Category Archives: acid food

Sean StepHenson – A pH Miracle


Sean Stephenson with his Wife of 7 Years Mindie Kniss

SEAN STEpHENSON – A 3 foot Giant!

Sean Stephenson and his family came to my research center for help with a rare genetic condition – Osteogenesis Imperfecta or the glass bone disease.


When I first met Sean he was sick, tired and had broken over 270 bones. He would break a bone if he sneezed or even turned his 2 foot 8 inch body to abruptly.

Now he is a pH Miracle, living his life in Scottsdale, Arizona with his beautiful wife Mindie of seven years.


Sean attributes his good health and the fact he has not broken a bone in 8 years to the work and research of Dr. Robert Young that he leant about at a Tony Robbins seminar.

Dr. Young’s research suggests that the skeleton system becomes crystallized from an increased amount of metabolic and dietary acids that are then chelated by the calcium in the bones. This process of the bones chelating acids can be improved and potentially reversed with an alkaline lifestyle and diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated.


To order The pH Miracle revised and updated book go to:


Please watch the following YouTube testimonial of the three foot giant, Sean Stephenson. You will be amazed!

Sean shares his life changing and life saving pH Miracle story that is one of the most motivating testimonials on the internet encouraging everyone to make the necessary alkalizing lifestyle and dietary changes to improve health, energy and fitness.


Sean throws out the first pitch at the Chicago White Sox baseball game. Simply amazing!


Shawn and Mindie drinking their daily green shake they made in their Vitamix!


Sean and Mindie have truly set a high standard for ALL of us. I love and recommend his book, Get Off Your “BUTT”.


To order Sean’s book go to:

To learn more about the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet go to:


Attend a Medical Conference at the World Congress on Rare Diseases

This coming November 21st and 22nd , 2019 in Bali, Indonesia, Dr. Young will be sharing his break-through research on the cause, prevention and possible reversal of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI).
Can Osteogenesis Imperfecta – The Glass Bones Disease Be Prevented or Reversed with Early Detection
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a systemic epi-genetic condition characterized by bones that break easily, caused by the increase of metabolic and dietary acids that are adsorbed and then absorbed by the skeletal system by the fetus during pregnancy and the new born baby, in order to maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids at 7.365. The increased risk for this condition and the potential of fractures can be determined by measuring the chemistry, including the pH of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium.  Measuring the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium is done by using a non-invasive procedure called the 3-D Full Body Functionality and Chemistry Test. This test has revealed in all cases of OI tested a condition in the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium of hyper-calcium or bone loss and decompensated acidosis. Over the last 20 years my research has shown that an alkaline lifestyle, including diet and incorporating alkaline infusions of minerals such as sodium and potassium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride can be an effective treatment in reversing the calcium loss from the bones, the solidification of the skeletal system causing the bones to become brittle and a high risk for fracture and finally reversing the decompensated acidosis in the body fluids from a pH of 7.2 up to a normal pH of 7.36. The prevention and reversal of OI can be realized with early detention using non-invasive diagnostics to determine the risk and then immediately beginning alkalizing treatments to prevent and reverse this systemic acidic condition of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium.
For more information email:

Top 36 Alkaline Myths – True or False

Every day I am asked questions about the alkaline lifestyle such as practices, food, beverages, exercises…. all toting to be alkaline or which have an alkalizing effect that clearly do not and are not.

Often I meet with new clients who have been working on an “alkaline system” or who have received “alkaline advice” or who have been doing all sorts of “alkaline cures” and eating alkaline, clearly were not; otherwise their symptoms would have disappeared and the root of their health issues would have already cleared and healed. It’s true our body when in perfect health (pH) is alkaline by design and acidic by function. There is only one sickness, one illness and one disease though with many names and faces. Ii is called the over acidification of the body fluids (blood, interstitial and intracellular fluids which are all in perfect balance at 7.365), tissues, muscles, organs and bones.

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​There is only one solution, reverse the condition of over acidification by eliminating the acidic build up in the body through the five channels of elimination (respiration, urination, defecation, perspiration and menstruation) and allow the body to restore and heal itself by honoring the innate alkaline design of the body, for when it is restored the body naturally heals itself. It is obvious when we look at our blood, for the blood never lies but our mind and traditional training can fool us.

I am always surprised when I listen to a clients story and then look at their blood, interstitial fluids and intracellular fluids. It is such an eye opener and refreshing at the same time. So I am putting all those questions, issues, myths and false educational totes here for you in hopes that you may benefit and understand the true anatomy, physiology and functionality of this beautiful body we have been given to live in.  Because if you do not take care of your body where are you going to live?

1. Apple cider vinegar is alkalizing and healthful for digestion! 

Absolutely FALSE

Vinegar is one of my top ten foods to NEVER ingest. Vinegar is the urine of acidic fermentation of a live food from apple or rice. Vinegar causes an acidification of the blood and then tissues by robbing your body of the alkaline minerals of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium leading to sickness and dis-ease.

It is considered a toxic neurotoxin that destroys brain cells in the gut and in the head leading to ALS, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc. Vinegar reduces to ethanol alcohol in the body leading to stomach, bowel, brain, liver and pancreatic cancer. This is why vinegar from ALL sources (especially from apple and rice) is in my top ten foods NEVER to ingest. Read, share and like the following scientific research article on the toxic effects of this poisonous acidic liquid called vinegar:


2. Fruit is Alkalizing.


Traditional fruit is fructose aka sugar which is acidic. There are two types of food and beverages; alkaline or acidic. This makes life very easy and simple and true health even easier. Sugar aka acid equals illness and disease. There are 7 friendly fruits that either are or have an alkalizing effect on our body; avocados, lemons and limes (both are high is alkaline minerals), colored bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers occasionally grapefruit.

Yes, all those berries, apples, pineapples, mangoes, bananas, grapes etc are all high sugar and acidic. Even though they may tote health benefits, they are 100% acidic with damaging long term side effects. You can get all the benefits without the acidic toxification by eating and drinking green colored veggies.

However, if you are eating traditional fruit eat it in the morning on an empty stomach and 20 minutes away from all other food and beverages. And never mix it with any “healthy” item like yogurt or granola… it’s alcohol poisoning at this point as it begins to ferment and make acetaldehyde from fermenting in your bowel.

3. Mushrooms are healthy for us and are an alkaline veggie.


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They are mould and fungus and 100% acidic. Think about how they grow and what they naturally grow out of…. right! NO more mushrooms… medicinal or otherwise.

4. Natural sugars are okay like honey (regurgitated bee saliva) or maple syrup (sap of sugar and water).


Both are sugar and sugar to the body is sugar! Besides maple syrup is full of mould which often is visible in the bottle before it is even opened. It grows in the sap and is still in the syrup once boiled down. I can assure you that after all the years of tapping, boiling, bottling and selling it I have seen my fair share of this. Yes, yummy, natural but 100% acidic and toxic to us.

Sugars are not only known to spike insulin levels, but also to be the most preferable food for cancerous cells, thus promoting their growth.

Cancers seem to have a sweet tooth or sugar is the cancer? This is a known fact that has been around for many years.

The Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg, back in 1931, first discovered that tumors and cancers both use sugars to “feed” themselves and/or to increase in size. In order to proliferate, cancer cells seem to prefer feeding on fructose-rich sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS); the reason is that HFCS is being metabolized by cancerous cells most quickly and easily.


Now it is clear why high-fructose corn syrup is considered the worst offender. And since cakes, pies, cookies, sodas, juices, sauces, cereals, high sugar fruit and many other extremely popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with refined sugars and HFCS in particular, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days.

Just In Case YOU Forgot – Artificial Sweeteners

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No, these are no better than sugar. In fact, they’re often worse. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium, etc. might contain fewer calories, but they can still increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, metabolic syndrome and cancer.  You may not have noticed but many sugar-free gums contain aspartame, which is considered the most dangerous substance in the world. There are no healthy alternatives to sugar.  Ingest it knowing the risk it is an additive drug and will destroy your health and fitness.

5. We need lots of protein.


The average person only needs .8g per 2.2 lbs. of body weight daily, of a healthy digestible usable protein. Heavier workouts and athletes may require more.

Animal proteins are the most acidic source for protein!

A study done over a 10 year period, eating red meat every day, even a small amount, such as that quarter pound hamburger you like to enjoy at lunch, increased a man’s risk of dying from cancer by 22 percent and a woman’s chance by 20 percent. A separate research study has shown that eating a lot of red meat increased the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer.

Red meat (animal flesh made from the blood of the animal) seems particularly dangerous when talking about colon cancer. A study done in the US followed almost 150,000 people between the ages of 50 and 74. This study showed that the long term consumption of red meat significantly increased the amount of colon cancer found in the subjects studied.

30 years of research, respectively, has found red meat to increase total mortality rates and cancer mortality rates.

Notes: Results were after controlling for age, weight, alcohol, exercise, smoking, family history, calorie intake, and intake of whole plant foods. Nuts were found to be protective when taken as an alternative protein source.

Source: Red Meat Consumption and Mortality: Results From 2 Prospective Cohort Studies. Arch Intern Med. 2012;0(2012):201122871-9.

Greens (chlorophyll) builds healthy blood which builds healthy body cells used for tissue, muscle, organs and bone cells. That means with a green plant based nutritional source, 100 calories of dark leafy greens like kale or spinach has double the protein per 100 calories compared to that of any meat. It makes so much easy to get ample amount when drinking green shakes. Get your greens on and build strong healthy muscle easier, faster and less down/burn time because there is way less acidic build up.



The top 15 foods for advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are all meat sourced with roasted BBQ chicken skin and fried bacon being the top.

Notes: AGEs are gerontotoxins (aka aging toxins). AGEs cause proteins to cross together causing stiffness, oxidation stress, and inflammation in muscles, brain tissue, eyes, heart, bone, red blood cells, and kidneys. Thought to contribute to muscle loss as we age.

Source: Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Jun;110(6):911-16.e12. 

Source: Does accumulation of advanced glycation end products contribute to the aging phenotype? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 Sep;65(9):963-75. Epub 2010 May 17.

47% of U.S. retail meat tested is contaminated with staph (Staphylococcus) bacteria. Multidrug resistant strains were common.

Notes: Turkey was the most common with 77% and chicken and pork with 41% and 42%, respectively. A superbug version (methicillin resistant) was also found of MRSA that can jump from pig to human.

Source: Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in US Meat and Poultry. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 May;52(10):1227-30. 

Source: Infectious disease. From pigs to people: the emergence of a new superbug.

Chicken, Turkey and Duck


The consumption of chicken, turkey and duck is associated with an increase in lymphoma (blood cancer).

Source: Consumption of meat and dairy and lymphoma risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Int J Cancer. 2011 Feb 1;128(3):623-34.

Our liver can only detox about 50% of the heterocyclic amines (carcinogens) formed from cooked chicken. Not the originally thought 99% which other animals can.

Notes: The animal that can detox 99% is the lab rat. Thus, the prior incorrect conclusion.

Source: Biomonitoring of urinary metabolites of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (phip) following human consumption of cooked chicken. Food Chem. Toxicol., 46(9):3200-3205, 2008.

Also the handling of chicken significantly increases the risk of dying from penile (penis) cancer, thought to be due to exposure to cancer causing viruses in poultry.

Source: Cancer mortality in poultry slaughtering/processing plant workers belonging to a union pension fund. Environ Res. 2010 Aug;110(6):588-94.

Fire retardant chemicals (PBDE) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) found heavily in turkey and chicken.

Notes: For PBDEs, fish was the worst offender, followed by turkey, and the third worst being chicken. PCNs have a dixion-like effect on the body. The animal with the highest levels was fish. Second was chicken.

Source: Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) levels in an expanded market basket survey of U.S. food and estimated PBDE dietary intake by age and sex. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Oct;114(10):1515-20. 

Source:Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in U.S. Meat and poultry from two statistically designed surveys showing trends and levels from 2002 to 2008. Agric Food Chem. 2011 May 25;59(10):5428-34.

PhIP stimulates breast cancer cells to invade healthy cells more so than the hormone estrogen itself. Even when PhIP is at low concentrations.

Notes: PhIP is most common in chicken, beef, and fish.

Source: The cooked meat-derived mammary carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine promotes invasive behaviour of breast cancer cells. Toxicology 2011 279(1 – 3):139 – 145

Chicken nuggets from 2 national food chains found actual chicken meat was not the predominant ingredient as fat was found in greater quantities along with epithelium, bone, nerve (brain and spine), and connective tissue.

Source: The autopsy of chicken nuggets reads chicken little. Am J Med. 2013 126(11):1018-1019.

Bottom-line chickens do not have urinary tract system and are more likely to absorb their urine into their connective tissues. Of course that is what makes them so juicy.

Farmed Salmon


Although fish sounds like one of the healthiest foods possible, farmed salmon is one you should avoid. Unfortunately, more than 60 percent of the salmon consumed in the USA is farm raised.

These fish are fed unnatural acidic diets and are contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, and other known cancerous causing carcinogens. They live in very crowded conditions which results in these fish having 30 times the number of sea lice than wild salmon. Farmed salmon are fed acidic chemicals to make their meat that reddish pink color that should occur naturally but doesn’t because of the acidic diet of chicken litter that they are fed.

Also, due to their acidic diet, they have less of the healthy omega-3 that we think we are getting when we consume fish. Studies have also shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCB’s, mercury, and cancer causing dioxins. Avoid farmed salmon and buy only wild sockeye salmon. It is best just to avoid the eating of acidic fish and go with alkalizing fruit and vegetables.

Even when meat consumption is reduced to only fish and eggs, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) remained relatively the same.

Notes: IGF-1 has been shown to promote cancer growth.

Source: The associations of diet with serum insulin-like growth factor I and its main binding proteins in 292 women meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2002 Nov;11(11):1441-8.

All types of meat (no matter how it is cooked) increases cancer of the uterus.

Notes: Poultry and fish increased the risk for cancer of the uterus the most.

Source: Animal food intake and cooking methods in relation to endometrial cancer risk in shanghai. Br. J. Cancer, 95(11):15861592, 2006.

Processed  Meats are ALL Acidic and Cause Cancer!


What exactly are processed highly-acidic meats? This is a long list that includes, but is not limited to, sausages, hot dogs, bacon, most lunch meats like bologna or pimento loaf.

Researchers who wrote in the journal of BMC Medicine said that the excessive salts and chemicals that are used when making processed meats are damaging to your health. The study showed that 1 in every 17 people who were involved in the study died and those who ate 160 grams or more of processed meats increased their risk of early death as much as 44 percent within 12 years as opposed to those who ate 20 grams or less. This study involved people from 10 European countries and went on for almost 13 years.

All these processed meats contain numerous acidic chemicals and preservatives, including sodium nitrates, which make them, look appealing and fresh but are well known cancerous causing carcinogens.

Nitrites in processed meat form nitrosamines (carcinogens also found in cigarette smoke) and are associated with the two leading pediatric cancers, brain tumors and childhood leukemia.

Notes: Hot dogs have some of the highest levels. Pregnant women should probably avoid hot dogs.

Source: A meta-analysis of maternal cured meat consumption during pregnancy and the risk of childhood brain tumors. Neuroepidemiology. 2004 Jan-Apr;23(1-2):78-84. 

Source:Nitrites, nitrosamines, and cancer. Lancet. 1968 May 18;1(7551):1071-2.

Smoking meats seem to be particularly bad as the meat picks up tar from the smoking process. Yes, tar, the same deadly ingredient that cigarette smoke contains!

6. Whey is a healthy protein source.

FALSE – Say NO-Whey to Whey!

Whey is a toxic acid with side effects that cause congestion in our body systems leading to acidic poisoning. Whey is the scum produced from the bubbling foam from making cheese, then skimmed off the top, dried and processed and then packaged and sold as a “protein” supplement. It’s scum for Petes’ sake!

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Once again it has been funneled into profits and business at our health risk. All it does is make our blood sick and congested. So all those pre-fab shakes and smoothies are adding to your health issues and concerns. Healthy food has no side effects. It also has no bar code unless it is fresh vegetable and needed to be bagged for the produce department.

7. Eggs are good for us.


Eggs are full of thousands of bacteria and acidic… looks like bugs under a microscope. They are a chicken’s period, a potential little chic.

Eggs according to the Department of Agriculture contain over 38 million microorganisms that may be harmful to the body. Eggs will activate the immune system to clear the toxins from eggs for 3 to 5 hours after ingestion.

A recent question in The New York Times Well blog created some confusion by asking how many eggs you can (or should) eat. The answer was not eggs-actly correct.

Since one egg has the same amount of cholesterol as a Big Mac, it is unnecessary—even detrimental to your health—to consume eggs or egg products. One egg has more cholesterol than your body needs. In fact, any added dietary cholesterol is unnecessary because our bodies already produce more than the amount we require. An excess of cholesterol leads to heart disease, so it’s no surprise that a 2010 study in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology found that those who consume the most eggs have a 19 percent increased risk for cardiovascular problems.

What The New York Times blog fails to explain is that eating an occasional egg might not increase health risks for people already eating a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet—just as smoking an occasional cigar might not increase health risks for people already smoking cigarettes. But if people are already eating a healthful diet without any added dietary cholesterol, eggs can contribute to many problems in addition to heart disease. Recent studies in Atherosclerosis and the International Journal of Cancershow that egg consumption can also cause diabetes and even cancer.

The misperception surrounding the necessity of eggs has even spread to the courtroom. Unilever is suing Hampton Creek Foods for using the term “mayo” in relation to its egg-free Just Mayo condiment. The argument is that “mayonnaise” is defined as an egg-based product. However, removing the egg from mayonnaise also removes the cholesterol, a win-win. The lawsuit seems to be backfiring for Unilever by helping people realize that there are more healthful alternatives to Hellmann’s mayonnaise.

A half an egg a day or more is shown to double the odds of mouth, throat, esophageal, prostate, and bladder cancer; triple the odds of colon and breast cancer.

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Notes: May be explained by the dixons present. While banned, levels are still present in our food and seem to be worst in animal products.

Source: Egg consumption and the risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay.

No matter what you call it, egg-free is the better option.

For more information about egg consumption and health, read and share our fact sheet:

8. We need dairy for calcium.


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Dairy is very dirty and full of thousands of puss cells per liter plus it is liquid sugar and 100% acidic. It contains animal casein which is for building animal hooves and interferes with our human design. It is meant for calves not humans. It is a government business.

By ingesting dairy in all its forms we rob our body of minerals as it tries to buffer the acidic liquid or cream sugar. Our body saves us by purging calcium out of our bones to buffer the acids from it…. thus osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Eat dark leafy greens to get way more calcium and zero negative side effects.

Dairy products, including milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, and yogurt contain the acid lactose that breaks down to lactic acid that leads to sensitivities, inflammation, pain, ulcerations and cancer.

Elderly people given milk as children have triple the risk of colorectal cancer.

Source: Childhood dairy intake and adult cancer risk: 65-y follow-up of the boyd orr cohort. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 86(6):1722, 2007.

Due to the extreme processes that milk goes through and the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substances that cows are continually exposed to, I believe there are real and eminent concerns associated with drinking milk from cows. All cows release toxins through their milk, as milk is a natural exit-portal for substances that the body cannot use.

“Ingredients” Added to Cow’s Milk – Read more on the the dangers of dairy products:

9. “Healthy Chocolate,” organic cocoa/cocao has health benefits and good for us.

Believe me, I wish I could lie on this one but I CANNOT.

It’s Absolutely FALSE! There is no such thing as healthy alkalizing chocolate!

All, yes ALL! Chocolate has two lethal ingredients… theobromine and methobromine and 100% acidic. If any of it is ingested by an animal it can kill them. It does the same to us too. The death is just slower with longs side effects like constipation, spastic bowel, skin irruptions, headaches and such.

There is NO such thing as healthy chocolate!



If you walk on all fours and have fur or if you walk on two legs and don’t have fur, two caffeine-like ingredients in chocolate, Theobromine (aka xantheose) and Methybromine can kill you and your pet animal if ingested. Not only is Theobromine and Methybromine found in chocolate, it’s also present in acai berries, tea leaves, the cola nut, cacao, and Cocoa Mulch.

Emails about Cocoa Mulch have been circulating around the Internet since 2003, and more frequently since 2007 when Calypso, a three year old Labrador, had a seizure and dropped dead on a walk after ingesting the garden mulch made from cacao bean shells. The same thing is happening to humans!

Hershey’s, the manufacturer of Cocoa Mulch, states that “50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees…98% of all dogs won’t eat it.”

Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, “chocolate, acai, cola nut, cacao and cocoa are all highly acidic and their poisonous acids will kill animals quickly and humans slowly. Unfortunately many of these acidic foods are being sold as health foods for the body as antioxidants. Chocolate, acai, cola nut, cocao and cocoa are not antioxidants but highly acidic oxidants that when ingested will steal electron energy from the body and use up stored alkaline buffers. This can then lead to sickness, dis-ease and many so-called diseases in animals and humans. My best advice is to never eat these so-called foods. They are not foods and especially not health foods. They are poison to the body of all animals and humans.”

Since there are many other brands of garden mulch, if you have a dog, the best choice to another brand that is free of cocoa.

In the worse case scenario, here is some information that will help determine what action should be taken if your dog or cat or child eats chocolate. The higher the cocoa content the more toxic it becomes.

• 1 ounce of Milk Chocolate is toxic per 1 pound of body weight

• 1 ounce of Semisweet Chocolate is toxic per 3 pounds of body weight

• 1 ounce of Baker’s Chocolate is toxic per 9 pounds of body weight

For example, 2 ounces of Baker’s Chocolate can put your 15 pound dog or baby at great risk, while 2 ounces of Milk Chocolate will usually cause simple digestive problems.

The clinical signs of chocolate, acai berries, tea leaves, cola nut, cocao and cocoa toxicity are:

Hyper excitability

Hyper irritability

Increased heart rate


Increased urination

Muscle tremors



“The acid sugar combined with the acids Theobromine and Methylbromine found in chocolate and cocao are a deadly combination. Why risk YOUR health and the life of your animal or even your child.

10. Nuts and seeds are good for us.


All food needs to be liquefied before it goes into our small intestinal tract. Nuts and seeds NEVER liquefy and become lodged in our bowel to fester and irritate us thus compromising our gut health.

Nuts carry mould, mildew and bacteria in the air space between the skin and the shell. Almonds have the least amount of space and therefore less opportunity to be contaminated. Still drink your nuts… as in almond milk. Best to make your own fresh but if you buy make sure it has fewest ingredients and no carrageenan.

Even peanut butter is NOT healthy!

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Peanuts, peanut oil, peanut butter and cashew nuts contain twenty-six different mycotoxin-producing fungi. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid. You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Contamination occurs during the growing process because the plants themselves are not resistant. Humans who eventually ingest them are also eating the fungi and their toxic waste, inoculating their digestive tracts with negative microforms. On top of that, broken and ground nuts (of any kind) are ready targets for airborne mold spores and quickly become rancid.

You can see it on the nuts as a dark or black discoloring. Research has linked corn consumption with cancers of the esophagus and stomach, and peanuts, including peanut butter with pancreatic and liver “cancer”. Cashew nuts and dried coconut are similarly contaminated, and should also be avoided.

For more information on the acidity of peanuts go to:

11. Gluten is the culprit and dangerous for us.


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Yes…. it makes a glue like substance inside of us like paper mache. In fact any flour mixed with water makes a glue like substance. But there is so much more to it.

It’s all grains especially stored grains. They are 100% acidic. Just like graining a horse causes colic, ulcers and can flip their stomach; it creates harm to us too! Grains congest our bowel, increases our sugar load and upsets our delicate pH.

In addition, ALL grains contain the pesticide poison glyphosate (unless organic) which is held in the gluten like a sponge and the released into your body causing acute flaccid myelitis (polio), Zika (birth defects), paralysis, dementia. ALS, autism, AIDS, CMV, liver disease, kidney disease, bowel disease, diabetes, just to name a few of the 1000’s of illnesses this poison causes.

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The few exceptions occasionally would be quinoa (actually a seed), wild rice or basmati brown rice, buckwheat and only in small servings. Then there are sprouted grains, still acidic in bread form. And different from fresh sprouts which are healthy alkaline greens, ONLY if they are grown and cared for properly. Otherwise they can collect mould and mildew fairly quickly if not attended to in a timely fashion.

12. Coffee is healthy for us.


It is 100% liquid acid that stresses out our body especially our liver and kidneys. It robs our fluids, tissues, organs and bones of alkaline minerals cause unlimited health concerns ulcers, acid reflux, headaches, synapses corrosion, poor eye sight and more.

Coffee – A Cup of Cancer

Coffee contains over 1000 chemicals of which only 22 have been studied leaving 978 left to study. All of the chemicals studied to date have been found to be carcinogentic. So next time to pick up that cup of coffee think of it as your cup of cancer.

Here are 23 good reasons to NEVER drink another cup of CANCER:

13. Tea is better than coffee.


Dried tea leaves have mould in them from the drying process and are 100% liquid acid affecting the same body parts as coffee. And yes, macha green tea is acidic too as is kombucha (fermented tea). Best to make fresh teas from lemons, limes and fresh green herbs.

 Black and Green Tea


Does drinking green tea really help prevent or cure cancer? The answer is still NO, according to a review of 51 previous studies done over two decades.

The review, published online in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, found that green tea may offer some help against liver cancer, breast cancer and, in men, prostate cancer, but consumption may actually increase one’s chances of developing urinary bladder cancer. Conflicting evidence was found in the case of gastrointestinal (esophagus, colon or pancreas) cancers, though the authors noted “limited moderate to strong evidence” of green tea protecting against lung, pancreatic and colorectal cancer.”

According to Robert O. Young PhD, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, “green tea is acidic and will contribute to the dietary acid and metabolic loads in the tissue causing a cancerous condition or making a cancerous condition worse.”

“Despite the large number of included studies, the jury still seems to be out on the question of whether green tea can in fact prevent the development of various cancer types,” lead review author Katja Boehm, a member of the Unconventional and Complementary Methods in Oncology Study Group in Nuremburg, Germany, said in a news release issued by the journal’s publisher, The Cochrane Collaboration.

The researchers reviewed studies involving more than 1.6 million people in Asia, where green tea consumption is a regular habit. Boehm said that variables in how much green tea people drink and how different cancers grow makes it difficult to find a conclusive relationship about whether green tea helps prevent cancer.

Dr. Young states, “cancer is not a cell but a liquid acid from diet, environment and/or metabolism that breaks down cell via fermentation. To drink acidic drinks like coffee,alcohol or tea, including green tea will only increase tissue acidosis leading to all cancerous conditions. The best advise I can give to prevent any cancerous condition is to eliminate all contributing acidic foods and drinks, including black and green tea.”

14. Too much water is harmful.


Our body uses water to keep us internally flowing and clean. What we don’t need gets discarded. However the water does need to be alkaline otherwise we are adding more liquid acidity to our bodies and not benefitting the way we could be thriving.


15. Pro-biotic, pre-biotic and digestive enzymes help us and improve our health. BIG


These three are 100% acidic. They act like Pac Man and go into our gut to help clean it up from build-up stuck food that is 100% acidic anyways, by eating the chronic impacted bowel. However, when they are done eating the waste they continue to eat us… our tissue from the inside out. It leads to bowel issues and eventually causing long term harmful side effects. It is a dangerous way to get short term relief with long term health issues.

Now how about those “friendly flora” aka bacteria, that everyone natters about. Yes, they are 100% acidic and are only present when the bowel is congested. It’s our system breaking down internally to save itself. It knows what to do to keep us healthy but when we fill it full of acidic trash it can’t keep up and goes into holding, fermenting and bloating mode.

No need for more “friendly flora” aka bacteria to add to the “clutter”. It’s kind of like stuffing an already filthy full closest with more junk and we all know that one day that closet is going to need to be cleaned out if we want to continue using it.

So, clean it out properly the first time; do a liquid green feast for 3-10 days allowing your body to come back to harmony. This may be required a few times. You know, like the initial clean and then the revamp and organization phase of a closet.

Did you know that even aloe vera juice/gel is a “natural digestive enzyme” and if over done can create long term issues in our bowel. The answer is to stop putting the acidic toxic food in, chew your food well and drink green juice, intake healthy oils and water to keep the bowel clean and healthy. Remember, a healthy bowel moves 3 to 5 times daily.

16. Antibiotics get rid of illness.


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Antibiotics are 100% acidic and are anti or against life! When they enter our body they shock your alkaline buffering system at an alarming rate. Kind of like adding bleach to shock a dirty pool to clear it up! What happens is because of an over load of chemical acidity from the medication our body is forced to once again rob our tissues, muscles, organs and bones of our very own minerals (sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium) to encapsulate the acidic illness, usher it out one of our five channels of elimination (bowels, urine, breathe, lymphatics or glymphatics) and restore harmony back to our body.

It’s short term relief with long term side effects once again. When really all we need to do it boost our own system with electron rich alkaline foods and beverages and return to vibrancy.

17. Salt is bad for you.


Typical table salt is processed, bleached, toxic and dangerous for our health. Coloured sea salt is low in sodium and high in minerals.

Every one of our systems relies on the electrical potential of salt so that we can be healthy. Our body’s pH affects every single system in our body. Our pH for all our fluids, tissues and organs are alkaline aka salty. If sea salt was bad for us the ocean would die and so would all the creatures including us (fyi the ocean pH needs to be 8.3 and it has slid to 8.2) Sea salt is life. I use pHorever Young pHlavor Sea Salt from the Great Salt Lake.

FYI… craving sugar is our body’s way of showing us it needs sustainable energy… SALT. Eat healthy colored sea salt, lose the sugar cravings and improve your health at the same time. Here is the simple equations of life… Salt is Sol. Sol is Soul. Soul is Energy. Energy is Life. Life is Salt!

18. Healthy Oils…. it is good to cook with oils.


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After reading Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus, I will never put any oil in a pan again. When you heat oils past 112° they turn rancid and are in no way healthy in that state. One exception is coconut oil which can be heated to 176° before it is altered (from The Miracle of Coconut oil by Bruce Fife) Still NEVER heat an oil. Use water in a pan and lightly steam the food and then top it with a healthy oil when on your plate.

Without professional temperature control you cannot tell if the oil turn toxic. Healthy fats are necessary for optimal health, not all fats are bad not even all saturated fats are bad, for example Coconut oil is a saturated fat but it is a medium chain fatty acid and most all saturated fats are long chain fatty acids and long chain fatty acids are not good quality fats.

Remember all coconut products are now pasteurized in North America so maybe not the best food source. I do use it for oil pulling in my mouth after I brush my teeth and then spit it out. Fats help the body stockpile certain nutrients as well. The so-called “fat-soluble” vitamins—A, D, E and K.

FYI olive oil and avocados are full of vitamin K, necessary for building our fibrin net protein in our blood and giving it strength. Healthy oils are needed to develop cell membrane walls (the brain of all cells says cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton), to nature and support brain function, our nervous system, blood cell production, for glowing supple skin, bowel movements and emotions well being. We require 1/3 cup (5 tbls. of healthy oils daily) amd I male sire to include an 2 tsp of a healthy 3/6/9 oil as well!

Bottled Salad Dressings are All Toxic

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Bottled salad dressings are full of sugar, artificial colors, and high fructose corn syrup. Once you drown your salad in this nutritional disaster, you might as well eat a bag of potato chips or a hot dog instead. Drop the bottled salad dressings, and use lemon juice along with some cold-pressed organic olive or avocado oil for a healthy salad dressing.  I would also suggest adding liberal amounts of Real Salt or Himalayan Salt to add taste and alkalinity.


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Once again, marketing is to blame for the BIG misconceptions about margarine. It’s not healthy, people! It’s one of the unhealthiest foods in your diet. So cut it out! Margarine is like a very acidic version of butter that’s made with hydrogenated vegetable oils and it’s more unnatural than you think. It’s pure chemistry. So what’s so bad about it? It’s the trans fats that can damage your heart, blood vessels, mess up your cholesterol levels and set the stage for a cancerous condition.  Switch to cold-pressed organic oils like olive, hemp or flax for a healthier alternative. Just please avoid margarine!

19. A Drink of Alcohol Daily is Healthy for YOU.

Absolutely False!


An American study that followed the diet and lifestyles of more than 200,000 women for almost 14 years found that postmenopausal women who drank one drink per day or less had an almost 30 percent increase in breast cancer rates compared to women who did not drink at all.

Alcohol use is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use. While a moderate or low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking is known to cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. In 2007, experts working for the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer looked at the scientific evidence regarding cancer and alcohol use from 27 different studies. They found sufficient evidence to state that excessive alcohol use is the main cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum, and female breast cancers.

20. Alkalinity helps improves health, reverses illness and disease and improves your sex drive.


We are alkaline by design and acidic by our bodily functions.

When we keep our 5 channels of elimination (bowels, urine, lymphatics, glymphatics and breathe) clean, clear and open we eliminate acidic build up. There is only one disease; over acidification of our fluids, tissues, muscles, organs and bones. Even sexual dysfunction is a build up of acidity.

21. Can thoughts, feelings and emotions affect our pH?


They release metabolic acid. In fact they can release 2-3x more acid than a food or beverage. Their preferred way to exit the body is out through the connective and lympathic system.

If not eliminated properly they can damage our organs if it becomes chronic… fear weakens the stomach, anger weakens the liver, grief weakens the lungs, pissed offness weakens the kidneys and heart break weakens the heart. On the other hand love, peace and joy strengthen our body parts and immune system! So manage yourself well. It’s a lifestyle and not solely about nutrition.

You see we are alkaline by design and when we tend to that and nourish it, we flourish. We are acidic by function and when we take care of our five channels of elimination and discard our metabolic acid waste from functioning, we flourish in health and vitality.

It is quite simple; put alkalinity in and keep our systems flowing with lots of water and healthy oils so all of our systems get flushed out daily! We are what we ingest.

22. Diet Anything or Die-it Anything is Healthy.


Diet foods, including frozen foods, or prepackaged foods labeled as “diet” or “low fat”, including diet sodas, generally contain aspartame, which is a chemical, artificial sweetener that we talk about in detail above. There are numerous studies showing that aspartame causes many diseases and sicknesses such as cancers, birth defects, and heart problems.


All “diet” food is chemically processed and made from super refined ingredients, excessive sodium levels, as well as artificial colors and flavors to make it taste good. Don’t ever forget, artificial anything is NOT real food! Although the FDA says that all these added chemicals are safe to eat, you might want to take their advice with a grain of salt. After all, don’t they also tell you that sugar and vegetable oils are safe to eat? (Not to mention GMO’s and fast food!)

There have been many studies that show that these additives, for some people, can actually be addicting. They feed that “feel good” part in your brain, similar to cocaine! Well, that actually makes sense because if you become addicted to these foods, the companies making them are certain to score a lot of money, aren’t they?

Be smart and eat nature’s own, natural “diet” food; alkalizing fruit and vegetables! (Organic, of course!)

23. Artificial Sweeteners are Safe!

Absolutely False!

Most people use artificial sweeteners to either lose weight or because they are diabetic and must avoid sugar. The main problem in all this is that there are numerous studies that show people who consume artificial sweeteners on a regular basis, such as in sodas, or coffee sweeteners, actually gain weight. It also does little or nothing to help those with diabetes.


In fact, artificial sweeteners actually make it even more difficult to control their blood sugar levels and worsen conditions that are related to diabetes such as cataracts and gastro paresis. Sometimes aspartame has been found to cause convulsions, which some people will mistake for an insulin reaction.

Not to mention that artificial sweeteners inhibit your body’s ability to monitor its daily calorie consumption and make the body crave even more sweets. Well, we’ve already discussed how refined sugars can cause cancer.

There is mounting evidence that the chemicals that make up these sweeteners, especially aspartame, break down in the body into a deadly toxin called DKP. When your stomach processes this chemical, it in turn produces chemicals that can cause cancer, especially brain tumors.

24. Genetically Modified Foods or GMO’s are Safe.



Genetically modified organisms, more commonly called GMO’s, are foods that have been modified by chemicals, animal or insect genes and grown with chemicals.

In a study done by Dr. Pusztai at the Rowett Institute in Scotland, rats were fed GMO foods, especially potatoes. ALL rats showed damaged immune systems, pre-cancerous cell growths, along with smaller brains and livers, in just the first 10 days of the project. American consumers believe that the FDA has approved these GMO foods and this is simply not the case.

The FDA has NO testing procedures for GMO foods, NONE. The only human study ever published showed that those foreign genes that are present in GM food transfer to the DNA in the bacteria in our digestive systems. We, the American consumer, are the guinea pig (or rat) in this case. Unfortunately, almost all grains, including soybeans, wheat, and corn, have been grown via GMO’s.

Currently GMO’s do not have to be listed on food labels, so read carefully and look for labels that state the food is GMO free.

The best way to be safe from Frankenstienian food is only buy organic and then you know you are ingesting non-GMO food or beverages.

25. Canned Foods and especially Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Beans, Corn, and Peas are Good Sources of Alkaline Vegetables and Fruit.



Most canned foods are a concern because of what the can is lined with. The lining of almost all canned foods are made with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA.

A study published in May of 2013 by the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences showed that BPA actually affects the way genes work inside the brain of rats. Even the FDA agrees that there is a problem with BPA as it is supporting efforts to either replace or at the very least, to minimize the amounts found in canned foods. You know it must be bad when even the very lax FDA is concerned!


Tomatoes are exceptionally dangerous due to their high acidity when canned, which seems to cause BPA to leech from the lining of the can into the tomatoes themselves. The level of BPA can be so high in fact; you should seriously consider not feeding them to children. Due to FDA laws, there are no standards for labeling BPA so simply because a can does not say it has it does not mean that it does not contain BPA. Be safe and avoid cans. Only ingest fresh organic non-GMO fruit and vegetables and never from a can.

26. Eating Non-organic fruit and vegetables is OK for improving health and fitness.



Fruit and vegetables that are non-organic are contaminated with some very dangerous acidic pesticides such as atrazine, thiodicarb, and organophosphates, as well as high nitrogen fertilizers.

Atrazine is banned in European countries but still used here. This is a weed killer that causes severe problems in humans, especially in our reproductive capabilities.

A 2009 study found that when pregnant women drank water contaminated with atrazine, their babies had reduced body weights. Were you aware that the sewage from cities in the USA (nicely called bio solids) is used in the fields of farms in the USA as a form of fertilizer? You will never find organic food being cultivated in composted human sewage waste!

Conventional foods are also subjected to an enormous amount of these types’ of acidic chemicals as well as acidic hormones, to make the fruit and veggies grow bigger. Apples are probably the worst offenders with pesticides showing on more than 98 per cent of all apples tested. Fruit with a 90 per cent positive rate of pesticide residue included oranges, strawberries, and grapes.

Washing fruit and vegetables does not remove 100 per cent of the residue. Pesticides are toxic acidic chemicals to insects as well as human beings.

27. Corn and All Corn Related Products are Alkalizing.


Those little bags of popcorn are so convenient to just stick in the microwave, you wouldn’t think for a minute that they could be dangerous to your health, but they are, ncluding the radiation from the microwave.

First, let’s talk about the bag itself. Conventional microwave popcorn bags are lined with an acidic chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA). This is a toxin you can find in Teflon also. According to a recent study at the University of California, PFOA is linked to infertility in women. Numerous studies in lab animals and humans show that exposure to PFOA significantly increases the risk of kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas and testicular cancers. You can read more about this substance and the above mentioned studies at

Although every manufacturer uses slightly different ingredients, most of them use soybean oil (a GMO product) as well as various preservatives such as propyl gallate, an acidic chemical that is causes stomach inflammation and skin rashes. Now they don’t actually say they are using GMO corn kernels, but that’s because the government says they don’t have to. Even if they don’t use GMO corn, you can bet they aren’t using organic corn!

Also, applied to the popcorn itself, is a chemical called diacetyl. Use of this acidic chemical caused Conagra Foods to remove it from their brand of popcorn, ACT, because it was causing lung diseases in the workers at their factory.

28. Potato and Potato Chips are Alkalizing Health Foods.


Potato chips are cheap, great tasting, quick snack, however, the negative acidic effects they have on your body may not be worth the little bit of pleasure you derive from these crispy snacks.

Potato chips are high in both fat and acidic chemicals, which are sure to bring on weight gain. A study done in the New England Journal of medicine found that eating just 1 once of potato chips per day caused an average 2 pound weight gain in one year. Besides being full of trans-fats which can cause an increase in LDL cholesterol in most people, they have excessive processed sodium levels which, for many people, will indirectly cause increased blood pressure. Increased amounts of natural unprocessed salt will not increase blood pressure.

Potato chips have artificial flavors, numerous preservatives, and colors as well, which is something else your body doesn’t need. Potato chips are fried in high temperatures to make them crispy but this also causes them to make a material called acrylamide, a known cancerous causing carcinogen that is also found in cigarettes.

It’s hard to say no to your kids demands for potato chips, therefore, as a sneaky alternative, buy them dehydrated organic veggie chips which are a healthy alkalizing alternative.

29. Foods that are fermented, pickled, or smoked help digestion.



Foods that are cured by use of acidic nitrates or nitrites act as preservatives as well as adding color to the meat. Although nitrates do not cause cancer in and of themselves, under certain conditions these chemicals change once they are inside the body into N-nitroso composites. It’s this N-nitroso that is associated with a greater increase the risk of developing an acidic cancerous condition.

Smoking foods such as meat or nuts causes these food items to absorb considerable amounts of the tar that smoke produces. Tar is a known carcinogen. Meats such as bacon, sausage, bologna, and salami are high in fat and processed salt. Pickled foods are also very high in salts.

There is overwhelming evidence that eating these types of foods greatly increases the risk of colorectal cancer and higher rates of stomach cancer. The rates of stomach cancer are much greater in places such as Japan where a traditional acidic diet contains many foods that are high in fermented foods such as soy sauce, and/or smoked.

Processed meat is greatly associated with stomach, colon, rectum, pancreatic, lung, prostate, testicular, kidney, and bladder cancer.

Source: Canadian Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group. Salt, processed meat and the risk of cancer. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2011 Mar;20(2):132-9.

30. Soda Water, Soda Pop and Sport Drinks improve energy and digestion.

False, False and False!


Perhaps you heard about the recent study that was published in May in the American Journal of Nutrition? It found that people who consumed more than one soda per day had a higher risk of stroke than people who did not drink sodas.

Loaded with sugar, sodas are an empty source of calories that cause weight gain and contribute to the nationwide epidemic of obesity. Drinking large amounts of this rapidly digested sugar causes your blood sugar to spike which can lead to both inflammation and insulin resistance. Soda is often the root cause of gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which is when the contents of the stomach leak into the esophagus causing not only pain but an actual burning of the esophagus from stomach acid.

Although sodas are not a direct cause of ulcers, they are known to irritate and make those with ulcers have more pain. Sodas also contain artificial colorings and food chemicals like derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI); no wonder soda pop has been shown to cause cancer.

Here is the link to view Dr. Young’s latest experiment on cola drinks, coffee, beer and alkaline water:

31. Commercial Fruit Juices are OK to drink when fresh juices are NOT available.


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Don’t believe the big flashy labels that say 100% fruit. Most of the time, the secret is in the fine print. Commercial fruit juice often contains added sugar, coloring, preservatives, and it can lose its nutrients during pasteurization. Your best bet is finding a trusted local organic juice bar or making your own alkaline fruit and vegetable juices at home.  You can also use iJuice powders which are have only traces of sugar which is less than 1 gram per serving – I would go for the latter. Have some fun and explore new tastes of iJuice organic juices.

32. Granola Type Breakfast Cereals are a good breakfast and are alkalizing and healthy.


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Once again, I blame it on the marketing. Breakfast cereals aren’t harmless as their happy cheerful colors and toys inside the box might suggest. They actually contain cancer-causing sugar, artificial coloring, preservatives, GMO products, and they’re often stripped of the nutrients they had before processing. Try quinoa with some avocado and Real Salt instead. It tastes great, and it’s actually good for you.

33. Wheat is the staff of life!


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Wheat contains a carbohydrate that suddenly and greatly increases your blood sugar levels. This triggers high insulin production and acidic weight gain. Over time, your pancreas will become overworked and you’ll become insulin resistant, and then you can end up with diabetes and/or cancer. And high blood sugar levels trigger the production of compounds that speed up the aging process and give you wrinkled skin. So you’ll age faster and be prone to diabetes, which in itself is a big issue.

34. All Energy Bars are alkalizing and healthy.

False with no exception!

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All so-called energy bars might be perceived by many athletes who are looking for a quick acidic fix or burst of pseudo energy, but hopefully that’s not you!  Try to resist these highly acidic artificial energy bombs. Energy bars contain a lot of sugar, they are high in fructose corn syrup (major cause of cancer), preservatives, and can contain trans-fats. So, energy bars are candy and are full of ACID in the form of sugar, and artificial ingredients. In other words, it’s a ticking time bomb that steals energy from your body and sets the stage for serious injury to your major organs.

35. Hydrogenated oils are safe and can be used when cooking



Let’s start from the point that all hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils. Vegetable oils cannot be extracted naturally like butter is, vegetable oils must be chemically removed from their source, and then they are changed to be more acceptable to consumers. They are frequently deodorized and colored to look appealing.

All vegetable oils contain high levels of Omega–6 fatty acids. An excess of Omega- 6 fatty acids may cause health problems, such as heart disease and in increase in various cancers, especially skin cancer. You need a good balance of both Omega 3 and Omega 6. Try to get plenty of Omega 3 every day from hemp and flax. You can do this in the form of supplements and also non-GMO fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are a very good source of Omega 3.

Hydrogenated oils are used to preserve processed foods and keep them looking appealing for a long as possible. Hydrogenated oils influence our cell membranes’ structure and flexibility, which is linked to cancer.

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36. And NOW for the Biggest Myth of ALL – The Stomach is Acidic and Digests the Food We Ingest.

Absolutely False!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Read, listen, learn and understand the science of the stomach’s true functionality!

The following scientific discourse are twenty-five important points to understand concerning the the real purpose of the stomach, the physiology of digestion, the creation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach lining, the ingestion of protein, dairy, cheese and sugar in any form and how acid/alkaline biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy relate to health, sickness, and disease.

Unfortunately, contemporary medical doctors and scientists as well as alternative health practitioners and lay people DO NOT understand how acid/base are created in the body and the onset of latent tissue acidosis in the colloidal connective tissue or the “Schade”. Welcome to the 21st century and Dr. Young’s “New Biology.”

How is acid/base created in the body?

1) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why a call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.

2) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system – specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested.

3) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer.

4) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus – created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.

5) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s spaces.

6) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger’s space, or the extracellular space that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology text books. There is mention of the extracellular space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores metabolic and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.

7) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline. The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosporhoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.

8) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ, which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.

That is why I have stated, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs.

9) The more acidity created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice cream the more gastrointestinal acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH, including live and dried blood analysis as taught by Dr. Robert O. Young. The saliva pH is an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space.

10) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids into the connective tissue or the Pishinger’s space. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues or the Pishinger’s space. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine – which originates from the blood – remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the tissues, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of the urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues.

11) A latent “acidosis” is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated “acidosis.” This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated “acidosis” can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating Meat and Cheese!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP increases.

12) If there is not enough base left over after meat and cheese or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis. When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

13) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid or HCL in the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base in the form of sodium bicarbonate!

14) Therefore the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It’s function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

15) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger’s spaces while we sleep.

These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s spaces, the extracellular fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger’s spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

16) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.

17) After a high protein meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

18) Medical doctors and savants are not taught in medical school and therefore do not understand or recognize latent tissue acidosis. They understand and recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its’ function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

19) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

20) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid.

21) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 + H+ = NH4.

22) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.

23) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) – common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered extracellularly as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal and metabolic acids.

The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

24) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and cheese is definitely hazardous to your health. That is why I say, “a cucumber a day keeps the doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even an apple creates more excess acid in the colloidal connective tissues, leading to latent tissue acidosis.

25) With over 30 years of research and testing over 500,000 samples of blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and saliva I have come to the conclusion that the Human Body is an acid producing organism by function – yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein, especially meat and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly acidic choices – unless you interested in becoming sick, tired and fat over time.

Bottom line – the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for a longer healthier life.

Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is not the cause of digestion but the result of digestion. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.


To determine the pH and chemistry and over 150 parameters of the blood and interstitial fluids I used a non-invasive 3-D functionality bio-electro scan. I was able to obtain all quantitative data that validates the true chemistry and pH of the stomach, blood and the fluids of the interstitium where metabolic and dietary acids are compartmentalized.


To learn more about the science of the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet go to: and

Read: A New Theory – The Physiology of the Stomach


For more pH reading please read The pH Miracle revised and updated edition by Robert O. Young.


To learn more about Dr. Robert O. Young go to:


Join Dr. Robert O. Young and Dr. Galina Migalko at their next medical conference in the Netherlands in June, 2020!

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The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

The Worlds Top 5 Lifestyles & Diets for Health, Fitness, Vitality and Beauty in 2018

Which Lifestyle and Diet Did YOU Follow in 2018!

Number 1

Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet

Victoria Beckham keeps her slender physique in shape by following the pH Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet, recommended by Robert O. Young PhD. This plan means you ingest ONLY alkaline foods and liquids to keep your acidic levels in your blood, interstitial fluids, intracellular fluids at an alkaline pH between 7.35 and 7.45. All of these fluids can be tested with the Full-Body 3-D Bio-Electro Scan and the non-invasive blood testing of the chemistry, including pH of the blood, stomach, intestines and interstitial fluids.

To learn more about these non-invasive medical tests click here: (

The following chart lists some of the acidic foods on the pH Miracle Alkaline Diet to eliminate completely or eat sparingly:

The following chart lists some of the foods you can eat freely on the pH Miracle alkaline diet:

The supermodel Elle Macpherson stated that following a plant-based pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and taking supplements have helped her look younger than her 54 years. ( and http://www.phoreveryoung,com)

“When I turned 50 I realized things I did in my 20s weren’t working anymore,” Macpherson said. “I follow a plant-based alkaline diet, focusing on healthy, whole food. I take green powder and protein powder every day, and I drink three liters of water a day.” (,

So where does a 6’7″ man who weighs over 270 pounds get his protein from? Tony Robbins eats broccoli! Over 50 percent of the calories from steamed organic broccoli comes from protein. It is important to note that the body does not build muscle from protein – it builds it from red blood cells. Muscle, bone, and all organs and glands are made from red blood cells NOT protein! Tony is a strong advocate and walking testimony of Dr. Young’s alkaline lifestyle and diet which he teaches from the stage at ALL his events.

Prince Harry and Meghan follow the pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet. In fact it was Meghan who introduced Harry to the alkaline lifestyle.

So what keeps Tom Brady so healthy, fit and strong at the age of 41 and still playing NFL Football? The answer is the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet!

Number 2

The Vegan Diet

Beyonce is a big fan of Marcos Borges 22 days of Vegan program which is a vegan meal service. Although not a full vegan, the singer ordered in the service to get in shape for Coachella. “The benefits of a plant-based diet need to be known,” Beyoncé said. “We should spend more time loving ourselves, which means taking better care of ourselves with good nutrition and making healthier food choices.”

The following are just a few of the foods I recommend that you can eat freely when following an Vegan Diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated book and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss –

Number 3

The Ancient Grains Diet

To keep her energy levels at an all-time high, Angelina Jolie snacks on ancient grains such as quinoa, chia seeds, millet, buckwheat and spelt. “She’s into eating products made from ancient grains and raves about their health benefits,” a source told Marie Claire. “She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin.”

The wonderful benefits of ancients grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat and spelt, they are low in carbohydrate (sugar) and higher in protein. Keep in mind though I only recommend these grains sparingly and no more than 10 grams of protein daily.

Remember, all body cells, including bone and muscle are made from blood NOT protein. And blood is made from chlorophyll (green foods), unsaturated oil, alkaline water and mineral salts or sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Number 4

The Paleo Diet

Jessica Biel credits her super svelte physique down to the Paleo diet. Heavily endorsed by Pete Evans, the diet works on the ethos you go back to eating like a caveman and eradicate dairy, grains and legumes from your diet. “Eating Paleo just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat and water-weight right off your body,” says Jessica. “I do a lot of cooking at home using fresh fish or lean meat like chicken and vegetables,” she adds.

The Paleo diet will provide short term benefits but long term damage from ALL the acidic foods from dairy, legumes and grains such as wheat. You are better off with both short and long term benefits by sticking with a diet that does not cause eventual gland, organ and tissue damage. That diet would be low carbohydrate, low protein and liberal amounts of healthy unsaturated oil, like hemp seed, flax seed, broccoli seed, carrot seed, cabbage seed, just to name a few.

Number 5

The Atkins Diet

Kim Kardashian lost 25 kilos in 11 months on the Atkins diet, which is a high acidic protein, low carb diet. “ Anyone who has had kids knows your body changes, and it’s hard to get your body back in shape,” she said. “It takes so much determination, and mental and physical power and energy.”

Unfortunately this diet also has short term benefits with long term damage, especially to the intestinal villi if you are ingesting animal protein which does not digest (unless you juice the animal flesh). Maybe that is why Kim looks bloated in the lower abdominal area. It is important to stay away from this diet unless your protein sources are from green plants such as avocado, broccoli and buckwheat.

Check out the above list of foods to avoid and especially avoid animal sources for safe and healthy weight loss.

The World’s Number 1 Lifestyle and Diet for Health, Energy, Vitality, Fitness & Beauty!

For safe and effective weight loss or weight gain read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Robert O Young PhD – or on at:

Maryanne lost over 150 pounds in less than a year following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.

Scott Jacobs lost over 100 pounds in 12 weeks following The pH Miracle for Weight Loss lifestyle and diet plan.

Ryan Marcotte lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!

Donna lost over 100 pounds following Dr. Robert O. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet! See Donna’s before and after pictures below as she shows her new found energy doing the splits on the Jump Sport Rebounder.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

The Efficacy of Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Medically Diagnosed Breast Cancer

Micrographs Indicating Breast Cancer Using Thermography (Left) and UltraSound with Doppler (Right) Showing a 14.2 cm Tumour
Micrographs Indicating Breast Cancer Using Thermography (Left) and UltraSound with Doppler (Right) Showing a 14.2 cm Tumor


US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health

Br J Cancer. 1999 Jun;80(7):1005-11.

Enhancement of chemotherapy by manipulation of tumour pH.

Raghunand N1, He Xvan Sluis RMahoney BBaggett BTaylor CWPaine-Murrieta GRoe DBhujwalla ZMGillies RJ.

Author information


The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumours is significantly more acidiccompared to normal tissues. In-vitro, low pH reduces the uptake of weakly basic chemotherapeutic drugs and, hence, reduces their cytotoxicity. This phenomenon has been postulated to contribute to a ‘physiological’ resistance to weakly basic drugs in vivo. Doxorubicin is a weak base chemotherapeutic agent that is commonly used in combination chemotherapy to clinically treat breast cancers. This report demonstrates that MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in vitro are more susceptible to doxorubicin toxicity at pH 7.4, compared to pH 6.8. Furthermore 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) has shown that the pHe of MCF-7 human breast cancer xenografts can be effectively and significantly raised with sodium bicarbonate in drinking water. The bicarbonate-induced extracellular alkalinization leads to significant improvements in the therapeutic effectiveness of doxorubicin against MCF-7 xenografts in vivo. Although physiological resistance to weakly basic chemotherapeutics is well-documented in vitro and in theory, these data represent the first in vivo demonstration of this important phenomenon.

PMID: 10362108 PMCID: PMC2363059 DOI: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6690455

Ariel Green reversed her medically diagnosed breast cancer with 3 cancerous tumors living the pH alkaline diet!

One of the 3 golf ball sized lumps in my breast that disappeared after changing to a pH alkaline diet. 

The following is Ariel Green’s personal story of reversing her cancerous breast condition involving 3 tumors without surgery, chemotherapy and radiation!

“Do you have a health condition you think is incurable? Do you want to lose weight and keep it off permanently? Do you want to reverse aging? Do you do everything you can to be healthy but still don’t feel quite right? The alkaline diet could cure all this and more; but is it too good to be true?”

“The alkaline diet is quickly becoming popular with backing of celebrates like Kate Moss, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Linda Gray, Bill Clinton, Larry Hagman, and Kirsten Dunst. In 2003 Cris Carr, former Budweiser girl, made a move documentary on her battle with cancer and how she reversed the cancer with an alkaline diet. You may have heard about the alkaline diet on the news or in one of several interviews on the Oprah Winery show. You can find testimonies of people all over the internet that completely reversed every day illnesses as well as cancer, HIV MS, diabetes type1&2, and other chronic diseases.”

“How does it work? The alkaline diet works on the premise that our bodies are self healing. In order for the body to heal itself it needs the right tools one being the correct pH, others being sufficient nutrients, water, and exercise. The main thing that affects our pH is our diets. By eating alkalizing foods and minimizing acidic foods our bodies can begin to heal, prevent sickness, and help protect from external acid factors like stress and radiation. To maintain a good pH in our bodies we need to eat at least 70% alkaline foods and no more than 30% mildly acidic foods. Alkaline foods include most cooked and raw vegetables, some beans, and few fruits, grains, & nuts. Acidic foods include meat, dairy, sugar, processed foods, coffee, and most fruits, grains, and nuts.”

“Sound too hard? Well, you don’t have to jump right in. Most people have better results by making slow gradual changes to their diet. Some people only need to make a couple of small changes to start seeing results. There are also many tasty alkaline versions of acidic foods; so don’t worry about felling deprived.”

“So does the alkaline lifestyle and diet really work? Apparently it does from all the testimonies on the internet. I tried it myself in 2006 when I found out I had three breast tumors that my doctor told me had to be surgically removed. Within six months the cancerous tumors were gone, and so were my allergies, chronic knee & back pain, and my problem with vertigo that my doctors could not explain or treat. I also have more energy and I don’t get colds anymore. I have been on the pH alkaline diet since 2006 and continue to maintain excellent health. I have met many people that have completely reversed their health problems with the pH alkaline diet. I also know a couple of people that it did not work completely for but it did drastically improve their health. Many people give up on alkalizing before it has a chance to work because they feel deprived. They think they can only eat salad; but this is not true.”

“Supplementation is also important as there are some vitamins and minerals than can be hard to get on an alkaline diet. There are also many supplements that can make alkalizing quicker and easier. The pH alkaline diet can be hard and take a long time to get results if you don’t know enough about it. So it is best to read up on it and get a good pH coach. There is very little clinical research on the pH alkaline diet and its effects on specific disease conditions. However, an article published in PubMed says there supporting research that shows the pH alkaline diet can support health and reverse disease but more research is needed”

“It will be many years before clinical research can be done on the pH alkaline diet with every health problem. So it is best to consult a health professional before changing your diet especially if you have a chronic disease.”

“Some health problems with supporting clinical studies on the alkaline diet & treatments include cancer, low back pain, bone loss, and increased lean tissue mass in older adults:”

“In a study published in PubMed a high pH treatment was tested on over 30 humans with cancer. In each case the cancer disappeared.

Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symptoms in patients with chronic lower back pain.

“Increasing the alkaline content of the diet may slow bone loss in healthy older adults.

“Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults.


To learn more read and share, The pH Miracle book 1, The pH Miracle revised and updated book 2, The pH Miracle for Cancer and the newly released book The Cancer Solution by Robert O. Young C PT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner


How NOT To DIE! and How To Live!

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20 Ways on How to Live Longer and Healthier – Free from ALL Sickness and Disease and Old Age

Have you heard about the ravages of acid rain in Australia and the loss of the coral reef or in Alaska and the loss of millions of pine trees or maybe you have heard about the oceans and the pH dropping because of acid rain. The cause is the result of toxic acidic carbon emissions in the global environment. Acid rain damages the leaves and needles on trees, reduces a tree’s ability to withstand cold, drought, disease and pests, and even inhibits or prevents plant reproduction. The oceans of the World are dying because of acidic carbon emissions from cars and cows. In an effort for the Earth and the oceans to stay alive and combat increased acidic pollution, as tree roots pull important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium from the soil and calcium and the oceans are pulling calcium and magnesium from the coral reefs and sodium from the ocean water increasing acidity. The extraction of alkaline minerals from the soil and water is necessary for all living things on the earth and oceans to stay alive and avoid sudden death. These alkaline nutrients help to balance the increased effects of acid rain, but as they become depleted from the soil or from the ocean, the trees’ and marine life’s ability to survive is strained and placed in certain danger of extinction. Just look at the pictures below and see what is happening to the forests of Denali, Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia. The forests in Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia are both headed towards irreversible extinction because of acid rain.

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We Are All Subject to Acid Rain!

What if I told you that most ALL people living today are unknowingly doing similar things to their body? A highly acidic lifestyle and diet is like acid rain in our blood, interstitial fluids and intracellular fluids that constitutes over 65% of the whole body. While the body has an alkaline buffering system (headed up by the stomach) in place to ensure that the blood and the interstitial fluids stay slightly alkaline at 7.365 pH, the depletion of alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles and other parts of your body may leave YOU vulnerable to health issues leading to ALL sickness and disease.


What is pH – The Power of Hydrogen or Perfectly Healthy or Both?

The pH (potential of hydrogen) is the measurement of acid (a measurement of hydrogen ions or protons) or alkalinity (a measurement of reduced hydrogen or electrons) on a scale from 0 to 14 with a midpoint of 7. The lower the number the higher the acidity (or the greater the concentration of hydrogen ions or protons) based upon a logarithm to the power of negative 10! For example, the pH of a healthy ocean environment free from acid rain would be 8.350. If the ocean pH drops 1 point due to acid rain to a pH of 7.350, which is a 10 times drop in pH, all life as we know it in the oceans would die. In fact, if the ocean pH drops from 8.350 to 8.100, which is a .235 drop, ALL life in the oceans would die! That is all it takes for ALL marine life to cease in our Oceans! JUST a small drop of 2/10’s of 1 point for ALL life to end! Here is another very important example that I truly want you to understand. The healthy pH of the human blood and interstitial fluids which makes up 80 percent of ALL body fluids is 7.365. This pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is a dynamic and is always changing. How do I know this? Because Dr. Galina Migalko, MD, NMD and I are the only scientist in the World measuring and comparing the pH and chemistries of the blood against the pH and chemistries of the interstitium. This is critical to truly understand when you are moving toward metabolic alkalosis or metabolic acidosis and preventing and/or reversing any sickness and disease as well as determining the efficacy of any non-invasive or invasive treatments. In other words, are the treatments for any sickness and disease making you sicker or better, whether conventional or traditional? This can now be measured and determined with certainty.


Why is YOUR Stomach So Important to the pH of the Blood and Interstitum

So why does the body, primarily the stomach work so hard to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids of the interstitium? Here is the most important answer YOU will read in YOUR life! If the blood and interstitial fluids drop below 7.100 from the ideal healthy pH of 7.365 you would go into a coma. When the blood and interstitial fluid pH drops to 6.900 you are DEAD! From what? Not global warming but from body warming or in other words acidosis! The key to avoid death is to maintain the alkaline design of the blood and interstitial fluids at a precise pH of 7.365 which can be measured without drawing one drop of blood or interstitial fluid. The technology is here and the science is real!

What is the Common Denominator of pH in Relationship to the Cause of ALL Sickness and Disease

This is the common denominator for ALL sickness and disease – ALL sickness and disease are caused by acidosis or acid rain or body warming! Therefore, there are NO specific diseases, there are ONLY specific disease or sickness conditions. All sickness and disease is caused by acid rain from within and is exactly what is happening in the oceans, the soils of our planet and in all humanity. Planetary and human sickness and disease is on the rise because of personal acidic lifestyles and dietary choices and because of ignorance. Name any disease and that disease or sickness is caused by metabolic, respiratory, gastrointestinal or environmental acidosis.

Check out this YouTube video on the 7 signs YOU and TOO Acidic

I hope you can see NOW how important it is to understand and then monitor your pH daily by having your your blood and interstitial fluids tested. Unfortunately, this new science and technology for testing the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is limited Worldwide. (For more information concerning the testing of the blood and interstitial fluids or to make an appointment email: In the meantime, there is a simple, inexpensive and noninvasive way for testing the fluids of the interstitium, but not of the blood, for those of you who desire to monitor your interstitial fluid pH daily. You can test the pH of the morning urine, since this urine is a product of the interstitium and NOT of the blood, by using special pHydrion strips ( When you measure the pH of your urine using these special pHydrion strips it is important to achieve each morning a pH of at least 7.300 by following the suggested lifestyle and diet as described below. When you are testing your morning urine, which is the most acidic time of the day, you are testing the pH of the interstitial fluids which makes up over 60 percent of the body fluids (25 liters). You can also test your saliva using the same special pHydrion strips. When you are testing your saliva pH you are testing your body reserves available for buffering acid rain. Both the urine and saliva pH should be at least 7.300 and must be tested daily as you follow the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet in order to achieve an ideal pH for “Perfect Health!”

What Does the Stomach Have to Do With pH

An acidic pH of the blood and then interstitial fluids is what causes acid reflux—a condition in which the stomach creates when it is trying to buffer dietary acids from your toxic acidic food or drink ingested or metabolic acids from all functions of the body or respiratory acids from your respiratory system to maintain the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a delicate pH of 7.365. The following is the stomach chemistry as it creates sodium bicarbonate to buffer excess acid rain on your blood, interstitial fluids and intercellular fluids: H20 (water) + NaCl (salt) + C02 (carbon dioxide) = NaHC03 (sodium bicarbonate) + HCL (hydrochloric acid).

This may be the first time you have ever heard this, but I have been saying this for many years, “the stomach DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD it ALKALIZES FOOD and protects ALL of our body fluids, organs and tissues from dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental acidosis! In other words, the stomach is an organ of contribution and NOT an organ of digestion. Eat any food without chewing it, like a piece of corn and see what happens. The corn comes out of your anus the same way it went into your mouth. The stomach digests nothing. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach is a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production for buffering acid rain or acidic waste from what you eat, what you drink, what you breath and what you think. This is why when an athlete goes into lactic acidosis they throw-up to rid their body of all the hydrochloric acid build-up in the gastric pits of the stomach. You see the body is working hard to buffer the increased lactic acid from increased metabolism so the athlete doesn’t die from acidic rain from a declining pH in the blood and interstitium. Even when a pregnant woman throws-up (generally in her first trimester) her stomach is producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acidic loads in her and her unborn child’s blood and interstitium. The increased need for alkalinity during pregnancy is significant and is NOT understood or even considered by medical savants. They think, unknowingly that the body just takes care of the pH of the blood and tissues and that what you eat, what you drink, what you breath, and what you think cannot effect this delicate pH balance. You see, morning sickness is nothing more than increased acids from diet, respiration and metabolism! It requires twice the energy to make a baby and with that the pregnant Mother has increased acid rain. So I want you to understand that the stomach’s main purpose is to maintain the alkaline design of the body to keep it alive. That is IT! Get IT?

To learn more about the physiology of the stomach read the following book. You can order this book online at the following link:


How is acid/base created in the body?

a) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why I call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.

b) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system – specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate production created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested and to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a pH of 7.365.

c) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer. In fact HCL is in all pharmaceuticals and most dietary nutritional supplements.

d) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus – created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands (pancreas, gallbladder, Lieberkuhn glands in the liver and the Brunner glands between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs, once again are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts, Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.

e) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s spaces or what recent scientist are calling the Interstitium pictured below.



f) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger’s space, or the spaces of the interstitium that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology or medical school text books. There is mention of the space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism, respiration, environment and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores metabolic respiratory, environmental and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.

g) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline.The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.

h) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ or the interstitium. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ or the interstitium. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ (just discovered by American science in 2018. Dr. Robert O. Young with Dr. Galina Migalko published their pH findings of the blood, interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and the intracellular fluids in 2015. Their publication is pictured below), which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.



That is why I have stated for years, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs.

i) The more acidity created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice cream the more gastrointestinal acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH testing, including live and dried blood analysis. (Currently we are the only two scientist in the World that are doing non-invasive testing of the stomach, blood, interstitium and intracellular fluid pH with results in less than 15 minutes) The saliva pH is an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space.

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j) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids into the connective tissue or the Pishinger’s space or the Interstitium. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues or the Pishinger’s space or interstitial fluid spaces. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine – which originates from the blood – remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the connective tissues or the interstitium, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues or the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium.

k) A latent “acidosis” is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated “acidosis.” This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated “acidosis” can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating Meat and Cheese!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP increases.

l) If there is not enough base left over after meat and cheese or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues or interstitium, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis.When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

m) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid or HCL in the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base in the form of sodium bicarbonate!

n) Therefore the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It’s function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

o) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger’s spaces or the spaces of the interstitium while we sleep.

These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s spaces, the interstitial fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger’s spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

p) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.

q) After a high protein meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

r) Medical doctors are not taught the above science in medical school and therefore do not understand the complex chemistry between the stomach, blood and interstitium or even recognize the effects of an acidic lifestyle and diet leading to latent tissue acidosis in the largest organ of the body called the Interstitium. They understand and recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis in the blood but do not know about or even understand a single thing about the Interstitium. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its’ function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

s) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

t) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid.

u) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 + H+ = NH4.

v) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.

w) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) – common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered by the interstitium as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal, respiratory, enivronmenta and metabolic acids.

The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

You can order the following book on sodium and potassium bicarbonate at: or


x) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and cheese is definitely hazardous to your health. That is why I say, “a cucumber a day keeps the doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even an apple creates more excess acid in the colloidal connective tissues of the Schade or the Interstitium, leading to latent tissue acidosis and then sickness, disease and finally death.

y) With over 30 years of research and testing over 500,000 samples of blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and saliva I have come to the conclusion that the Human Body is an acid producing organism by function – yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein, especially meat and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly acidic choices – unless you interested in becoming sick, tired and fat over time.


z) Bottom line – the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. These are my two greatest discoveries. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for a longer healthier life free from all sickness and disease. That is why you are seeing a slew of celebrities (Harry and Meghan, Tom Brady, Rhianna, Elle Macpherson, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Beckham, NeNe, Tony Robbins, just to name a few) can attest to the benefits of a pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and the drinking of alkaline water for improving the quality of their skin, hair and body and to avert over-acidity which often leads to breakouts of the skin and many other health challenges.

Harry and Meghan live an alkaline lifestyle and diet


Tom Brady is an avid supporter of the alkaline lifestyle and diet and states it is keeping in the game playing the best football of his life!


David Beckham is a follower of the alkaline lifestyle and diet


Ellie Macpherson drinks her green drink and tests her pH daily at the age of 54 enjoying extraordinary health and fitness

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Tony Robbins has been teaching Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet to Millions Around the World for Over 20 Years!


Gwyneth Paltrow has been following the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet for over 10 years and attributes her health, energy, vitality, fitness, and anti-aging benefits to this lifestyle and diet.


Rhianna attributes her glowing skin to the alkaline lifestyle and diet.


Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is not the cause of digestion but the result of alkalization. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.

The Break-Through Research of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

My research has linked acidity to every sickness and disease, including enervation, irritation, catarrh, inflammation, induration, ulceration and degeneration. People do not die from disease they die from the inability to maintain the alkaline design of their body. The key to living a long and healthy life is managing the alkaline design of the body. For example pain equals acid and acid equals pain. You cannot have pain with acid. It is that simple! Remove the acid and you remove the pain.

The following are 20 suggestions on how to manage the alkaline design of your body and to increase your energy, vitality and quantity and quantity of life which is in your complete control! YOU determine YOUR Destiny!

20 Suggestions for Maintaining the Alkaline Design of YOUR Body for a Longer and Healthier Life

1. Start your day with a large glass of 9.5 alkaline water with the juice of a whole, freshly-squeezed lemon. While lemons are wrongly considered acidic, they are NOT! They are loaded with sodium bicarbonate which means they contribute to your alkaline reserves and protect the blood and interstitium from acid rain.

Be Alkaline and be healthy and loving

Get weekly alkaline tips of the day for leading a long and healthy and compassionate alkaline life when you sign-up as a member of our pH Miracle Fan Club on our facebook page at:


 2. Better yet, invest in a water filtration system that alkalinizes the water and increases the pH of the water to a 9.5 or greater. Pure water found in nature, which is hard to come by now thanks to acid rain, is quite alkaline. If you’re already drinking purified water, you can also purchase water alkalinizing drops to add to your water bottle and to raise the pH of your water to pH or 9.5 or greater. Here is the link to purchase alkaline pH drops for you water:

3. Eat a large green vegetable salad tossed in alkalizing lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are among the best sources of alkaline minerals like calcium and are high in chlorophyll for building hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

4. Drink raw organic almond milk. Almonds are packed with natural alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium which can help to balance out acidity while buffering another acid called glucose or blood sugar.

5. Drink an Avocado smoothie daily. Using a Vita-mix blender you can blend an avocado with spinach greens, cucumber, celery, ginger and almond milk for an incredible alkalizing and energizing green shake.

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6. Add green powder like wheat grass, barley grass, moringa grass or other greens to your daily diet since these foods that are highly alkalizing and energizing. It’s easy to throw a tablespoon of these greens into your Avocado based almond milk smoothie. To order the best green powder in the World go to:

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7. Take a brisk walk, bicycle ride, swim, rebound or some other exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Exercise helps move acidic waste products out of the interstitium and through the pores of the skin via perspiration.

8. Breathe deeply. Ideally, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. And, sorry, air filled with Febreze, Glade and all the other so-called “air fresheners,” is not what I’m talking about here. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then switch to breathing through your mouth without letting go of your first inhalation through your nose.


9. Go for Meatless and Eggless Mondays. Better yet, opt for meat-free Tuesdays, Wednesdays and other days throughout the week. During the chewing of meat, acid residues like uric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid residues are left behind for the stomach to address. There is zero health benefits from eating the flesh of another living being. All flesh is acidic and causes a double-loss of alkalinity in the blood and interstitium.


10. Skip the sugar-laden soda and drink some iJuice Wheat Grass Juice.( Sugar is one of the most acidic foods we consume. Sugar is a waste product of metabolism and fermentation. You need over 30 glasses of alkaline water at a pH of 8.4 just to neutralize the acidity (sugar and carbonic acid) of ONE can or bottle of soda.

11. Skip the artificially-sweetened diet beverages and other diet products. They contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame (now known as NeoTame), sucralose (also known as Splenda) or saccharin (also known as SugarTwin) and they all cause body warming and acid rain inside your body.

12. Add more green fruit and vegetables to your diet. No, fried potatoes don’t count, including sweet potatoes. Asparagus, green peppers, green string beans, kale, spinach, beet tops, carrot tops, wheat grass, barley grass, broccoli, cucumber, avocado, and lime and other green fruit and vegetables are also excellent choices for supporting the alkaline design of the body.


13. Instead of slathering your vegetables in acid-forming butter, drizzle alkaline flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, and/or green olive oil over them.

14. Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet like bean sprouts, sunflower seed sprouts and broccoli sprouts. They are extremely alkalizing and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting electrons.


15. Skip ALL desserts or reserve them as occasional treats instead of daily habits. Sugar consumption has been linked to a whole host of health problems and is best minimized or eliminated. If you are in body warming then removing all acidic foods and drinks are a must.

16. Avoid all alcoholic beverages or so-called nutritional supplements that contain alcohol. Alcohol is a devastating acid that causes pancreatic and liver cancer.

17, Avoid corn and peanuts because they are loaded with bacteria, yeast and mold and the cancer causing acid lactic acid.

18. No acidic beverages like coffee, black or green tea or chocolate. They all contain food acids that robs your body of its alkaline reserves causing many diseases, including cancer.


19. Stay far away from vinegar. Vinegar is pure acid and steals years off your life! Do not believe the so-called health experts to state the vinegar is good for digestion. Remember this very important point. There is only one instrument in the human body that can digest or breakdown food and the is your teeth. When you pour vinegar into your body all you have done is poison yourself. The stomach has to rob alkalinity from the blood, interstitium, organs and glands to buffer this highly toxic chemical setting the stage for enervation, inflammation, induration, ulceration , degeneration and finally death. Vinegar is death in a bottle.

20. Test your urine and saliva and drink pHour Salts every morning. Your ideal pH of your urine and saliva should be at least 7.300. If your pH is lower than 7.300 take a scoop of pHour salts in a small glass of alkaline water. Ideally, you should drink a glass of phour salts which contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium at least 3 times daily. To order pHour salts go to:

You can also order saliva and urine testing strips at the following link:

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To learn more about the work, research and discoveries of Robert O Young go to the following websites:,,, and

To learn more read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Sick and Tired, just to name a few of Robert O Young’s published books. To order any of these books go to:

Dr Galina Migalko and I will be key note speakers sharing our research and findings at the 3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science and Therapy on October 15th and 16th in Osaka, Japan.  If you would like to attend our lecture on our break-through science you can email:
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Our Next pH Miracle Event will be from November 18th to December 2nd – To learn more email us at:
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The Power of Love

Love = energy = mc2

Love = energy = mc2

Can positive or negative thoughts and emotions affect your body’s delicate biochemistry or the acid/alkaline pH balance?

Love, fear, joy, anger, sadness, happiness, resentment. Can positive or negative emotions affect your body’s physical, mental and spiritual health?

Is a woman more likely to become pregnant if she eats a lot of vegetables or if she were to go on a long, relaxing vacation?

Are you more likely to do cancer if you have a hot temper?

Do people who laugh a lot live longer?

Does your anxiety or fear of crowds, elevators, blood, heights, spiders, hospitals, or airplanes somehow affect your health?

My theory of one sickness, one disease and one health, set forth in what I call “The New Biology,” not only considers how our diet affects our physiology, but also how our psychology affects our physiology and how our psychology affects our spirituality.

Not only does the health of your body affect the emotions of your mind, but your thoughts and feelings can affect the health of your entire body.

Bottom line, your mental state is ever so critical. In so many ways, your mental state, if it’s negative, can create more metabolic acids than the acidic food that you’re eating

In fact, you can create two or three times more metabolic acids from your thoughts or your mental and emotional state than from ingesting highly acidic dairy, animal protein, sugar and alcohol.

So your thoughts are critical. Your thoughts or words do become matter, and can affect your physiology in a negative or positive way. Your thoughts do become biology. And the way that thoughts become biology is as follows:

When you have a thought or say a word, it requires electrical or electron energy for the brain cell(s) to produce those actions. And as you carry on with that thought, you are burning or consuming energy. And when you are consuming electrical energy in your thoughts, you are producing a biological waste product called acid which is an energetic waste product which can be measured in pH, oxidative reduction potential, rH2 or redox, hertz and decibels.

Next, if the metabolic acids from your thoughts are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination which are urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation (form women menstruation), then the acids from your thoughts are moved out into your connective and fatty tissues ­because it must not be allowed to affect the pH of the blood and the interstitial fluids of the interstitium or the fluids that surround the cells. The delicate pH balance of the blood and the interstitium must remain quite constant 7.365 to remain healthy.

What happens next is this. As the excess and overload of acid are thrown out into the body tissues or intestitium, this can easily lead to all sorts of symptomologies: lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme’s, arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity, cancerous breasts, cancerous prostate, cancerous stomach and/or bowels, indigestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart attacks, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, dementia, autism, and the list goes on and on.


For example let’s say you’ve been doing sadness or depression. This downer feeling is coming from a negative experience that you keep looping and re-looping in your head. It’s like a mind movie. It’s a mini-drama that you keep playing over and over. And because you are constantly thinking about it, eventually you even start to be concerned or worried about the fact that you are so preoccupied with the whole affair. So now in addition to the sad drama, you are experiencing upset about the fact that you’re having the drama itself. All of this thinking requires electrical energy and when you’re consuming electrical energy in the form of electrons you are also producing metabolic acids.

Do you know any angry people? You may not know it, but many people who become angry easily not only get angry at various people, events, and situations, but eventually they are irritated with themselves for being so angry at everything else. Anger, for instance, requires a tremendous amount of energy and emits a great deal of electrical energy. You have undoubtedly felt the vibrational energy of someone who is angry. Or maybe you have felt your own anger and how it can upset your physiology, i.e., especially upset your stomach and bowels with excess acid leading to indigestion, stomach pain, acid reflux or ulcers.

Even worse, many of these negative emotions are chronic and can be traced all the way back to early childhood experiences. So, at one level or another, it’s been going on for a long time­ and creating excessive acid all along.

For many people, early childhood represents some of the most fearful and vulnerable years. Have you ever wondered why you can’t remember much before age five or six? Many of those years are filled with fears and tears, mads and sads ­and how about the “bads”? Do you remember what happened when you were “bad?” Imagine the acid from those experiences. In addition to the punitive experience itself, imagine the acidity a child deals with by simply a) remembering such a “bad” experience or b) anticipating the possibility of another such “bad” experience…or c) both! Some “children” remember these events forever!

Some chronic emotions begin early:


“O dear white children casual as birds, Playing among the ruined languages,

So small beside their large confusing words,

So gay against the greater silences, Of dreadful things you did…”

It is during these vulnerable and unprotected years that we often plant eternal seeds of emotion that will yield an unwelcome harvest of acidic internal results, perhaps throughout one’s entire life.

The turmoil between parents and children, not to mention the conflicts between children and children, have been documented by many thousands of social science books and articles.

“Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them;

Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.”

So, let’s take a look at all of that emotion. Perhaps you are feeling a strong emotion. It could be any emotion.

Emotions Are Energy in Motion


First of all, emotions are energy in motion. When you are (e)motional, you are energetic, either in a positive or negative way. And if you are energetic, you are literally energy in (e)motion. You are now producing metabolic acids at a very high rate which is a waste product of such (e)motions.

The rate of acid production in an (e)motional state can be even greater than that of someone who is jogging or working out. So, your thoughts do become biological or metabolic acids that can make you sick, tired, depressed, angry and even too fat or underweight.

When you start producing acids with your thoughts, words and actions, what happens inside? First, you activate the alkaline-buffering systems of the body in order to neutralize these (e)motional acids. The body begins making a primary alkaline buffer known as sodium bicarbonate. It’s actually made from the blood in corporation with the cover cells of the stomach and during its production, it creates a waste product known as hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid is a poisonous acidic toxin and cannot remain in the blood. So it is dropped down into the gastric pits of the stomach. This is why people get upset stomachs or become constipated when they are (e)motional. This increase of sodium bicarbonate is critical in maintaining the alkaline design of the body, the pH of 7.365 for the blood, and for maintaining alkalinity of the interstitial fluids. If these acids, including hydrochloric acid, are not buffered and/or eliminated through the four channels of elimination, they can create serious health challenges in your body, mind, and spirit.

On the other hand, positive (e)motions, such as love, peace, hope, faith, joy, forgiveness and charity can be alkalizing to the blood and tissues. These (e)motions require far less energy and can cause you to be relaxed in your mind and stop the playing of some acidic toxic movie in your head. Students of higher consciousness know that you can even enter into a state of bliss wherein you have no thoughts and wherein you are producing no metabolic acid.

I Want Young Love


For myself, I have decided to call this wonderful place “Young Love.” That’s because I exercise and meditate every day. And I Love it! And it raises my level of consciousness and positive connection with the world. The connections between “Young” and “Love” are numerous. My name is Young, of course, but more importantly, being young is a term we normally associate with being youthful, energetic, open, optimistic, and filled with excitement. And the ultimate purpose of life is Love. And Love is the sweetest expression of life. So Young and Love go together.

To be sure, I Love my exercising and it Loves me back in terms of its gifts to me. I find myself Loving this state of bliss daily which I know is helping to alkalize my body. That is why I am addicted to­ why I Love­ this type of alkalizing exercise that I do every day. It’s called a “Positive Addiction”. I Love to have my friends and guests work out with me as I lead them through the steps. I teach them the Young version of Yoga. I tell them that it is known as “Younga Yoga”. They Love that. (Well, at least they laugh.) It incorporates proper breathing, stretching, toning, mediation, relaxation, and of course some sweating to remove yesterday’s dietary and metabolic acid and to help bring me into a state of happiness and bliss.

Through my personal and clinical research, I have found that maintaining the alkaline design of my body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the most important thing anyone can do to live a happier and more blissful life. Having an alkaline day is a way of life that I call “Young Living”. I guarantee you that what I call “Young Love” will go hand-in-hand with the goal of “Young Living”.

Are YOU Angry?


Now this next thought is very important! The negative (e)motions of anger, resentment, and fear­ being the most powerful and acidifying of all (e)motions­ are all highly acidic to the blood and tissues and in many ways are paralyzing to all bodily functions. Over time, the fear of the unknown is probably the most powerful and acidic of them all. Fear is so devastating to the body that even if you’re on an alkaline diet, overcoming a serious health challenge is practically impossible.

In such a dire case, with what may seem to be little or no improvement, you might be wondering if the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet may not be working. You may be asking, “What else am I not doing that I should be? How come I feel the way that I’m feeling? I’m eating the right way, I’m drinking the right alkaline electron rich water, but I can’t seem to achieve the type of extraordinary health and energy that I’m seeking.”

In most cases like this, when you are eating and drinking correctly, it will come down to your negative acidic (e)motions or thoughts that are holding you back from achieving extraordinary health, fitness, mental clarity, happiness, and bliss. However, keep this in mind:

When you’re eating an alkaline diet and you are doing everything you know how to do, and yet you are overwhelmed with worry, doubt and negative (e)motions, thank God you’re eating an alkaline diet! If your body were not seriously in the alkaline direction, you might very well be experiencing a struggle for your life. Your acidic (e)motions can literally kill you. So the alkaline diet is the saving grace. Knowing that should give you the positive hope that you can hang on, get through the emotional stress, and still come out physically and mentally able.

Hope and positive expectations are always the key, and knowing that you are on an alkaline diet should aid significantly in boosting your hope and confidence. You can live without food for forty days. You can live without water for about four days. You can live without air for maybe four minutes. But you cannot live without hope and love at all. Hope, love, positive expectations, confidence in what you are doing, and trust in your own good intentions ­this is the key, and that’s what the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet will do for you. It will give you hope!

The Leading Cause of Death in the World?


The leading cause of death in the world today is said to be heart attacks. But people are really having “thought attacks,” NOT “heart attacks.” There are studies showing that over 80% of all heart attacks are (e)motionally triggered. I have said that people don’t die of a heart attack. They die of a thought attack that medical science simply refers to as a heart attack because that’s the end result.

And if you have wondered if you can die from a broken heart, the answer is absolutely! And the cause? Acids from energy in motion or (e)motion. The loss of a cherished love one can increase your metabolic acids from the (e)motion to the point that it can stop your heart from beating and pumping life-giving blood throughout your blood vessels. And we all know or should know that life and death is in the blood, the most important “organ” of the body.

So let’s take a moment to talk about what I do when I have a client who’s in a highly negative acid-forming (e)motional situation and all the body fluids, including the blood, will show a decline in the pH even when this person has been eating an alkaline diet.

In order to buffer the acid forming (e)motions, the client will have to hyper-alkalize the blood and then the tissues in order to bring the body back into alkaline balance. When the client is hyper-alkalizing, the pH of the urine will increase into the high 8’s and even into the 9’s. Hyper-alkalization is necessary in order to overcompensate for the negative acidic producing (e)motions and to bring the body back to health, energy, vitality, hope, peace, harmony and love.

So, does a person have a fair chance of healing themselves from a degenerative disease or dis-ease like heart disease or cancer? Can you ever achieve a state of blissful happiness? Can you recover from the devastating shock of a loss or from having been diagnosed with a scary-sounding health challenge? I say “absolutely, YES!” And I just told you how.

Given the importance of (e)motions in cancer or acidic causation, etc., I have been particularly interested in the unique biochemistry of the “reptilian brain” which includes the Amygdala, a part of the brain associated with the senses and emotions and their storage or memory. Acid or sugar specifically activates the areas of the Amygdala. I have often wished that our traditional medical industry would spend some of their billions of research dollars checking out and verifying for the world what I have demonstrated for years that the pH Miracle electron-rich alkaline Lifestyle and Diet would be much more calming to the lower (e)motions of grief, shame, guilt, anger, fear, etc­., responses of the reptilian brain­ as compared to a toxic acidic chemical drug.

A chemical acidic drug may temporarily calm a person down, but it will also inhibit the entire spectrum of normal and healthy functioning of the Amygdala. I am assuming here that most of us still value and are interested in the healthy functions of socialization, sexual attraction, and the enjoyment of the myriad of feelings associated with home and hearth. All of these wonderful human experiences and memories are also functions of the Amygdala every bit as much as the feisty adrenal functions responding to “fight and flight.”

In our attempts to find a chemical drug to treat almost everything, we (more often than not) create more problems than we eliminate­ one step forward and two steps backward. I know that attention deficit problems (ADHD) respond to an alkaline regimen….and hyperactivity is an Amygdala function. So it follows that an alkaline lifestyle and diet would produce less overall adrenal and most important Amygdala “stress” as well (really just the fight or flight mechanism by another name).

The pH Miracle electron-rich alkaline lifestyle and diet is calming to the mind and thus calms the negative (e)motions or energy in motion. This appropriate calming of the Amygdala function produces less “stress.” And, with less “stress” you have less “acid.” And, with less “acid” you have less sickness, dis-ease, so-called disease, depression and unhappiness. Understand NOW?

Can our (e)motions cause cancer?


I have said that cancer is a four letter word­ ACID. When you are doing negative acidic (e)motions, such as anger, revenge, hate, sadness or depression, you are creating metabolic acids that can cause ANY and ALL cancerous conditions across all body tissues. If metabolic acids are not removed via urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration (menstruation -why women live longer), then they are delivered to body tissues. When constant excess acid from negative (e)motions are poured into the body tissues, the body tissues will degenerate causing a cancerous condition. Pharmaceutical companies are creating drugs addressing symptoms that may give you the illusion of feeling better, but they DO NOT deal with the causative metabolic acids from eating, drinking and negative acidic (e)motions. This can only lead to more physical and (e)motional pain and unnecessary suffering.

Young Life, Young Energy and Young Love


When you are in a negative (e)motional state, it can become impossible for you to heal your serious degenerative or acidic challenge. But, I will say this: if you are willing to commit to change and begin the alkalizing process, even if you are not completely out of your state of fear, anger, depression or anger, you will begin to put more “Young Life,” “Young Energy,” and “Young Love” into your mind, body and spirit.

I have found over the years that when you start feeling better, you start thinking better. And when you start thinking better, you start doing better. So, you don’t have to have your (e)motions completely under control in order to start losing weight, feeling better, reversing a serious illness, having more sustainable energy and to start being happy and more spiritually connected.

When you start the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet program, you are then making a conscious decision to try to do a little better. And, when you get on this healing path that leads to Young Living, Young Energy, and Young Love­ this gradual alkalizing process­ you start having those little and then those big pH miracles. You start feeling better and you start thinking better. And, when you start feeling and thinking better, you realize at some point that you have forgotten your depression and your sadness. Feelings of anger have disappeared ­and even what you were upset about. You soon forget what you were fearful about in the first place.

Why? These changes come about because you feel so good. You are rewriting your genetic expressions with your positive (e)motions. You are taking your alkalizing eraser and erasing all your past life’s negative emotions. On the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet your (e)motions or energy in motion will finally be under your control. You will become the master of your mind, body and spirit. You will be living an alkaline lifestyle and diet full of energy, happiness, bliss and love. You will be living and breathing “Young Love.”

To learn more about the affect of negative and positive (e)motions on the brain and body and to learn more about “Young Living” “Young Energy” and “Young Love” read, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and update, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer –

Ten Acidic Signs That Your Liver is Toxic and Sick!

liver-disease-s1a-did-you-knowLiver disease is any disturbance of liver function that causes illness. The liver is responsible for many critical functions within the body and should it become dis-eased or injured, the loss of those functions can cause significant damage to the body.  Liver dis-ease is also referred to as hepatic dis-ease.

Liver dis-ease is a broad term that covers all the potential problems that cause the liver to fail to perform its designated functions. Usually, more than 75% or three-quarters of liver tissue needs to be affected before a decrease in function occurs.

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body; and is also considered a gland because among its many functions, it makes and secretes an alkaline substance called bile. The liver is located in the upper right portion of the abdomen protected by the rib cage. It has two main lobes that are made up of tiny lobules. The liver cells have two different sources of blood supply. The hepatic artery supplies oxygen rich blood that is pumped from the heart, while the portal vein supplies alkalizing minerals from the large intestine and the spleen.

Normally, veins return blood from the body to the heart, but the portal vein allows alkaline minerals from the large intestines to enter the liver for “detoxification” and filtering prior to entering the general circulation. The portal vein also efficiently delivers minerals and fats that liver cells need to produce the proteins, cholesterol, and electrons required for normal body activities.

There are several early signs of  an acidic liver to understand in order to protect the liver and its many functions from sickness and dis-ease.
Without a fully functioning liver,  your health and wellbeing will be compromised.  Fortunately your liver is capable of repairing and renewing itself every six weeks.  Understanding the following acidic liver conditions and spotting them early,  will help to prevent and/or reverse a serious life-threatening degenerative live dis-ease.


Warning Sign # 1 – Skin discoloration – Jaundice

One of the early signs of excess liver acidity and the beginning of liver dis-ease is the liver’s inability to filter out all of the dietary and/or metabolic toxins from the blood.  With a build-up of toxins this may also lead to a build-up of Bilirubin which is a breakdown product of the blood.  The breakdown of the blood which increases bilirubin is caused by an acidic lifestyle, diet, congested liver and gallbladder and constipation of the elimination organs,  The body and specifically the gallbladder uses bile  to help alkalize the food ingested coming out of the stomach.  When the body cannot evacuate Bilirubin from the liver/gallbladder and blood via the bowels, it will accumulate in the bloodstream and results in the skin taking on a yellowish hue.  This yellowing can also affect the fingernails, the tips of the fingers, and especially the eyes. This acidic condition caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet is known as Jaundice.  Read, share and like more:

Continue reading Ten Acidic Signs That Your Liver is Toxic and Sick!

The Top 12 Cancer-Causing products in the Average Home

Among many other cancer causing products commonly found in the home, this dirty dozen list has made it to the Hall of Shame. The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) and Ralph Nader have released a “Dirty Dozen” list of consumer products used in most American homes, and manufactured by giant U.S. corporations.


The “Dirty Dozen” products contain a wide-range of carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients and contaminants to which most of us are exposed daily.


1) Talcum Powder- (Johnson & Johnson. Inc.)


Labeled Toxic Ingredient:
TALC, Carcinogenic and a risk factor for ovarian cancer; lung irritant.

2) Cover Girl Replenishing Natural Finish Make Up (Foundation) (Procter & Gamble. Inc.)


Labeled Toxic Ingredients
BHA, Carcinogenic.
TALC, Carcinogenic; Lung Irritant.
TRIETHANOLAMINE (TEA), Interacts with nitrites to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.
LANOLIN, Often contaminated with DDT and other carcinogenic pesticides.
PARABENS, Contact dermatitis.
FRAGRANCE, Wide range of unlabeled, untested, and toxic ingredients; contact dermatitis.

3) Crest Tartar Control Toothpaste – (Procter & Gamble. Inc.)


Labeled Toxic Ingredients:
FD&C BLUE #1, Carcinogenic.
SACCHARIN, Carcinogenic.
FLUORIDE, Possibly carcinogenic.

4) Alberto VO5 Conditioner (Essence of Neutral Henna)


Labeled Toxic Ingredients:
FORMALDEHYDE, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; contact dermatitis and sensitizer.
POLYSORBATE 80, Generally contaminated with the carcinogen 1,4-dioxane.
FD&C RED #4, Carcinogenic.
FRAGRANCE, Wide range of undisclosed ingredients; contact dermatitis.

5) Clairol Nice ‘n Easy (Permanent Haircolor) (Clairol. Inc.)


Labeled Toxic Ingredients:
QUATERNlUM-15, Formaldehyde-releaser; carcinogenic; neurotoxic; contact dermatitis and sensitizer.
DIETHANOLAMINE (DEA), Carcinogenic; also interacts with nitrites to form a carcinogenic nitrosamine.
PHENYLENE-DIAMINES, Includes carcinogens and other ingredients inadequately tested for carcinogenicity; contact dermatitis.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL, Contact dermatitis.
FRAGRANCE, Wide range of undisclosed ingredients; contact dermatitis.
NOTE: Also evidence of causal relation to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma and other cancers.


6) Ajax Cleanser (Colgate-Palmolive. Inc.)


Unlabeled Toxic Ingredients:
CRYSTALLINE SILICA, Carcinogenic; eye, skin and lung irritant.
NOTE: Carcinogenicity of silica is admitted in 1994 Material Safety and Data Sheet (MSDS).
(Manufacturer claims to have reduced silica levels since 1993.)

7) Zud Heavy Duty Cleanser (Reckitt & Colman. Inc.)


Unlabeled Toxic Ingredient:
CRYSTALLINE SILICA, Carcinogenic; eye, skin and lung irritant. (Carcinogenicity is denied in Material Safety and Data Sheet.)

8) Lysol Disinfectant Spray (Reckitt & Colman. Inc.)


Labeled or Unlabeled Toxic Ingredient:
ORTHOPHENYLPHENOL (OPP): Carcinogenic; irritant. (Carcinogenicity is denied in Material Safety and Data Sheet.)
See article on the truth about disinfectants and suggested alternatives!

9) Zodiac Cat & Dog Flea Collar (Sandoz Agro. Inc).


Labeled Toxic Ingredient
PROPOXUR, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic.

10) Ortho Weed-B-Gon Lawn Weed Killer (Monsanto Co.)


Labeled Toxic Ingredient
SODIUM 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETATE (2,4-D), Carcinogenic with evidence of casual relation to lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma and other cancers ; neurotoxic; reproductive toxin.


11) Beef Frankfurters – (eg. Oscar Mayer Foods Corporation)


Unlabeled Toxic Ingredients
DACTHAL, Carcinogenic (can be contaminated with dioxin); irritant; strong sensitizer.
DIELDRIN, Carcinogenic; xenoestrogen.
DDT, Carcinogenic; xenoestrogen.
HEPTACHLOR, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; reproductive toxin; xenoestrogen.
HEXACHLOROBENZENE, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; teratogenic.
LINDANE, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; damage to blood forming cells.
HORMONES: Carcinogenic and feminizing.
ANTIBIOTICS: Some are carcinogenic, cause allergies and drug resistance.
Labeled Ingredient
NITRITE, Interacts with meat amines to form carcinogenic nitrosamines which are a major risk factor for childhood cancers.

12) Whole Milk – (eg. Borden or Lucerne)


Unlabeled Toxic Ingredients
DDT, Carcinogenic; xenoestrogen.
DIELDRIN, Carcinogenic; xenoestrogen.
HEPTACHLOR, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; reproductive toxin; xenoestrogen.
HEXACHLOROBENZENE, Carcinogenic; neurotoxic; reproductive toxin.
ANTIBIOTICS: Some are carcinogenic, cause allergies and drug resistance.
RECOMBINANT BOVINE GROWTH HORMONE and IGF-1: Also, risk factor for breast, colon and prostate cancers.
Safer Alternative:
Hemp, Almond or Coconut milk

“What is particularly galling about the “Dirty Dozen”, emphasized Ralph Nader, “is that these toxic chemicals don’t have to be there. Yet these corporations continue to expose people to health hazards unnecessarily”.

Current product labeling provides no warning for cancer and other chronic health risks. Food is labeled for cholesterol, but not for carcinogens. Cosmetics are labeled for major ingredients, but not for those that form carcinogens or contain carcinogenic contaminants. Except for pesticides, household products contain no information on their ingredients.

Cancer rates are skyrocketing. Currently, more than one-third of all of us will develop cancer in our lifetime, and one-fourth will die from the disease. Many cancers are due to avoidable exposures to industrial carcinogens in the food we eat, and the cosmetics and household products we use.

For more information, see: Steinman, D. and Epstein, S.S.
The Safe Shopper’s Bible, Macmillan/IDG 1995, New York, NY (800-434-3422)
Epstein, S.S. The Politics of Cancer Revisited, East Ridge Press 1998, Hankins, NY (845-887-6467).

Read more on toxic products and ingredients found in home products and food.

Hopefully this has gotten the message across that just because these products sit on store shelves, do not guarantee it’s safe to use. These are 13 of the thousands of products that have not been tested alone or in conjunction. I would like to add one more to this product hall-of-shame.

13) Most Brand-Name Laundry Detergents


These are commonly loaded with extremely toxic chemicals. Residues of these chemicals are left on your clothes and are absorbed by your skin and evaporated into the air where they could be breathed in. In a study conducted by Clemson University, 2% of a fabric’s weight comes from laundry detergent. It was found that this is equivalent to a full scoop of laundry detergent that is accumulated on the clothing wash after wash. And the skin absorbs 75% of what any fat soluble substances that are on the surface within 26 seconds, specially during perspiration. In addition to this, most consumers would be surprised to find that even ‘Green’ labeled detergents contain toxic ingredients. Read: The Truth About Laundry Detergents.

Hidden Toxic Ingredients
Linear alkyl sodium sulfonates (LAS) or ‘anionic surfactants’, carcinogenic, reproductive toxins
Petroleum Distillates, carcinogenic, cause lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes.
Phenols, toxic to central nervous system, heart, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys.
Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach): When it reacts with organic materials in the environment, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are created than can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.

Will The Real Quacks Please Stand UP!


“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein 1879 –1955

The medical establishment, lost in the false belief that they “know best”, have become blind to the obvious statistics of harm that Big Pharma drugs and needless surgeries cause.  Ironically, they are quick to label anything outside their dogma quackery and pseudoscience; such as the ph Miracle alkalizing lifestyle and diet. And sadly, when those in the holistic healthcare arena challenge this ignorant concept, the challenger is often dismissed as a “brainwashed sham artist” or an “uneducated idiot” without really being heard.
Doctors Diet Advice
When did such arrogance become so deeply entrenched in our professed superior modern society? When reading the history of medicine some of you would laugh at what was once widely thought to be effective medicine. Surely we have not regressed back to the close-mindedness of the Dark Ages Inquisition, dismissing any contrary opinion as heresy. Or have we?

The Dangers of Drinking Cow’s Milk!

Due to the extreme processes that milk goes through and the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substances that cows are continually exposed to, I believe there are real and eminent concerns associated with drinking milk from cows. All cows release toxins through their milk, as milk is a natural exit-portal for substances that the body cannot use.

“Ingredients” Added to Cow’s Milk

A Veritable Hormone Cocktail: including pituitary, steroid, hypothalamic, and thyroid hormones (remember most cows are extremely stressed)

Gastrointestinal Peptides: Nerve and epidermal growth factors, and the growth inhibitors MDGI and MAF rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone): a genetically engineered hormone directly linked to breast, colon and prostrate cancer. This is injected into cows to increase milk production[1]

Pus: National averages show at least 322 million cell-counts of pus per glass! [2] This is well-above the human limit for pus-intake, and has been directly linked to paratuberculosis bacteria, as well as Crohn’s disease. The pus comes from infected udders on the cows known as mastitis.

Blood Cells: The USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of commonly-sold milk. [3] Yes, you are drinking cows blood in the milk and the USDA allows this!

Antibiotics: Currently, cows are in such a state of disease and mistreatment that they are continually being injected with antibiotic medicines, and rubbed down with chemical-laden ointments to deal with their chronic infections. Currently, regulating committees only test for 4 of the 85 drugs in dairy cows. This means that the other 81 drugs in cow’s milk are coming directly into your glasses and bodies.

Estimates show that 38% of milk in the U.S. is “contaminated with sulfa drugs or other antibiotics,” according to a study by the Centre for Science in the Public Interest and published in the Wall Street Journal on December 29, 1989. A study from the FDA data showed that over half of all milk was laden with traces of pharmaceuticals yet nothing has been done to control this.

How Does This Affect the Cows?

Not only are people drinking these toxins, they are also taking in the energetic effects of the life of the cow.

Studies show that many cows are infected with incredibly painful infections such as mastitis. [4] Due to over-milking, artificial hormones, bacteria and medications, cow’s udders can become chronically inflamed, thus altering the color and taste of the milk.

Over time, this bacterial invasion causes harm to the cow’s mammary gland, reeking havoc on the milk being produced. From parasitic worms to cancerous tumors, these diseases are often passed along to the next generation of cows, and more often, into the milk we drink.

Often times the conditions in which cows live, as well as the rigorous milking regimes, cause dairy cattle to live in a permanent state of sympathetic (stress) response, as well as adrenal over-load. When our adrenal glands are overworked for long periods of time, there is a overload of cortisol in the blood. When we drink this milk, we are then exposed to the millions of stress-response cells in the milk of cows. It is no wonder that we are a chronically stressed society!

Avoid Dangers Related to Cow’s Milk

Here are some ways to avoid the dangers associated with cow’s milk:

Replace cow’s milk with healthy natural substitutes: raw almond milk, raw hazel nut milk, raw coconut milk or my favorite – hemp milk.

If you do insist on drinking cow’s milk, make sure to buy only the non-genetically modified, range fed, organic raw versions. Even better, talk to your local organic farmer to make sure the cow’s are treated kindly.

Eliminate cheese because it is concentrated milk and always buy organic versions. Goat’s milk or cheese would be a better choice if you choose to continue to drink animal milk!

– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

The Cancer Prevention Coalition and Food & Water. New study Warns of Breast and Colon Cancer Risks from rBGH Milk. 1996 January 23.
PETA. Cows Used for Their Milk. The Dairy Industry.
Adkinson RW, Gough RH, Graham R, Yilmaz A. Implications of proposed changes in bulk tank somatic cell count regulations. J Dairy Sci. 2001 Feb;84(2):370-4
The Merck Veterinary Manual. Mastitis in Cattle. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.