I told you that most ALL people living today are unknowingly doing similar things to their body? A highly acidic lifestyle and diet is like acid rain in our blood, interstitial fluids and intracellular fluids that constitutes over 65% of the whole body. While the body has an alkaline buffering system (headed up by the stomach) in place to ensure that the blood and the interstitial fluids stay slightly alkaline at 7.365 pH, the depletion of alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles and other parts of your body may leave YOU vulnerable to health issues leading to ALL sickness and disease.


What is pH – The Power of Hydrogen or Perfectly Healthy or Both?

The pH (potential of hydrogen) is the measurement of acid (a measurement of hydrogen ions or protons) or alkalinity (a measurement of reduced hydrogen or electrons) on a scale from 0 to 14 with a midpoint of 7. The lower the number the higher the acidity (or the greater the concentration of hydrogen ions or protons) based upon a logarithm to the power of negative 10! For example, the pH of a healthy ocean environment free from acid rain would be 8.350. If the ocean pH drops 1 point due to acid rain to a pH of 7.350, which is a 10 times drop in pH, all life as we know it in the oceans would die. In fact, if the ocean pH drops from 8.350 to 8.100, which is a .235 drop, ALL life in the oceans would die! That is all it takes for ALL marine life to cease in our Oceans! JUST a small drop of 2/10’s of 1 point for ALL life to end! Here is another very important example that I truly want you to understand. The healthy pH of the human blood and interstitial fluids which makes up 80 percent of ALL body fluids is 7.365. This pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is a dynamic and is always changing. How do I know this? Because Dr. Galina Migalko, MD, NMD and I are the only scientist in the World measuring and comparing the pH and chemistries of the blood against the pH and chemistries of the interstitium. This is critical to truly understand when you are moving toward metabolic alkalosis or metabolic acidosis and preventing and/or reversing any sickness and disease as well as determining the efficacy of any non-invasive or invasive treatments. In other words, are the treatments for any sickness and disease making you sicker or better, whether conventional or traditional? This can now be measured and determined with certainty.


Why is YOUR Stomach So Important to the pH of the Blood and Interstitum

So why does the body, primarily the stomach work so hard to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids of the interstitium? Here is the most important answer YOU will read in YOUR life! If the blood and interstitial fluids drop below 7.100 from the ideal healthy pH of 7.365 you would go into a coma. When the blood and interstitial fluid pH drops to 6.900 you are DEAD! From what? Not global warming but from body warming or in other words acidosis! The key to avoid death is to maintain the alkaline design of the blood and interstitial fluids at a precise pH of 7.365 which can be measured without drawing one drop of blood or interstitial fluid. The technology is here and the science is real!

What is the Common Denominator of pH in Relationship to the Cause of ALL Sickness and Disease

This is the common denominator for ALL sickness and disease – ALL sickness and disease are caused by acidosis or acid rain or body warming! Therefore, there are NO specific diseases, there are ONLY specific disease or sickness conditions. All sickness and disease is caused by acid rain from within and is exactly what is happening in the oceans, the soils of our planet and in all humanity. Planetary and human sickness and disease is on the rise because of personal acidic lifestyles and dietary choices and because of ignorance. Name any disease and that disease or sickness is caused by metabolic, respiratory, gastrointestinal or environmental acidosis.

Check out this YouTube video on the 7 signs YOU and TOO Acidic

I hope you can see NOW how important it is to understand and then monitor your pH daily by having your your blood and interstitial fluids tested. Unfortunately, this new science and technology for testing the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is limited Worldwide. (For more information concerning the testing of the blood and interstitial fluids or to make an appointment email: In the meantime, there is a simple, inexpensive and noninvasive way for testing the fluids of the interstitium, but not of the blood, for those of you who desire to monitor your interstitial fluid pH daily. You can test the pH of the morning urine, since this urine is a product of the interstitium and NOT of the blood, by using special pHydrion strips ( When you measure the pH of your urine using these special pHydrion strips it is important to achieve each morning a pH of at least 7.300 by following the suggested lifestyle and diet as described below. When you are testing your morning urine, which is the most acidic time of the day, you are testing the pH of the interstitial fluids which makes up over 60 percent of the body fluids (25 liters). You can also test your saliva using the same special pHydrion strips. When you are testing your saliva pH you are testing your body reserves available for buffering acid rain. Both the urine and saliva pH should be at least 7.300 and must be tested daily as you follow the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet in order to achieve an ideal pH for “Perfect Health!”

What Does the Stomach Have to Do With pH

An acidic pH of the blood and then interstitial fluids is what causes acid reflux—a condition in which the stomach creates when it is trying to buffer dietary acids from your toxic acidic food or drink ingested or metabolic acids from all functions of the body or respiratory acids from your respiratory system to maintain the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a delicate pH of 7.365. The following is the stomach chemistry as it creates sodium bicarbonate to buffer excess acid rain on your blood, interstitial fluids and intercellular fluids: H20 (water) + NaCl (salt) + C02 (carbon dioxide) = NaHC03 (sodium bicarbonate) + HCL (hydrochloric acid).

This may be the first time you have ever heard this, but I have been saying this for many years, “the stomach DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD it ALKALIZES FOOD and protects ALL of our body fluids, organs and tissues from dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental acidosis! In other words, the stomach is an organ of contribution and NOT an organ of digestion. Eat any food without chewing it, like a piece of corn and see what happens. The corn comes out of your anus the same way it went into your mouth. The stomach digests nothing. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach is a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production for buffering acid rain or acidic waste from what you eat, what you drink, what you breath and what you think. This is why when an athlete goes into lactic acidosis they throw-up to rid their body of all the hydrochloric acid build-up in the gastric pits of the stomach. You see the body is working hard to buffer the increased lactic acid from increased metabolism so the athlete doesn’t die from acidic rain from a declining pH in the blood and interstitium. Even when a pregnant woman throws-up (generally in her first trimester) her stomach is producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acidic loads in her and her unborn child’s blood and interstitium. The increased need for alkalinity during pregnancy is significant and is NOT understood or even considered by medical savants. They think, unknowingly that the body just takes care of the pH of the blood and tissues and that what you eat, what you drink, what you breath, and what you think cannot effect this delicate pH balance. You see, morning sickness is nothing more than increased acids from diet, respiration and metabolism! It requires twice the energy to make a baby and with that the pregnant Mother has increased acid rain. So I want you to understand that the stomach’s main purpose is to maintain the alkaline design of the body to keep it alive. That is IT! Get IT?

To learn more about the physiology of the stomach read the following book. You can order this book online at the following link:


How is acid/base created in the body?

a) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why I call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.

b) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system – specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate production created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested and to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a pH of 7.365.

c) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer. In fact HCL is in all pharmaceuticals and most dietary nutritional supplements.

d) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus – created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands (pancreas, gallbladder, Lieberkuhn glands in the liver and the Brunner glands between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs, once again are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts, Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.

e) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s spaces or what recent scientist are calling the Interstitium pictured below.



f) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger’s space, or the spaces of the interstitium that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology or medical school text books. There is mention of the space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism, respiration, environment and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores metabolic respiratory, environmental and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.

g) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline.The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.

h) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ or the interstitium. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ or the interstitium. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ (just discovered by American science in 2018. Dr. Robert O. Young with Dr. Galina Migalko published their pH findings of the blood, interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and the intracellular fluids in 2015. Their publication is pictured below), which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.



That is why I have stated for years, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs.

i) The more acidity created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice cream the more gastrointestinal acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH testing, including live and dried blood analysis. (Currently we are the only two scientist in the World that are doing non-invasive testing of the stomach, blood, interstitium and intracellular fluid pH with results in less than 15 minutes) The saliva pH is an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space.

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j) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids into the connective tissue or the Pishinger’s space or the Interstitium. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues or the Pishinger’s space or interstitial fluid spaces. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine – which originates from the blood – remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the connective tissues or the interstitium, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues or the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium.

k) A latent “acidosis” is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated “acidosis.” This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated “acidosis” can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating Meat and Cheese!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP increases.

l) If there is not enough base left over after meat and cheese or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues or interstitium, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis.When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

m) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid or HCL in the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base in the form of sodium bicarbonate!

n) Therefore the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It’s function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

o) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger’s spaces or the spaces of the interstitium while we sleep.

These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s spaces, the interstitial fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger’s spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

p) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.

q) After a high protein meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

r) Medical doctors are not taught the above science in medical school and therefore do not understand the complex chemistry between the stomach, blood and interstitium or even recognize the effects of an acidic lifestyle and diet leading to latent tissue acidosis in the largest organ of the body called the Interstitium. They understand and recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis in the blood but do not know about or even understand a single thing about the Interstitium. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its’ function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

s) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

t) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid.

u) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 + H+ = NH4.

v) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.

w) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) – common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered by the interstitium as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal, respiratory, enivronmenta and metabolic acids.

The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

You can order the following book on sodium and potassium bicarbonate at: or


x) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and cheese is definitely hazardous to your health. That is why I say, “a cucumber a day keeps the doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even an apple creates more excess acid in the colloidal connective tissues of the Schade or the Interstitium, leading to latent tissue acidosis and then sickness, disease and finally death.

y) With over 30 years of research and testing over 500,000 samples of blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and saliva I have come to the conclusion that the Human Body is an acid producing organism by function – yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein, especially meat and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly acidic choices – unless you interested in becoming sick, tired and fat over time.


z) Bottom line – the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. These are my two greatest discoveries. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for a longer healthier life free from all sickness and disease. That is why you are seeing a slew of celebrities (Harry and Meghan, Tom Brady, Rhianna, Elle Macpherson, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Beckham, NeNe, Tony Robbins, just to name a few) can attest to the benefits of a pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and the drinking of alkaline water for improving the quality of their skin, hair and body and to avert over-acidity which often leads to breakouts of the skin and many other health challenges.

Harry and Meghan live an alkaline lifestyle and diet


Tom Brady is an avid supporter of the alkaline lifestyle and diet and states it is keeping in the game playing the best football of his life!


David Beckham is a follower of the alkaline lifestyle and diet


Ellie Macpherson drinks her green drink and tests her pH daily at the age of 54 enjoying extraordinary health and fitness

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Tony Robbins has been teaching Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet to Millions Around the World for Over 20 Years!


Gwyneth Paltrow has been following the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet for over 10 years and attributes her health, energy, vitality, fitness, and anti-aging benefits to this lifestyle and diet.


Rhianna attributes her glowing skin to the alkaline lifestyle and diet.


Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is not the cause of digestion but the result of alkalization. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.

The Break-Through Research of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

My research has linked acidity to every sickness and disease, including enervation, irritation, catarrh, inflammation, induration, ulceration and degeneration. People do not die from disease they die from the inability to maintain the alkaline design of their body. The key to living a long and healthy life is managing the alkaline design of the body. For example pain equals acid and acid equals pain. You cannot have pain with acid. It is that simple! Remove the acid and you remove the pain.

The following are 20 suggestions on how to manage the alkaline design of your body and to increase your energy, vitality and quantity and quantity of life which is in your complete control! YOU determine YOUR Destiny!

20 Suggestions for Maintaining the Alkaline Design of YOUR Body for a Longer and Healthier Life

1. Start your day with a large glass of 9.5 alkaline water with the juice of a whole, freshly-squeezed lemon. While lemons are wrongly considered acidic, they are NOT! They are loaded with sodium bicarbonate which means they contribute to your alkaline reserves and protect the blood and interstitium from acid rain.

Be Alkaline and be healthy and loving

Get weekly alkaline tips of the day for leading a long and healthy and compassionate alkaline life when you sign-up as a member of our pH Miracle Fan Club on our facebook page at:


 2. Better yet, invest in a water filtration system that alkalinizes the water and increases the pH of the water to a 9.5 or greater. Pure water found in nature, which is hard to come by now thanks to acid rain, is quite alkaline. If you’re already drinking purified water, you can also purchase water alkalinizing drops to add to your water bottle and to raise the pH of your water to pH or 9.5 or greater. Here is the link to purchase alkaline pH drops for you water:

3. Eat a large green vegetable salad tossed in alkalizing lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are among the best sources of alkaline minerals like calcium and are high in chlorophyll for building hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

4. Drink raw organic almond milk. Almonds are packed with natural alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium which can help to balance out acidity while buffering another acid called glucose or blood sugar.

5. Drink an Avocado smoothie daily. Using a Vita-mix blender you can blend an avocado with spinach greens, cucumber, celery, ginger and almond milk for an incredible alkalizing and energizing green shake.

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6. Add green powder like wheat grass, barley grass, moringa grass or other greens to your daily diet since these foods that are highly alkalizing and energizing. It’s easy to throw a tablespoon of these greens into your Avocado based almond milk smoothie. To order the best green powder in the World go to:

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7. Take a brisk walk, bicycle ride, swim, rebound or some other exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Exercise helps move acidic waste products out of the interstitium and through the pores of the skin via perspiration.

8. Breathe deeply. Ideally, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. And, sorry, air filled with Febreze, Glade and all the other so-called “air fresheners,” is not what I’m talking about here. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then switch to breathing through your mouth without letting go of your first inhalation through your nose.


9. Go for Meatless and Eggless Mondays. Better yet, opt for meat-free Tuesdays, Wednesdays and other days throughout the week. During the chewing of meat, acid residues like uric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid residues are left behind for the stomach to address. There is zero health benefits from eating the flesh of another living being. All flesh is acidic and causes a double-loss of alkalinity in the blood and interstitium.


10. Skip the sugar-laden soda and drink some iJuice Wheat Grass Juice.( Sugar is one of the most acidic foods we consume. Sugar is a waste product of metabolism and fermentation. You need over 30 glasses of alkaline water at a pH of 8.4 just to neutralize the acidity (sugar and carbonic acid) of ONE can or bottle of soda.

11. Skip the artificially-sweetened diet beverages and other diet products. They contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame (now known as NeoTame), sucralose (also known as Splenda) or saccharin (also known as SugarTwin) and they all cause body warming and acid rain inside your body.

12. Add more green fruit and vegetables to your diet. No, fried potatoes don’t count, including sweet potatoes. Asparagus, green peppers, green string beans, kale, spinach, beet tops, carrot tops, wheat grass, barley grass, broccoli, cucumber, avocado, and lime and other green fruit and vegetables are also excellent choices for supporting the alkaline design of the body.


13. Instead of slathering your vegetables in acid-forming butter, drizzle alkaline flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, and/or green olive oil over them.

14. Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet like bean sprouts, sunflower seed sprouts and broccoli sprouts. They are extremely alkalizing and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting electrons.


15. Skip ALL desserts or reserve them as occasional treats instead of daily habits. Sugar consumption has been linked to a whole host of health problems and is best minimized or eliminated. If you are in body warming then removing all acidic foods and drinks are a must.

16. Avoid all alcoholic beverages or so-called nutritional supplements that contain alcohol. Alcohol is a devastating acid that causes pancreatic and liver cancer.

17, Avoid corn and peanuts because they are loaded with bacteria, yeast and mold and the cancer causing acid lactic acid.

18. No acidic beverages like coffee, black or green tea or chocolate. They all contain food acids that robs your body of its alkaline reserves causing many diseases, including cancer.


19. Stay far away from vinegar. Vinegar is pure acid and steals years off your life! Do not believe the so-called health experts to state the vinegar is good for digestion. Remember this very important point. There is only one instrument in the human body that can digest or breakdown food and the is your teeth. When you pour vinegar into your body all you have done is poison yourself. The stomach has to rob alkalinity from the blood, interstitium, organs and glands to buffer this highly toxic chemical setting the stage for enervation, inflammation, induration, ulceration , degeneration and finally death. Vinegar is death in a bottle.

20. Test your urine and saliva and drink pHour Salts every morning. Your ideal pH of your urine and saliva should be at least 7.300. If your pH is lower than 7.300 take a scoop of pHour salts in a small glass of alkaline water. Ideally, you should drink a glass of phour salts which contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium at least 3 times daily. To order pHour salts go to:

You can also order saliva and urine testing strips at the following link:

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To learn more about the work, research and discoveries of Robert O Young go to the following websites:,,, and

To learn more read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Sick and Tired, just to name a few of Robert O Young’s published books. To order any of these books go to:

Dr Galina Migalko and I will be key note speakers sharing our research and findings at the 3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science and Therapy on October 15th and 16th in Osaka, Japan.  If you would like to attend our lecture on our break-through science you can email:
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Our Next pH Miracle Event will be from November 18th to December 2nd – To learn more email us at:
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SuperGreens – The World’s First Organic Vegetable, Fruit and Grass Powder!

InnerLight SuperGreens – by Dr Robert O. Young – The Original Super Greens Powder – 49 Grasses, Leaves, Vegetables, Sprouts & Herbs – Organic & Wild Crafted Ingredients – Great Tasting – No Cameron Fillers

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About the product

ORIGINALLY CREATED IN 1988 by Dr. Robert Young (author of the best-selling pH Miracle books), this product was one of the 1st greens powders on the market and has stood the test of time, helping thousands of people maintain their health.
ALL THE GREENS YOUR BODY NEEDS – InnerLight SuperGreens is a super-concentrated organic combination of 49 different grasses, leaves, vegetables, sprouts, and herbs
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DOES NOT CONTAIN any fillers, artificial sweeteners, colorings, flavorings, additives, preservatives, spirulina, algae, mushrooms or probiotics.
MICRO FINE POWDER that makes it easy to mix with water and consume.
CHILDREN LOVE THE TASTE of the InnerLight SuperGreens powder which gets them started on the road to Optimal Health.

Product description

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 InnerLight SuperGreens is a super-concentrated organic combination of 49 different grasses, leaves, vegetables, sprouts & herbs; all the “greens” your body needs. Originally created in 1988 by Dr. Robert Young (author of the best-selling pH Miracle books), this product was one of the 1st greens powders on the market and has stood the test of time, helping thousands of people maintain their health.
Tony Robbins, internationally known motivational speaker, talked about InnerLight SuperGreens in a 1 1/2 hour “Power Talk” interview he did with Dr Robert Young in the early 2000’s. This helped get the word out about our excellent product.
InnerLight SuperGreens powder is a micro fine powder which makes it easy to mix with water and digest. The greens powder smells great and has a mild taste.
InnerLight SuperGreens DOES NOT CONTAIN any fillers, artificial sweeteners, colorings, flavorings, additives, preservatives, spirulina, algae, mushrooms or probiotics. Our product is also formulated with Non GMO ingredients.
SuperGreens powder has four times the power of ordinary green powders. Drinking InnerLight SuperGreens is the quickest way to get a high concentration of chlorophyll which can assist with building healthy cells.
As Dr Young says, “When the Fish is Sick, Change the Water”. SuperGreens is an organic, colloidal, concentrated, charged high frequency food. There is nothing else like it. We invite you to commit to a 120-day program and take your health to the next level.
If you’re worried that you’re not getting enough greens in, InnerLight SuperGreens is the answer for you.
Try some InnerLight SuperGreens today!
p.s.- We have a “no-quibble guarantee” so you have nothing to lose!
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From Terminal Cancer to Courage and a Self-Cure

Inger Hartelius with her Daughter Tea Hartelius
Inger Hartelius with her daughter Tea Hartelius
In 2011, I had the unique pleasure of meeting Inger Hartelius at the Rancho del Sol/pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California, and had the chance to follow her journey from diagnosis to recovery from terminal cancer to courage to her self-cure. It is an honor for me to pass along her story and personal journey. We all have a choice, a personal choice in terms of health, wellness, energy and fitness. Please take the time and read Inger’s enriching and empowering story that I believe will make you wiser and possibly change your life or even save your life –  If not your life maybe the life of a friend or a loved one!

This is how I regained my future from terminal metastatic lung cancer:

By Inger Hartelius,

This article was initially published in the magazine ”Tidslerne”, (Danish Cancer Association Tidslerne) in January 2018.


I was diagnosed with pulmonary adenocarcinoma lung cancer in one of my lungs and lymph nodes near the esophagus in July, 2011. I chose to say NO to chemo and NO to radiation and today – six and a half years later after a life threatening terminal diagnosis. Today, I have no evidence of cancer in anywhere in my body.

In a small dark office, without windows, at the Pulmonary Department in Roskilde Hospital, my husband and I were informed that on the basis of tests from a PET-CT scanning, they had found lung adenocarcinoma, stage 2, R7 og 4L, T1bN3MO, a diagnosis so severe that the doctors in an interdisciplinary conference had booked me for chemotherapy and radiation at Herlev Hospital already the following week.

As written in my medical record, I was “appropriately in tears”, while saying no thank you to the offer and later also to an orientation on the treatment possibilities, side effects and potential consequences of the hospitals offer. An offer which, according to the doctor, could prolong life – not cure. And, it was a matter of a short extension of lifespan, which was also confirmed by the statistical evidence I asked for. Potentially it was a matter of just a few months.

Six and a half years without any signs or symptoms of cancer

Even before I got the final diagnosis, I wasn’t considering chemotherapy or radiation. Between the scan and the results I researched into alternative treatments.

Today I have no evidence and no symptoms of metastatic lung cancer. A CAT scanning in April, 2016 confirmed my belief of being cured of terminal metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma lung cancer. (No one has ever been cured of metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma lung cancer)  In many ways I feel better than before I was diagnosed. I am 64 years old – and I believe that I have many more healthy years ahead of me.

Did they give the correct diagnosis? The doctor who gave me the results of the scan in April, 2016 asked himself this out loud while reading my medical journal. Am I just one of the lucky ones who indescribably doesn’t follow the statistics (approx. 1 year lifespan post diagnosis and with treatment), or is what I chose to do instead of chemo and radiation the reason why I am still alive, health and cancer free? Who knows?

Extreme bravery to say yes to chemotherapy

Though it is difficult to know for sure why I have survived cancer it is important for me to tell the world that some of us actually survive cancer without the conventional treatments and also therefore avoid the medical side effects, one of which is death – and gaining many positive results, which we choose instead.

Many have asked me: How did you dare? This question actually surprises me because this wasn’t how I was thinking. Many tell me they think I am brave.

Before the diagnosis I thought that the people who chose the conventional treatments were extremely brave. How can they let their bodies be filled with chemo with all its horrible side effects, which often result in injuries both inside and outside the body, including death? To entirely trust the doctor’s hasty decisions on standardized cancer treatment programes, without being able to see what is happening and take control over one’s own life.

“Put your life in the hands of your doctor”

If I only had a few months to live I definitely didn’t want to spend it in a hospital. On top of that I had first hand experience seeing how chemotherapy didn’t only treat, but resulted in days and weeks of deathly side effects – potentially lasting the rest of life – sometimes with death as a consequence; maybe the treatments would also shorten my lifespan.

I couldn’t do it, as a calming nurse suggested after a consultation with the doctor: “Put your life in the hands of your doctor”. I would rather not!

I am very thankful for the nurse saying this to me. It was at a moment where I was consumed by the confusion of the diagnosis and thoughts of never getting to experience having grandkids, that something inside me became connected. I got myself together, dried my eyes, stood up straight and took my final decision. Either I would die from cancer or I would find another way to be cured!

A long, conventional treatment program wasn’t something I, nor my family, would let myself go through, instead I would look for other possibilities. I left the hospital in shock, but with a decision to go to an alternative way of treating my cancer.

”Tidslerne” (Danish Cancer Association) took time to listen

Already, when I was told I needed to have a biopsy taken from the area in my lungs and the swollen lymph nodes, I got in touch with a volunteer at the Cancer Association ”Tidslerne”. I had Googled the risks of taking the biopsy, and was aware that there was a 25% risk that the cancer would spread afterwards.

No-one at the hospital had informed me of this. That is why I needed to talk to others. Simultaneously, the conversations strengthened me in my belief of following my gut feeling and pursuing alternative treatment methods for my cancer. Many others had done this before me with great results.

Starting to find a solution

I read the book: Andreas Moritz: “Cancer is not a disease. It is a survival mechanism”. Some other possibilities were META-medicine, healing and Dr. Robert Young [i], who is known for having a highly effective approach to treating cancer. (over 80% success with terminal metastatic cancer and over 90% success with Stage 1, 2 and 3 cancers)

In Denmark I found advice and guidance by Dr. Claus Hancke, MD in Lyngby, who suggested high dose of Vitamin C intravenously as well as supplements of vitamins and minerals. I also consulted Frede Damgaard’s clinic of complementary treatment in Aarhus. Their key focus is on nutritional guidance supplemented with natural medicine/herbs, vitamins and minerals. His recommendations were built on extensive analysis of my body’s resources and weaknesses.

With my family in California 

Descriptions of Dr. Robert Young’s live and dry blood tests combined with focus on the body’s resources and regulation of the body’s pH-levels is what spoke to me. I wrote an email to him and was later encouraged to call him. In the following conversation with one of Dr. Young’s assistants, I was encouraged to bring my husband and kids with me and come to California. I was lucky. There was a house available for us if we could come within a couple of days. They believed that with the serious diagnosis I had, I would have a greater chance of survival if i invested in a retreat at Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Center, in Valley Center, California.


It was a miracle: Being with my husband, kids and my son’s girlfriend was fantastic. Being in an avocado and grapefruit plantation in California and living in a house feeling like I was in the middle of a great dream during my life’s biggest nightmare. While we were there I asked myself many times: Am I dreaming?

Because a couple of days ago I was getting my head around the concept that I was going to die. Instead I was now in paradise, being inspired to change my mindset of why people get cancer. At the same time we were informed daily on how to live according to Dr. Young’s recommendations, to prevent cancer and get rid of it by building up the body’s resources, so that it will not accumulate cancer cells.

Live and dried blood tests


Dr. Young’s blood tests showed that I should not fear dying from that cancer which the doctors had discovered in my body. I had many resources I could activate and through a whole body cleanse I could rid my body of this cancerous condition.

The blood test took place in a large teaching room where there was plenty of space for all five of us and one of Dr. Young’s assistants. We were surrounded by posters and other interesting teaching materials. A small prick in the finger was enough to make a live blood test, and the seven drops of blood dried on a glass plate. I sat by Dr. Young and his computer and followed along. The others saw the tests on the wall. He placed the blood from my finger on the glass plates and placed them under a microscope connected to a computer and a projector.

It was fantastic getting to see the tests instantly with my own eyes. There was no waiting time and Dr. Young let me in on how he interpreted the tests. It was personal and caring; “Try to see the many regular round blood cells floating freely around each other surrounded by clear liquid. The more of these there are and the clearer the liquid, the better the blood’s ability is to clean and transport oxygen to your body. The liquid between the cells shows no sign that the current cancer is a serious threat to your body. Here some of the cells are aggregating, which is a sign of dehydration. And the shape of the cells here shows that you need more nutritional oils.”


In the dries blood tests Dr. Young was focused on the patterns in which the blood coagulated. Experience shows that patterns can tell a lot about a person’s health and current challenges and resources. In my tests it was clear that I had to focus on my immune system and my digestion. On top of that there was a sign that I had had a lot of heavy metals in my blood – maybe because of the long period in my life where I ate a lot of fish.

Alkaline plan against terminal cancer 

Along with the blood tests I tested the pH levels of my saliva and my urine every morning and night. There was space for improvement. The pH levels of my saliva and urine were between 5 and 6. It should in both cases be a minimum of 7.4, a little higher than the pH levels of the blood.

From the blood tests and the pH levels Dr. Young made a protocol, which I followed, telling me which special supplements I should take with my alkaline meals[ii] as well as which activities I should carry out.

First and foremost I had to drink approximately 4 liters of liquid every day as well as a glass of salt water every morning and night. The liquid should consist of juice from vegetables and water with high pH levels, preferably with freeze dried vegetable powder and liquid chlorophyll. [iii]. I also had to stay physically active on a daily basis and partake in various therapeutic treatments.


It was very in depth and I have to admit it was a little hard to grasp it all. Luckily my son was good at helping me stay on top of it all so I could go in depth with it all one step at a time.

After the blood test we moved our focus from the cancer in my body to building up healthier and a more well functioning body. An exciting journey into the pH Miracle lifestyle. We focused on how we could keep our blood alive and healthy while strengthening the body’s ability to maintain a high pH level. It was all about what we eat. what we drink, what we breath, what we think, as well as how we challenged ourselves both physically and mentally.

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The days were full of exciting activities: Younga Yoga in the morning followed by Dr. Young’s workshop, breakfast with delicious avocado-smoothies, juice from vegetables and almond milk, food demonstrations, time in an infrared sauna, salt baths and activities on the center’s many training machines as well as hiking and running trips in the area.

A life affirming place

In Dr. Young’s plan there was a therapeutic colonic hydrotherapy with 20 liters of liquid consisting of water with high pH-levels, powder of freeze dried alkaline vegetables, salt and chlorophyll. I got a minimum of one hour’s massage focused on activating my lymphatic system.

At home we started preparing alkaline food and I started training to run 5 kilometers. In the beginning it was just a small run where I live. I was exhausted. Later it was longer trips along the beach.

To make it easier to prepare the food we invested in an effective blender and a juicer. We also got an infrared sauna, a bathtub (for salt baths), a rebounder (to jump on), a colonic board (to frequently clean my colon with 20 liters of water) as well as a pH Miracle water ionizing machine. The cleansing ionized water played an especially big role in the change I could see in the pH levels of my saliva and urine – both in the morning and the evening. The pH levels rose steadily and landed somewhere between 9 and 10 in the urine and 7 and 8 in my saliva. The values are still at this level.


I had consultations with Dr. Pernille Knudtzon, MD, a psychologist and reflexologist. Dr. John Arnved, MD at the Lung- and Allergy clinic in Copenhagen followed me and tested my lungs frequently as well as my allergy reaction to mold. My own doctor followed my progress with blood tests to keep an eye on the mineral and vitamin levels in my body.

I was busy and sometimes completely overwhelmed with all the changes in my body and the doubt: Was it the right thing, I had started? Why was I still losing weight? Would I be cured? Just think… I didn’t trust my body completely; maybe the cancer was growing despite my hard work to get rid of it. The support of family, friends and the people whom I contacted for help was very important to me.

Frequent follow up meetings

After three months I had two medical thermography scans with a month’s time between each. The results were quite shocking. The American doctors analysed the pictures and recommended that I start conventional treatment as the pictures showed that the cancer may have spread.

I decided to go to Spain to see Dr. Pernille Knudtzon, MD, who would supplement what I could do myself to be cured, with a week of intensive cleansing and building up of the body and soul. The experiences of the week with Pernille Knudtzon gave me new tools to tackle my thoughts and feelings so they weren’t in the way of my work on getting healthy. After a week in Spain with my sister I returned home with renewed courage. [ii]

In April, 2012 Dr. Young had a retreat in Como, Italy (pH Miracle protocol is now available at Forte Village, Sardegna, Italy) where I had the chance to regain inspiration and support to intensify my healing process. My husband and daughter went with me and we had a fantastic week. My blood tests again showed a big improvement, so Dr. Young recommended that I continue my process to take care of myself and my health.

In September of the same year Dr. Young invited me to another retreat in Como, Italy to give me another chance to be thermographically scanned and get an ultrasound by his partner, Dr. Galina Migalko (MD, NMD, RDMS).[iii] Neither test methods are harmful to the body. The tests showed, to everyone’s pleasure, that I had built up my immune system. It was now a year since I received the diagnosis and none of the tests showed any trace of cancer in my body. I had no symptoms either and had more energy and was starting to gain weight again.


”10 Steps to Perfect Health 2012”

When I came home, I decided that I wanted to share my journey. I needed to share my experiences with others to confirm to myself that it was a success. It could motivate me to continue living an alkaline lifestyle as taught by Dr. Young.


To stand in front of a large group of people and talk about how the lifestyle I had chosen had played a role in me being healthy, compelled me to continue. I knew now that ensuring the daily maintenance of my health was the best way for me to prevent the cancer from returning to my body. See the YouTube video: ”10 Steps to Perfect Health 2012”, a film about the workshop I had at the National Museum in Copenhagen with Paulo Fernandes, one of Dr. Young’s students.

In the summer of 2012 my son and sister took part in a course in California where Dr. Young was teaching his experiences and theories behind his way of analyzing living and dried blood tests. They both brought a microscope with them home so that they could connect to their laptops. I could now sit with them and see my own blood. They got very good at analyzing it, which gave us all the possibility to frequently keep an eye on how our bodies reacted to different challenges and changes in our lives.

All that fear for no reason!

When I saw my blood tests after an appendicitis which ended in a burst appendix, it was clear that I now had to invest in my cleansing activities. In this period I started coughing, losing weight and sweating again. The fear of the intensive operation meant that again there would be cancer in my lungs. Cancer with renewed power. I felt weak and powerless.

The family was again there to help me get back on track. My blood tests showed progression. An ultrasound scan at the Scanning clinic in Herlev showed that my inner organs were healthy and in good shape. At the same time the test that I had done at the Allergy and Lung clinic in Copenhagen showed that my lungs were not seriously affected by the cough. Dr. John Arnved, MD, dared to say that such positive results wouldn’t be there if the cancer was growing in my lungs again. So he encouraged me to start up my runs by the beach again so I could cough up what was irritating my lungs. Fantastic advice – I ran again for my life and coughed a lot by the beach for a couple of days. After a week’s time I discovered that I wasn’t coughing anymore! Wow! All this fear for no reason.

The fear of dying died down

As previously said I renounced contact with the hospital. I knew from what I had read that it was very hard for the body to be scanned. I was also very aware of the psychological challenges. Both the experience of being in the scanner, the waiting time between the scan and the results as well as the thick atmosphere I experienced with the results coming in. It is not easy to have hope for life in such a universe. In the big picture though I managed with help from all those who believed in my decision. The time periods in the beginning where I had mistrust and ideas about how it would be to die from lung cancer died out, so in 2016 I built up the courage to be CT scanned. I wanted to know if such a test also confirmed that I was cured from metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma lung cancer..

CT-scan 5 years later

The CT scan in 2016 showed that the area which was compressed in my lung was still the same size, and there were also no more swollen lymph nodes. According to the doctors there were scars from the original cancer in the lung.

There was also a little compression of 8 millimeters further down the lungs. They wanted to follow the little spot, so I had some more tests done a couple of months later. The next test showed that there was still no change, not even in the small 8mm compression.

After this I again said no thank you to the hospital’s offer for further investigations. When the compression hadn’t changed in over five years and there were no signs of enlarged lymph nodes or signs of cancer in any other parts of my body, I didn’t wish to provoke my body with more physically and psychologically stressful investigations.

My doctor, Thomas Børresen, MD, wrote this, which I look at when I am in doubt:

“The patient sought help from Dr. Robert Young, Valley Center, CA, who started a program, which didn’t only give complete remission but continuous remission of the patients cancer, which is remarkable and unique and can only be related  to the program. Normal expected survival rate with conventional medical treatment and radiation is 0%.”

I no longer have life threatening metastatic cancer in my body – and I now also have documentation from conventional sources saying it was the right thing to do to follow Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Protocol.

Alkaline as healing and a lifestyle

I still want to continue living an alkaline lifestyle, not because I need to, but because I experience that it is life affirming on many levels. It gives me a special energy and courage, which I in no way wish to lose.

It is fantastic and strengthens my belief that I still have many more healthy years ahead of me. I get a lot of time to be there for those whom I love and those I can share an active work life with. I also have the belief that there will be many years, where I can be the grandmother of my grandchildren when they come one day.

I have regained my future and will enjoy every day of it.

Inger Hartelius


[1] Robert Oldham Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, ND, is a naturopathic practitioner and not a medical doctor. The titles after his name represent different doctoral graduations he has obtained in the USA where he has, among other things, studied nutrition, hematology, microbiology and chemistry. As a practitioner he has worked as an American Naturopath. He is also the author of 75 books published in 29 different languages, 20 peer-reviewed published articles, over 3000 blog published articles and hundreds of youtube videos concerning alkaline nutrition, lifestyle, detoxification, human pH research and chemistry of the blood and interstitium. www.drrobertyoung.com,


He is now practicing in Marbella, Spain and Sardegna, Italy, and produces delicious, organic, alkaline products in Italy and the USA:, and

You can contact Dr. Young at the following email addresses: and

Meals containing food which produce as little acid as possible and as much alkaline as possible in the body when they are digested.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants. It can be extracted from green plants and algae. It contains magnesium and antioxidants. The material in its basic structure is similar to the molecules of our blood. It can help increase the production of red blood cells, cleanse the body from poison and waste products hence raising our energy levels. www,

[ii] Pernille Knudtzon is one of Europe’s most groundbreaking doctors. She is a traveller in the field of health and says: “Health is a choice – you can make a difference”. Residing in Spain, she hosts consultations, lectures, workshops and retreats – helping thousands of people overcome serious illnesses – also in Denmark. Read more on At Pernille Knudtzon’s clinic you can, among other things get support to cleanse and rebuild your body on several levels. You can receive live and dried blood tests, medical thermographic scans and deep insight into yourself and your healing potentials.


[iii] Galina Migalko MD, MND, RDMS, is a medical doctor with a speciality in non-invasive medical imaging, diagnostics and naturopathic medicine. and

El suceso mas soprendente que ocurre en tu organismo es…


Que los jugos verdes o sangre de las plantas es casi identica en su estructura molecular a la sangre humana, por lo que es ideal para renovarla, es decir crear celulas madre sanas, siendo la materia prima para que la sangre pueda fabricar células madre corporales que solo nuestra madre naturaleza nos puede proporcionar.

El proceso de asimilación de los nutrientes y la fabricación de células madre sanas o cancerígenas ocurre en las criptas de las microvellosidades intestinales (villi) del yeyuno en el intestino delgado.

La diferencia entre fabricar celulas madre cancerígenas o células madre saludables depende de como es la calidad de lo que estas bebiendo y comiendo diariamente, es decir de la calidad de los nutrientes o desnutrientes.

Para aprender más sobre este interesante tema y conocer algunos de los estudios publicados en revistas científicas que avalan estas afirmaciones, te invito a que asistas a mis conferencias mensuales y adquieras la serie de libros de Robert y Shelley Young, “La milagrosa dieta del pH”, perder peso con la milagrosa dieta del pH y la milagrosa dieta del ph para diabetes (2015) de Ediciones Obelisco SL Ediciones Urano MéxicoEdiciones Obelisco Mex