Category Archives: Alkaline Lifestyle

Do Germs Like the CoronaVirus Cause Disease?

Is it the Germ that Causes a Sickness or Disease or a Toxic Acidic Environment?

Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet–germs! One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemicals over nutrition.”–Dr. Richard Murray

“In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the universities and academies. If someone else comes along with new ideas that contradict the Credo and in fact even threaten to overturn it, then all passions are raised against this threat and no method is left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally being accepted.”–Goethe

Misconceptions about health are ingrained in our culture. The road to understanding the process of maintaining and restoring health has been a long and twisted one. From ancient and intuitive knowledge, science has taken over, made colossal errors, and clings to them for dear life. There was a rejection of wisdom or scientific discovery in favor of a more popular, convenient, or politically desirable system. Just as Socrates was poisoned for his ideas, and Galileo was forced by a fanatic clergy to withdraw his statements about astronomy, ignorance and power can be a dangerous combination.

We do not catch diseases. We build them with what we have to eat, drink, think, breathe, feel and believe them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold and their associated exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins – acids) does not constitute the presence of a sickness or disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature…they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microzymas flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn’t mean they caused the fire…

Pasteur vs. BeChamp – Monomorphism or Pleomorphism

Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur’s main theory is known as the Germ Theory of Disease. It claims that fixed species of microorganisms or microbes (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold) from an external source invade the body and are the first cause of infectious disease. The concept of specific, unchanging types of microbes causing specific diseases became officially accepted as the foundation of allopathic Western medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe. Also called monomorphism,(one-form), it was adopted by America’s medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the century. This cartel became organized around the American Medical Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the legal system to destroy the homeopathic medical profession.

Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business. It also includes many insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospitals, and university research facilities from around the World. The microbe doctrine gave birth to the technique of vaccination that was blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner. Jenner took pus from the running sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his “patients.” Thus was born a vile practice (immunization/vaccination) whose nature has changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by Pasteur’s germ theory. This also gave birth to the development of antibiotics (against life), the first being penicillin in 1940. An antibiotic is the poisonous acidic waste from a fermenting cell used in the attempt to kill another microbe. Penicillin is the urine from a fungus called Penicillium when it ferments sugar giving rise to a highly acidic waste. In other words ALL antibiotics and chemicals in vaccines are highly acidic urine like metabolic waste that will and does compromise the delicate pH balance of our body fluids, especially the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium organ compartments or holding tanks.

So what is the big deal about phantom viruses, like HIV, Hepatitis C, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, Zika, Measles, Polio or even Corona Virus when we know that a viruses are nothing more than the biological acidic waste (urine and feces) from cellular transformations due to a declining alkaline pH that gives rise to different microbial forms such as bacteria, yeast, and mold and their acidic wastes. The ability of matter to change its form and function is know as pleomorphism (many forms) and was introduced by Antione BeChamp, a French Medical Doctor and research scientist who discovered that bacteria is born in us and from us.

A Double Whammy

Bottom-line, it is all about the environment folks and has very little to do with the microbe or germ except if germs and their acidic waste products are present in the body this is the evidence of a polluted/acidic internal terrain or environment caused directly by what one eats, what one drinks, what one breathes, what one thinks, what one feels and what one believes!

The Germ is Nothing!

The germ is nothing and the environment is everything. The Corona Virus, the cancer, the heart condition, the diabetes is nothing more than unhealthy body cells biologically transforming/ mutating to unhealthy body cells as a result of being poisoned by their toxic/acidic environment from ones acidic lifestyle and dietary choices.


Yes, disease is manufactured by YOU and your own acidic choices from what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel and what you believe. Disease is not something that you get or catch it is something YOU do.

So STOP believing in a phantom virus (HIV, Hepatitis C, Ebola, West Nile, Flu, SARS, ZIKA, Measles, Polio or CORONA VIRUSES) and the germ theory (which has never been proven to cause any disease) and realize that you are the author of your health and fitness or the author of your sickness and disease. Choices do have consequences! And, Ignorance is NO excuse!

How do I know this?

Because as an internal environmentalist, biochemist, naturopathic practitioner and expert in nutrition, I test the chemistry, including the pH, of all the body fluids. This includes the intravascular fluids, the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium compartments, the intracellular fluids, the transintracellular fluids and how these fluids effect the health of every organ, gland and tissue. The Test is called the L.I.F.E. Test which is an acronym which stands for, “Living Interstitial Fluid Environment.(TM)


Finally, the genesis/origin of ALL sickness and disease begins in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium compartments that hold the acidic metabolic waste of all cellular functions until it can be released via the lymphatic system through the four channels of elimination – urination, respiration, defecation or perspiration!

There is NO DOUBT in my mind and millions of others around the World that viruses (acidic toxic waste chemicals), bacteria, yeast, fungi and molds are NOTHING more than the evidence of cellular breakdown due to a toxic acidic environment created by individual choice!

The solution at the beginning of any acidic symptomology is very simple – take the alkalizing salts including puripHy drops, pHlavor salts and pHour salts and experience your acidic caused symptoms of sickness and disease disappear in just a few days as you begin to alkalize your body fluids back to their alkaline designed pH of 7.365!

To order these products go to:

So get off your acid and go to health with an alkalarian lifestyle and diet as outlined in the pH Miracle books and soon to be released, Thrive On Perfect Health (pH) – L.I.F.E. – Living Interstitial Fluids –

Remember this important understanding about germs and the environment, “The germ is nothing the terrain is everything” Claude Bernard

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Robert O. Young

Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Robert O Young on the Importance of Understanding Alkalinity in Human Health and Drinking Alkaline Water! Yes, and a lot More is discussed in this 1 hour interview!

Want More?  Go to: and

Managing The Delicate Alkaline pH of the Body Fluids – The Key to Prevention

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After 35 plus years of research studying the affects of lifestyle and diet on the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids of the Interstitium, I have learned that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic in all of its functions. If one can maintain the delicate alkaline pH of all the body fluids bathing every cell from within and from without at 7.365 then life will continue without pain, suffering, sickness or disease.

Louis Pasteur’s germ theory has become a curse!

Antoine BeChamp an adversary to Pasteur and his germ theory for scientific fraud said this about the germ theory, “there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth, and so it is with the germ theory.” The germ theory is the controlling medical idea for the world. In Pasteur’s day, and ever since, other proposed theories about the cause of disease have fallen on death ear because they have tended to contradict that paradigm. NO matter how simple and logical an idea about the cause of disease, if it does not promote the concept of invasion of germs and their specific cures it does not fit into the medical paradigm.
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More importantly, the germ theory has become a curse because it has encouraged individuals to give up responsibility for their own health over to the medical community. If germs cause disease it stands to reason that control belongs to the medical community whose tireless researchers spend trillions of our money to find the right pill or potion to annihilate disease-causing germs.
This quest to cure disease through medication is at the heart of modern allopathic medicine and the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. It is a quest that persists despite evidence indicating airborne germs do not cause the disease for which they are credited.
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After more than a century of trying, the Pasteurian germ theory has utterly failed in the quest to a cure for any disease. All major degenerative disease are on the increase, as are so called infectious diseases which are not infectious at all. Every year, old symptoms are given new names – names like Ms for polio, AIDS for poor sanitation, poor nutrition, poor lifestyle choices and drug use, Epstein-Barr virus for connective tissue disorders like fibromyalgia – to make them appear to be the work of a new germ. Unless we turn this nonsense around, the human race could become extinct like the dinosaurs from the treatments of modern medicine to kill a non-threatening or phantom germ.
If we went to find the cure for disease we need only to look at our dietary and lifestyle choices. If you heed the ignored, even rejected discoveries of Pasteur’s peers and scientists of the 19th and 20th century, adding those to my own discoveries, you will learn the true cause of disease. Until the medical community starts looking at causes rather than devoting its time looking for cures, and until we start taking responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices, I believe the human race is in trouble of becoming extinct.
Dr. Benjamin Rush, Physician and singer of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 said this: “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship, to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”
Where does life begin” In the womb or the grail, the holy grail, in the amniotic fluid, in a 98.6 F, one percent water and salt solution or 1 part salt to 100 parts water. This solution is called the sol. This natural salt solution, called “sol” is from the origin to the word, directly connected to the word “soul”. What we call “sol” for our salt solution (a solution of two in one- no more polarity), was believed by the ancient Celtics to represent our soul, as the soul originated, in their belief, from the ocean where we are all born from the same fluids, arising from the same “sol” a solution of salt and water.
Our body in its wholeness is an ingenious creation of nature. It has been given all mechanisms to not only sustain life but also create new life. Every healthy person has innate regulatory mechanisms to maintain its alkaline design and self-healing powers, which ensure or reestablish the natural balance of the bodily functions, the homeostasis. It is not the doctor that heals us, nor the medication, but our won innate alkaline regulatory mechanisms. Our body is able to fully regenerate itself. Therefore, it is advised to use great discernment before labeling any disease as “incurable” or “unbeatable.” If doctors come to the conclusion that a disease is incurable, they would be more accurate in saying that with their knowledge and experience, they are not able to offer any further help. The word “incurable” conveys fear, or false evidence appearing real, which stifles and weakens our body’s innate alkaline mechanism.
Bio-chemically speaking Health is all about alkaline balance. Bio-energetically speaking Health is all about energy. Vibrating energy is the origin of matter and the origin of life. And matter is nothing more than organized energy.
In 1984, the Swiss physicist Dr. Carlos Rubbia, received the Noble prize for discovering a mathematically calculable natural constant with which he could calculate the ratio of mass particles (matter) in relation to navigating energy particles. The ratio of matter to energy that forms matter is 1 to 9,746 to the power of 108 or about 1 to 1,000,000,000 which means it takes one billion energy units to crate one single unit of matter in a materialized tangible form. Isn’t interesting that we for the most part, preoccupy ourselves with only 1 billionth part of reality: that which is in a material form and can be seen and touched. We fail to see the far greater amount of energy particles it took to materialize our reality. This revolutionary scientific discovery shows us clearly that every form of matter is subject to higher energetic interactions and subject to change form and function.
When we analyze the energy content of any form of matter, we arrive at its smallest part, the atom and its proton, electrons, and neutrons. There is ongoing movement without any contact-nothing tangible, just pure vibrating energy. This vibrating energy creates a frequency, which can be measured, a so-called wave length which can be seen using my photon interference photography. Every form of matter is characterized as a specific frequency spectrum. And each frequency spectrum can be measured using a decibel meter. All organized matter is nothing more than organized energy that gives off a specific frequency and a specific sound which can be measured and heard. When we turn on a light or an electrical device we can see the energy but we cannot perceive the electrical current itself, but we except its existence. This same materially non- perceivable electricity, this energy, flows through our body fluids especially our blood. Every one of us has enough measurable electrical current flowing through us to light up a 100 watt light bulb.
Life/Light = energy and energy = information or intelligence. Everything that exists not only exists as energy but also as a carrier of information or intelligence, whether it is a human being, a form of food or drink, or a rock. Life is a constant exchange of energy and intelligence and the best place to view this life energy is in the live and dried blood.
Plasma which is 92% water is a good example for showing how matter as energy is transformed when additional energy is added or subtracted. Water has three different distinct bodies or states: solid, liquid, or gaseous. Ice is frozen water or like the thickening of the blood. We can see it and feel its coolness. By adding energy in the form of heat to the ice it transforms back into a liquid. When we add more energy to the water it begins to boil and the molecules start moving faster and faster that they begin to transform into steam and become gaseous. This transformation of organized energy as matter from one form to another is known as biological or energetical transformation or also referred to as pleomorphism.
Energy and intelligence are identical.
Every form of energy has a specific wavelength.
Every wavelength has its individual content of intelligence.
There are no accidents in the order of nature.
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Meanwhile, we know about 40,000 different diseases and the list is growing that are treated by 1,200 different allopathic specialty fields with 58,000 different kinds of allopathic preparations or medicines. However the word diseases in the plural form, is not accurate. Have you ever heard of “healths”? We are either healthy or ill. This illness signals a lack of energy and shows up in the form of a symptom. To represent a symptom as an illness is technically and scientifically inaccurate. The symptom is merely the intelligent cry of the energetically defective and suffering body, crying out for help. And normally, the body turns to a weakened organ to give us a hint, through a symptom, that things are not in order.
Our bodies either hum or honk. Upset stomachs or high blood pressure or high blood sugars is the body honking. The honks of our bodies are telling us there is a state of pH or energetic imbalance.

Why does pH balance or pH homeostasis define good health?

The pH balance or pH homeostasis in humans commonly refers to the internal balance of the body’s electro-magnetic chemical systems in response to the changing conditions of the external world and the changing conditions of the internal world. The word homeostasis comes from the Greek words: “homeo” means similar or “alki” or “alkaline” and “stasis” means a tendency toward maintaining stability. There are many homeostatic mechanisms in our bodies that help maintain this balance and our state of health is directly related to the health of these mechanisms. pH homeostasis is maintained by dynamic processes of feedback and regulation. pH homeostasis has only one objective: to preserve the beneficial conditions of life in the internal alkali environment. Everyday we are bombarded with external influences that threaten tat balanced internal alkaline pH environment. Some of these threats include becoming too hot or too cold, eating too much or eating acidic foods or drinks, breathing polluted air and being exposed to chemicals over a period of time.
Our cells, especially the red blood cells can only survive when our bodies are strong enough to maintain pH homeostatic mechanisms in the body include temperature regulation, dilation of the eye, blood composition, heart rate, blood pressure, water content, blood sugar level, mineral relationships, and of course the acid/alkaline balance of our body fluids. An essential feature of these mechanisms is that they enable the red blood cells, the tissue which is a product of the red blood cells and the whole of the organism, also a product of blood, to adapt to changes in both internal and external environmental conditions. If the pH homeostatic mechanisms are impaired the body loses its ability to regulate these mechanisms. By looking at living blood using a compound microscope we can view the quality of the red blood cells, its environment and how well the body is managing these pH homeostatic mechanisms. The interdependence and close coordination of the many bodily functions, which work so well when we are in alkaline balance or health, may be upset by a chain reaction when any part or the system breaks down from metabolic acids which have not been properly eliminated through, respiration, perspiration or urination. If this chain reaction is too drastic, the red blood cells and body cells will become acidic and begin to biologically transform into other cellular forms – like bacteria and yeast.
The normal state of health is not a static condition, but a coordination response of many systems and mechanisms. Fluctuations occur within a very narrow pH range. An imbalance of a point or two on the acid/alkaline pH scale is extremely disruptive in health. A few percentiles of variation of oxygen concentration in the blood can impair function. In the bloodstream, the slightest changes can be observed in the structures of the red and white blood cells, the level of cellular debris, the creation of cholesterol or calcium crystals, etc. If the blood sugar content is continually elevated due to body cell transformation or breakdown, the body chemistry becomes upset. An infinitesimal deficiency of sodium, calcium, potassium or magnesium, the alkaline buffers of the body can cause a problem in the function of many body parts.
We must keep our pH homeostatic mechanism strong so that we can deal effectively with our world. If we are humming and the process of pH homeostasis is orderly, life continues; if we are honking and pH homeostasis is continually being disrupted, our health is in jeopardy.

pH Homeostasis is a bit like balancing the books in accounting. It is maintained by balancing inputs with outputs.

How well we adapt in health and sickness is largely a function of the pH homeostatic mechanism.

The body’s chemistry response to such subtle changes that a negative thought, an acidic food or drink, or eating too much food can be a problem for maintaining balance.

In 1988 an article of the New England Journal of Medicine stated that, “most major chronic disease probably results from the accumulation of environmental factors over time in genetically susceptible people.”
In 1965, Rene Dubos, a medical historian and philosopher, pointed out that the body is imperfect in its attempts to adapt and maintain pH homeostasis. She said “the mechanisms involved in regulating homeostasis do not always return the body’s functions to their original state. They can be misdirected. They body only has the ability to adapt to insults for so long. When it can no longer adapt, degeneration sets in. Health is the state that the body attains when an individual responds adaptively and restores the body to its original integrity.”
The term “homeostasis” was coined in the mid-1920’s by the American physiologist, Walter B. Cannon. But he was building on a concept of balance that dated back to ancient Western, Eastern, and Middle Eastern civilizations.
The balance equals good health equation was first suggested by Hippocrates (460-375 BC) and the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates considered health to be a state of harmonious balance and disease a state of disharmony. He and his contemporaries believed that harmony and balance existed between organs, between bodily fluids, and between body and soul. When the body is out of harmony and balance, illness occurs.
Hippocrates studied the entire patient in his or her environment, noting the effects of climate, food, and occupation on health. “Our natures are the physicians of our diseases,” he said, describing the healing forces we all have within us as the healing power of Nature. It was the physician’s objective to restore harmony with food, exercise, rest, and with medicinal remedies designed to remove the harmful acidic excesses. This conservative approach was designed to let nature do the healing and above all, as Hippocrates said, “to first do no harm.”
The Greeks ideas on equilibrium and health evolved further under the philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). He felt that a healthy body worked through what he described as a hemostat, a device that returns the body to a state of equilibrium even when it is subjected to stimuli that disturbs this balance. Everything is tied to this state of equilibrium, including the psyche and emotions, and nothing could be regarded as a separate component. To lead a healthy life, the condition of balance had to be maintained. This could only be achieved if the body had an adequate feedback system, a means by which signals were transmitted to different parts of the body to help move it back into balance when it moved too far off alkaline center.
The psychological viewpoint was shared by another philosopher, Epicurus (341-270 BC). In his writing he referred to psychological stress and suggested that an individual’s quality of life could be improved by coping with what we would now describe as emotional stressors.
As early as about 120 AD in India, Eastern philosophers had reached similar ideas about the importance of balance in health. A general medical textbook from that time, the Caraks, described health as a balance of bodily elements known as dhatus, and a happy mental state called prasana.
The Middle Eastern approach incorporated the Hindu teachings with the Greco-Roman medical doctrine. Being based upon both religious and philosophical ideas, Islamic healing involved both body and soul.
Over 1000 years later, during the Middle Ages in Europe, good health was still linked to this notion of balanced physical, emotional, and spiritual state. To help people achieve this state, European hospitals were set up by religious orders and attached to abbeys, monasteries, and convents.

Doctors prescribed diet, rest, sleep, exercise, and salt baths!

In 1600 Thomas Sydenham had begun classifying diseases, even though he believed disease was a result of imbalance, consistent with Hippocrates and Galen.
In 1628 Harvey traced the circulation of the blood, arguably perhaps the single greatest achievement in medicine.
In 1753 James Lind showed that Scurvy could be reversed with the limes that contain limonene-an antitoxic or antacid.
Doctors began to lose their way in 1796. In 1796 Benjamin Rush observed that all fevers were associated with flushed skin, he concluded that this was caused by distended capillaries and reasoned that the proximate cause of fever must be abnormal “convulsive action” in these vessels.
He took this a step further and concluded that all fevers resulted from disturbances of capillaries since the capillaries were part of the circulatory system; he concluded that a hypertension of the entire circulatory system was involved. Rush proposed to reduce this convulsive action by “depletion” or bleeding. A reminder that the medical establishment’s acceptance of bleeding exists today in the name of the British Journal “The Lancet” one of the leading medical journals in the world. Today bleeding is call phlebotomy.
Also, In 1796 Edward Jenner took the pus from the runny sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his “patients”. He thought that since pus is seen routinely in all kinds of wounds, pus was seen as necessary part of healing.
In 1778 vaccinia were the bacteria that medical science suggested caused cowpox.
In 1830 the development of the first modern day achromatic microscope.
In 1835, Harvard’s Jacob Bigelow argued in a major address that in “the unbiased opinion of most medical men of sound judgment and long experience…the amount of death and disaster in the world would be less, if all disease were left to itself.”
In 1840 Jacob Henle in his essay, “On Miasmata and Contagia” first formulated the modern germ theory. He suggested that disease seem to germinate, grow and spread – like a first point or origin, a seed, a bacterium. The germ theory said that minute living organism invade the body, multiply and cause disease and that a specific germ causes a specific disease.
In 1850 Samule Thomson said, “May the time soon come when men and women will become their own priest, physicians and lawyers – when self-government, equal rights and moral philosophy will take the place of all popular crafts of every description…False theory and hypothesis constitute nearly the whole art of medicine.
In 1860 Louis Pasteur suggested that living organisms, not a chemical chain reaction caused fermentation, winning converts to the germ theory.
In 1881 an American scientist George Sternberg was the first to isolate the fungus, pneumococcus and the first to observe the white blood cells engulfing bacteria, a key to understanding the immune system.
In 1882 a German, Robert Koch isolated the tubercle bacillus and declared it as the bacterium that caused tuberculosis that further confirmed the germ theory of Pasteur.
In 1884, German scientist Friedrich Loeffler isolated the diphtheria bacillus from throats of patients, grew it on special medium (labs today call this Loeffler’s serum slope to grow the bacteria from suspected cases), and began careful experiments in animas that took several years. His work suggested that the bacteria themselves do not kill; the danger came from a toxin, diphtherium, an acidic poison that the bacteria excreted as a waste product from sugar metabolism.
In 1885 Max von Pettenkofer insisted that Koch’s bacteria were only one of many factors in the causation of disease. His dispute with Koch became increasingly bitter and passionate. Petterkofer determined to prove himself right, prepared test tubes thick with lethal cholera bacteria. Then he and several of his students drank them down. All survived. Petterkofer claimed victory that germs do not cause disease.
In 1889 Pasteur’s proteges, Emile Roux and Alexandre Yersin grew both thick with diphtheria bacteria and used compressed air to force broth through a filter of unglazed porcelain. The filter was designed by Charles Chamber land, a physicist working with Pasteur; though only a tool, the filter itself would prove to be immensely important. NO bacteria or solids could pass through porcelain. Only liquid could. They then sterilized this liquid. It still killed. That proved that bacteria, an insoluble could not kill, but a soluble, an acidic toxin did the KILLING.
The cure from diphtheria was not killing the bacteria but neutralizing the acids or excretions from the bacteria.
In 1900 Frederick Gates and intellect and Baptist Minister and an assistant to John D. Rockefeller, saw and opportunity to exploit the medical field because of its admitted uncertainty and ignorance of the time. He had organized many business ventures for the Rockefellers’ and convinced John D. Rockefeller to open the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. The Rockefeller Institute saw medicine itself as its field from its earliest existence scientists studying disease based upon the germ theory of Pasteur.
In 1901, William Henry Welch was hired by John D. Rockefeller to set up the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. William Henry Welch was steeped in the germ theory and established its strong hold on the medical model. You might call Dr. Welch the Father of American Medicine and the perpetrator of the Pasteurian Germ Theory.
After the civil war medicine had discovered drugs – such as quinine, digitalis and opium of which Oliver Wendell Homes the physician Father of the Supreme Court justice said, “I firmly believe that if the whole material medical, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind – and all the worse for fishes.”
In 1911, the head of the school training French army doctors in public health said that germs alone were “powerless to create an epidemic.” But it was too late; this particular view was now considered simply a minority opinion. The germ now had its hold on the governments of the world!
In 1911, the medical establishments made up a story that Peyton Rous discovered bacteria that caused cancer and received a Noble Prize for his discovery posthumous in 1966. This gave rise to the term virus named after Peyton Rous’ bacteria. Peyton Rous never suggested this in any of his research that his bacteria caused disease let alone cancer. This story gave rise to a new group of bacteria called filterable bacteria that the medical community now refers to as a virus – beginning 1996. There is NO scientific evidence that shows that virus’s have ever caused ANY disease.
These ideas of balance were some distance from those of earlier societies that ascribed illness to the supernatural powers they believed governed their lives. The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the ancient Americans saw the disease as an entity unto itself, a potent demon that struggled to dominate, attacked, penetrated, and possibly even killed its unfortunate host.
Offend the Gods, an ancestor, or an evil witch and be struck down as punishment. Lead a sinful life and you were tempting fate.
Of course, we perceive that these ideas about disease not the cause, then the germ is nothing more than an expression of imbalance and a biological transformation of what use to be organized to that which is changing into a new form. This was my discovery in 1994. I witnessed biological transformation as seen on pg. 126 of my book “Sick and Tired” the transformation of a rod bacteria back into a red blood cell and then back into a bacterial rod. I knew for the first time that bacteria was not a demon, not an entity but a transformation, a new formation of a preceding form. Not the cause of disease but the expression of a change in the internal environment which had given rise to change. For several years I felt alone in this discovery until I learned of the works of the giants that proceeded me that had their finger on the magic of life.
Claude Bernard (1813-1878) “The terrain is everything the germ is nothing.” And upon the death bed of Louis Pasteur admitting to Claude Bernard that he was right in 1895.
Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) “Disease is born in us and from us.”
Florence Nightingale – a famous nurse (1820-1910)
Mathias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann (1839)
Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968)
Walter B. Cannon (1871-1945) “Only by understanding the wisdom of the body shall we attain the mastery of disease and pain that will enable us to relieve the burden of people.”
Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1957)
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)
Gaston Naessans (1924-2005)
Robert O Young (1952 – )
Philosophically speaking, Pasteur had an ally in Napoleon III, who came to power in 1852. The Emperor believed in a police state and in using complete control to rule. Pasteur’s mechanistic idea of disease, finding the right cure for each germ, fit into this philosophy of control.
Giving the responsibility to any government to cure disease is giving up control. It takes responsibility – and power – away from the individual. In the words of Antoine BeChamp, “there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth and so it is with the germ theory.”
One of six of us will become diabetic.
One of two of us will develop cancer.
One of two of us will develop cardiovascular disease.
One of six couples will suffer from unexplained infertility.
One of seven women in the US will develop breast cancer.
We need to get out of the disease business. If we want to understand health, energy, and vitality then we need to study the people who are healthy. Over the last 35 plus years I have been studying health and how it relates to the blood. Viewing live and dried blood is the pinnacle of understanding health and how to achieve h wealth with alkaline foods, drinks, exercise, breathing, getting adequate rest, etc.
Live and Dried Blod Analysis - Copyright ROY
Now, I pray and hope that you will realize that we are all responsible for our own health – you alone. A medical practitioner can only help to relieve symptoms.

Ultimately, you are the one who has to take charge.

Health is a choice just as disease is a choice. You are responsible for what goes into your mouth and what comes out of your mouth, as well as for what you think, believe, feel and do.
The health and energy of the human organism is the knowledge that our bodies are alkaline by design and acidic by function and the best way to maintain that alkaline design is through an alkaline lifestyle and diet. This is true for every living man, woman, child, bird and animal.
To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to:

What Foods & Liquids Are Highly Acidic and Damaging to Your Teeth, Gums, and Mouth?

What Foods & Liquids Are Highly Acidic and Damaging to Your Teeth, Gums, and Mouth?

Foods and Liquids play an important role in maintaining good oral health. However, certain foods and drinks can severely affect the healthy alkaline environment of the mouth.

As humans have evolved, dietary trends may have shifted from raw and fibrous foods to more processed and refined foods, leading to dental complications such as tooth decay and misalignment of teeth.

How Does Acidic Foods and Drinks Affect an Alkaline Healthy Oral Environment?

Good oral health is dependent on various factors. The kind of foods or liquids consumed contributes to the over-all pH of the oral cavity.

In general, an alkaline oral environment at a pH of 7.2 or above prevents tooth damage and minimizes the chances of tooth demineralization. The critical pH for tooth demineralization and decay is a mouth pH of 5.5.


Certain foods contribute to lowering the pH of the mouth, thereby making the oral environment more acidic. It is observed that when the pH level is less than 7.2, it creates an oxygen-scarce environment leading to dental decay.

Post-consumption of highly acidic sugary foods/drinks, dietary acids are then released from these foods. The acidic waste from the break-down of these foods interacts with the tooth surface which results in tooth caries (cavities).

What Acidic Foods or Liquids Cause Cavities and Should Be Eliminated?

Citrus foods and their effect: Some citrus foods such as oranges and apple cider vinegar will pose a threat to dental health because of their acidic pH in the form of sugar, citric acid and acetic acid and/or acetlyaldehyde.


These foods release high amounts of sugar and citric acids which accelerate the rate of tooth decay. These foods basically attack the enamel causing loss of calcium and phosphate ions, thereby accelerating the demineralization process of the teeth.

Besides, citrus foods can also cause irritation to mouth sores. It is advisable to drink lots of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 to 10.0 following the consumption of citrus foods to help dilute the citric acid, which can potentially damage the tooth enamel.

Caffeine: Over-consumption of drinks like coffee and black or green tea will lower the pH of the mouth and endanger dental health and cause cancer! I call it your cup of cancer.


Not only does the added sugar in these drinks increase the risk of dental cavities, but these drinks also cause dryness of the oral cavity. This leads to a lowered production of alkalizing sodium bicarbonate saliva leading to a condition known as xerostomia.


Xerostomia results in decreased alkalizing salivary flow. Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining a normal oral alkaline pH by buffering the acids produced by acidic or sugary foods with sodium bicarbonate, which contributes to minimizing the demineralization process.

Overconsumption of coffee or black or green tea can also cause staining of the teeth


It is highly recommended to drink lots of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 to 10 if you are drinking coffee or black tea, in order to neutralize their harmful acidic effects.

Sticky Foods: Foods such as sugary acidic rice are considered to be an unhealthy acidic choice.

These types of foods do pose a risk to dental health because of their sticky nature. Sticky foods tend to stick to the tooth surface for a longer period of time which can result in dental problems like caries or cavities.

It is advisable to rinse the mouth well with alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 to 10.0 soon after consuming such foods. A thorough rinsing washes away these sticky foods and protects the enamel of the teeth.

Starchy Foods: Foods like potato chips are high in starch/sugar which can damage the tooth structure. Starchy foods are also responsible for disturbing the alkaline pH balance of the oral cavity leading to a loss of tooth structure through demineralization.


Starchy foods: It is recommended that such foods be limited, if ingested at all. Also, following their consumption, a through rinse is recommended to remove the remnants of these foods. Flossing properly after brushing also helps to removing the starchy foods lodged in the interdental spaces.

Soft/Hard drinks: Carbonated soft/hard drinks such as diet soda are rich in sugar content and carbonic acid which causes the loss of tooth surface, leading to enamel loss and subsequent tooth damage. Besides, carbonated drinks are highly acidic in nature and thus cause an overall drop in oral pH.


It is advisable to drink a cup of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 to 10.0 after the consumption of such drinks to neutralize their harmful acidic effects.

Sport drinks: Sports drinks are also high in sugar content. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics sports drinks might be beneficial during high strenuous physical activity; however, their frequent consumption is frowned upon in light of their numerous life-threatening metabolic effects consequent upon the hyperglycemia they produce.

Labels should always be read before purchasing these drinks, so as to select those with a low or no sugar content. Try to avoid any food or drink that has a sugar content of over 5 grams per serving.

To clean, restore, renew, and whiten teeth and to restore and renew gum lines check out the following link:


1) The pH Miracle revised and updated, 2010.



Sean StepHenson – A pH Miracle


Sean Stephenson with his Wife of 7 Years Mindie Kniss

SEAN STEpHENSON – A 3 foot Giant!

Sean Stephenson and his family came to my research center for help with a rare genetic condition – Osteogenesis Imperfecta or the glass bone disease.


When I first met Sean he was sick, tired and had broken over 270 bones. He would break a bone if he sneezed or even turned his 2 foot 8 inch body to abruptly.

Now he is a pH Miracle, living his life in Scottsdale, Arizona with his beautiful wife Mindie of seven years.


Sean attributes his good health and the fact he has not broken a bone in 8 years to the work and research of Dr. Robert Young that he leant about at a Tony Robbins seminar.

Dr. Young’s research suggests that the skeleton system becomes crystallized from an increased amount of metabolic and dietary acids that are then chelated by the calcium in the bones. This process of the bones chelating acids can be improved and potentially reversed with an alkaline lifestyle and diet as outlined in The pH Miracle revised and updated.


To order The pH Miracle revised and updated book go to:


Please watch the following YouTube testimonial of the three foot giant, Sean Stephenson. You will be amazed!

Sean shares his life changing and life saving pH Miracle story that is one of the most motivating testimonials on the internet encouraging everyone to make the necessary alkalizing lifestyle and dietary changes to improve health, energy and fitness.


Sean throws out the first pitch at the Chicago White Sox baseball game. Simply amazing!


Shawn and Mindie drinking their daily green shake they made in their Vitamix!


Sean and Mindie have truly set a high standard for ALL of us. I love and recommend his book, Get Off Your “BUTT”.


To order Sean’s book go to:

To learn more about the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet go to:


Attend a Medical Conference at the World Congress on Rare Diseases

This coming November 21st and 22nd , 2019 in Bali, Indonesia, Dr. Young will be sharing his break-through research on the cause, prevention and possible reversal of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI).
Can Osteogenesis Imperfecta – The Glass Bones Disease Be Prevented or Reversed with Early Detection
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a systemic epi-genetic condition characterized by bones that break easily, caused by the increase of metabolic and dietary acids that are adsorbed and then absorbed by the skeletal system by the fetus during pregnancy and the new born baby, in order to maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids at 7.365. The increased risk for this condition and the potential of fractures can be determined by measuring the chemistry, including the pH of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium.  Measuring the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium is done by using a non-invasive procedure called the 3-D Full Body Functionality and Chemistry Test. This test has revealed in all cases of OI tested a condition in the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium of hyper-calcium or bone loss and decompensated acidosis. Over the last 20 years my research has shown that an alkaline lifestyle, including diet and incorporating alkaline infusions of minerals such as sodium and potassium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride can be an effective treatment in reversing the calcium loss from the bones, the solidification of the skeletal system causing the bones to become brittle and a high risk for fracture and finally reversing the decompensated acidosis in the body fluids from a pH of 7.2 up to a normal pH of 7.36. The prevention and reversal of OI can be realized with early detention using non-invasive diagnostics to determine the risk and then immediately beginning alkalizing treatments to prevent and reverse this systemic acidic condition of the Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium.
For more information email:

Suffering from upset stomach, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, Gout or heartburn? Try adding these alkalizing foods and nutritional supplements to your diet!

  Male stomach - human digestive system

Are you suffering from acid reflux, GERD, Gout, upset stomach, nausea and heartburn from a sour or acidic stomach? Then read and learn how you can avoid or reverse all of these symptoms by adding the right alkalizing foods and nutritional supplements to your diet!


Acids, alkali, pH…are important scientific measurements for all those who paid attention in biochemistry class because this article will tell you exactly why and how these words are important for your core health and overall well-being and vitality.

Every time your stomach feels like it’s on fire, your joints ache, or you feel a burning sensation in your chest—it is because there is a pH imbalance in the biochemistry within the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium, the blood plasma and the intracellular fluids of the body.


And, it is the base, acidity mechanism, or the potential of hydrogen in your body, that measures this balance. If we go back to school where we studied the pH, the pH scale runs from 0 to 14, where 7 is the midpoint. The human body maintains the blood plasma, interstitial fluid and intracellular fluid pH within a tight range of 7.365 to 7.400.  Any pH in these body fluids above 7.4 indicates compensated alkalosis and any pH below 7.365 indicates decompensated acidosis.

The blood will always push-out any increase of metabolic or dietary acids into the compartments of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium for storage.

These acidic and toxic wastes from metabolism and diet are held in these compartments until the lymphatic system can remove them via urination, defecation, respiration, menstruation and/or perspiration.  This removal of acidic waste stored in the compartments of the Interstitium happens when your calf muscles contract.  This contraction or flexing of the calf muscles activates the lymphatic system to pull acid waste out these compartments of the Interstitium for removal.


In the case of decompensated acidosis in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium, the body will pull alkaline minerals, like calcium from the bones and magnesium from the muscles to protect the delicate pH balance of the blood plasma and intracellular fluids.

Our body has an inbuilt pH regulator (buffer mechanism) that has the ability to keep the body alkaline, because all metabolic functions need to have an alkaline medium. With even the slightest dip in the pH level, our body tries to pull out bicarbonates and other alkaline minerals from the blood to normalize pH. The main organ for producing alkalinity is the stomach in its production of sodium bicarbonate.  The cover cells of the stomach produces sodium bicarbonate by pulling water, salt and carbon dioxide from the blood represented in the following biochemistry equation:

NaCl+ H2O + CO2 <=> NaHCO3 = HCL or

sodium + water + carbon dioxide <=> sodium bicarbonate + HCL


So anytime you are experiencing a sour stomach, an upset stomach, acid reflux, nausea, GERD or heartburn are ALL symptoms the body’s need for alkalinity in the blood, interstitial and intracellular fluids.  Always remember that hydrochloric acid is a waste product of sodium bicarbonate in the production of sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acids from acidic foods and liquids and the metabolic waste from cellular metabolism of the organs, tissues and glands of the body.

Therefore, the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion but the main organ to alkalize the food we eat, the liquids we drink, the air we breath and the emotions we emote.  The stomach is an organ of contribution and its major and only contribution is to create sodium bicarbonate to maintain the alkaline design of the body cells and body fluids outside those cells.

Have you ever created an upset stomach with just your thoughts?

Have you ever created nausea from the increased metabolism when over-exercising or when pregnant?

Have you ever created heart-burn from eating and drinking acidic food?

Have you ever had a charlie-horse from stored acids in the interstitial fluids of the calves?

Have you ever felt the acidic acids in your joints and/or muscles from exercise or over-exercise?

Have you ever had to throw-up to remove the increased acids in the stomach?

All of these conditions are the result of NOT too much acid but too little sodium bicarbonate in the stomach, bowels, blood plasma, interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and the intracellular fluids inside ALL body cells!

The biggest problem is that when eat and drink acidic foods and you have an acidic lifestyle, your stomach MUST produce sodium bicarbonate to chelate these acids to keep YOU alive. In cases of chronic acidity, your body will leach out sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium from the softer parts of your bone, muscles and organs in order to maintain the optimal pH iof 7.365! This is why chronic acidity is the cause of stomach pains, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, joint pain, muscle pain, arthritis, infectious disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and finally Sepsis or systemic dietary and metabolic acidosis (the number 1 cause of death in Hospitals around the World).

 Does the pH levels differ in different parts of the body?

The answer is a resounding NO if you are perfectly healthy!

The pH level in our body fluids should be the same throughout. Ideally, human blood, the interstitial and intracellular fluids are all alkaline and should be at a pH value of 7.365.

Biological Transformation and Reverse Biological Transformation

The stomach is the main alkalizing organ that is secreting sodium bicarbonate at a pH of 8.4, into the stomach to alkalize the food ingested.  It is secreting sodium bicarbonate back into the blood plasma, interstitial fluids and the intracellular fluids to maintain the alkaline design of the organs, glands and tissues.  In addition, the stomach is supplying the salivary glands, the gallbladder, the pancreas and intestines with sodium bicarbonate to secret on the food in preparation for biological transformation in the small intestines.  As the stomach produces sodium bicarbonate in all of these functions it creates an acidic waste product or ash called hydrochloric acid, at a pH of 1.5 to 2.00. The hydrochloric acid or HCL falls into the gastric pits away from the food and liquids and the sodium bicarbonate is taken up by the food to increase its pH.

Once again, the stomach does not digest food but alkalizes the food and liquids ingested to bring the pH of the food or liquids up to an ideal pH of 8.4.  This is necessary in order for the foods or liquids ingested to be biologically transformed into stem cells and then red blood cells in the crypts of the small intestines.

The health and aging of the body is in direct relationship to the health of the intestinal villi of the small intestines.  When there is damage to the intestinal villi or congestion in the crypts of the intestinal villi then healthy stem cells and blood cannot be produced.  This forces the body to begin producing stem cells and then red blood cells out of bone, muscle or other body cells.  I call this process reverse transformation.

This is why patients who are sick or who eat animal protein, including beef, chicken, pork, duck or fish, causing constipation and congestion of the intestinal villi begin to lose weight, because the body cannot NOT make stem cells or red blood cells from solid food.  When this happens the body is forced to make stem cells and blood out of body cells rather then form the four basic foods needed in a liquid state at a pH of 8.4 to make stem cells and blood.  The four basic foods are chlorophyll, oil, water and salt!

The symptoms of an imbalanced body form imbalanced or acidic pH body fluids?

Urine tests using pH or litmus paper  are the most popular ways to test the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium. The urine is a product ot the interstitial fluids and NOT of the blood.  The ideal pH of the urine should be 7.4 and above. The most acidic time of the day is 3am in the morning so the best time to test your urine for an accurate reading is when you first wake up.

We now offer a non-invasive blood plasma and interstitial fluid test for testing the biochemistry, including the pH of the blood, interstitial and intracellular fluids!  This is significant because we are then able to determine if the patient is in compensated or decompensated acidosis, oxidative stress, alkaline mineral deficiencies, and whether or not their is bone or muscle loss due to acidosis.  This test, is revolutionary since it is non-invasive and non-radioactive. We call these tests the 3D Full-Body Bio-Electro Scan and the Non-invasive blood tests which gives us over 150 parameters of the blood plasma and interstitial fluids without drawing or staining or centrifuging one drop of blood.  The information obtained from these scans is immediate and can determine accurately the biochemistry of ALL the body fluids and the health of ALL organs, glands and tissues and their healthy or unhealthy condition!

To learn more about the 3D Full-Body Bio-Electro Scan or the Non-invasive blood tests go to:

 The Fish Bowl Metaphor

A metaphor I like to use to explain my non-invasive/non-chemical approach to the treatment of any sickness or disease begins with a question, “If the fish is sick what would you do, treat the fish or change the water?”  Before you answer this question ask a child this question and he or she will give you the correct answer!  The answer is a test of YOUR common sense not your intellect!

 When the pH levels of the blood plasma, interstitial and Intracellular fluids NEED Alkalinity What Are the Symptoms?

The main symptoms of a base deficiency are upset stomach, acid reflux, nausea, GERD, heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest, burps, indigestion, joint pains, burning sensation while urinating, ulcers, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, suppressed white blood cells, and increased outfections (bacteria, yeast and mold being born out of the unhealthy body cells called incorrectly by conventional medicine as an infection) just to name a few symptoms of an alkaline deficiency!

 A Plant-Based Alkaline pH Diet

Adding plant-based alkaline green foods and drinks to your diet will provide increased alkaline minerals and help maintain a healthy alkaline pH of the blood plasm, Interstitial Fluids of the Interstitium

and the intracellular fluids of the body.  Alkaline foods are able to reduce acidity, fight acid caused inflammatory conditions, support the white blood cells, help heal the lining of the core, preserve joint health and improve organ, gland and tissue function.

Nature has given us some of the most base or alkaline foods, which is why it is very easy to support and maintain the right pH level with a natural organic plant-based green diet. The instant packaged and processed foods or drinks are introduced to the body, there is an immediate decline of the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids.  I know this because Dr. Galina Migalko and I are the only scientists in the World testing these fluids and then comparing these fluids for determining the health and well-being of the body and the efficacy of any traditional or conventional medical treatments.  In other words, what works and what doesn’t work.

 Can YOU Over Alkalize the Body?

Absolutely NOT!  It is Impossible!  This is a scientific myth!  You cannot over-alkalize the body fluids!  The biochemistry is too extreme.  For example, it takes 20 parts of base in the form of sodium bicarbonate at a pH of 8.4 to buffer an acid of carbonic acid with a pH of 3.5 to maintain a base or alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45.

How Do I Test the pH of The Body Fluids?

Testing the pH of the body fluids is the single most important measurement you can do in managing and maintaining the alkaline design of the body!  It is important to understand that any food or liquid with a pH less than 6.8 such as coffee, black tea, alcohol, animal flesh, dairy products, vinegar, soda drinks, sport drinks, chocolate, just to name a few, will cause a loss of alkaline mineral reserves and compromise the alkaline design of the body fluids leading to sickness and disease.

For a normal healthy and active person who drinks at least one liter of 9.5 purified alkaline water per 30 kilos of body weight and at least two liters of organic iJuice Super Greens with 1 scoop of iJuice Super Chlorophyll ( per liter and one to two portions of organic green vegetables and fruit in the form of salad, is a a protocol that will prevent or even reverse any health challenge.

However, if a person drinks too many acidic beverages like tea, coffee, and alcohol or overdoes on meat or smoking, then it’s important to take extra measures to keep the body fluids alkaline to protect the organs and glands that sustain life.  Those extra measures can be found in The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes and The pH Miracle for Cancer –

What are a few of the most powerful alkaline foods and liquids to add to your diet for preventing and/or reversing upset stomach, acid reflux, nausea, GERD, heartburn, constipation, inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer!

1) Organic Green Vegetables

Imbibed fresh or as a dry juice powder of broccoli, spinach, kale, green cabbage, leafy greens makes the most alkalizing green drink because they are ALL extremely rich in minerals like sodium potassium, magnesium and calcium.

2) Incredible iJuice Wheatgrass Benefits

iJuice Wheatgrass is unlike any other health food. Here are several reasons to incorporate iJuice Wheatgrass into your daily diet.

  • Healthy Skin

iJuice Wheatgrass can be used to treat skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. While no clinical studies have been conducted as yet to support this, many testimonials of home treatments with wheatgrass seem to prove this claim.

  • Lose Weight

If you have a few pounds to lose, iJuice Wheatgrass may be the answer.

iJuice Wheatgrass contains selenium, which is crucial for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

  • Reduce Food Cravings

Wheatgrass is loaded with so many nutrients that your body isn’t lusting for other foods to compensate for any lack of vitamins or minerals. Some common nutrient deficiencies — such as magnesium, iron, and omega-3s — can make you snack as your body searches for a source of these much-needed minerals.

  • Detox Your Cells

Wheatgrass is highly alkaline and high in nutrients, making it the perfect tool for a detox. While the jury is still out on whether alkaline diets can truly change the alkalinity or acidity of your blood, nutritionists agree that by eating an alkaline diet, we inadvertently end up eating healthier.

  • Stimulate Circulation

Wheatgrass has the ability to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood, making it a great way to stimulate circulation.   While a 2008 study in the Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine showed that wheatgrass does not significantly increase the blood oxygen levels of resting individuals, a follow-up study in the same journal showed that wheatgrass did, in fact, increase oxygen levels when taken directly before exercise.

To take advantage of this benefit, drink a glass of iJuice Wheatgrass before beginning your regular exercise regime.

  • Improve Digestion

Instead of reaching for antacids to relieve heartburn or indigestion, introduce Wheatgrass into your daily regimen. iJuice Wheatgrass juice contains several elements that can boost digestion, including a great deal of fiber, and B complex vitamins, which boost the function of the muscles of the digestive system.  In general (B complex vitamins) help move energy obtained from food into the tissue cells, where it is needed. Thiamine helps convert carbs into energy, and riboflavin keeps the mucosal lining of your digestive tract healthy; iJuice Wheatgrass contains both.

  • Reduce Fatigue

When you experience fatigue, your body is likely deprived of rest and is dealing with a weakened immune system.  Not only does chlorophyll boost the immune system, it also helps to increase oxygen supply in your body’s cells and tissues, contributing to cell regeneration, which heals the body and reduces fatigue symptoms.

Chlorophyll is also naturally regenerative for the adrenal glands, according to Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D, D.Sc. Boosting the adrenal system is crucial for sufferers of chronic fatigue.

  • Prevent Tooth Decay

Wheatgrass has natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can increase mouth health and reduce the risk of cavities and gum inflammation when drunk.

This stems from the chlorophyll contained in iJuice Wheatgrass, which, according to a study in 2007 study in Revista Sul-Brasileira de Odontologia, is so powerful in its antimicrobial properties that it was shown to have effects on curing candida albicans, which may mean that wheatgrass can help treat cases of oral thrush as well.

  • Cleanse the Liver

Wheatgrass is probably best known for its effects on the liver.  The liver processes what the body ingests, and with its detoxifying properties, nutrients, and antioxidants, iJuice Wheatgrass is able to restore and revitalize this crucial organ. A 2014 study in the Journal of Membrane Biology showed that wheatgrass consumption could even protect the liver against the detrimental effects of alcohol.

  • Stabilize Lipid Levels

Wheatgrass improves lipid levels, which means it’s a great tool for managing high cholesterol. A 2011 study in Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica showed that wheatgrass reduced hyperlipidemia in rats and could be a tool to aid in reducing cholesterol.

  • Reverse Acne

Wheatgrass’ antibacterial benefits and its ability to reduce chronic inflammation combine to make wheatgrass an excellent tool to reduce acne and occasional breakouts.

  • Prevent Cancer

Wheatgrass’s anti-cancer benefits stem from its blood oxygenating ability; cancer thrives in a low-oxygen environment, so wheatgrass may contribute to cancer prevention in this way.  In addition, Parikh notes, “Wheatgrass has enzymes that fight carcinogens and reduce the toxic load of radiation, pollution, and heavy metals.”  Just remember that since wheatgrass’ ability to oxygenate the blood is activated with exercise, pair your wheatgrass shots with your favorite workout.

  • Prevent the Common Cold

Steer clear of colds by drinking Wheatgrass juice to boost immunity and make sure your body is getting all the vitamins it needs.

  • Improve the Mood

Wheatgrass can improve your mood in a variety of ways.  Not only, according to a 2014 literature review in the Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation, does it boost the adrenal system thanks to its vitamin K and magnesium content, helping your body to better deal with stress, but it’s also rich in iron. A deficiency in iron can cause fatigue, which worsens mood and makes you feel blasé and unenthused, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • Combat Bowel Inflammation

In addition to iJuice Wheatgrass’ general anti-inflammatory qualities, it has been proven to fight inflammation in the bowel linked to several diseases including Crohn’s and IBS.

  • Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Wheatgrass has shown to be a powerful anti-hyperglycemic agent in a 2016 study in Toxicology and Industrial Health.  The study showed that wheatgrass could be beneficial for those suffering from diabetes or other hyperglycemic issues. This makes it a fitting supplement for those with diabetes or who are trying to reduce blood sugar levels.

  • Feed Your Brain

The chlorophyll in Wheatgrass fuels the body with oxygen, thanks to its ability to increase red blood cell health. Oxygen is vital to many body processes, especially for the brain, which uses 25 percent of the body’s oxygen supply. Wheatgrass is, quite literally, brain food.

  • Increase Fertility

If you’re trying for a baby, get a glass of Wheatgrass into your breakfast too.

iJuice Wheatgrass contains P4D1, a compound that impacts sperm cells and DNA, ultimately increasing fertility, according to Dr. Yasuo Hotta, a biologist at the University of California, San Diego

3) iJuice Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is liquefied sun energy and by consuming as much chlorophyll as possible will basically bathe our inner organs in sunshine.No life is possible without chlorophyll, the blood of plants – just as hemoglobin is the blood of the body – the difference between the two molecules being that chlorophyll contains magnesium, while hemoglobin contains iron.

Therefore, chlorophyll through a plant based diet will be high in magnesium.

Since ancient times chlorophyll has served as a miraculous healer, carrying a significant amount of oxygen with it and therefore playing a critical role in supporting our aerobic (good) bacteria. The more we consume, the better our intestinal villi and overall health will be.

Chlorophyll has been proven helpful in preventing and healing many forms of cancer and atherosclerosis, whilst adequate scientific research has found that there are hardly any illnesses that could not be helped by chlorophyll.

Some of the many healing properties of this amazing substance are:

• Chlorophyll promotes the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells

• Building a higher blood count

• Helping to prevent cancer

• Providing iron to organs

• Making the body more alkaline

• Cleaning and deodorizing bowels

• Helping the purify the liver

• Eliminating bad breath

• Relieving sore throat

• Improving varicose veins

• Reducing pain caused by inflammation

• Improving vision

• Fights infections.

Greens are the only living thing in the world that can transform sunshine into food that all living creatures can consume – there would be no life on our planet without greens – as the life purpose of all greens is to produce chlorophyll.

With high oxygen content in chlorophyll and a high mineral content in green plants, greens are the most alkalizing food that exists on the planet – heavy in alkaline minerals. By including greens in our diet we can keep our body alkaline and healthy.

4)  Organic Broccoli Sprouts, Alfalfa Sprouts and Soy Sprouts

The health benefits of Sprouts make up quite an impressive list, and they include the ability to improve the digestive process, boost the metabolism, increase metabolic activity throughout the body, prevent anemia, help with weight loss, lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, prevent neural tube defects in infants, protect against cancer, boost skin health, improve vision, support the immune system, and increase usable energy reserves.

Sprouts may refer to a number of different vegetable or plant beans in the period of time after they begin to grow. The most common sprouts that people regularly use in their diet are soy, alfalfa, and broccoli sprouts, as well as various other types of bean sprouts. The reason that so many people turn to sprouts as a source of food is that they represent a much more significant amount of vitamins and nutrients than they do in an un-sprouted form. Typically, a week after sprouting, the sprouts will have the highest concentration and bioavailability of nutrients. Seeds and beans must contain a packed storehouse of all the important nutrients that a plant will need to grow in its initial days, so those tiny caps are filled with important organic compounds, vitamins, and minerals that our body can also utilize.

There are a number of different cultures that highly value sprouts as an essential element of their cuisine. Although sprouts can be cultivated anywhere that beans are grown (which is basically anywhere in the world), Asian nations seem to have adopted soy and bean sprouts as a topping for various dishes, as well as a common ingredient in salads more than most other countries in the world. They are readily available no matter what market you go to, however.

The important thing to remember is that much of the nutritive value of sprouts is lost when they are heated. In other words, although they are a very important source of nutrients and beneficial health boosts, they should always be added to meal in their raw form to guarantee that they have the most impact. Let’s explore some of the components of sprouts that make them such a powerful, yet overlooked, source of so many health benefits.

Nutritional Value of Sprouts

All of the nutritional and medicinal benefits of  sprouts are derived from their impressive vitamin, mineral, and organic compounds content. Sprouts contain a significant amount of protein and dietary fiber, as well as vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, and riboflavin. In terms of minerals, sprouts contain manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Many of these component nutrients increase dramatically as the sprout continues to develop. Along with all of those components, sprouts are also a rich source of antioxidants that are essential for health. It is best to eat sprouts that first opened one or two weeks earlier. Now, let’s explore some of the fascinating and vital health benefits of iJuice Soy Sprouts, iJuice Alfalfa Sprouts and iJuice Broccoli Sprouts hold for us!

Health Benefits of Sprouts

Digestion: One of the best things about sprouts is that they contain an unusually high number of enzymes. This can help boost the various metabolic processes and chemical reactions within the body, specifically when it comes to digestion. Enzymes are an important part of the digestive process, and they help to break down food effectively and increase the absorption of nutrients by the digestive tract. Furthermore, the dietary fiber found in sprouts makes it a very important boost for digestive functions. Fiber bulks up the stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract. Furthermore, dietary fiber stimulates the alkaline gastric juices, which aid the enzymes already found in sprouts in breaking down food effectively and efficiently. Sprouts are a great way to clear up constipation, as well as diarrhea, and can even prevent colorectal cancer.

Metabolic Booster: As was already mentioned, Sprouts contain a wealth of enzymes that usually aren’t available through food. This major influx represents a kick start for the body, and can seriously impact the metabolic activity of your body. Beyond that, sprouts also contain a significant amount of protein, which is the essential part of food that allows our body to perform all of its chemical functions. Protein is necessary for almost all bodily processes, particularly the creation and maintenance of cells, organ repair, skin regeneration, bone growth, muscle development, and a number of other very important aspects of health. This means that sprouts are an easy and delicious way to improve the overall functioning and development of your body. This high nutritive content is also why sprouts are so highly recommended for vegetarians and vegans, since meat is such a traditionally important source of protein. iJuice Soy Sprouts can replace that source of protein for many people.

Anemia and Blood Circulation: Anemia is the technical word for an iron deficiency. If you don’t consume enough food with iron, your red blood cell count drops, because iron is an essential part of red blood cell production. This can result in fatigue, lack of concentration, nausea, light-headedness, and stomach disorders. By maintaining your red blood cell count with proper amounts of iron (and copper, which is also found in iJuice Sprouts), you can improve the circulation of blood in your body, thereby increasing the oxygenation of organ systems and cells to optimize their performance.

Weight Loss: Sprouts are one of those foods that are very high in nutrients but very low in calories. This means that you can eat sprouts without worrying about compromising your diet. Furthermore, the fiber in sprouts helps to make you feel full, both by adding bulk to your bowels, but also by inhibiting the release of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone that tells our mind that we are ready to eat something. This can reduce overeating and snacking, two of the biggest problems for someone suffering through the problems of obesity.

Heart Health: Sprouts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, and although these are technically a form of cholesterol, they are considered “good” cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and can actually reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in your blood vessels and arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids are also anti-inflammatory in nature, so they reduce the stress on your cardiovascular system in that was as well. The potassium content of sprouts also helps to reduce blood pressure, since potassium is a vasodilator, and can release the tension in arteries and blood vessels. This increases circulation and oxygenation, while reducing clotting and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

Infant Health: Neural tube defects are one of the most common side effects of a deficiency in folate, a member of the B vitamin complex. Sprouts have a significant amount of folate, thereby protecting your infant from this tragic condition.

Immune System: The are a number of factors that make iJuice Sprouts a powerful booster for the immune system. Its vitamin-C content alone makes it a powerful stimulant for the white blood cells in the body to fight off infection and disease. Furthermore, as a sprout continues to develop, vitamin A can multiply almost ten times its original content. Vitamin A has a number of antioxidant properties that make a great source of immune system strength.

Cancer Prevention: The antioxidant activity of the organic compounds found in sprouts make it a very good anti-cancer choice for your diet. The vitamin C, vitamin A, as well as amino acids and proteins (including the huge amount of enzymes) can also impact the free acids content in the body. Metabolic and dietary acids are the natural, dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells. They are also responsible for some heart diseases, premature aging, cognitive decline, and a variety of age-related health concerns. iJuice Sprouts can counteract these effects, thereby helping to reduce the chances of developing cancer.

Vision and Eye Health: Vitamin A has been associated with an improvement in vision health for many years. It acts as an antioxidant agent to protect the eyes’ cells from free acids. In this way, sprouts can help prevent glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. In fact, vision can even improve in some cases, so eat your sprouts and start seeing the world a bit more clearly!

Cold Sores: Cold sores can be an unsightly, painful, and uncomfortable condition to suffer through. If they get infected, they can even become a serious health risk. There is a specific enzyme, called lysine, that actually inhibits the growth of cold sores and treats them if they do appear. This enzyme is conveniently found in significant amounts in sprouts!

Allergy and Asthma: Some varieties of sprouts, like iJuice Broccoli Sprouts, have been linked to reducing allergic reactions, including asthma, which is an inflammatory condition of the respiratory system. Although the exact chemical pathway is not fully understood, additional research is being done on this topic all the time.

5) Organic Lemons or iJuice Lemon Juice Powder


Contrary to what people believe, lemons are not acidic. Lemons are low in sugar and high in sodium and potassium bicarbonate and contribute alkalinity to the body fluids and therefore is know as an electron donor.  Add fresh organic lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink it every day to neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the gastric pits of your stomach for better health.

10 Amazing Benefits of Lemon

The health benefits of lemon can be attributed to its stimulating, calming, carminative, anti-infection, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep inducing, and antifungal properties. The benefits of lemon include its ability to treat stress disorders, fever, infections, asthma, obesity, insomnia, skin disorders, hair conditions, stomach problems and tiredness.

Lemons are one of the most popular citrus fruits in the world, and are widely used for culinary purposes, since they are a good source of vitamins and aid in digestion. It also adds a pleasant taste and aroma to food. Furthermore, lemon juice is one of the most popular drinks in the world as it is very healthy, delicious, and inexpensive.

Health Benefits Of Lemon

The health benefits of lemon include the following:

Skin care: Lemon oil is a good remedy for increasing the luster of dull skin. It is astringent and detoxifying in nature, and rejuvenates sagging or tired-looking skin. Its antiseptic properties help in treating pimples and various skin disorders. Lemon is also recommended for reducing excessive oil on the skin.

Stress: Lemon is calming in nature and therefore helps in removing mental fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and nervous tension. It has the ability to refresh the mind by creating a positive mindset and removing negative emotions. It is also believed that inhaling this oil helps in increasing concentration and alertness. It can therefore be used as a room freshener in offices to increase the efficiency of the employees.

Immune system: Lemon has a high vitamin content, which makes it a wonderful booster for the body’s immune system. It further stimulates white blood cells, thus increasing your ability to fight off diseases. It also improves circulation throughout the body.

Asthma: It is believed that lemons are also useful for treating asthma, since inhaling the aroma of lemons can clear the nasal passages and sinuses, promoting good air flow and steady breathing.

Insomnia: Health benefits of lemon oil include providing relief from sleeplessness. Using this oil ensures good sleep and helps people that suffer from insomnia.

Stomach ailments: Since lemon oil is carminative, it is used in the treatment of various stomach problems, including indigestion, acidity, upset stomach, and cramps.

Hair care: Lemon oil is also effective as a hair tonic. Many people use this oil to get strong, healthy and shiny hair. It is also used to eliminate dandruff.

Weight loss: Lemon is very helpful in reducing weight, and satisfying appetite to reduce the chance of overeating.

Fever: Lemon is effective against infectious diseases such as fever, malaria and typhoid.

Other benefits of lemon

Other benefits of lemon include the following:

Cleaners: Lemon is a good cleaner, which is why it is used for cleansing the body, metal surfaces, dishes, and clothes. It is also a disinfectant, so it is commonly used for cleaning surfaces such as butcher’s knives and blocks that can get contaminated very easily.

Perfumes: Lemon oil has a distinctly refreshing aroma which makes it a good ingredient for perfumes. Many scented candles contain lemon oil, and it is also used in potpourris.

Soaps and cosmetics: Lemon juice and lemon essential oil are both used in soaps, face washes and many other personal care and skin care cosmetics due to its antiseptic quality.

iJuice Lemon Essential oil blends well with many other iJuice essential oils including iJuice Lavender Essential oil, iJuice Rose oil, iJuice Neroli essential oil, iJuice Sandalwood oil, iJuice Geranium essential oil, iJuice ylang ylang essential oil, iJuice tea tree essential oil, making it a popular oil for herbalists and those who practice the healing art of aromatherapy.


6) Organic Cucumbers or iJuice Cucumber Juice Powder

Cucumber is 90 per cent water and rich in alkaline minerals. It keeps our body hydrated, eliminates toxins, cleanses and buffers the acidic levels as well. Cucumbers also prevent acid crystallization or stones in your body, so add it to you salads and your fresh juices.
15 Alkalizing Reasons to Eat Cucumbers and Drink iJuice CUCUMBER Juice for Daily! 

1) A glass of iJuice Cucumber a day will keep the doctor away

Cucumbers are the number four most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall health, often referred to as a super food. Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and blend them into a fresh organic green drink or slice up and add to any salad or soup. or simply take 1 scoop of Juice Cucumber and mix it in a glass of alkaline water – Congratulations! You have just ingested one of the most alkalizing of all fruit full of good health!

2) Cucumber helps fight heat inside and out

Drinking iJuice cucumber may help to relief from heartburn. You can also make a poultice and apply iJuice Cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.

3) Cucumber may help to eliminates acidic toxins

All the Cucumber Health & Fitness juice acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products out of your body. With regular drinking, iJuice cucumber may help to dissolve k.

4) Cucumber replenishes daily vitamins

Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. A, B and C, which supports your immune system keep you radiant and give you energy. Make it more powerful by juicing cucumber with spinach and kale. Don’t forget to leave the skin on because it contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 12 percent of the daily recommended allowance.

5) Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals

Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is why spas abound cucumber based treatments.

6) Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss

Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation.

7) Cucumbers revive the eye

Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichéd beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties.

8) Cucumber fights cancer

Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. The three lignans have a strong connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including ovarian, breast, prostate and uterine cancer.

9) Cucumber cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure

Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which is widely spread to be beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers have found that a compound called sterols in cucumbers can help decrease levels of cholesterol. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients work effectively for regulating blood pressure. That is why cucumber is good for treating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.

10) Cucumber refreshes the mouth

Cucumber juice heals and refreshes diseased gums. Get a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for a half minute, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing unpleasant breath.

11) Cucumber smoothes hair and nails

The wonder mineral Silica in cucumber makes your hair and nails shinier and stronger. The sulfur and silica in cucumbers help to stimulate your hair growth.

12) Cucumber promotes joint health, relieves arthritis and gout pain

As cucumber is an excellent source of silica it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. When mixed with carrot juice, cucumber can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering levels of the uric acid.

13) Cucumber cures hangover

To avoid a morning headache or hangover you can eat a few cucumber slices before going to sleep. Cucumbers contain enough B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients and reducing the severity of both hangover and headache.

14) Cucumber keeps kidneys in shape

Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your body and though keeping the kidneys healthy.

15) Cucumber is the number 1 alkalizing fruit

Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon which are alkalizing minerals making them number 1 in alkalizing the alimentary canal, blood, tissues and interstitial and intracellular fluids.

7) Organic Celery or iJuice Celery Juice Powder

Celery is a strongly alkaline food that helps to counteract acidosis, purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent migraines, relax the nerves, reduce blood pressure, and clear up skin problems. Celery contains compounds called coumarins which are known to enhance the activity of certain white blood cells and support the vascular system. Celery’s rich organic sodium content has the ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the joints and holds them in solution until they can be eliminated safely from the kidneys. Celery is a well known natural diuretic and has ample ability to flush toxins out of the body.

Celery also has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it an essential food for those who suffer from auto-immune illnesses. It also contains significant amounts of calcium and silicon which can aid in the repair of damaged ligaments and bones. Celery is rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and iron which all help to nourish the blood and aid those suffering from rheumatism, high blood pressure, arthritis, and anemia.

Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can drink. Just 16 oz of fresh organic celery iJuice Celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week. (

8) Organic Haas Avocado or iJuice Avocado Powder


The Top 10 Health Benefits of the Avocado

There are some amazing Avocado benefits for your health and appearance.

If you would like to lose weight, improve your skin and lower your risk of many life-threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, here’s why it’s well worth including more of this extremely healthy fruit in your diet.

1. Cardiovascular Health

Coronary heart disease is still the biggest killer in the USA and UK and it is essentially a disease of inflammation. Many experts now believe that high consumption of pro-inflammatory processed vegetable oils are a significant risk factor in cardiovascular disease. They advise lowering polyunsaturated fat intake and increasing the amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids in your diet.

iJuice Avocado is an excellent source of monounsaturated oleic acid. Research has shown this beneficial form of fat reduces dangerous metabolic and dietary acids and reduces acid buffering LDL cholesterol in the blood at the same time as increasing the more beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Studies like this have found eating and/or drinking avocado can also decrease high blood triglyceride levels, another common predictor of cardiovascular problems.

The high levels of vitamin E in iJuice Avocado helps prevent cholesterol oxidation, while their potassium can regulate high blood pressure that may lead to both heart disease and kidney problems.

iJuice Avocados are also an excellent source of folate, known to reduce dangerous homocysteine levels in the blood, another predictor of cardiovascular disease. Folate is a nutrient many of us are low in and it is especially important for pregnant women.

2. Avocados for Blood Pressure

Many people don’t get enough of the mineral potassium in their diet. This deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, which is in turn a significant risk factor for heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.

Avocado is particularly rich in potassium, even higher than the often touted bananas, and a good food to eat for normal blood pressure and a lower risk of kidney failure and heart disease.

3. Cancer Prevention

Avocado is a good source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants protect your body’s cells against cancerous changes due to metabolic acid damage and are considered your front line of defense against numerous diseases. Alpha-carotene appears to be especially important for cancer prevention. This study found a significantly lower risk of death for cancer and heart disease for those with the highest levels of alpha-carotene in their blood over a 14 year period.

The monounsaturated fats in iJuice Avocado also help with carotenoid absorption and studies suggest it has a protective effect against breast cancer in particular.

Avocado also contain high levels of vitamin C and vitamin E, themselves potent anti-cancer antioxidants.

Vitamin C is considered protective against many non-hormonal cancers, like pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and lung cancer. Importantly, it appears most effective when it comes from food rather than supplements.

Vitamin E deficiency has been linked to breast cancer and studies have found a dramatic reduction in breast cancer risk at higher intakes, especially for women with a family history of the disease.

4. Avocado Skin Benefits

The monounsaturated fats in avocado are also beneficial for improving your skin tone and appearance. They are vital for maintaining good moisture levels in the epidermal layer of your skin that make it look and feel soft and healthy.

5. Avocado for Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease reaching epidemic proportions and there are believed to be a significant number of undiagnosed sufferers.  The most common symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes include a sudden and large increase in thirst and hunger and much more frequent urinating. A dry mouth, significant unexplained weight loss, vision problems and leg pain are also common symptoms.

Having more monounsaturated fats in a diabetic diet is also beneficial for reducing high triglyceride levels and may help improve insulin function and blood glucose levels.

Additionally, the vitamin E found in iJuice Avocado lowers cholesterol oxidation that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It may also provide some protection from nerve damage in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy. The high levels of potassium in iJuice avocado is another important nutritional factor for diabetics due to the minerals role in maintaining a healthy heart and regulating blood sugar.

6.  Arthritis Prevention

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition characterized by joint inflammation and soreness that affects millions of people in the USA and UK. Many common foods like wheat, corn, milk and sugar are known to worsen symptoms, but anti-inflammatory avocado is one of the few foods consistently reported to reduce arthritic pain.iJuice Avocado contains high levels of monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C and a variety of carotenoids that can help reduce the inflammation that leads to arthritis.

7. Benefits of Avocado for Pregnant Women

Avocado is a particularly important food for women who are pregnant, and those trying to be, due to its high concentrations of folate (also known as folic acid). This B vitamin is needed to prevent birth defects like spina bifida and doctors advise women to get high amounts of folate both before and during pregnancy. Vitamin K is another valuable nutrient found in high concentrations in avocados that benefit women during pregnancy and their future babies.

8. Avocado for Constipation

Despite their creamy texture, avocados are actually a high fiber food, with 8 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber per cup of the fresh fruit. This fiber is beneficial for improving digestion, encouraging regular bowel movements and well known to help prevent constipation.

9. Avocado Benefits for Weight Loss

You may be surprised that a food high in fat and calories like avocado would be recommended for weight loss. However, research has shown that avocado’s monounsaturated fatty acids are much more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat. This steady energy and the feeling of satiety or satisfied fullness that you get from iJuice Avocado is one of the reasons they are so good at reducing hunger and appetite.

10. Better Overall Health

This interesting study, called ‘Avocado consumption is associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake, and lower metabolic syndrome risk in US adults’, found that avocado eaters had a higher intake of vitamins, like vitamin K and vitamin E, and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.

This improved nutritional intake resulted in a significantly lower body weight, body mass index and waist circumference in those that ingest avocados.

9) pH Miracle pHour Salts

With a combination of four powerful carbonate salts, pHour Salts™ by pH Miracle® is designed to help you maintain the alkaline integrity of your cells, organs, and body. (454g Powder)


pHour Salts™ is a combination of four powerful carbonate salts (sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, potassium bicarbonate, and calcium chloride) that help maintain the alkaline design of human, plant, and animal organisms. These salts are naturally occurring in all fluids of the body. Specifically, they can aid in the reduction of acidity in the stomach, blood, interstitial fluids of the Interstitium, lymphatic, circulatory, and gastro-intestinal system.

pHour Salts™ may be used daily to increase the alkalinity of any food or drink. Other uses include baking, tooth scrub, mouth wash, deoderizer, bath soak, and foot bath.

10) Fennel

There’s a reason these seeds are presented at the end of a meal a— they are cooling and alkalizing the Hydrochloric acid in the gastric pits of the stomach. Chew a few fennel seeds to reduce the symptoms of acidity for immediate relief from acids in the stomah.

Also read: The pH Miracle revised and updated for additional recipes and a list of acidic foods to never eat and a list of alkaline foods to eat freely:

TOM BRADY’S Version of the pH Miracle Lifestyle in His New Book – TB12!

Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at 7.51.09 PM.pngTom Brady and his wife Gisele – Both Follow the pH Alkaline Lifestyle

The New England quarterback’s alkaline diet has many rules to keep people on track as they attempt this new lifestyle.

Just in time for the Super Bowl!


1. Consume mainly alkaline foods – At least 80%!

2. Pay attention to portion sizes. The plate should include two palm sizes of vegetables and one-palm size of protein

3. Stop eating two to three hours before bed

4. You cannot combine protein and complex carbs for a meal

5. Cannot eat fruit alone

6. Little to no carbs for breakfast

7. Eat foods based on seasons

8. Consume 20oz of alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 right when you wake up


9. If you cannot give up coffee then limit caffeine intake to 200mg (two cups of coffee)

10. No soda, carbonation, milk, dairy, fruit juices, sweetened drinks, and alcohol!

Giving it a try! Toronto-based fitness trainer Keltie O’Connor shared with her followers how she attempted the alkaline diet!

Before the pH Alkaline diet Keltie admitted she was bloated!

After 30 days on the pH Alkaline Diet no more digestive problems and bloating!

To learn more about the pH Miracle lifestyle read The pH Miracle, revised and updated.

To order the pH Miracle Alkaline Lifestyle and Diet book go to:

Ingesting iJuice Avocado Seed Oil Can Help Fight Cancer

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Eating Avocado Seeds Can Help Fight Cancer (and 4 Other Health Benefits) –

The avocado seed and more important the avocado seed oil contains anti-tumor properties, especially the potent antioxidants called flavonols. In a 2013 study published in the journal, Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers from the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia found that the oil from avocado fruit and seeds caused leukemia cells to self-destruct.

In a more recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Research, researchers discovered that a compound found in avocado seed extract called avocatin B was effective phytochemical against acute myeloid leukemia cells. In total, study researchers tested 800 natural health products against the human acute myeloid leukemia cells.

Avocado Seed Oil Overview –


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Avocados are, by far, my favorite food; in fact, I try to eat at least one avocado every day. The green, creamy fruit can pretty much go with anything. I add half an avocado to my morning smoothie and another half to my salad at dinnertime…and if I have a craving for tomato and avocado, I love making homemade guacamole!

Like most people, I use to toss the avocado seed in the garbage. But it turns out avocado seeds and avocado seed oil are not only healthy, but they have even been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

Is It Safe to Eat Avocado Seeds?


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“Wait a minute,” some may say. “Aren’t fruit seeds and oil are toxic?” Well, fruit seeds from cherries, plums, and apricots contain the toxic chemical cyanide, and large quantities of these seeds can lead to vomiting, dizziness, and even death. But that is not the case with the avocado seed and avocado seed oil

Avocado seeds and oil contain tannins, which are mildly toxic; however, you would have to consume several before you’d notice any negative health effects. In a 2013 study published in the Scientific World Journal, researchers concluded that the avocado seed oil was safe and it did not show any human toxicity.

5 Healthy Benefits of Eating Avocado Seeds and Oil


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We know avocados are loaded with folate, vitamin B, and healthy fats. But avocado seeds and oil are nutrient-rich as well. The avocado seed is a beneficial source of bioactive phytochemicals.

It contains fatty acids, triterpenes, phytosterols, and glucosides from abscisic acid. The avocado seed also contains 70% of the avocado’s antioxidant content. The antioxidant phytochemicals in avocado seeds include proanthocyanidins and flavonols. The avocado seed is also considered one of the best sources of soluble fiber.

What are the health benefits of eating avocado seeds and oil?

They contain antifungal, antibiotic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, larvicidal, amoebicidal, giardicidal, hypolipidemic, and antihypertensive properties. Eating avocado seeds also has other valuable health benefits.

1. Avocado Seeds and Oil Help Fight Cancer

The avocado seeds and oil contain anti-tumor properties, especially the potent antioxidants called flavonols. In a 2013 study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers from the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia found that extract from avocado fruit and seeds caused leukemia cells to self-destruct.

In a more recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Research, researchers discovered that a compound found in avocado seed extract called avocatin B was effective against acute myeloid leukemia cells. In total, study researchers tested 800 natural health products against the human acute myeloid leukemia cells.

2. Avocado Seeds and Oil Benefits the Heart

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In a 2012 study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, avocado seed flour reduced the total cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels in mice. Researchers also suggested that avocado seeds could offer protection against arterial plaque formation.

The dietary fiber found in avocado seeds is linked with lower cholesterol. The fiber will bind to the cholesterol in the intestinal tract and prevent it from being absorbed. Other research shows that avocado seeds can help improve high cholesterol and hypertension. It can also help fight inflammation and diabetes.

3. Avocado Seed Oil Aids Digestive

Eating avocado seeds can also help with digestion. South Americans once used avocado seeds for treating gastric ulcers, severe diarrhea (dysentery), acute diarrhea, and other digestive problems. The antioxidants and fiber found in the avocado seed are beneficial for digestion.

4. Avocado Seed Oil Strengthens the Immune System

A strong immune system is a great way to prevent disease. Avocado seeds and skins contain greater antioxidant levels, including proanthocyandins and catehchins.

They have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce stiffness, swelling, joint pain, and diseases. The anti-inflammatory effects also help strengthen the immune system and prevent the expulsion of dietary and metabolic acids called cold or flu.

In an in-vitro study, published in the journal Revista de Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical in 2009, researchers found that the antifungal and antibiotic effects of avocado seed extract could inhibit harmful pathogens such as candida, along with other fungi. Fungal and candida infections are related to a weakened immune system.

5. Avocado Seed Oil Helps Reduce Wrinkles

Evidence shows that avocado seed oil can increase collagen in the skin, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Avocado seed oil is also used to treat acne flare-ups.

How to Extract the Avocado Seed

To safely remove the avocado seed from the avocado:

  • Cut the avocado by slicing around the pit in order to cleanly remove the seed.
  • Insert your knife tip into the pit, twist, and gently pull.
  • Finally, remove the avocado seed from the knife.
  • Simply put the avocado seed into a plastic bag and then crush it with a hammer (or a blunt object).
  • Combine the crushed seed and blended avocado seeds in an Vitamix blender with iJuice Avocado Seed Oil with your favorite smoothie ingredients, such as avocado meat and dark leafy green vegetables, like spinach and kale. If you have a high-powered blender such as a Vitamix, you will not need to crush the avocado seed first, but you will need to add alkaline water.

Recipe for the Perfect Avocado Seed & Oil Green Smoothie

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  • 1/2 organic avocado seed
  • 1/2 organic avocado
  • 1 tsp of iJuice organic avocado oil –
  • 5 drops of iJuice organic avocado seed oil –
  • 1 cup of organic almond milk or water
  • 1 scoop of iJuice Super Greens powder
  • 1 scoop of iJuice Super Chlorophyll
  • 1 cup of organic spinach
  • 1 cup of organic kale
  • 1 to 2 organic English cucumber
  • 1 small piece of organic ginger (grated) or 1 to 2 drops of iJuice organic Ginger oil


  • Smash or grade the seed, blend all of the ingredients together until smooth, and enjoy your avocado seed green goddess smoothie!

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Do you want another green smoothie recipe? You’re in luck—this next recipe also contains flaxseed and red leaf lettuce:


  • 1/2 organic avocado seed
  • 1 tsp of iJuice organic avocado oil
  • 5 to 10 drops of iJuice organic avocado seed oil
  • 2 1/2 cups of water or almond milk
  • 1/2 to 3/4 of an organic mango
  • 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed
  • 3/4 of a head of red leaf lettuce


  • Be sure to crush your avocado seed and blend in a Vitamix all of the ingredients until smooth.
  • Serve and enjoy!

Other Uses for the Avocado Seed

Besides adding nutrition to your green alkaline smoothies, the avocado seed and oil has a plethora of other uses. Here are some of my favorites:

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  • Guacamole saver: Keep your guacamole from going bad in the refrigerator by placing the avocado seed or a few drops of iJuice avocado seed oil in your dip.
  • Homemade face mask: The avocado seed and/or oil can also make a great face mask exfoliator. All you need to do is dry the seeds, grind them up in a Vitamix, and add them to a homemade face mask recipe.
  • Avocado seed tea: The avocado seed and/or oil makes a great tea. Simply boil the seed for approximately 30 minutes or add a few drops of iJuice Avocado Seed oil to your tea.

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  • Grow an avocado plant: You can also grow an avocado seed into a decorative houseplant.
  • Natural food additive: The antioxidant phytochemicals are thought to make avocado seeds a healthy food additive. In a 2011 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers concluded that the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of avocado seeds may help with food spoilage prevention.


“Could avocados hold the key to treating leukemia?” PubMed Health, National Center for Biotechnology Information web site, June 17, 2015;

For more healthy alkaline juice, smoothie and soup recipes using avocado seed and oil read, The pH Miracle revised and updated and The pH Miracle for Cancer –



Is The Blood Sterile?

Is there such a thing as a Yeast Infection of the Blood?


Where does Yeast come from?

How do I know if I have a Yeast Infection of the Blood?

What Can I do if I have a Bacterial or Yeast Infection?

To learn more watch and share the following video and read the published peer-reviewed scientific article by Robert O Young Phd and Galina Migalko MD NMD:

“Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of any Cancerous Condition”

Robert O Young1* and Galina Migalko2

1Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA

2Medical doctor, non-invasive medical diagnostics, USA

Received:August 29, 2015 | Published: November 24, 2015

*Corresponding author: Robert O Young, pH Miracle Inc., 16390 Dia del Sol, Valley Center, California, 92082, USA, Tel: 760 751 8321; Email: and Universal Medical Imaging Group, 12410 Burbank Blvd, Valley Village, California, 91607, USA, Tel: 818 987 6886; Email:

Citation: Young RO,Migalko G (2015) Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of any Cancerous Condition. Int J Complement Alt Med 2(1): 00046. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2015.02.00046


Due to the evident ineffectiveness of conventional cancer treatments (e.g. chemotherapy and radiation), more efficient alternatives are needed. The potential of Alkaline Nutritional Infusion (ANI) as a legitimate alternative to chemotherapy and radiation is examined. While largely ignored in conventional oncology, the pH of the interstitial fluids is suggested as paramount in identifying a cancerous condition. It is further suggested that cancer is an over-acidic condition of the body that can be reversed and prevented with alkalizing treatments such as ANI. Full Body Bio-Electro Scan (FBBES) is presented as a noninvasive means to examine body pH and the presence of cancer. In addition, non-invasive Full-Body Thermography (FBT) and Full-Body Ultrasound (FBU) are presented as a noninvasive means to examine the physiology and the anatomy of the organs, glands and tissues for inflammation, calcifications, cysts and tumors in the prevention and treatment of any cancerous condition. Finally, Live Blood Analysis (LBA) and Dried Blood Analysis (DBA) are non-invasive hematology tests for evaluating the health of the red and white blood cells and to view inflammatory and malignancy at the cellular level. In contrast to the acidosis caused by conventional cancer treatments, ANI methods such as Intravenous Nutritional Infusion (INI) and Rectal Nutritional Infusion (RNI) provide an alkalizing approach to cancer treatment and prevention.

To order “Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of any Cancerous Condition” go to: or

How NOT To DIE! and How To Live!

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20 Ways on How to Live Longer and Healthier – Free from ALL Sickness and Disease and Old Age

Have you heard about the ravages of acid rain in Australia and the loss of the coral reef or in Alaska and the loss of millions of pine trees or maybe you have heard about the oceans and the pH dropping because of acid rain. The cause is the result of toxic acidic carbon emissions in the global environment. Acid rain damages the leaves and needles on trees, reduces a tree’s ability to withstand cold, drought, disease and pests, and even inhibits or prevents plant reproduction. The oceans of the World are dying because of acidic carbon emissions from cars and cows. In an effort for the Earth and the oceans to stay alive and combat increased acidic pollution, as tree roots pull important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium from the soil and calcium and the oceans are pulling calcium and magnesium from the coral reefs and sodium from the ocean water increasing acidity. The extraction of alkaline minerals from the soil and water is necessary for all living things on the earth and oceans to stay alive and avoid sudden death. These alkaline nutrients help to balance the increased effects of acid rain, but as they become depleted from the soil or from the ocean, the trees’ and marine life’s ability to survive is strained and placed in certain danger of extinction. Just look at the pictures below and see what is happening to the forests of Denali, Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia. The forests in Alaska and the great barrier reef in Queensland, Australia are both headed towards irreversible extinction because of acid rain.

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We Are All Subject to Acid Rain!

What if I told you that most ALL people living today are unknowingly doing similar things to their body? A highly acidic lifestyle and diet is like acid rain in our blood, interstitial fluids and intracellular fluids that constitutes over 65% of the whole body. While the body has an alkaline buffering system (headed up by the stomach) in place to ensure that the blood and the interstitial fluids stay slightly alkaline at 7.365 pH, the depletion of alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles and other parts of your body may leave YOU vulnerable to health issues leading to ALL sickness and disease.


What is pH – The Power of Hydrogen or Perfectly Healthy or Both?

The pH (potential of hydrogen) is the measurement of acid (a measurement of hydrogen ions or protons) or alkalinity (a measurement of reduced hydrogen or electrons) on a scale from 0 to 14 with a midpoint of 7. The lower the number the higher the acidity (or the greater the concentration of hydrogen ions or protons) based upon a logarithm to the power of negative 10! For example, the pH of a healthy ocean environment free from acid rain would be 8.350. If the ocean pH drops 1 point due to acid rain to a pH of 7.350, which is a 10 times drop in pH, all life as we know it in the oceans would die. In fact, if the ocean pH drops from 8.350 to 8.100, which is a .235 drop, ALL life in the oceans would die! That is all it takes for ALL marine life to cease in our Oceans! JUST a small drop of 2/10’s of 1 point for ALL life to end! Here is another very important example that I truly want you to understand. The healthy pH of the human blood and interstitial fluids which makes up 80 percent of ALL body fluids is 7.365. This pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is a dynamic and is always changing. How do I know this? Because Dr. Galina Migalko, MD, NMD and I are the only scientist in the World measuring and comparing the pH and chemistries of the blood against the pH and chemistries of the interstitium. This is critical to truly understand when you are moving toward metabolic alkalosis or metabolic acidosis and preventing and/or reversing any sickness and disease as well as determining the efficacy of any non-invasive or invasive treatments. In other words, are the treatments for any sickness and disease making you sicker or better, whether conventional or traditional? This can now be measured and determined with certainty.


Why is YOUR Stomach So Important to the pH of the Blood and Interstitum

So why does the body, primarily the stomach work so hard to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids of the interstitium? Here is the most important answer YOU will read in YOUR life! If the blood and interstitial fluids drop below 7.100 from the ideal healthy pH of 7.365 you would go into a coma. When the blood and interstitial fluid pH drops to 6.900 you are DEAD! From what? Not global warming but from body warming or in other words acidosis! The key to avoid death is to maintain the alkaline design of the blood and interstitial fluids at a precise pH of 7.365 which can be measured without drawing one drop of blood or interstitial fluid. The technology is here and the science is real!

What is the Common Denominator of pH in Relationship to the Cause of ALL Sickness and Disease

This is the common denominator for ALL sickness and disease – ALL sickness and disease are caused by acidosis or acid rain or body warming! Therefore, there are NO specific diseases, there are ONLY specific disease or sickness conditions. All sickness and disease is caused by acid rain from within and is exactly what is happening in the oceans, the soils of our planet and in all humanity. Planetary and human sickness and disease is on the rise because of personal acidic lifestyles and dietary choices and because of ignorance. Name any disease and that disease or sickness is caused by metabolic, respiratory, gastrointestinal or environmental acidosis.

Check out this YouTube video on the 7 signs YOU and TOO Acidic

I hope you can see NOW how important it is to understand and then monitor your pH daily by having your your blood and interstitial fluids tested. Unfortunately, this new science and technology for testing the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids is limited Worldwide. (For more information concerning the testing of the blood and interstitial fluids or to make an appointment email: In the meantime, there is a simple, inexpensive and noninvasive way for testing the fluids of the interstitium, but not of the blood, for those of you who desire to monitor your interstitial fluid pH daily. You can test the pH of the morning urine, since this urine is a product of the interstitium and NOT of the blood, by using special pHydrion strips ( When you measure the pH of your urine using these special pHydrion strips it is important to achieve each morning a pH of at least 7.300 by following the suggested lifestyle and diet as described below. When you are testing your morning urine, which is the most acidic time of the day, you are testing the pH of the interstitial fluids which makes up over 60 percent of the body fluids (25 liters). You can also test your saliva using the same special pHydrion strips. When you are testing your saliva pH you are testing your body reserves available for buffering acid rain. Both the urine and saliva pH should be at least 7.300 and must be tested daily as you follow the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet in order to achieve an ideal pH for “Perfect Health!”

What Does the Stomach Have to Do With pH

An acidic pH of the blood and then interstitial fluids is what causes acid reflux—a condition in which the stomach creates when it is trying to buffer dietary acids from your toxic acidic food or drink ingested or metabolic acids from all functions of the body or respiratory acids from your respiratory system to maintain the pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a delicate pH of 7.365. The following is the stomach chemistry as it creates sodium bicarbonate to buffer excess acid rain on your blood, interstitial fluids and intercellular fluids: H20 (water) + NaCl (salt) + C02 (carbon dioxide) = NaHC03 (sodium bicarbonate) + HCL (hydrochloric acid).

This may be the first time you have ever heard this, but I have been saying this for many years, “the stomach DOES NOT DIGEST FOOD it ALKALIZES FOOD and protects ALL of our body fluids, organs and tissues from dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental acidosis! In other words, the stomach is an organ of contribution and NOT an organ of digestion. Eat any food without chewing it, like a piece of corn and see what happens. The corn comes out of your anus the same way it went into your mouth. The stomach digests nothing. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach is a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production for buffering acid rain or acidic waste from what you eat, what you drink, what you breath and what you think. This is why when an athlete goes into lactic acidosis they throw-up to rid their body of all the hydrochloric acid build-up in the gastric pits of the stomach. You see the body is working hard to buffer the increased lactic acid from increased metabolism so the athlete doesn’t die from acidic rain from a declining pH in the blood and interstitium. Even when a pregnant woman throws-up (generally in her first trimester) her stomach is producing sodium bicarbonate to buffer the acidic loads in her and her unborn child’s blood and interstitium. The increased need for alkalinity during pregnancy is significant and is NOT understood or even considered by medical savants. They think, unknowingly that the body just takes care of the pH of the blood and tissues and that what you eat, what you drink, what you breath, and what you think cannot effect this delicate pH balance. You see, morning sickness is nothing more than increased acids from diet, respiration and metabolism! It requires twice the energy to make a baby and with that the pregnant Mother has increased acid rain. So I want you to understand that the stomach’s main purpose is to maintain the alkaline design of the body to keep it alive. That is IT! Get IT?

To learn more about the physiology of the stomach read the following book. You can order this book online at the following link:


How is acid/base created in the body?

a) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why I call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.

b) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system – specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) – to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate production created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested and to maintain the delicate pH of the blood and interstitial fluids at a pH of 7.365.

c) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer. In fact HCL is in all pharmaceuticals and most dietary nutritional supplements.

d) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis – or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus – created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands (pancreas, gallbladder, Lieberkuhn glands in the liver and the Brunner glands between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs, once again are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner’s glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts, Lieberkuhn’s glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.

e) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger’s spaces or what recent scientist are calling the Interstitium pictured below.



f) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger’s space, or the spaces of the interstitium that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology or medical school text books. There is mention of the space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism, respiration, environment and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the “pre-kidney” because it stores metabolic respiratory, environmental and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.

g) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline.The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.

h) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ or the interstitium. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ or the interstitium. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ (just discovered by American science in 2018. Dr. Robert O. Young with Dr. Galina Migalko published their pH findings of the blood, interstitial fluids of the Interstitium and the intracellular fluids in 2015. Their publication is pictured below), which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.



That is why I have stated for years, “acid is pain and pain is acid.” You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs.

i) The more acidity created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice cream the more gastrointestinal acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH testing, including live and dried blood analysis. (Currently we are the only two scientist in the World that are doing non-invasive testing of the stomach, blood, interstitium and intracellular fluid pH with results in less than 15 minutes) The saliva pH is an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that surround the cells or the Pishinger’s space.

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j) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids into the connective tissue or the Pishinger’s space or the Interstitium. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues or the Pishinger’s space or interstitial fluid spaces. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine – which originates from the blood – remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the connective tissues or the interstitium, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues or the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium.

k) A latent “acidosis” is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated “acidosis.” This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated “acidosis” where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated “acidosis” can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating Meat and Cheese!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP increases.

l) If there is not enough base left over after meat and cheese or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues or interstitium, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis.When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

m) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid or HCL in the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base in the form of sodium bicarbonate!

n) Therefore the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It’s function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

o) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger’s spaces or the spaces of the interstitium while we sleep.

These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger’s spaces, the interstitial fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger’s spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

p) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.

q) After a high protein meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

r) Medical doctors are not taught the above science in medical school and therefore do not understand the complex chemistry between the stomach, blood and interstitium or even recognize the effects of an acidic lifestyle and diet leading to latent tissue acidosis in the largest organ of the body called the Interstitium. They understand and recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis in the blood but do not know about or even understand a single thing about the Interstitium. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its’ function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

s) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

t) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid.

u) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 + H+ = NH4.

v) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.

w) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) – common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered by the interstitium as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal, respiratory, enivronmenta and metabolic acids.

The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

You can order the following book on sodium and potassium bicarbonate at: or


x) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and cheese is definitely hazardous to your health. That is why I say, “a cucumber a day keeps the doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even an apple creates more excess acid in the colloidal connective tissues of the Schade or the Interstitium, leading to latent tissue acidosis and then sickness, disease and finally death.

y) With over 30 years of research and testing over 500,000 samples of blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and saliva I have come to the conclusion that the Human Body is an acid producing organism by function – yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein, especially meat and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly acidic choices – unless you interested in becoming sick, tired and fat over time.


z) Bottom line – the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. These are my two greatest discoveries. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for a longer healthier life free from all sickness and disease. That is why you are seeing a slew of celebrities (Harry and Meghan, Tom Brady, Rhianna, Elle Macpherson, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Beckham, NeNe, Tony Robbins, just to name a few) can attest to the benefits of a pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet and the drinking of alkaline water for improving the quality of their skin, hair and body and to avert over-acidity which often leads to breakouts of the skin and many other health challenges.

Harry and Meghan live an alkaline lifestyle and diet


Tom Brady is an avid supporter of the alkaline lifestyle and diet and states it is keeping in the game playing the best football of his life!


David Beckham is a follower of the alkaline lifestyle and diet


Ellie Macpherson drinks her green drink and tests her pH daily at the age of 54 enjoying extraordinary health and fitness

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Tony Robbins has been teaching Dr. Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet to Millions Around the World for Over 20 Years!


Gwyneth Paltrow has been following the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet for over 10 years and attributes her health, energy, vitality, fitness, and anti-aging benefits to this lifestyle and diet.


Rhianna attributes her glowing skin to the alkaline lifestyle and diet.


Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is not the cause of digestion but the result of alkalization. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.

The Break-Through Research of Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

My research has linked acidity to every sickness and disease, including enervation, irritation, catarrh, inflammation, induration, ulceration and degeneration. People do not die from disease they die from the inability to maintain the alkaline design of their body. The key to living a long and healthy life is managing the alkaline design of the body. For example pain equals acid and acid equals pain. You cannot have pain with acid. It is that simple! Remove the acid and you remove the pain.

The following are 20 suggestions on how to manage the alkaline design of your body and to increase your energy, vitality and quantity and quantity of life which is in your complete control! YOU determine YOUR Destiny!

20 Suggestions for Maintaining the Alkaline Design of YOUR Body for a Longer and Healthier Life

1. Start your day with a large glass of 9.5 alkaline water with the juice of a whole, freshly-squeezed lemon. While lemons are wrongly considered acidic, they are NOT! They are loaded with sodium bicarbonate which means they contribute to your alkaline reserves and protect the blood and interstitium from acid rain.

Be Alkaline and be healthy and loving

Get weekly alkaline tips of the day for leading a long and healthy and compassionate alkaline life when you sign-up as a member of our pH Miracle Fan Club on our facebook page at:


 2. Better yet, invest in a water filtration system that alkalinizes the water and increases the pH of the water to a 9.5 or greater. Pure water found in nature, which is hard to come by now thanks to acid rain, is quite alkaline. If you’re already drinking purified water, you can also purchase water alkalinizing drops to add to your water bottle and to raise the pH of your water to pH or 9.5 or greater. Here is the link to purchase alkaline pH drops for you water:

3. Eat a large green vegetable salad tossed in alkalizing lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are among the best sources of alkaline minerals like calcium and are high in chlorophyll for building hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

4. Drink raw organic almond milk. Almonds are packed with natural alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium which can help to balance out acidity while buffering another acid called glucose or blood sugar.

5. Drink an Avocado smoothie daily. Using a Vita-mix blender you can blend an avocado with spinach greens, cucumber, celery, ginger and almond milk for an incredible alkalizing and energizing green shake.

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6. Add green powder like wheat grass, barley grass, moringa grass or other greens to your daily diet since these foods that are highly alkalizing and energizing. It’s easy to throw a tablespoon of these greens into your Avocado based almond milk smoothie. To order the best green powder in the World go to:

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7. Take a brisk walk, bicycle ride, swim, rebound or some other exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Exercise helps move acidic waste products out of the interstitium and through the pores of the skin via perspiration.

8. Breathe deeply. Ideally, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. And, sorry, air filled with Febreze, Glade and all the other so-called “air fresheners,” is not what I’m talking about here. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then switch to breathing through your mouth without letting go of your first inhalation through your nose.


9. Go for Meatless and Eggless Mondays. Better yet, opt for meat-free Tuesdays, Wednesdays and other days throughout the week. During the chewing of meat, acid residues like uric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid residues are left behind for the stomach to address. There is zero health benefits from eating the flesh of another living being. All flesh is acidic and causes a double-loss of alkalinity in the blood and interstitium.


10. Skip the sugar-laden soda and drink some iJuice Wheat Grass Juice.( Sugar is one of the most acidic foods we consume. Sugar is a waste product of metabolism and fermentation. You need over 30 glasses of alkaline water at a pH of 8.4 just to neutralize the acidity (sugar and carbonic acid) of ONE can or bottle of soda.

11. Skip the artificially-sweetened diet beverages and other diet products. They contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame (now known as NeoTame), sucralose (also known as Splenda) or saccharin (also known as SugarTwin) and they all cause body warming and acid rain inside your body.

12. Add more green fruit and vegetables to your diet. No, fried potatoes don’t count, including sweet potatoes. Asparagus, green peppers, green string beans, kale, spinach, beet tops, carrot tops, wheat grass, barley grass, broccoli, cucumber, avocado, and lime and other green fruit and vegetables are also excellent choices for supporting the alkaline design of the body.


13. Instead of slathering your vegetables in acid-forming butter, drizzle alkaline flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, and/or green olive oil over them.

14. Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet like bean sprouts, sunflower seed sprouts and broccoli sprouts. They are extremely alkalizing and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting electrons.


15. Skip ALL desserts or reserve them as occasional treats instead of daily habits. Sugar consumption has been linked to a whole host of health problems and is best minimized or eliminated. If you are in body warming then removing all acidic foods and drinks are a must.

16. Avoid all alcoholic beverages or so-called nutritional supplements that contain alcohol. Alcohol is a devastating acid that causes pancreatic and liver cancer.

17, Avoid corn and peanuts because they are loaded with bacteria, yeast and mold and the cancer causing acid lactic acid.

18. No acidic beverages like coffee, black or green tea or chocolate. They all contain food acids that robs your body of its alkaline reserves causing many diseases, including cancer.


19. Stay far away from vinegar. Vinegar is pure acid and steals years off your life! Do not believe the so-called health experts to state the vinegar is good for digestion. Remember this very important point. There is only one instrument in the human body that can digest or breakdown food and the is your teeth. When you pour vinegar into your body all you have done is poison yourself. The stomach has to rob alkalinity from the blood, interstitium, organs and glands to buffer this highly toxic chemical setting the stage for enervation, inflammation, induration, ulceration , degeneration and finally death. Vinegar is death in a bottle.

20. Test your urine and saliva and drink pHour Salts every morning. Your ideal pH of your urine and saliva should be at least 7.300. If your pH is lower than 7.300 take a scoop of pHour salts in a small glass of alkaline water. Ideally, you should drink a glass of phour salts which contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride and calcium at least 3 times daily. To order pHour salts go to:

You can also order saliva and urine testing strips at the following link:

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To learn more about the work, research and discoveries of Robert O Young go to the following websites:,,, and

To learn more read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Sick and Tired, just to name a few of Robert O Young’s published books. To order any of these books go to:

Dr Galina Migalko and I will be key note speakers sharing our research and findings at the 3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science and Therapy on October 15th and 16th in Osaka, Japan.  If you would like to attend our lecture on our break-through science you can email:
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Our Next pH Miracle Event will be from November 18th to December 2nd – To learn more email us at:
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