The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

Which Lifestyle and Diet Did YOU Follow in 2018!

Number 1

Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet

Victoria Beckham keeps her slender physique in shape by following the pH Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet, recommended by Robert O. Young PhD. This plan means you ingest ONLY alkaline foods and liquids to keep your acidic levels in your blood, interstitial fluids, intracellular fluids at an alkaline pH between 7.35 and 7.45. All of these fluids can be tested with the Full-Body 3-D Bio-Electro Scan and the non-invasive blood testing of the chemistry, including pH of the blood, stomach, intestines and interstitial fluids.

To learn more about these non-invasive medical tests click here: (

The following chart lists some of the acidic foods on the pH Miracle Alkaline Diet to eliminate completely or eat sparingly:

The following chart lists some of the foods you can eat freely on the pH Miracle alkaline diet:

The supermodel Elle Macpherson stated that following a plant-based pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and taking supplements have helped her look younger than her 54 years. ( and http://www.phoreveryoung,com)

“When I turned 50 I realized things I did in my 20s weren’t working anymore,” Macpherson said. “I follow a plant-based alkaline diet, focusing on healthy, whole food. I take green powder and protein powder every day, and I drink three liters of water a day.” (,

So where does a 6’7″ man who weighs over 270 pounds get his protein from? Tony Robbins eats broccoli! Over 50 percent of the calories from steamed organic broccoli comes from protein. It is important to note that the body does not build muscle from protein – it builds it from red blood cells. Muscle, bone, and all organs and glands are made from red blood cells NOT protein! Tony is a strong advocate and walking testimony of Dr. Young’s alkaline lifestyle and diet which he teaches from the stage at ALL his events.

Prince Harry and Meghan follow the pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet. In fact it was Meghan who introduced Harry to the alkaline lifestyle.

So what keeps Tom Brady so healthy, fit and strong at the age of 41 and still playing NFL Football? The answer is the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Number 2

The Vegan Diet

Beyonce is a big fan of Marcos Borges 22 days of Vegan program which is a vegan meal service. Although not a full vegan, the singer ordered in the service to get in shape for Coachella. “The benefits of a plant-based diet need to be known,” Beyoncé said. “We should spend more time loving ourselves, which means taking better care of ourselves with good nutrition and making healthier food choices.”

The following are just a few of the foods I recommend that you can eat freely when following an Vegan Diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated book and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss –

Number 3

The Ancient Grains Diet

To keep her energy levels at an all-time high, Angelina Jolie snacks on ancient grains such as quinoa, chia seeds, millet, buckwheat and spelt. “She’s into eating products made from ancient grains and raves about their health benefits,” a source told Marie Claire. “She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin.”

The wonderful benefits of ancients grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and spelt, they are low in carbohydrate (sugar) and higher in protein. Keep in mind though I only recommend these grains sparingly and no more than 10 grams of protein daily.

Remember, all body cells, including bone and muscle are made from blood NOT protein. And blood is made from chlorophyll (green foods), unsaturated oil, alkaline water and mineral salts or sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Number 4

The Paleo Diet

Jessica Biel credits her super svelte physique down to the Paleo diet. Heavily endorsed by Pete Evans, the diet works on the ethos you go back to eating like a caveman and eradicate dairy, grains and legumes from your diet. “Eating Paleo just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat and water-weight right off your body,” says Jessica. “I do a lot of cooking at home using fresh fish or lean meat like chicken and vegetables,” she adds.

The Paleo diet will provide short term benefits but long term damage from ALL the acidic foods from dairy, legumes and grains such as wheat. You are better off with both short and long term benefits by sticking with a diet that does not cause eventual gland, organ and tissue damage. That diet would be low carbohydrate, low protein and liberal amounts of healthy unsaturated oil, like hemp seed, flax seed, broccoli seed, carrot seed, cabbage seed, just to name a few.

Number 5

The Atkins Diet

Kim Kardashian lost 25 kilos in 11 months on the Atkins diet, which is a high acidic protein, low carb diet. “ Anyone who has had kids knows your body changes, and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” she said. “It takes so much determination, and mental and physical power and energy.”

Unfortunately this diet also has short term benefits with long term damage, especially to the intestinal villi if you are ingesting animal protein which does not digest (unless you juice the animal flesh). Maybe that is why Kim looks bloated in the lower abdominal area. It is important to stay away from this diet unless your protein sources are from green plants such as avocado, broccoli and buckwheat.

Check out the above list of foods to avoid and especially avoid animal sources for safe and healthy weight loss.

The World’s Number 1 Lifestyle and Diet for Health, Energy, Vitality, Fitness & Beauty!

For safe and effective weight loss or weight gain read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Robert O Young PhD – or on at:

Maryanne lost over 150 pounds in less than a year following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.

Scott Jacobs lost over 100 pounds in 12 weeks following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss lifestyle and diet plan.

Ryan Marcotte lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!

Donna lost over 100 pounds following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet! See Donna’s before and after pictures below as she shows her new found energy doing the splits on the Jump Sport Rebounder.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

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