Category Archives: Virus

What Do Exosomes and Viruses Like HIV & Corona Have In Common?

Dr. James Hildreth PhD MD, proposed that “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.” [1]

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What Are Exosomes?

Exosomes are membrane bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are produced in the endosomal compartment of most eukaryotic cells.[2][3][4] The multivesicular body (MVB) is an endosome defined by intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) that bud inward into the endosomal lumen. If the MVB fuses with the cell surface (the plasma membrane), these ILVs are released as exosomes. In multicellular organisms, exosomes and other EVs are present in tissues and can also be found in biological fluids including blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. They are also released in vitro by cultured cells into their growth medium.[5][6][7][8]

Since the size of exosomes is limited by that of the parent MVB, exosomes are generally thought to be smaller than most other EVs, from about 30 to 150 nanometres (nm) in diameter: around the same size as many lipoproteins but much smaller than cells.[5] Compared with EVs in general, it is unclear whether exosomes have unique characteristics or functions or can be separated or distinguished effectively from other EVs.[2] EVs including exosomes carry markers of cells of origin and have specialized functions in physiological processes, from coagulation and intercellular signaling to acidic waste management of the intravascular and interstitial fluids of the Interstitium – the largest organ of the human body.[5]

Are Exosomes Viruses?

There is NO scientific evidence from ANY research (published or otherwise) from ANY scientist or group of scientists any where in the World validating the existence of the so-called invisible virus or that exosomes have been proven to be the existence of any virus!

Exosomes are created endogenously by the cells, even the red blood cells as a means of mediating or buffering metabolic, environmental, dietary and/or respiratory acidic waste in order to maintain the delicate pH balance of the intravascular fluids, the interstitial fluids and the intracellular fluids of the body cells at 7.365.[9]

Are Exosomes the Agents to the Activation of the Immune System and a Defense Against Metabolic Acids?

What may appear as viral particles are many times indistinguishable from exosomes.

Exosomes are natural micro-vesicles produced by cells; they carry messages from cell to cell, and to other tissues, and possibly to other people. They are essential to health because they carry acidic waste out of damaged cells and trigger the lymphocytes to release reduced oxygen (SO-) and reduced hydrogen (OH-) molecules to buffer metabolic acidic cellular waste to prevent the death of the body.

Are COVID-19 and HIV Exosomes?

Based upon electron microscopy the so-called COVID-19 virus and the the so-called HIV virus are 100 nm in diameter and appear identical to exosomes.

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Endogenously Created Exosomes Protect the Cells

In January 18th of 2020, three scientists published a scientific paper describing the protective purpose of exosomes, entitled, “Exosome-Mediated Transfer of ACE2 (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2) from Endothelial Progenitor Cells Promotes Survival and Function of Endothelial Cell.”[9]

Research on Exosomes and Their Support of the Lymphocytes (Immune System) in Reducing Cancer-causing Acidic Waste

Exosomes from red blood cells contain the transferrin receptor which is absent in mature erythrocytes. Dendritic cell-derived exosomes express MHC I, MHC II, and costimulatory molecules and have been proven to be able to induce and enhance antigen-specific T cell responses in vivo in reducing metabolic acidic waste.[10]

What Is the Relationship Between Exosomes and COVID-19

They both contain the ACE2, or angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor and visually, using an electron microscope measure the same size. The exosomes or should we say the COVID-19, ACE2 receptor chops up two forms of a protein called angiotensin to keep blood pressure stable by protecting cell membranes from cellular breakdown from metabolic, dietary, environmental and respiratory acidic waste.[9]

So What is Causing the Symptoms of COVID-19 and the Release of Exosomes into the Extracellular Matrix?

It is a four letter word – ACID! Where is the ACID coming from?

The major contributing factors that cause cellular breakdown and the release of exosomes into the extracellular matrix are as follows:

1. Electro-magnetic pulsating frequencies ranging from 1GHz to 600GHz.[11][12][13]

2. Carbon Dioxide and Monoxide Poisoning.[14][15][16][17][18][19]

3. Glyphosate Acid Poisoning from non-organic fruit and vegetables.[20][21]

4. Lactic Acid Poisoning from diet and metabolism.[20]21]

5. Uric, Nitric, Sulphuric and Phosphoric Acid Poisoning from eating the flesh and blood of animals.[20][21]

6. Genetically Modified Organisms in our food supply and vaccines.[20][21]

7. Aluminum Oxide Poisoning from vaccination and chem trails.[24]

8. Antibiotic Poisoning.[22][23][24]

9. Acidic Polluted Water, Alcohol, Coffee, Black tea, Soda drinks, Sport drinks.[20][21]

10. Sugar in all of its form or any word that ends in ‘ose’.[20][21]

How Can I Support the Alkaline Design of the Body and Reduce Metabolic, Dietary, Environmental and Respiratory Acidic Waste that is Making Me Sick and Tired?

First, read five books by Dr. Robert O. Young to start with –

1. Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain[20]

2. The pH Miracle revised and updated[21]

3. Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) As a Non-Toxic Antimicrobial Agent for Virus, Bacteria and Yeast (Candids Albicans)[22]

4. Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of any Cancerous Condition,[23] and,

5. Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.[24]

Second, follow the protocol as outlined in Chapter 5 and 11 in The pH Miracle Revised and Updated for at least 12 weeks.[21]

Third, If you need further clarification and support you can setup a consultation with Dr. Robert O. Young by clicking here:

Fourth, you can attend a pH Miracle Retreat and immerse yourself in a paradise of alkalinity. To learn more go to:



[2] Théry C, Witwer KW, Aikawa E, Alcaraz MJ, Anderson JD, Andriantsitohaina R, et al. (2018). “Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines”. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 7 (1): 1535750. doi:10.1080/20013078.2018.1535750. PMC 6322352. PMID 30637094.

[3] Yáñez-Mó M, Siljander PR, Andreu Z, Zavec AB, Borràs FE, Buzas EI, Buzas K, et al. (2015). “Biological properties of extracellular vesicles and their physiological functions”. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 4: 27066. doi:10.3402/jev.v4.27066. PMC 4433489. PMID 25979354.

[4] van Niel G, D’Angelo G, Raposo G (April 2018). “Shedding light on the cell biology of extracellular vesicles”. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology. 19 (4): 213–228. doi:10.1038/nrm.2017.125. PMID 29339798.

[5] van der Pol E, Böing AN, Harrison P, Sturk A, Nieuwland R (July 2012). “Classification, functions, and clinical relevance of extracellular vesicles”. Pharmacological Reviews. 64 (3): 676–705. doi:10.1124/pr.112.005983. PMID 22722893.

[6] Keller S, Sanderson MP, Stoeck A, Altevogt P (November 2006). “Exosomes: from biogenesis and secretion to biological function”. Immunology Letters. 107 (2): 102–8. doi:10.1016/j.imlet.2006.09.005. PMID 17067686.

[7] Spaull R, McPherson B, Gialeli A, Clayton A, Uney J, Heep A, Cordero-Llana Ó (April 2019). “Exosomes populate the cerebrospinal fluid of preterm infants with post-haemorrhagic hydrocephalus”. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 73: 59–65. doi:10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2019.01.004. PMID 30639393.

[8] Dhondt B, Van Deun J, Vermaerke S, de Marco A, Lumen N, De Wever O, Hendrix A (June 2018). “Urinary extracellular vesicle biomarkers in urological cancers: From discovery towards clinical implementation”. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 99: 236–256. doi:10.1016/j.biocel.2018.04.009. PMID 29654900.

[9] Wang J, Chen S, Bihl J, “Exosome-Mediated Transfer of ACE2 (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2) from Endothelial Progenitor Cells Promotes Survival and Function.” Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2020 Jan 18;2020:4213541. doi: 10.1155/2020/4213541

[10] Mignot G, Roux S, Thery C, Ségura E, Zitvogel L (2006). “Prospects for exosomes in immunotherapy of cancer”. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 10 (2): 376–88. doi:10.1111/j.1582-4934.2006.tb00406.x. PMC 3933128. PMID 16796806.

[11] Rubik, B. Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. Administrative Radiology Journal XVI(8), August 1997, 38-46.

[12] Young, R.O., “The Effects of ElectroMagnetic Frequencies (EMF) on the Blood and Biological Terrain.”…/the-effects-electromagnet-f…

[13] Young, R.O., “Adverse Health Effects of 5G Mobile Networking Technology Under Real-Life Conditions.” April 19th, 2020.…/adverse-health-effects-of-5…

[14] NOAA. (2016). In a high carbon dioxide world, dangerous waters ahead. (accessed on August 6, 2019)

[15] NOAA. (2018). What is Ocean Acidification? (accessed on August 6, 2019)

[16] National Geographic. (2017). Ocean Acidification. (accessed on August 6, 2019)

[17] NOAA. (2010). Ocean Acidification, Today and in the Future. (accessed on August 6, 2019)

[18] Young, R.O., Young, S.R, “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.” Hachett Publishing, 2010.

[19] Are the Interstitial Fluids Raining Acid on YOUR Lung Cells? (December 17th, 2019)

[20] Young, R.O., “Sick and Tired.”…/books-audio-video/produ…

[21] Young, R.O., Young, S.R. “The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.” Grand Central Publishing, NY, NY, 2010.…/the-ph-miracle-revised-…

[22] Young, R.O.,”Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) As a Non-Toxic Antimicrobial Agent for Virus, Bacteria and Yeast (Candids Albicans),” Hikari Omni Media, August 2nd, 2016.…/chlorine-dioxide-clo2-b…

[23] Young, R.O., Migalko, G., “Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of any Cancerous Condition.” Hikari Omni Media, August 1st, 2016.…/alkalizing-nutritional-…

[24] Young, R.O., “Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis,” Hikari Omni Media, August 2nd, 2016.…/second-thoughts-about-v…

The Corona Virus is Just a Concept That Only Exists on Paper

In 1960 a veteran retro virologist urged his peers to “raise questions whether the known facts about viruses suffice to account for it.” The subject was cancer, the veteran was Peyton Rous, and the quote is from a paper in Cancer Research. Mindful of that example, in 198I, asked a similar question in a paper likewise published in Cancer Research: whether the known facts about two human retroviruses suffice to account for Leukemia and AIDS.

Clearly, following Rous’s example did not make me very popular with the multinational club of retro virologists. My article was officially ignored and not “dignified” with a response because the AIDS virus establishment was “too busy . . . saving lives” and testing for antibodies to HIV – just like they are doing today with the phantom corona virus or COVID-19.

I was often shunned like an AIDS patient by my former fellow microbiologists and virologists. My views were unwelcome for several reasons: after a frustrating, twenty-year-long search for a human cancer microbe, the retro virologists were craving for clinical relevance and hence happily adopted HIV – ‘the AIDS virus’ -as the cause of AIDS. The discovery of HIV was announced in the U.S. at a press conference and the virus-AIDS hypothesis became instant national dogma. On this basis, the retro virologists convinced their governments to spend billions of dollars to stop the predicted viral epidemic, already being labelled “the epidemic of the 20th century.” Does all this sound familiar with what is happening today with COVID – 19?

The Viral Theory Was The Immediate Darling of the Biotechnology Companies

Due to its very low complexity, it can be readily cloned for diagnostic test kits and vaccines. In turn, the virus was a hit with the press because it mobilized in their readers the instinctive fears of a contagious disease, and appealed to the public prejudice that all evil comes from without.”

Where is the Proof?

Perhaps the foremost thing that should be said about HIV or for that matter any virus is that they have never been proven to be the cause of AIDS, or any human illness. Not one scientific paper exists that demonstrates it. This is also the case with Ebola, Zika and now SARS COVID-2 and 19!

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Based on activity in contrived situations in test tubes, among other illogical things, its culpability was a pronouncement handed down by an authority figure at the National Institute of Health. It is the same authority (Dr. Robert Gallo, head of NIH cancer labs removed from his position for scientific fraud) behind the expenditure of around a trillion dollars in cancer research which has produced NOTHING but an epidemic that is virtually out of control. (One wonders what it will take before people finally get the idea and stop creating walks, rides, telethons and cake sales to contribute money to the bottomless pit of biased, misdirected, wasteful and cruel orthodox medical research in cancer, degenerative disease and virology.)

And, it is the same authority who has taken out two patents whose value depends upon HIV or COVID – 19 as being accepted as the cause or a co-factor. One patent is for the technique of testing for the virus, and the other for a method of laboratory cultivation. No one in a position to do anything about it questions this obvious conflict of interest. This is going on right now today with the testing of an antibody without ever identifying isolating, purifying and culturing the virus, COVID-19.

Kary Mullis, PhD, Nobel laureate in chemistry for his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for testing genetic matter, stated, “I can’t find a single virologist who will give me references which show that HIV is the probable cause of AIDS …. If you ask a virologist for that information, you don’t get an answer, you get fury” [1]. Dr. Mullis has continued his outspoken criticisms of the AIDS establishment, “Where is the research that says HIV is the cause of AIDS? We know everything in the world about HIV now. There are 10,000 people in the World now who specialize in HIV.”

This same fraudulent activity in virology has continued with the Ebola virus, the Hantavirus, the Hepatitis virus, the West Nile virus, the Zika virus, just to name a few, and now with the Corona virus – COVID -19, which is an acronym that stands for, “Certificate Of Vaccination Identification (C.O.V.I.D.) – Artificial Intelligence (1 represents the first letter in the alphabet = A and 9 represents the ninth letter in the alphabet = I).

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Most virologist have very little interest in the possibility that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS or that the Corona virus doesn’t cause hypoxia that leads to acute respiratory disease syndrome or ARDS, because if it doesn’t, their expertise is useless. [2] Their embarrassment, humiliation and scientific fraud would also be considerable!

Just look what happened to Dr. Luc Montagnier, a virologist, for his non-discovery of the HIV virus, for which he received a Nobel Prize in Medicine without ever isolating the HIV virus under the scientific method of Koch’s Postulates and Farr’s law (see below for more information on Koch Postulates and Farr’s law).

Dr. Montagnier just recently inaccurately claimed that the phantom coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material (GMO) from HIV which doesn’t even exist! So how does a virologist take genetic matter from HIV or a Corona virus or any other virus for that matter which has never been isolated, purified and genetically and biochemically identified?

NOW Take A Deep Breath

Just take a moment and take a deep breath and consider what if what I’m telling you is 100 percent true and it is only the tip of the iceberg?

Please, Please, Please do your own research! – Stop being a Sheep

First, start by reading, “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg, a Retro Virologist at The University of California Berkley.

Second, read Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, PhD book, “The Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR). Dr. Mullis does not see the relevance for testing antibodies by PCR when the virus such as HIV or COVID – 19 have not been isolated, purified, genetically and biochemically tested and then viewed under electron microscopy. Once these steps have been completed, the isolated and purified virus needs to be tested again by following the scientific method for verification of any disease causing germ. The tests are called Koch’s postulates and Farr’s law.

The Virus and Koch’s Postulates

Koch’s postulates are a set of conditions long accepted as the requirements for establishing a fixed microorganism as the cause of a specific disease. The case for HIV as the AIDS virus or COVID – 19 causes acute lung disease syndrome (ARDS) as with the identification of any so-called causative infectious agent, should depend upon meeting these parameters, of which there are four. (Keep in mind that researchers disagree about what constitutes proof that any germ causes a disease.)

1. The germ must be found in all cases of the disease.

Tissues said to be affected by HIV or COVID -19 include primarily the white blood cells of the immune system, particularly the T-cells, the brain neurons in dementia, skin cells in lesions of Kaposi’s sarcoma, in the lungs as well as, theoretically, any cell in the body expressing the CD4 surface receptor said to be the key to HIV or COVID – 19 cell entry. But no trace of the virus can be found in either the Kaposi’s sarcoma or the neurons of the central nervous system or the lungs in Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome or ARDS. HIV and COVID -19 have moved from involving only immune cells to other types of cells in order to explain certain AIDS-defining symptoms or COVID -19 defining symptoms which are not immune deficiencies anyway, including the cancers, dementia and wasting diseases, dry cough, fevers and hypoxia which have not been, or cannot be, explained in terms of a germ-theory virus model that involves destruction of the immune system.

And, if HIV or the COVID-19 viruses were actively infecting T-cells or other members of the body’s immune system, extracellular virions should easily be found circulating in the blood. But in most individuals suffering from AIDSyndrome or COVID – 19, no particles can be found anywhere in the body.

Another aspect of HIV is that now several HIV and COVID “reservoirs” have been suggested. One encyclopedia, which will go unnamed, says: “Researchers have also been able to show direct infection of bone-marrow cells-the precursors of circulating blood cells-and the proliferation of the virus within these cells. Thus bone marrow may represent an important reservoir of HIV or in COVID -19 the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium in an infected person and provide a potential mechanism for dissemination of the virus through the body.” This is misinformation, pure speculation, a conclusion based on laboratory pyrotechnics, or scientific fraud. It is also said that macrophages can support HIV and COVID-19 replication while harboring the virus from immune surveillance. Circulating macrophages are said to play an important role in the distribution of HIV and COVID-19 throughout the body, including the lung and brain. The question is, wouldn’t there be significant amounts of virus in a reservoir? The fact remains: it is nearly impossible to recover HIV or COVID – 19 from its “victims.” (See below under “Autoimmune Theory.”) One paper published in March 1993 reported two individuals with about 100,000 particles per milliliter of blood, among dozens of patients with little or no detectable extracellular particles [18].

The abundance of uninfected T-cells (about one in 500) in all patients is the definitive argument against the false claims for high cell-wall particle “loads,” or “burdens”. The absence of active, infectious virus automatically disqualifies HIV as a player in the AID Syndrome or COVID – 19 in acute lung disease syndrome (ARDS).

2. The germ must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture.

Even for the most experienced virus hunters, a virus that is so extremely scarce is difficult to find. Only with rare luck and extreme persistence has HIV or COVID – 19 been extracted from an antibody-positive person. This amounts to finding the proverbial needle of HIV or COVID – 19 in a haystack of human DNA. This difficulty speaks to HIV’s or COVID – 19’s lack of potential in disease.

3. The purified germ must cause the disease again in another host.

There is no animal or human model for HIV and AIDS or COVID – 19 and ARDS, and where there is no animal or human model, you cannot establish Koch’s postulates. (It is more than disconcerting to think of the number of primates that have been injected to this day in an attempt to produce AIDS.) HIV jumps in and says that HIV or any virus including COVD – 19 should receive special dispensation from Koch’s postulates. A major stumbling block is the latency which is claimed, but whose modus is not explained by authorities. In 1989 the official latent period between HIV infection and the onset of AIDS was one year. This period of “incubation” has since been stretched to 10 to 12 years. For each year that passes without the predicted explosion in AIDS cases, approximately one year is added to this period. Even this is insufficient; with only 5 percent of do-called infected Americans developing AIDS each year, the average latent period would have to be revised to more than 20 years for 100 percent to become sick.

HIV should cause AIDS and COVID – 19 should cause ARDS within two weeks of infection at most, but it does not, and with the complete lack of a demonstrated process by which HIV or COVID – 19 diminishes immune function, belief in a decade or more of unexplained latency requires a level of “faith” beyond my capacity. Another major stumbling block is that even once the latent period of 14 days is apparently over, there is still precious little development of the HIV or COVID – 19 virus.

4. The germ must then be isolable from the newly infected host.

A huge problem for the viral theory! We are now backing to the problem of meeting requirement number 2.

The Antibody That Isn’t an Antibody

According to the germ theory, an antibody is a certain antidote to a pathogen or virus. According to HIV and COVID -19, however, the more antibodies you have to HIV or COVID – 19, the sicker you are said to be. Viruses, including HIV and COVID – 19 are two of thousands “disease causing agents” in the allopathic file cabinet in which antibodies to the causative agent mean you’re in trouble; and it defies just about every known law, rule, guideline, fact, and behavior in the germ theory book. This includes, as we have seen in Koch’s postulates, and, as we will see below, Farr’s Law.

Furthermore, vaccine research proceeds on the basis of producing antibodies from a phantom virus in the patient. Apparently, these “synthetic” antibodies delivered in a vaccine with GMO organisms mixed with toxic metals and chemicals such as aluminum oxide, will signal recovery, while one’s own natural ly created antibodies signals death.

The Autoimmune Theory

One explanation put forth for the deadliness of such a scarce pathogen is that it somehow induces a self-destructive immune response (the system attacks itself). Evidence for this is said to be low white cell counts in people with infections; however, there is nothing to support the hypothesis, i.e., no plausible process by which this occurs has been suggested.

I have never viewed under a pHase contrast microscope a white blood cell attack another white blood cell in my 40 years of research watching and video taping their activities. White blood cells are glorified janitors or garbage collectors going around the body fluids picking up cellular fragments and biological transformations, i.e., bacteria and yeast. But they never attack each other or a healthy blood or body cell.

Watch the following video of two neutrophils moving around through the blood plasma while cleaning the membranes of red blood cells and picking up small bacteria and Y-form yeast. In fact, you will see one of the neutrophils picking up a Y-form yeast, like Candida albicans and then spitting it back out into the blod plasma.

The Elastic Band Theory

For the sake of discussion, let us allow germ-theory interpretation of immune function and autoimmunity. With only one in 500 immune cells (white blood cells) said to be infected with COVID -19 positives, it would seem to require a virus of extraordinary cunning to get uninfected cells to attack each other and not infected ones, which would be self-defeating for the virus. Or in the latter event, such cunning could be matched only by the adroitness required to move quickly from one host cell to another just before destruction. Or, if macrophages are involved, the process should lead either to increasing titers of virions in the blood, lymph, etc., as infected cells are lysed, or to increasing concentrations in macrophages if they are ingesting T-cells. This supports the reservoir notion (if there were any viruses to be found in them). It is thus easier to expand the theory to an ELASTIC BAND THEORY to meet whatever the outcomes are of the virologist for any virus, including HIV and COVID – 19! How about fourteen day latency period. Maybe a 2 year or even with HIV a 20 year latency period. Really! This is called science!

(Please read for further light and knowledge on viruses at: “Dismantling the Viral Theory” at:

COVID – 19 and Farr’s Law

Established in the early 1900s, Farr’s Law, which is fundamental to virology, states that viral disease develops exponentially, and dictates that illness will strike soon after infection. The rate-determining factor of the exponential growth of viruses is viral generation time, which is between 8 and 48 hours. Since laws are made to be broken or excepted, viruses with incubation periods longer than allowed by Farr’s Law are called “slow viruses.” And since COVID – 19 joins an exonerated class of viruses by not multiplying according to this law of virology, virologists stretch the time to accommodate it. The question arises, though, of how anyone can determine or demonstrate when a “natural” COVID -19 infection takes place, and thus determine latency, since no one is being tested daily or weekly, etc., and there is no animal model. Within the slow-virus concept, adopted as an exception to Farr’s Law, retro virologists can find refuge, hold on to their theory, hibernate in their labs, and hope the long winter of HIV latency is over before they expire.

According to expert retro virologist Dr. Peter Duesberg, “The slow virus concept has never been reconciled with the short generation time of viruses and the immune system. Once the virus lies totally dormant, an intact immune system will never allow any virus to be reactivated to multiply into numbers that would threaten the host. For a virus to be reactivated, the immune system first must be destroyed by something else-the real cause of a disease. A reactivated virus would just contribute an opportunistic infection. Thus, there are no slow viruses, only slow virologists.” [19] Also, says Duesberg, “Retroviruses are all very similar. I mean, there are differences, but as far as pathology is concerned, you don’t see a marker in one which is going to explain why it supposedly wakes up from sleep and becomes active” [20].

As of April 22nd, 2020, I have yet to see ANY published research papers identifying the existence of a single virus that has proven out to cause ANY specific disease(s) following the scientific method. It appears that virologists have given the virus a pass because they JUST CANNOT FIND ONE!

The use of PCR testing, is one of the main tests being used by virologists today to determine antibody loads for the corona virus. It is very important for you to know that the PCR testing does not identify the existence of ANY specific virus. So, what you get is a guess. This is NOT science!

The following is another important quote concerning viruses, specifically HIV and AIDS from Dr. Mullis, “we have not been able to discover any good reason why most of the people on earth believe that AIDS is …caused by..HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true (or) why doctors prescribe a toxic drug called AZT…we cannot understand why humans would take that drug for any reason.”

The AZT drug was one of the first drugs given for the treatment of HIV even when the patient was asymptomatic. Sadly, this toxic acidic drug was the cause of the AIDS and the death of millions. Not some illusionary virus. AZT is no longer being used because of this fact.

Third, read Robert O Young, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner book, “A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis.”

This book also covers additional information on other phantom viruses such as the Ebola virus, West Nile virus, and the Hepatitis virus, just to name a few.

The link to purchase this book is:

Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS – Booklet

Fourth, watch the following youtube video of Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, on the , “Relation between Corona virus, Electromagnetic waves, 5G, Vaccines and even Spirituality” on the cause and symptoms of the phantom Corona virus.

Now Let’s look at the 5G viral map of Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America and Northern South America at: and see where the deployment of 5G viral cell towers are located and the hot spots for so-called COVID – 19 infections and deaths.

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Please note that New York and New Jersey have the greatest number of 5G viral cell towers with 1.5K and the greatest number of sick and dead. The second greatest number of 5G viral cell towers with 430 are found in the Los Angeles, California area with the second highest number of sick and dead. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the cause and effect relationship between radiation poisoning with the symptoms of dry cough, hypoxia, and fever when you understand and know that 5G pulsating V-frequency at 60GHz literally takes the oxygen out of the air and out of your body destroying the red blood cells and their ability to flow to the lungs and pick up oxygen and then flow back to deliver this life-needing oxygen to the body cells. All of the symptoms for 5G viral radiation poisoning are identical to high-altitude sickness. You cannot treat these symptoms like the season flu or Influenza or you will kill the patient.

Fifth, watch Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD (American Researcher) on Coronavirus on the HIV to the Corona virus fraud and her 22 year relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases –

Sixth, Watch from the NYC ICU: DOES COVID-19 REALLY CAUSE ARDS or Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome??!!

Seventh, watch ‘Corona Virus’ & 5G – What Is A Virus? Dr. Robert O. Young. Here is the link:

The following micrographs, using pHase contrast microscopy that I observe in healthy red blood cells that are oxygen-rich and the second micrograph is of unhealthy red blood cells that are oxygen-deprived indicated by the white target or missing red blood cell hemoglobin. You can also see the degeneration of the cell membranes with spiking or knobs indicating the ‘corona effect’, a symptom caused by an acidic lifestyle and radiation poisoning.

Micrograph of Healthy Oxygenated Red Blood Cells

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  1. Hodgkinson N (1992) Experts Mount Startling Challenge to AIDS Orthodoxy. Sunday Times, London.

  2. Carroll, John (1993) The Weird Way to Win a Nobel Prize. San Francisco Chronicle, E9.

  3. Mirvish SS, Williamson J, Badcook D, Chen SC (1993) Mutagenicity of Iso-butyl nitrite vapor in the Ames test and some relevant chemical properties, including the reaction of iso-butyl nitrite with phosphate. Environ Mol Mutagen 21(3): 247-252.

  4. Rappaport John (1988) AIDS Inc., Scandal of the Century. Human Energy Press, California, USA, p. 38.

  5. Ibid p. 40.

  6. Fungalbionics Convention (1994) The Fungal/Mycotoxin Etiology of Chronic and Degenerative Disease. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, USA.

  7. Konotey-Ahulu (1989) F.I.D. What is AIDS? Watford England: Tetteh-A’Domeno Co., UK, pp. 109.

  8. Rappaport op. cit. p. 73.

  9. Williams AO (1992) AIDS: An African Perspective. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, pp. 238.

  10. Duesberg PH Inventing the AIDS t7ras, pp. 293.

  11. Konotey-Ahulu op. cit., p. 56-57.

  12. WHO (1995) The Current Global Situation of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic. World Health Organization, Switzerland.

  13. Duesberg PH (1992) AIDS acquired by drug consumption and other non contagious risk factors. Pharmacol Ther 55(3): 201-277.

  14. Ibid p. 240.

  15. Rappaport, op. cit., p. 71-82.

  16. Biggar RJ, Melbye M, Kestens L, de Feyter M, Saxinger C, et al. (1985) Seroepidemiology of HTLV-III antibodies in a remote population of Eastern Zaire. Br Med J 290: 808-810.

  17. Duesberg PH (1987) Retroviruses as carcinogens and pathogens: Expectations and reality. Cancer Research 47: 1199-1220.

  18. Lemonick MD (1995) Return to the Hot Zone. Time International.

  19. Duesberg PH, AIDS acquired by drug consumption. pp. 237-238.

  20. Rappaport, op. cit., p. 130.

  21. Culbert, Michael L (1898) Committee on Government Operations AIDS Drugs: Where Are They? 73rd Report. AsIDS: Hope Hoax and Hoopla, The Bradford Foundation, Chula Vista, Cal, p. 10-11.

  22. Chiu D, Duesberg PH (1995) The toxicity of Azidothymidine (AZT) on human and animal cells in culture at concentrations used for antiviral therapy. Genetica 95: 103-109.

  23. Duesberg PH, AIDS acquired by drug consumption. pp. 201-277.

  24. Yarchoan R, Pluda JM, Perno CF, Mitsuya H, Broder S (1991) Anti-retroviral therapy of human immunodeficiency virus infection: Current strategies and challenges for the future. Blood 78(4): 859-884.

  25. McLeod GX, Hammer SM (1992) Zidovudine: Five years later. Ann Intern Med 117(6): 487-501.

  26. Duesberg PH (1995) Is HIV the cause of AIDS? Lancet 346(8986): 1371-1372.

  27. Coulter Harris L (1987) AIDS and Syphilis- The Hidden Link. Berkeley, California, USA, p. 37.

  28. Rappaport, op. cit., pp. 152-153.

  29. James, Walene (1995) Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth. (2nd edn), Bergin & Garvey (Eds.), Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT, p. 35-36.

  30. Sermos Gus G (1988) Doctors of Deceit and the AIDS Epidemic-An expose of the Centers for Disease Control by an insider. GGS Publishing, USA, p. 3.

  31. RO Young (1999) Sick and Tired. Woodland Publishing, USA.

Do Germs Like the CoronaVirus Cause Disease?

Is it the Germ that Causes a Sickness or Disease or a Toxic Acidic Environment?

Human beings, the potentially highest form of life expression on this planet have built the vast pharmaceutical industry for the central purpose of poisoning the lowest form of life on the planet–germs! One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemicals over nutrition.”–Dr. Richard Murray

“In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the universities and academies. If someone else comes along with new ideas that contradict the Credo and in fact even threaten to overturn it, then all passions are raised against this threat and no method is left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally being accepted.”–Goethe

Misconceptions about health are ingrained in our culture. The road to understanding the process of maintaining and restoring health has been a long and twisted one. From ancient and intuitive knowledge, science has taken over, made colossal errors, and clings to them for dear life. There was a rejection of wisdom or scientific discovery in favor of a more popular, convenient, or politically desirable system. Just as Socrates was poisoned for his ideas, and Galileo was forced by a fanatic clergy to withdraw his statements about astronomy, ignorance and power can be a dangerous combination.

We do not catch diseases. We build them with what we have to eat, drink, think, breathe, feel and believe them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold and their associated exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins – acids) does not constitute the presence of a sickness or disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature…they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microzymas flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn’t mean they caused the fire…

Pasteur vs. BeChamp – Monomorphism or Pleomorphism

Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur’s main theory is known as the Germ Theory of Disease. It claims that fixed species of microorganisms or microbes (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold) from an external source invade the body and are the first cause of infectious disease. The concept of specific, unchanging types of microbes causing specific diseases became officially accepted as the foundation of allopathic Western medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe. Also called monomorphism,(one-form), it was adopted by America’s medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the century. This cartel became organized around the American Medical Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the legal system to destroy the homeopathic medical profession.

Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business. It also includes many insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospitals, and university research facilities from around the World. The microbe doctrine gave birth to the technique of vaccination that was blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner. Jenner took pus from the running sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his “patients.” Thus was born a vile practice (immunization/vaccination) whose nature has changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by Pasteur’s germ theory. This also gave birth to the development of antibiotics (against life), the first being penicillin in 1940. An antibiotic is the poisonous acidic waste from a fermenting cell used in the attempt to kill another microbe. Penicillin is the urine from a fungus called Penicillium when it ferments sugar giving rise to a highly acidic waste. In other words ALL antibiotics and chemicals in vaccines are highly acidic urine like metabolic waste that will and does compromise the delicate pH balance of our body fluids, especially the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium organ compartments or holding tanks.

So what is the big deal about phantom viruses, like HIV, Hepatitis C, Ebola, SARS, West Nile, Zika, Measles, Polio or even Corona Virus when we know that a viruses are nothing more than the biological acidic waste (urine and feces) from cellular transformations due to a declining alkaline pH that gives rise to different microbial forms such as bacteria, yeast, and mold and their acidic wastes. The ability of matter to change its form and function is know as pleomorphism (many forms) and was introduced by Antione BeChamp, a French Medical Doctor and research scientist who discovered that bacteria is born in us and from us.

A Double Whammy

Bottom-line, it is all about the environment folks and has very little to do with the microbe or germ except if germs and their acidic waste products are present in the body this is the evidence of a polluted/acidic internal terrain or environment caused directly by what one eats, what one drinks, what one breathes, what one thinks, what one feels and what one believes!

The Germ is Nothing!

The germ is nothing and the environment is everything. The Corona Virus, the cancer, the heart condition, the diabetes is nothing more than unhealthy body cells biologically transforming/ mutating to unhealthy body cells as a result of being poisoned by their toxic/acidic environment from ones acidic lifestyle and dietary choices.


Yes, disease is manufactured by YOU and your own acidic choices from what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel and what you believe. Disease is not something that you get or catch it is something YOU do.

So STOP believing in a phantom virus (HIV, Hepatitis C, Ebola, West Nile, Flu, SARS, ZIKA, Measles, Polio or CORONA VIRUSES) and the germ theory (which has never been proven to cause any disease) and realize that you are the author of your health and fitness or the author of your sickness and disease. Choices do have consequences! And, Ignorance is NO excuse!

How do I know this?

Because as an internal environmentalist, biochemist, naturopathic practitioner and expert in nutrition, I test the chemistry, including the pH, of all the body fluids. This includes the intravascular fluids, the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium compartments, the intracellular fluids, the transintracellular fluids and how these fluids effect the health of every organ, gland and tissue. The Test is called the L.I.F.E. Test which is an acronym which stands for, “Living Interstitial Fluid Environment.(TM)


Finally, the genesis/origin of ALL sickness and disease begins in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium compartments that hold the acidic metabolic waste of all cellular functions until it can be released via the lymphatic system through the four channels of elimination – urination, respiration, defecation or perspiration!

There is NO DOUBT in my mind and millions of others around the World that viruses (acidic toxic waste chemicals), bacteria, yeast, fungi and molds are NOTHING more than the evidence of cellular breakdown due to a toxic acidic environment created by individual choice!

The solution at the beginning of any acidic symptomology is very simple – take the alkalizing salts including puripHy drops, pHlavor salts and pHour salts and experience your acidic caused symptoms of sickness and disease disappear in just a few days as you begin to alkalize your body fluids back to their alkaline designed pH of 7.365!

To order these products go to:

So get off your acid and go to health with an alkalarian lifestyle and diet as outlined in the pH Miracle books and soon to be released, Thrive On Perfect Health (pH) – L.I.F.E. – Living Interstitial Fluids –

Remember this important understanding about germs and the environment, “The germ is nothing the terrain is everything” Claude Bernard

CDC confirms 62 cases of Post-Polio illness or Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 62 cases of a post polio neurological condition called acute flaccid myelitis, also known as AFM.  So far this year in the U.S. more than 90 percent of the cases involved children 18 or younger, with an average age of just 4 years old.

AFM is an illness that affects the nervous system, specifically the area of spinal cord called gray matter. It causes the muscles and reflexes in the body to become weak or even paralyzed. Cases of AFM are characterized by a sudden onset of arm or leg weakness and loss of muscle tone and reflexes.

Its symptoms are identical to those of poliomyelitis or polio which is associated with a so-called virus.  Years of research have shown that these cases of polio and post-polio are associated with chemical poisoning or organochlorines used as a pesticide in farming found in all of our food sources (except for organically grown food).

Table 1: This graph shows polio in the United States in a context rarely (if ever) portrayed since Dr. Morton Biskind, the environmental context. [1] “DDT” and “DDT-like chemicals” are selected for this graph as the least complex way to represent a broad overview of the evolution of the technology of, and potential for, mass acidic chemical poisoning. (US Vital Statistics, US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.) [2][6]

Additional symptoms can include facial drooping or weakness, difficulty swallowing and slurred speech.

This condition, which may be caused by acidic poisoning from DDT like chemicals found in all non-organic fruit, vegetables, poultry and meat can lead to paralysis and even death, but no deaths have been reported so far this year.

Some prominent organochlorines are chlorobenzene, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane). [3] Chlorobenzene is a precursor, a foundational compound used in the production of many industrial organochlorines as a chemical pesticide. [4] In the U.S., high production of chlorobenzene began in 1915, soon after the beginning of World War I. [5]

The above graph is a compilation of new cases per year (not incidence, as portrayed elsewhere herein). The data for the last half of the 20th century was gathered from U.S. Vital Statistics. [6] The very earliest numbers, from 1887 to about 1904, and the post polio numbers, are interpolated from the general historical commentary regarding those periods. [7] (see bibliography on Homepage and NYC Health Commissioner Haden Emerson’s compilations). While the graph is not perfectly accurate, due to changing methods of diagnoses and record-keeping within the medical system, it does give a reliable overall picture of Polio cases in terms of known literature and records.

The source for the U.S. and Swiss discoveries of paralysis in calves is from Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Science and Engineering (1995), vol. 5, p1725. The phrase “Pesticides as a Panacea: 1942-1962” is a subtitle found in Encyclopedia Britannica, Macropaedia (1986). [8] Refer to other graphs (Overview) for specific pesticide comparisons with Polio incidence.

In 1915 Hooker Electrochemical began massive, unprecedented production of chlorobenzene (8,200 metric tons per year) and Dow Chemical began large-scale production soon thereafter. [9]

Chlorobenzenes are the basis for picric acid explosive used in World War I. [10] They have also been used in the manufacture of wood treatments, war gas, herbicides, insecticides, bactericide, moth control, and polymer resins. [11] (Mono) chlorobenzene is the base compound for DDT production. [12] Currently in the U.S., 15 million pounds of p- dichlorobenzene production goes into room deodorants. [13] According to Peter Duesberg, CDC’s investigation into Legionnaires disease ignored toxic chemical causes and created a new false field of study regarding the Legionella bacterium. [[4]

The sudden surge of chlorobenzene production coincides in time and place (1915, Niagara Falls) to be considered as probable cause for the epidemic of central nervous system diseases that followed the next year in the New York City region. [15] This epidemic lasted only six months, June to November, with 82% of the cases occurring in just 8 weeks. [16] While Polio literature terms this a world-wide Polio epidemic, it was peculiarly a phenomena of the U.S. and was especially prominent in the New York City region. [17] This is strange behavior for a supposedly so-called predatory Poliovirus, in an era, a continent, wholly unprotected by so-called miracle vaccines!

The number of new cases for 1916 (40,485) were calculated by multiplying the U.S. incidence rate by the U.S. population. [18] The number seems too high because of Naomi Rogers’ statements that worldwide new cases in 1916 were 27,000, that two-thirds of world Polio new cases were in the U.S. and that New York City new cases were 9,000. [19] While this discrepancy exists, the data is still useful for showing relative case numbers and/or incidence for the early 20th century. [See Tables 1,3,4,5,8,9,10 and 11]

Both Polio epidemics occurred two years after the beginning of World War I and World War II, if we use the dates of the epidemics, 1916 and 1942. [20]

DDT and “DDT-like chemicals” are used to represent the major organochlorine pesticides and organochlorines of similar neurotoxic character. [21] Most of the industrial organochlorines can produce CNS disease symptoms similar to Polio. [22] [Refer to Tables 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and 11] below to see the relationship between DDT and DDT-like chemical production and the incidence of Polio.

Other Poisonous DDT-Like Pesticide Composite

Just over three billion pounds of persistent pesticides are represented in the Table 2 above and 3 below. Virtually all peaks and valleys correlate with a direct one-to-one relationship with each pesticide as it enters and leaves the US market. Generally, pesticide production precedes polio incidence by 1 to 2 years. The variation may be to variations in reporting methods and the time it takes to move pesticides from factory to warehouse, through distribution channels, onto the food crops and to the dinner table. A composite of these graphs, of the persistent pesticides–lead, arsenic, and the dominant organochlorines (DDT and BHC) is presented in Table 10.

The four chemicals were not selected arbitrarily. These are representative of the major pesticides in use during the last major polio epidemic. They persist in the environment as neurotoxins that cause polio-like symptoms, polio-like physiology, and were dumped onto and into human food at dosage levels far above that approved by the FDA. They directly correlate with the incidence of various neurological diseases called “polio” before 1965. They were utilized, according to Dr. Biskind, in the “most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history.” [23]

Critique of Pesticides and Polio Vaccination

It certainly appears, from the above graphs, that the vaccination programs arrived a few years too late to be credited for declining polio case numbers. The programs were close enough, however, for media to shoehorn them into their historical position. This quote from Time Magazine (March 28, 1994) is a typical example:

“The great postwar epidemic peaked in the U.S. in 1952, when more than 20,000 children were paralyzed by polio and it tapered off in the early ’60s, after the Salk vaccine and then the Sabin oral version were introduced.” [23]

This smooth, loaded phrase, framed with glossy photos and clever captions, goes down like several shots of Vodka and with the same physiological effects. However, if we contain our admiration, and review the actual data, we realize that the great Polio epidemic actually occurred from 1942 (or gradually, beginning decades earlier) to 1962, that is, it was not a “postwar epidemic”. (Refer to Table 1) The epidemic declined not “in the early ’60s”, but a full decade earlier, in the early 1950s. Polio cases per year did not “taper off… after the Salk vaccine” as Time would have us believe — new cases per year dove resolutely downward two years before the Salk vaccine field trials and four years before the vaccination programs were firmly underway. The decline of Polio actually occurred after heated discussions regarding the dangers of DDT that began with in-house government/industry reviews of DDT in 1951, following Dr. Morton Biskind and other’s criticism of pesticides which began in 1945. [23 to 85] These discussions were followed by a phase-out through industry compliance, a huge shift of sales to third-world countries, a phase-in of less-persistent pesticides, which was facilitated by legislation in 1954 and 1956, (86) a renewed public image regarding the proper use and dangers of pesticides, [87] the cancellation of DDT registration by 1968, [88] and eventually the official ban of many of the persistent organochlorine pesticides by 1972 (in U.S. and developed countries). [89]

Notice that while pesticide production directly correlates with new polio cases per year through every peak and valley, the Salk vaccine enters only after Polio’s decline. (Refer to Tables 1 and 4) Salk’s point of entry is not sufficient evidence to be routinely offered as proof for the victory of vaccines over the Poliovirus, as Time implies, [90] and as implied by Hayes and Laws, [91] and virtually all other presentations of polio history in whatever media or educational forum.

The molecular biologist, Peter Duesberg, in his attempt to give Modern Medicine some credence with regard to virus causality (before refuting HIV causality with AIDS), [92] apparently felt he could assume, in Inventing the AIDS Virus, that, …the sudden, frightening polio epidemic that exploded in the Western nations, brought home by troops returning from the Pacific theater in 1945. [93]

Yet a glance at the graphs in Tables 1 and 4 shows his statement to be inaccurate. Polio was entrenched in the U.S. long before returning troops, and the increased Polio cases per year correlate much more consistently with pesticide production than returning troops. A rise in new cases per year that peaked in 1945 can be clearly attributed to the government’s release of war surplus DDT to the public market in 1945, not vague data about “troops returning from the Pacific theater in 1945”. The troops were heavily treated with DDT years before the U.S. civilian population and as can be expected, in light of the acidic chemical poison-theory, the troops suffered unusually high Polio incidence rates when compared to the non-treated populations where they were stationed, and soldiers based in the U.S.. [94] The unusual drama and rash assumption that fills this excerpt of Peter Duesberg’s writings gives a sense that he has taken the whole package of ingrained Polio images for granted. [95]

Pesticide Phase-Out and Vaccinations Phase-In

DDT and BHC were phased out from the developed nations and at the same time vaccination programs were dramatically credited with saving these countries from the ravages of the Poliovirus. (96) However, the banned pesticides continued with higher than ever total distribution in the under-developed countries thanks to W.H.O.’s anti-mosquito campaigns, where to this day acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), Polio, and DDT/BHC still prevail. (97) DDT application, DDT phase-out programs, and Polio vaccination programs are all being directed in these countries concurrently by the World Health Organization with little or no success. (98)

Registration for DDT was canceled in 1968, and DDT was banned by the EPA in 1972 — after the major organochlorines (DDT, BHC) had been gradually phased out of the U.S. market by the chemical industry and replaced with the less environmentally persistent pesticides, the organophosphates. (99)

Post-Polio Pesticides

In 1983, via new legislation, DDT was allowed back into the U.S. marketplace, but only in pesticide blends. (100) Within only a few months of this re-entry, a new kind of polio epidemic suddenly occurred. (101) It was labeled “Post-Polio”, the re-emergence of Polio symptoms in former victims. (102) This has involved approximately 600,000 victims and is shown in Table I above. Like most of the data, this correlation is not even a whisper in the mainstream media.

Central nervous system diseases other than Polio continues in the U.S. and throughout the world: acute flaccid paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, encephalitis, meningitis, muscular sclerosis, and rarely in humans, rabies. (103)

The harsh realities of government policy are stated in Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology (1996): “Although government agencies and industry have been slow in their re-evaluation of a vast array of pesticides in use, reassessment often comes in the wake of or concomitant with some recently disclosed adverse environmental or health effect.” (104) This after-the-fact approach to pesticide poisoning is puzzling enough without questioning Casarett and Doull’s careful usage of the words: “often”, “some”, “recently”, and “disclosed”. The acidic chemical environmental correlations of “Post-Polio are overlooked.

Searching PubMed has not been successful. However, an online a paper entitled “The Environmental Aspects of The “Post-Polio” Syndrome”, was found. This article establishes a strong correlation between environmental acidic chemical factors and “Post-Polio”. (105)

No other similar articles are to be found, and no abstracts were available, although it can be ordered from PubMed. Poliovirus presence in “Post-Polio” according to immunity and vaccination theories, if anyone should be immune to Polio, it should be former Polio victims, however, numerous studies of “Post-Polio” victims have found evidence of active Poliovirus. (106) (107) (108)

Polio images are projected as if this data doesn’t exist. It does not appear that money is being directed into these kinds of research studies.

Farr’s Law

Farr’s Law requires, for an epidemic to be a valid example of contagion, that the epidemic increase its incidence rates exponentially. (109) Since Polio has been ubiquitous since the beginning of human history, its incidence rate should have peaked long ago and universal immunity conferred, if immunity was ever required, and if the Poliovirus was actually a predator or even existed! Polio’s non-compliance with Farr’s Law is explained by viro pathologists with a unique argument, the inverse of the argument usually given to support so-called germ theory. (110) The argument is that the Poliovirus, which has been intimate with mankind since the beginning of history, suddenly became estranged from humans because of modern hygiene, and thus humans lost their natural immunity to the virus. (111) So it is modern hygiene and the resulting lack of exposure to the virus that is said to have caused the Polio epidemics to rage as never before. (112) It is interesting that for only one brief moment, viro-pathologists are willing to become eco-nutritional types who appreciate the value of natural breast feeding and the importance of the internal microbiological ecology conferred positively upon humans as I have suggested in my pH Miracle books and other published articles. (113)

Three different promotions of their inverse or perverse argument follows:

1)   The prominent book on polio history by Naomi Rogers, where the inverse argument resides in the title, Dirt and Disease: Polio Before FDR. (114) The language style here is popular. (115)

2)   In Textbook of Child Neurology (1995), John H. Menkes promotes the inverse argument with scientific language style: “Poliomyelitis… is less likely to be symptomatic in areas with inadequate sanitation, because poor sanitation is conducive to exposure at an age when lingering

transferred maternal immunity can attenuate the clinical picture.” (116)

3)   In the propaganda film, A Paralyzing Fear: The Story of Polio in America. This was funded by the government and pharmaceutical firms and released in 1998. (117)

The New York Times (March 4, 1998) reviews the film. It reinforces the fundamental tenets of the Polio culture, beginning with a quotation from a section that portrays a “vintage film clip”: “My name is virus Poliomyelitis,” intones a cultivated, sinister male voice, as a camera pans over fair-weather clouds from which a hollow shadow emerges carrying the silhouette of a crutch. “I consider myself quite an artist, a sort of sculptor,” the voice continues. “I specialize in grotesques, twisting and deforming human bodies. That’s why I’m called The Crippler.”

Having dramatically demonized the Poliovirus, the medical cavalry rides to the rescue: …the epidemics grew steadily worse each year, with the number of new cases climbing from 5,000 in 1933 to 59,000 in 1952. (Refer to Tables 1 and 4)

Salvation came in 1954 with the Salk vaccine…And the inverse argument is now fit to print:

“The irony of the rise of polio in the 20th century, the movie reports, is that its prevalence was a result of improved sanitation. In grubbier times, babies and very young children developed antibodies to the disease, which had been around forever. A cleaner environment left increasing numbers of children with no natural immunity. (118)

So The New York Times review concisely presents the standard Polio images:

“the predatory virus, paralytic horror, epidemics, salvation via the Salk vaccine, and a unique exception from Farr’s Law.” (119)

I have my own personal concerns that anyone at NYT actually wrote this article, rather that it was probably supplied to the journalist as a suggested article, to be adjusted to the author’s style, thus essentially a customized press release.

The Epidemic Intelligence, Inventing The AIDS Virus (1996): The CDC’s disease-control mission was increasingly being regarded as obsolete, prompting serious discussions about abolishing the CDC altogether. (120) The situation changed in 1949 when the CDC brought on board Alexander Langmuir, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. (121) Langmuir was the CDC’s first VIP, bringing with him both his expertise in epidemiology (the statistical study of epidemics) and his high-level connections — including his security clearance as one of the few scientists privy to the Defense Department’s biological warfare program……Langmuir and talked public officials and Congress into giving the CDC contingent powers to deal with potential emergencies… (122)

In July of 1951 he assembled the first class of the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), composed of twenty-three young medical or public health graduates. After six weeks of intensive epidemiological training, these EIS officers were assigned for two years to hospitals or state and local health departments around the country. Upon completing their field experience, EIS alumni were free to pursue any career they desired, on the assumption that their loyalties would remain with the CDC and that they would permanently act as its eyes and ears. (123) The focus of this elite unit was on activism rather than research and was expressed in its symbol — a shoe sole worn through with a hole. According to British epidemiologist Gordon Stewart, a former CDC consultant, the EIS was nicknamed the “medical CIA.” (124)

To read and understand more about the Phantom virus called Polio please order Dr. Young’s book by clicking here:…/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p…

 To order a hard copy of Dr. Young’s book go to:

Do YOU Believe the Polio Viral Theory?

The first isolation of a virus was achieved in 1892 by Russian bacteria hunter Dimitri Iwanowski, who gathered fluid from diseased tobacco plants. He passed this liquid through a filter fine enough to retain bacteria; yet to Iwanowski’s surprise, the bacteria-free filtrate easily made healthy plants sick. In 1898 a Dutch botanist, Martinus Willem Beijerinck, repeating the experiment, also recognized that there was an invisible cause and named the infectious agent “tobacco mosaic virus.” In the same year as Beijerinck’s report, two German scientists purified a liquid containing filterable viruses that caused foot-and-mouth disease in cattle (viruses were at one time called “filterable viruses,” but eventually the term “filterable” came to apply only to viruses, and was dropped). Walter Reed followed in 1901 with a filtrate responsible for yellow fever, and soon dozens of other disease-causing viruses were found.

In 1935 another American, Wendell M. Stanley, went back to the beginning and created pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus from a filtered liquid solution. He affirmed that these crystals could easily infect plants, and concluded that a virus was not a living organism, since it could be crystallized like salt and yet remained infectious. Subsequently, bacteriologists all over the world began filtering for viruses, and a new area of biology was born-virology.

Historically, medical science has vacillated on the question of whether a virus is alive. Originally it was described as nonliving, but is currently said to be an extremely complex molecule or an extremely simple microorganism, and is usually referred to as a parasite having a cycle of life. (The term “killed” is applied to certain viral vaccines, thus implying an official conviction that viruses live.) Commonly composed of either DNA or RNA cores with protein coverings, and having no inherent reproductive ability, viruses depend upon the host for replication. They must utilize the nucleic acids of living cells they infect to reproduce their proteins (i.e., trick the host into producing them), which are then assembled into new viruses like cars on an assembly line. Theoretically, this is their only means of surviving and infecting new cells or hosts.

The Replicating Virus Theory

Then it was discovered that, when bacteria slowly begin to die, bacteria create tiny, apparently lifeless forms of survival, the so-called spores. It was then suspected that these spores were toxic and that they were the so-called pathogenic poisons. This was then refuted, since the spores are rapidly developing into bacteria when their vital resources are being restored. When scientists in the laboratory observed that the weak, highly inbred bacteria perished very quickly while turning into much smaller structures than the spores, it was first believed that the bacteria were being killed by the alleged pathogenic poisons, called viruses, and that the viruses were thereby replicating.

The Replicating Virus Theory

Then it was discovered that, when bacteria slowly begin to die, bacteria create tiny, apparently lifeless forms of survival, the so-called spores. It was then suspected that these spores were toxic and that they were the so-called pathogenic poisons. This was then refuted, since the spores are rapidly developing into bacteria when their vital resources are being restored. When scientists in the laboratory observed that the weak, highly inbred bacteria perished very quickly while turning into much smaller structures than the spores, it was first believed that the bacteria were being killed by the alleged pathogenic poisons, called viruses, and that the viruses were thereby replicating.

The Invention of Bacterial Viruses

Due to the belief that these – at the time of their discovery still invisible- structures were killing the bacteria, they were called phages/bacteriophages, “eaters of bacteria”. Only later it was determined that merely highly inbred and therefore almost non-viable bacteria can be made to turn into phages, or bacteria which are being destroyed so fast that they do not have time to form spores.

The introduction of the electron microscopy led to the discovery of the structures resulting from the biological transformation or pleomorphism of bacteria when these were suddenly dying or when the metabolism of the highly inbred germs was overwhelmed by processes triggered by the adding of “phages”. It was also discovered that there are hundreds of types of different-looking “phages”. The discovery of phages, the so-called bacterial “viruses”, reinforced the wrong assumption and the belief that there were human and animal viruses that looked the same and had the same structure. This is not and cannot be the case, for several different reasons.

After introducing chemical examination techniques in biology, it was discovered that there are thousands of types of phages and that phages of one type always have the same structure. They consist of a particular molecule, made of nucleic acid, which is covered in a shell of proteins of a given number and composition. It was only later discovered that merely the bacteria which had been highly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natural environment. In this process, it was discovered that these “bacterial viruses” actually serve to provide other bacteria with important molecules and proteins, and that the bacteria themselves emerged from such structures.

Before it could be established that the “bacterial viruses” cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these “phages” were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. It was assumed that the human and animal viruses looked like the “phages”, were allegedly killing cells and thereby causing diseases, while at the same time producing new disease poisons and in this way transmitting the diseases. To date, many new or apparently new diseases have been attributed to viruses if their origin is unknown or not acknowledged. This reflex found an apparent confirmation in the discovery of the “bacterial viruses”.

It is important to note that the theories of fight and infection were accepted and highly praised by a majority of the specialists only if and when the countries or regions where they lived were also suffering from war and adversity. In times of peace, other concepts dominated the world of science.[272]

It is very important to note that the theory of infection – starting from Germany – has only been globalized through the third Reich, when the Jewish researchers, most of which had opposed and refuted the politically exploited theories of infection, were removed from their positions.[273]

The Detection of Phages and Biological Transformation

The existence of phages can be proved rapidly

First step: their presence is confirmed through an effect, namely the transformation of bacteria into phages, and also through an electron micrograph of those phages. The control experiments show that phages do not appear if bacteria do not change or if bacteria randomly start decomposing due to extrinsic sudden annihilation, without forming phages.

Second step: the liquid containing the phages is concentrated and applied on another liquid, which has a high concentration at the bottom of the test tube and a low concentration at the top of the test tube. The test tube with the phages is then powerfully spun (centrifuged) and all the particles gather according to their mass and weight to the place of their own density. The density is the ratio of weight (mass) per unit of volume, expressed as Kg/l or g/mg, respectively. That is why this concentration and purification step for particles with the same density is called density gradient centrifugation.

The layer where many particles of the same density gather becomes “cloudy”, which is called a “band.” This step is being documented, then the particles concentrated, purified and sedimented in a “band” are removed with a syringe needle. The extracted concentrated amount of particles is called an isolate. A fast and simple electron micrograph will confirm the presence of phages in the isolate, which at the same time is an indication for the purity of the isolate, if the micrograph shows no other particles but the phages. The appearance and the diameter of the phages will also be established with the help of this micrograph.

The control experiment performed for this step consists in treating and centrifuging the liquid from bacteria which did not form any phages, where no phages appear at the end of the procedure.

After the step of successfully isolating the phages, the decisive biochemical characterization of the phages follows. The biochemical characterization of their composition is essential for identifying the specific type of phage, since different types of phages often appear to be similar. The isolate obtained through the density gradient centrifugation is now divided in two parts. One part is used to determine the size, type and composition of the nucleic acid; in a separate procedure, the other part is used to determine the amount, size and morphology of the proteins of the phages. Since the 1970s, these tests have been simple standard techniques that are learned by every biology student in their first semesters.

These tests represent the biochemical characterization of the phages. In almost every case, these results have been and are being published in only one publication, since a phage has a very simple structure which is very easy to analyze. The control experiments for these tests use liquid from bacteria which do not form phages and thus cannot present any biochemical proof. The existence of approximately two thousand different types of phages have been scientifically demonstrated this way

The So-Called Pathogenic Viruses

The “bacteriophages,” correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, have been scientifically isolated, while the so-called pathogenic viruses have never been observed in humans or animals or in their body fluids and have never been isolated and subsequently biochemically analyzed. To date, none of the researchers involved in virology research seems to have realized this very important point.

The use of electron microscopy and the biochemistry were very slowly returning to normal after 1945 and no one had realized that not one pathogenic virus had ever been isolated in humans or animals; thus, as of 1949 researchers started applying the same idea used for the (bacterio) phages, in order to replicate the human and animal “viruses.” John Franklin Enders, born in 1897 in the family of a rich financier, was active in various fraternities after having finished his studies, then he worked as a real estate agent and studied foreign languages for four years before turning to bacterial virology, which fascinated him. He then simply transferred the ideas and concepts that he learned in this area of research to the supposed pathogenic viruses in humans.

UnScientific Experiments and Interpretations Gave Birth to Virology

With his unscientific experiments and interpretations that he had never confirmed through negative controls, Enders brought the entire “viral” infectious medicine to a dead end. It is important to note at this point that Enders, like many infectious diseases specialists, worked for the U.S. military, which had always been and remains to date a huge victim of the fear of contagions. It was mainly the U.S. military which spread its erroneous belief that besides chemical weapons there were also biological weapons in the form of bacteria and viruses.

In 1949, Enders announced that he had managed to cultivate and grow the alleged polio virus in vitro on various tissues. The American expert opinion believed everything immediately. What Enders did was to add fluids from patients with poliomyelitis to tissue cultures which he claimed to have had sterilized, then he alleged that the cells were dying because of the virus, that the virus was replicating in this way and that a vaccine could be harvested from the respective culture. At that time, summer polio epidemics (polio = flaccid paralysis) were very frequent during summer and they were believed to be caused by the polio virus. A vaccine was to help eradicate the alleged virus. After the polio vaccine was introduced, the symptoms were then re-diagnosed among other things as multiple sclerosis, flaccid acute paralysis, aseptic meningitis etc. and later polio was claimed to have been eradicated. During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilized the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn’t take into consideration was that the sterilization and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was destroying and killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of a so-called polio virus, without ever having isolated a single virus and describing its biochemistry. The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilization and the treatment of the cells prior to the “infection” in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this “performance” Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.

The Invention of the Polio Virus and ‘YES” the Measles Virus Too!

1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of polio and measles has been based upon this unscientific technique and fraud.

Thus, the polio and measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancerous body cells. To date, no negative control experiments have been done with respect to the so-called polio and measles viruses either, which would have shown that it was the laboratory procedures that lead to the cytopathic effects on the cells.

Additionally, all claims and experiments made by Enders et al. and subsequent researchers lead to the only objective conclusion, that in fact they were observing and analyzing the cellular particles or fragments and the activity thereof in the test tube, misinterpreting these as particles and characteristics of the alleged polio and/or measles viruses.

ALL Viruses from HIV, EBV, CMV, Hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Zika Virus, etc. are ALL Phantom Viruses

Their Existence Has NEVER Been Scientifically Demonstrated!

The following explanations applies to all the so-called (human or animal) “pathogenic viruses”. The six papers provided by Dr. Bardens in the course of the “measles trial” as proof for the existence of the measles virus described in a didactically ideal way the various steps of the chain of misinterpretations up to the belief in the existence of a measles virus.

The first paper was published in 1954 by Enders et al.: “Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles” (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun; 86 (2): 277–286).

This publication can be found on the internet, like all the other publications presented at the measles trial. In that experiment, Enders et al. cut down dramatically on the nutrient solution and added cell-destroying antibiotics to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid. The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects.

Enders’ and his colleagues’ blindness can be explained by the fact that he truly wanted to help people, while the ‘virus hysteria’ was intensifying after the war and during the cold war. It can also be explained by the fact that Enders and many of his colleagues had no idea about medicine or biochemistry and they were competing with the Soviet Union for the development of the first measles vaccine. Such a pressure for success can also explain why Enders and his colleagues ignored their own reservations and cautions expressed in 1954, when they had observed and noted that many cells also died after being treated normally (i.e. without being “infected”), which they thought to have been caused by unknown viruses and other factors.  All these facts and cautions were subsequently disregarded.

The second paper presented by the claimant in the ‘measles trial’ was published in 1959[274] and, for the reasons presented above, the authors concluded that the technique introduced by Enders was not appropriate for the isolation of ANY virus. This rebuttal is not only NOT being discussed by ALL the other researchers, but it is being ignored completely!

The ‘Viral Dogma’ of Pathogenic Viruses is Still Being Promoted Today!

In a third paper[275], the authors photographed typical cellular particles inside the cells and misinterpreted these as measles virus. They did not isolate any virus. For unexplained reasons, they failed to determine and describe the biochemical structure of what they were presenting as a virus in a separate experiment. In the short description of the methods used, one can read that the authors did not apply the standard isolation technique for viruses, i.e. the density gradient centrifugation. They simply centrifuged fragments of dead cells at the bottom of a test tube and then, without describing their biochemical structure, they misinterpreted the cellular debris as viruses.

From the way the experiments were performed, one can only conclude that cellular particles were misinterpreted as viruses. We find the same situation in the fourth[276] and the sixth[277] publication put forward by the claimant as proof of the existence of a measles virus. The fifth publication[278] is a review describing the consensus process as to which nucleic acid molecules from the dead cells would represent the so-called genome of the polio or measles virus. The result is that dozens of research teams work with short pieces of cell-specific molecules, after which -following a given model – they put all the pieces together on paper. However, this jigsaw puzzle made of so many pieces was never scientifically proven to exist as a whole and was never isolated from a virus, for a polio, measles, HIV or Hepatitis C, Ebola or Zika viruses have never been seen, neither in humans nor in a test tube. Referring to this publication, the court-appointed expert stated that it described the gold standard, i.e. the entire virus genome. It is obvious that the expert did not read this paper, whose authors stated that the exact molecular composition and functions of the measles virus genome will have to be the object of further research, which is why they had to rely on other virus models in order to achieve a consensus on the structure and functions of ANY virus genome. The easiest thing for anyone to notice is that in all of these publications, as well as in all other publications on the “measles virus” and other pathogenic viruses, including HIV, EBV, CMV, Ebola and Zika, no control experiments have ever been performed. No researchers used the density gradient centrifugation technique; instead, they only centrifuged cellular debris at the bottom of a test tube. This technique, used to collect all the particles from a fluid, is called pelletizing. From a logical and scientific perspective, it can be said that in all publications on the so-called “pathogenic viruses”, the researchers demonstrated in fact only particles and characteristics of cells. I would also like to point out that the so-called giant viruses[279] , i.e. an enwrapped nucleic acid can be found everywhere in the sea and in basic organisms. Like all bacterial phages, not only are they harmless, but they have beneficial functions. They can be also isolated by using the density gradient centrifugation, which proves their existence (see the graphic above).

I also recommend Prof. Lüdtke’s relevant review (1999).[280] He noted that at the early beginnings of virology, the majority of virologists always concluded that the structures they had mistaken for viruses turned out to be components of the cells and thus, they were only the result of the experiment and not the cause of the changes observed.

After the discovery and characterization of the phages and after introducing the dogma that the nucleic acid was the genome of all cells and viruses, the consensus was born, according to which such viruses must exist in humans and animals as well. In 1992, the dogma stating that the nucleic acid is the genotype of all cells was retracted in the scientific community. The ‘viral dogma’ of pathogenic viruses, however, is still being promoted today to the harm of billions of people. – for what?

The Bottom Line Concerning Phantom Viruses and the Polio Virus

My bottom line still holds the truth that the terrain or internal environment is everything and the germ or so-called virus is NOTHING! The germ or so-called virus can only be a symptom of cellular breakdown due to an imbalance of the delicate alkaline pH balance of the body fluids and NOT the cause of that breakdown. That is why years ago I offered any scientist in the World a finders fee of 5 million US dollars if they could prove the existence of the HIV virus using Koch’s postulates. It has now been over 20 years and I am still waiting even though currently I no longer have the funds to pay the prize due to political assassination! It is unfortunate that a former 5 million US dollar prize offered 20 years ago was not enough money to change the current medical viral dogma that is currently paying out trillions of dollars to guess who?

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Lecture in Dubai – The Annual Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases

Join Robert O Young PhD and Galina Migalko MD in Dubai on December 5th and 6th, 2018 for the Annual Conference on Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases. They will be Key Note Speakers and doing a workshop on the New Biology.

For more information and to register go to:…

The following is the abstract for Dr. Young’s lecture:

The Dismantling of the Viral Theory

Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner


There is now over 100 years of documented history and research on the Polio virus and whether or not its treatment by inoculation has been successful in eradicating Polio. I am suggesting in this article and in my lecture that there are significant findings based on historical and past and current research, including my own that the viral theory of Polio and possibly other modern-day diseases, such as Post-Polio Syndrome, Polio Vaccine-Induced Paralysis, Legionnaires, CNS disease, Cancer, HIV/AIDS and now Zika may be caused by acidic chemical poisoning from DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and other related DDT pesticides, acidic vaccinations, and other factors including lifestyle and dietary factors rather than from a lone infectious virus. I will present ten historical graphs outlining the history of Polio, the production of DDT, BHC, Lead, Arsenic, Polio vaccinations and the author’s theory that chemical poisoning, vaccination, and lifestyle and dietary choices are a more likely causes for the symptoms of Polio, neurological diseases, Cancer, HIV/AIDS and now Zika.…/lecture-dubai-annual-conference…/…


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[86] The Pesticide Residues Amendment of 1954, Pub. L. No. 83-518, ch. 559, 68 Stat. 511 [codified at 21 USC § 346a (1981)]; and the Food Additives Amendments of 1958, Pub. L. No. 85-529, Ch. 4.72 Stat. 1785 [codified at 21 USC § 348 (1981)], respectively.

[87] 20 Fed. Reg. 750 (1955) [codified until repealed at 21 CFR § 120. 1(f) (1956). [88] DDT Regulatory History: A Brief Survey (to 1975). United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA).

[89] Ibid.

[90] TIME Magazine, U.S. Edition, March 14, 1994 Vol. 143 No. 11.

(91] Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, edited by Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. and Edward R. Laws, Academic Press Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, 1991.

[92] Peter Duesberg and Brian J. Ellison, Inventing the AIDS Virus, Regnery Pub.,1996. [93] Ibid.

[94] Biskind, MS (1953) “Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides,” American Journal of Digestive Diseases 20: 331-341.

[95] Peter Duesberg and Brian J. Ellison, Inventing the AIDS Virus, Regnery Pub.,1996. [96] DDT Regulatory History: A Brief Survey (to 1975). United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA).

[97] Poliomyelitis: Fact sheet N°114″. World Health Organization. Sep 2016. Retrieved 14 Sep 2016.

[98] Ibid.

[99] DDT Regulatory History: A Brief Survey (to 1975). United States Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA).

[100] Ibid.

[101] Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, edited by Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. and Edward R.

Laws, Academic Press Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, 1991.

[102] Rea WJ, Johnson AR, Fenyves E, Butler J. Related Articles: The environmental aspects of the post-polio syndrome. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1987;23(4):173-81. No abstract available. Pub Med ID: 3620615; UI: 87299998.

[103] Ibid.

[104] Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology (1996).

[105) Rea WJ, Johnson AR, Fenyves E, Butler J. Related Articles: The environmental aspects of the post-polio syndrome. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1987;23(4):173-81. No abstract available. Pub Med ID: 3620615; UI: 87299998.

[106] PubMed ID: 7611631, UI: 95336052 (London, May, 1995)

[107] Pub Med ID: 7611630, UI: 95336051 (Bethesda, MA, May, 1995)

[108] Pub Med ID: 8818905, UI: 96415998 (Lyon, France, Aug., 1996)

[109] Alfredo Morabia (1 January 2004). A History of Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts. Springer. pp. 133–4. ISBN 978-3-7643-6818-0. Retrieved 22 June 2013.

[110] Ibid.

[111] Morton S. Biskind, MD. “Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides”. American

Journal of Digestive Diseases, New York, 1953, v 20, p331. [112] Ibid.

[113] Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts Concerning Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 2. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00034. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00034

[114] Dirt and Disease: Polio before FDR Rutgers University Press, 1992. [115] Ibid.

[116] Menkes, John H., Child Neurology, pg. 420, (1995).

[117] A Paralyzing Fear: The Story of Polio in America. Produced by Paul Wagner, Nina Gilden Seavey. Directed, written by Nina Gilden Seavey. Narration written by Stephen Chodorov. With: Narrator: Olympia Dukakis. Camera (Colorlab color), Allen Moore, Reuben Aaronson; editor, Catherine Shields; music, Paul Christianson; associate producers, Tom Wentworth, Malvina Anderson Martin. Reviewed on videocassette, N.Y., March 3, 1998. Running time: 90 min.

[118] FILM REVIEW; Once a Fear Beyond Fear Itself, by STEPHEN HOLDEN, Published: March 4, 1998, New York Times.

[119] Ibid.

[120] Duesberg, Peter and Ellison, Brian J., Inventing the AIDS Virus, Regnery Pub.,1996.

[121] Ibid.

[122] Ibid.

[123] Ibid.

[124] Ibid.

[125] Rose DR (2004). “Fact Sheet—Polio Vaccine Field Trial of 1954.” March of Dimes Archives. (2004).

[126] Ibid.

[127] American Journal of Digestive Diseases, 1953 20:330 [128] Ibid.

[129] Ibid.

[130] Jenkins, D. W.: “A Review of the Insecticide Hexachloro-cyclohexane (‘666’)”, Office of Technical Services, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., No. PB 4034, Med. Div. Rept. No. 56, Sept. 26, 1945.

[131] Biskind, M., “DDT Poisoning and the Elusive ‘Virus X’.” A New Cause for Gastroenteritis.” Am. J. Dig., Vol. 16, Num 3, pg. 79-84, (1949).

[132] Biskind, MS, Bieber, I, “DDT Poisoning A New Syndrome With Neuropsychiatric Manifestations,” American Journal of Psychotherapy, p261, (1949).

[133] Presented before the Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food Products, United States House of Representatives, U.S. December 12, 1950 Westport, Conn.

[134] “Salk and Sabin: poliomyelitis immunisation”. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 75 (11): 1552. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2003.028530. PMC 1738787. PMID 15489385.

[135] H. Rept. No. 2356, 82d Cong., 2d sess. 1 (1952), reprinted in A Legislative History of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and Its Amendments 499 (hereinafter Legislative History)

[136] Scobey, RR, “Is The Public Health Law Responsible For The Poliomyelitis Mystery?” Syracuse, N.Y., Archive of Pediatrics (May, 1951).

[137] White, Mark; Sharon M. McDonnell; Denise H.Werker; Victor M. Cardenas; Stephen B. Thacker (2001). “Partnerships in International Applied Epidemiology Training and Service,”. American Journal of Epidemiology 154 (11): 993–999. doi:10.1093/aje/154.11.993.

[138] Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Science and Engineering, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1995, v 5, p1775

[139] “Salk and Sabin: poliomyelitis immunisation”. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 75 (11): 1552. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2003.028530. PMC 1738787. PMID 15489385.

[140] Ralph R. Scobey, MD. “The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis and Obstructions to Its Investigation.” Archive of Pediatrics, April 1952.

[141] The National Adipose Tissue Survey, reported in Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, edited by Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. and Edward R. Laws, Academic Press Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, 1991, pg. 303.

[142] The National Adipose Tissue Survey, reported in Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, edited by Wayland J. Hayes, Jr. and Edward R. Laws, Academic Press Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, San Diego, 1991, pg. 303.

[143] Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Science and Engineering (1995), vol. 5, pg.1725. [144] Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to

the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 38. ISBN 0-300-12605-0. [145] Albert Sabin to Henry Kumm, Sabin Papers, UC, Pittsburgh Press, 1954. [146] American Journal of Digestive Diseases, 1953 20:330.

[147] Trevelyan, B., Smallman-Raynor, M. and Cliff, A.D., The Spatial Dynamics of Poliomyelitis in the United States: From Epidemic Emergence to Vaccine-Induced Retreat, 1910–1971, Ann Assoc Am Geogr. 2005 Jun; 95(2): 269–293.

[148] Baicus, A., History of Polio Vaccination, World J Virol. 2012 Aug 12; 1(4): 108–114. Published online 2012 Aug 12. doi: 10.5501/wjv.v1.i4.108.

[149] Ibid.

[150] Women’s History Month: “Oveta Culp Hobby” by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Humanities Texas, March 2012.

[151] Harry M. Marks, “The 1954 Salk Poliomyelitis Vaccine Field Trial,” Institute of the History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD: 2008.

152[ National Museum of American History, “Whatever Happened to Polio?” Time line, (accessed March 28,, 2012).

[153] Abid.

[154] Norrby E., Prusiner S.B., Polio and Nobel Prizes: looking vack 50 years. Ann Neurol.

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[155] Eloise Batic, You Are There 1955: Ending Polio exhibit text (2012).

[156] Boston Herald newspaper, April 18, 1955, “Drug Companies Expecting Big Profit on

Salk Vaccine”,

[157] Washington Bureau of the Detroit Free Press reports, June 3, 1955.

[158] Michigan University. Poliomyelitis Evaluation Center (1955), An evaluation mof the 1954 poliomyelitis vaccine trials; summary report. Ann Arbor: n.p. , pp. 17-18 as quoted in Marks, Harry M. “The 1954 Salk Poliomyelitis Vaccine Field Trial.” Institute of the History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore: 2008, p. 20.

[160] McBean E. The Poisoned Needle. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research,1957:1

[161] McBean E. The Poisoned Needle. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research, 1957:119.

[162] McBean E. The Poisoned Needle. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research,1957:1

[163] Offit, Paul A. The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis, Yale University Press, 2005, pp. 100, 116–19, 133. ISBN 0-300- 10864-8

[164] Ibid.

[165] Smith, JS, “Patenting the Sun: Polio and the Salk Vaccine,” 1st Edition, William

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[166] Offit PA (2005), “The Cutter incident, 50 years later” (PDF). N. Engl. J. Med. 352 (14): 1411–1412. doi:10.1056/NEJMp048180. PMID 15814877

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[168] Harris RJ et al Contaminant viruses in two live vaccines produced in chick cells. J Hyg (London) 1966 Mar:64(1) : 1-7

[169] McBean E. The Poisoned Needle. Mokelumne Hill, California: Health Research,1957:1

[170] Ibid.

[171] Ibid.

[172] Ibid.

[173] Ii. Results. American journal of public health and the nation’s health. 1955;45:15–48. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

[174] Harper’s Magazine. “’Who is responsible, and why, for the chaotic confusion over the polio inoculations?’ A noted medical journalist disentangles the essential facts.” August, 1955.

[175] Ibid.

[176] Ibid.

[177] American Cancer Society, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 1–218, (1955).

[178] Paul JR. A history of poliomyelitis. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; 1971.

[179] Ibid.

[180] Ibid.

[181] Ibid.

[182] Rogers N. Dirt and disease: Polio before fdr. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press; 1992.

[183] Ibid.

[184] Smith, Derek R; Leggat Peter A (2005). “Pioneering figures in medicine: Albert Bruce Sabin–inventor of the oral polio vaccine”. The Kurume medical journal. 52 (3): 111–6. doi:10.2739/kurumemedj.52.111. PMID 16422178

[185] Rose, David, March of Dimes Archives, August 26, 2010.

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[189] O’Hern M. Profiles: Pioneer Women Scientists. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.

[190] Curtis T, Manson P. Scientist’s Polio Fear Unheeded: How U.S. Researcher’s Warning Was Silenced. The Houston Post 1992:A1 and A12.

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[227] National Cancer Institute (June 2001).

[228] The Landsteiner and Popper study, first published in Germany, was reported in Robert W Lovett, MD. The Occurrence of Infantile Paralysis in Massachusetts in 1908. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, pg. 112, July 22, 1909.

[229] Young, RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis – Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

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[235] The Landsteiner and Popper study, first published in Germany, was reported in Robert W Lovett, MD. The Occurrence of Infantile Paralysis in Massachusetts in 1908. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, pg. 112, July 22, 1909.

[236] Shaw D. Unintended casualties in war on polio. Philadelphia Inquirer June 6, 1993:A1.

[237] Moriarty T.J. The polio vaccine and simian virus 40. Online News Index.

[238] Koprowksi H. Tin anniversary of the development of live virus vaccine. Journal of the American Medical Association 1960;174:972–6.

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[241] Koprowski H. In a letter sent to the Congressional Health and Safety Subcommittee, April 14, 1961.

[242] Rock, Andrea. The Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business, Money, December 1996:161.

[243] Scheibner V. Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System. Blackheath, NSW, Australia: Scheibner Publications, 1993153.

[244] Curtis T. Expert says test vaccine: backs check of polio stocks for AIDS virus. The Houston Post, March 22, 1992:A-21.

[245] Carlsen, W. Rogue virus in the vaccine: Early polio vaccine harbored virus now feared to cause cancer in humans. San Francisco Chronicle, July 15,2001:7. Research by Susan Fisher, epidemiologist, Loyola UniversityMedical Center.

[246] Neustaedter R. The Vaccine Guide. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 1996:107–8

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[253] Curtis T. The origin of AIDS: A startling new theory attempts to answer the question “Was it an act of God or an act of man”, Rolling Stone, March 19,1992:57.

[254] O’Hern M. Profiles: Pioneer Women Scientists. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.

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[256] Curtis T. Expert says test vaccine: backs check of polio stocks for AIDS virus. The Houston Post, March 22, 1992:A-21.

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[261] Workshop on Simian Virus-40 (SV-40): A Possible Human Polyomavirus. National Vaccine Information Center, January 27-28, 1997. (Includes a summary of evidence presented at the Eighth Annual Houston Conference on AIDS.)

[262] Martin B. Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS: The career of a threatening idea. Townsend Letter for Doctors, January 1994:97–100.

[263] Curtis T. Did a polio vaccine experiment unleash AIDS in Africa? The Washington Post, April 5, 1992:C3+.

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[265] World Health Organization. T-lymphotropic retroviruses of nonhuman primates. WHO informal meeting. Weekly Epidemiology Records, 1985; 30:269–70.

[266] Ibid.

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[273] Aufsatz von Erwin H. Ackerknecht in der Zeitschrift Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Volume XXII, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1948.

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[279] Siehe WissenschafftPlus Nr. 1/2014.

[280] Zur Geschichte der frühen Virusforschung. Übersichtsarbeit von Prof. Karlheinz Lüdtke. Reprint 125 des MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FÜR WISSENSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE, 89 Seiten, 1999.

A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV, HPV, HEP C, Measles, Mumps, SARS, Hantavirus and Ebola Hypothesis

Micrograph of a solidification of metabolic acid
Parasite or Virus?
So-called Ebola Virus or Parasite?
A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS, HEP C, HPV, Polio, Spanish Flu, Hantavirus, SARS, Measles, Mumps,  and Ebola Hypothesis! – Part 1
“In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the Universities and Academies.  If, however, someone else now comes along with new ideas to contradict the credo (that has been recited for years and passed on in turn to others) and in fact, even threaten to overturn it, and all passions are raised against this threat and no methods are left untried to suppress it.  People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter.  And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally been excepted.”  – Goethe
The first isolation of the virus was achieved in 1892 by Russian that bacteria hunter Dmitri Ivowski, who gathered fluid from disease , tobacco plants.  He passed this liquid through field for fine enough to retain bacteria; yet to Ivowski’s surprise, the bacteria space free filtrate easily made healthy plants sick.  In 1888, a Dutch botanist, Martinus Wilhelm Beijerinck, repeating the experiment, also recognized that there was an invisible cause and named the infectious agent,  “Tobacco mosaic virus.”  In the same year as Beijerinck’s report, two German scientists, purified a liquid containing ‘filterable viruses’ that caused foot and mouth disease in cattle (viruses were at one time called ‘filterable bacteria’, but eventually the term ‘filterable bacteria’ came to apply only to viruses, and was the words ‘filterable bacteria’ were dropped).  Walter Reed followed in 1901 with a filtrate responsible for yellow fever, and soon dozens of other disease causing viruses were found.
In 1935 , another American, Wendell M. Stanley, went back to the beginning and created pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus from a filtered liquid solution.  He affirmed that these crystals could easily infect plants, and concluded that a virus was not a living organism, since it could be crystallize like salt and yet still remain infectious.  Subsequently, bacteriologists all over the world began filtering for viruses, and a new era of biology was born – Virology.
Historically, medical science has a baseline on the question of whether any virus is alive.  Originally, it was described as non-living, but is currently said to be an extremely complex molecule or extremely simple microorganism, and is usually referred to as a parasite having a cycle of life.  (The term “Killed” is applied to certain viral vaccines, thus implying an official conviction that viruses are alive.)  Commonly composed of either DNA or RNA cores with protein coverings, and having no inherent reproductive ability, viruses depend upon the host for replication.  They must utilize the nucleic acids of living cells.  They infect to reproduce their proteins (i.e., trick the host into producing them), which are then assembled into new viruses like cars on assembly line.  Theoretically, this is their only means of surviving, and infecting new cells or hosts.
Birth of Virology — a Miscarriage?
Underlying the birth of virology was the doctrine of monomorphism — that all microorganisms (herein called microforms) are fixed species, unchangeable; that each pathological type produces (usually), only one specific disease; that microforms never arise endogenously, i.e., have absolute origin within the host; and that blood and tissues are sterile under healthy conditions.  This last point warrants immediate comment.  Theoretically, under ideal health conditions, the blood might be sterile, though it has the inherent potential to develop morbid microforms, as discussed in my book, Sick and Tired.  Long and repeated observation of live blood in the phase contrast, darkfield microscope, however, shows that the blood can contain various microforms and otherwise asymptomatic host, or in a condition defined as normal or healthy in orthodox terms.  The forms are easily visible before other physical symptoms arise. (Since long and repeated observation has correlated their presence with other disease symptoms and their disappearance with the return of health, they serve as indicators of impending outward signs of disease).
Monomorphism was the cornerstone of developments in 20th-century medical research and treatments.  Refusal by the mainstream to examine fairly, much less except, the demonstrated fact of pleomorphism — that viruses and bacteria (and also yeast, fungi and mold) are evolutions from a small indestructible anatomical element, I referred to as the microzyma.  That microforms can rapidly change their form (evolve and “devolve”) in vivo, one becoming another dependant upon conditions in the inner terrain (environment); that blood and tissues are not necessarily sterile; and that there are no specific diseases, but only specific disease conditions — was the foundation of a latter-day “Galileo debate.”  It is so-called because those who wore the “robes” of scientific authority just like today, reprising the religious fanatics who punished the noted astronomer for his truth, would not be swayed from folly when presented with its contrary theory.  These truths began in earnest with Antoine Bechamp in the 19th-century (who also endured the indignation of a fanatical clergy).
In the early third of the 20th-century, the heated debate took place over ‘filterable bacteria’ versus ‘non-filterable’ bacteria.  This was a major battle concerning micromorphology (discussed briefly below). The orthodox view prevailed: bacterial forms were not small enough to pass, or did not have a smaller, earlier stage.  What passed through ‘bacteria proof’ filters was something else, i.e., viruses.  Standard medical textbooks, long made this filtering distinction between bacteria and viruses.  Subsequently, however, the cellular nature of many filterable forms originally thought to be viruses, such as some mycoplasmas, rickettsias, and various other groups, has been established.  In this writer’s opinion, with the victory of the monomorphic view, deeper understanding of infectious ‘disease’ was lost, setting the stage for cancer, degenerative symptoms, HIV. AIDS, Ebola, Hantavirus, Hep C, HPV, etc.
What You See?
A typical bacteria is about 1 micron in size.  Most filterable bacterial forms now called viruses range in size from .3 microns (300 millimicrons) to .01 microns (10 millimicrons) — particularly in the colloidal range  (.1 to .001 micron). Most of the larger viruses are a third to a quarter the size of the average bacteria.  And size is critical because .3 microns is the resolution limit of modern-day light microscopes.  Thus, as viruses were discovered (except for the very large ones, such as mumps), they required an electron microscope to be seen, especially given the the fact that Royal Rife’s microscope technology and career were destroyed by vested interests.  Unfortunately, electron microscopes and the process of chemical staining disorganize or damage all specimens, whereas Rife’s technology allowed life to proceed and thus evolve under its lens. As viruses became visible to advancing technology, the ratification was that the technology revealed, two minds infected with monomorphism, protein structures deemed foreign in the body.
A New Theory
Formulated by Antoine BeChamp in the 19th-century, the microzymian principal is the basis of the new theory about ‘viruses’.  Recently, this principle holds that in all living organisms are biologically indestructible anatomical elements, which BeChamp called microzymas.  They are independently living organized ferments, capable of producing enzymes and capable of evolving into more complex microforms such as bacteria, yeast or mold.  Bechamp’s thesis, is that disease is a condition of ones internal environment (terrain); that disease (and its symptoms) are “born of us and in us.”; and that disease is not produced by an attack of micro entities, but calls forth their endogenous evolution.
My studies and research suggests that the complexes, science calls viruses and retroviruses originate in the cell, as the microzymian as the principal suggests.  However, they are created in response to an alarming acidic situation (condition of disease) for the purpose of genetic repair.  They are repair proteins, evolved from anatomical elements (microzymas), not pathogenic  microorganisms.
It is known that normal cell activity includes genetic repair.  Both enzymes and proteins must be involved.  What is the mechanism?  Viruses are organized around DNA or RNA, not both.  Thus, they are quite probably intended to repair genetic molecules or other structures, and show up with disease symptoms, because the body needs them.  Since viruses require a living cell/host for reproduction, how do we know that the scenario is not set in motion, for a purpose by the cell (i.e., it’s microzymas), rather than being the result of invasion?  Because disease (disturbance of balance in the organism) is so prevalent, especially that which is not yet becoming indicated by common symptoms, repair proteins may be frequently or constantly present.  A toxified cell may easily suffer localized damage to the genome.  Since most observers are not even aware of the microzymian principal, much less understand or even consider it, and since monomorphism stresses invasion, these proteins complexes are regarded as foreign and disease is attributed to them.
Another note of interest is the size of viruses compared to the microzyma.  Viruses are considered to be some of the smallest biological particles and are frequently of colloidal size: e.g., hepatitis A, 27 nanometers (.027 microns); hepatitis B (.042 microns); polio virus (.03 microns); EBV (.042 microns); HIV (.080 to .12 microns); influenza (.08 to .12 microns); mumps (.15 to .30 microns); smallpox (.30 microns); and, according to BeChamp, the microzyma (.0005 microns).
In his book, ‘The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element’, Bechamp states: “the microzyma is at the beginning and at the end of all organization.  It is the fundamental anatomical element whereby the cellules, the tissues, the organs, the whole of the organism are constituted living . . . . in a state of health, the microzymas act harmoniously and our life is, in every meaning of the word, a regular fermentation.  In the condition of disease, the microzymas do not act harmoniously, the fermentation is disturbed, the microzymas have either change their function or are placed in an abnormal situation by some modification of the median.  The virus is either a self-ordered microzymian polymerization, or (less likely), a structure made by microzymas.  It is envelope in protein which is also composed of microzymas, and could well be thought of as an autonomous molecular tool box.
Along with doctors Glen Dettman and Archie Kalokerinos, I wonder, “whether Bechamp’s writing anticipated, in some respects, the discovery of RNA and DNA?”  Could the genetic structure be the construct, thus a tool, of the microzyma?  They quote a personal communication [1974] from a professor Bayev of the former USSR Academy of Sciences, who discusses his work showing the molecular self- restoration from its parts of pure transfer RNA from brewers yeast is possible.
In my own research I have found molecular restoration similar to that described by Bayev.  In my experiment , I used 10-year-old coagulated capillary blood from a woman with cancer.  With one drop of .9% of sodium chloride, the blood was restored to an appearance and level of activity characteristic of freshly drawn sample of blood.  In other words, the anatomical microzymas of the dry blood were restored to activity.  Even the white blood cells became active again.  One might eagerly asked for explanation of the reversal of polymers made during clotting.  It is unclear at this point how this reversal takes place, except to say that what can evolve apparently has the potential to devolve.  It is observable, however.  For example, I have seen, and recorded on video, rod microforms retro-grading without any visible decomposition from 10 microns in length to the vicinity of .1 micron.
This research supports the very important postulates that the cell is not the smallest living biological unit, as promulgated by conventional medical science.  In fact, a smaller biological unit is the imperishable micros I’m a, which is an organized, living been “of a special category without analog,” said BeChamp, who found them ready to become active in chalk deposits at least 11 million years old.
The Pleomorphic Cycle
I suggest a developmental cycle in vivo consisting of three macro stages: [1] a primitive stage comprising the repair proteins complexes; [2] an intermediate, or bacterial, stage including filterable forms such as the cell wall deficient forms described by Lida Mittman, PhD. [in Cell Wall Deficient Forms, Stealth pathogens]; and [3] a culmination stage consisting of yeast and fungal phases, and then mold, the and phase.  The usual course of development would be from microzyma to repair proteins, and then to bacterium, etc.  However, under certain conditions, such as, for example, it is highly likely that the microzymas can skip the primitive stage and become bacteria directly.  Although these transformations are as astounding as that of a larva to a butterfly, what is equally impressive under observation is in the rapidity with which they can take place — in minutes, even seconds, sometimes.  By the same token, when provoked by acidic conditions and the cycle proceeds to yeast, fungus and then mold, it may occur so rapidly that the bacterial stage, if that happens, has no time to be of any significance.
Thus, symptomgenic microforms can originate within the higher organisms without invasion, via a permutation of the endogenous microzymas when the situation calls for such change.  The situation is an imbalance referred to by Bechamp as a “modification of the median.”  Endogenous evolution is evident under the microscope when bacterial, yeast, and fungal forms are seen coming out of the red blood cells, which initially appear normal.
Biological Basis for the Pleomorphic Cycle
There is a common biological basis for the pleomorphic cycle and its increasing complexity of organization: more complex forms evolve inherently upon the death of an organism for the purpose of recycling its anatomical and chemical structures in the carbon cycle.  The process of rapid evolution [which is reversible] is an essential life process, which, beyond the repair stage, is necessary to return a dead organism to the earth.  The second and third stage microforms degenerate the body’s vital substances and tissues via putrefaction [bacteria] and fermentation [yeast and fungus].  Fermentation results in acidic waste products, which further breakdown tissue.  Disease symptoms, then, especially the degenerative type, are NOT produced by viruses, but manifest as chemical decomposition, or attempted recycling via fermentation and acidic toxins, but with ‘host’ survival processes still, operable.  Obviously, certain other factors may play important roles in producing symptoms, such as heavy-metal toxicity, or state of mind, for example.  Some of the body survival methods also produce symptoms commonly called dis-eases.  An example is eczema, and emergency expulsion of acidic toxins via the pores of the skin.
The aforementioned casual [alarming] situation, or modification of the median, is chronic tissue acidification [pH imbalance] and oxygen deprivation in the blood and tissues due to acidic forming foods, adverse lifestyle, emotional stress, and environmental stress.  This is not an oversimplification!  Acidification/hypoxia biochemically signals a dead host to the microzymas, while creating collapsed areas [dead zone’s] of the colloidal system in the intercellular fluid, and it is the primary physiological disease condition at which the symptoms commonly called specific diseases arise.
Thus, we distinguish between this disease condition and its consequent symptoms, which include both the morbidly evolved microzymas and the physiological science commonly thought of as specific diseases.  As they develop, microforms [bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold] are actually scavenging forms of the microzyma, developed when disease in the cell life requires tissue to be broken up.  These upper development forms are the ones easily visible in the blood before physical symptoms arise.  They disappear, [devolve] when the recycling task is complete, once again becoming microzymas of the earth and/or air.
Virus or Toxin/Acid?
Regarding the early period of virus isolation, a question is whether the unseen entities isolated in filtered fluids were accompanied by the waste products [mycotoxins] of fermentation by yeast and/or fungus of cellular elements, such as DNA.  If virus infiltrates are injected into a host to prove virulence, it is almost certain that easily filterable molecular toxins will be introduced as well.  Could Dr. Stanley’s “pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus” have been crystallized acidic toxins?  If so, they would certainly be highly symptomgenic, as are exotoxins at the intermediate stage of the cycle, for example.  However, it is not proof of anything that you can create illness by poison injection, except proof of that tautological fact.
In my research utilizing darkfield and phase contrast microscopy, it is common to see acid crystallization’s in the blood.  It is normal for the body to use calcium or other mineral salts, and fats as well, to chelate the acidic waste products from the morbid fermentation of body proteins, fats and sugars.  Such crystal deposits are found in cancer tissue as well.  A malignant tumor removed from the breasts of one of my research clients was found to have numerous calcium deposits attached to it.  It is an attempt to render inactive acidic substances that make our inner streams healthy, poison our cells, and coagulated colloidal systems in blood and intercellular fluid.
The term “virus” is the Latin word for poison, and gives us insight into the immediate cause of disease symptoms — poison is: exotoxins and mycotoxins, and a toxin, exotoxins, and toxins from environmental sources, [many of which are primary or secondary mycotoxins.].  Orthodox medicine is well aware that it is bacterial toxins more than the bacteria them self.  [They feed in-house], that caused the symptoms referred to as infectious disease.  Little if any emphasis is placed on this fine, but important distinction.  Always, the germ is emphasized.  There is little too, no awareness [or knowledge that], either, of the same role played by acidic toxins of the culminate microforms of the pleomorphic cycle.  Their action and the body’s response to them are frequently ascribe to viruses, which do not produce toxins because they are the toxin or acid, but are said to wreck havoc by a number of other means.  However, if they participate in symptom at Genesis in a host it is because they are stimulated to evolve into more complex, toxic genetic forms.  Somewhat less likely is the possibility that they cause damage as a result of erroneous construction or function, for one reason or another — missing mineral nutrients leading to alkaline mineral deficiencies, for example.
Misconception Breeds Contempt
In addition to chemical toxicity, however, what is the impact of the fear [emotional toxicity] that the word “virus” brings to mind and heart?  It has been said that fear it is the most deadly of disease conditions.  If the “disease” kills one person, the fear of it may kill 20.  General prejudice concerning the danger of viruses is fundamental biological error based on Louis Pasteur’s germ theory, and is itself a perpetrator of auto-suggested illness.  For example, in Africa doctors attribute some AIDS sickness to “voodoo death” syndrome, the term for illnesses induced psychologically.  According to one nurse, “we had people who were symptomatically AIDS patients.  They were dying of AIDS, but when they were tested and found out they were negative they suddenly rebounded and are now perfectly healthy.”  Ironically, if the germ theory were found on facts, it would be correct to fear viruses, except there would be few, if any, humans living to discuss the issues.  These so-called pathogenic entities are to researchers, medical practitioners and the press what criminals are to detectives — the focus and justification of their existence.
The Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say about bacteria, which relates also to viruses:
“The common idea of bacteria in the minds of most people is that of the hidden and sinister scourge lying in wait for mankind.  This popular conception is born of the fact that attention was first focused upon bacteria through the discovery, some seven years ago, of the relationship of bacteria to disease in man, and that in its infancy, the study of bacteriology was a branch of medical science.  Relatively few people assigned to bacteria, the important position in the world of living things that they rightly occupied, for it is only a few of the bacteria known today that have developed in such a way that they can live in the human body, and for everyone of this kind, there are scores of others which are perfectly harmless and far from being regarded as the enemies of mankind, must be numbered among his best friends.
It is in fact, no exaggeration to say that upon the activities of bacteria.  The very existence of man depends; indeed, without bacteria there could be no other living thing in the world; for every animal and plant owes its existence to the fertility of the soil, and this in turn depends upon the activity of the microorganisms which inhabit the soil in almost inconceivable numbers.  It Is one of the main objects of this article to show how true is this statement; there will be found in it only passing reference to the organisms which produce disease in man and animals — for information on these see Pathology and Immunity.  [Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed., Volume 2, page 899].
The general message of the foregoing article applies even more aptly to viruses in the sense that much fear has been bred and cultivated around them, although they never produce disease symptoms, whereas the acid waste products of bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold do.  The writer of the above understands bacteria, with the exceptions that symptomgenic bacteria found in man and animals do not produce disease.  [Only secondary symptoms], that their precursors are endogenous to higher organisms, and they have not “developed in such a way that they can live in the human body.”  If anything, the reverse is true.  According to one theory of microbiology, microforms have colonized over eons to become higher organisms.  In one sense, then, the human body has developed as a specialized environment for them.
An important dimension of the bacterial dependence of higher life forms is the floral population in the human digestive tract.  Literally, these “foreign species” keep us alive.  Most bacteria have the same underlying function, whether found in the soil, sewage, in the human digestive tract, or elsewhere in nature: they are an essential part of the life processes of hire organisms.  They will not or cannot attack healthy cells or tissues, but certain ones will recycle sick or dead tissue in much the same way insect pests are drawn to weaker plants.  As Bechamp said, “nothing is the prey of death; all things are the prey of life.”
Following in the wake of misconceptions arising from the fundamental biological error known as the germ theory of disease, defying infiltrates of disease tissue as a newly discovered infectious microforms was the birth of a major corollary error in bio science.
Viral Behavior Reconsidered
Listed below are ways of viruses are said to disrupt or destroy host cells.  According to orthodox medical science and the germ theory advocates.  Following each in its italics is a different interpretation following from microzymian principle:
1.  Viral proteins insert into the host cells , plasma membrane and directly damage its integrity , to promote cell fusion [HIV, measles, and herpes viruses.].
Proteins are attempting to repair membrane damage, or enter cells to repair other proteins.  There is the question as to whether viruses on cell walls are coming or going.  In both cases, it would be a matter of whether or not a cell has been disturbed by excess fermentation and acidity.  But in the former case, the cell would be dysfunctional before attachment occurs, thus requiring the repair complex.  Another possibility, perhaps remote, is that dysfunctional receptors on cells are in need of repair, or they are covered by these complexes to inactivate malfunction of the cells.  Positive electrical charges in a compromised acidic terrain, primarily on acidic molecules from fermentation’s, discharge cell membranes and act as mortar to stick cells together causing rouleau and clotting.
2.  Viruses inhibit a host cell DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis.  For example, polio virus inactivates cap-binding protein, which is essential for protein synthesis, directed by capped host cell mRNA’s, while allowing protein synthesis from uncapped polio virus in mRNA’s.
Protein inactivation is probably being done by fermentation or by acidic toxins from fermentation, while “poliovirus” is produced in the cell to reverse the damage.
3.  Viruses replicate efficiently and lyse host cells, e.g., liver cells by yellow fever, and neurons by poliovirus.
Highly unlikely.  The lysing is more likely caused by acidic mycotoxicosis, or by free radicals released in response to mycotoxic stress, or from other sources [I lysine radiation, for example].  Repair particles are residual after cell wall disruption.
4.  Slow-virus infections [e.g., sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis caused by the measles virus] culminate in severe progressive disease is after a long latency period.
How is this demonstrated?  Perhaps “latency” is a period of unsuccessful or attempted repair that eventually falters.  Symptomology naturally appears in the weakest parts of the body.  Excess acidity is always a systemic problem that localizes, just as cancer is a systemic acidic condition that localizes, even though it its symtogenic influence may later spread.
5.  Viral antigen proteins on the surface of the host cells are recognized by the immune system, and the host lymphocytes attack, the virus infected cells [e.g., liver cells infected with hepatitis B].
Liver cells are damaged beyond repair by exotoxins and mycotoxicosis, and the immune system, our elaborate janitorial service, is cleaning out the garbage.  Perhaps the repair protein antigen is expressed to signal any in response [because the cell is beyond repair], which is one explanation for why there are antibodies to these proteins.
6.  Viruses damage cells involved in the host anti-microbial defense, leading to secondary infections.
The function of immune cells are damaged by bacterial or fungal waste products/acidic and/or overworked by toxic acidic overload, preventing proper cleanup and elimination of disharmonious, symptomgenic elements.
7.  Viral killing the one cell type causes the death of other cells that depend on them, e.g., degeneration of muscle cells enervated by the attack of poliovirus on motor neurons.
Once again, a misinterpretation and lack of understanding that is not viral microforms that damage neurons.  Acidic toxins from bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold — as well as the ferments of glucose, uric acid from proteins, hormones and acetic acids from fats — produce, or influence the body to produce, dis-ease  or inflammatory symptoms.  Not recognizing “virus,” for what it is, observers attribute dis-ease or disease to it.
8.  Host cell responses to viruses include metabolic derangement and transformations resulting in neoplastic changes.
Metabolic derangement has occurred prior to the appearance of repair proteins, due to toxic overload in the cell.  It is more likely that the proteins attempt to prevent cell transformation, and that cancerous development is cell conversion from primarily oxidative to wholly fermentation of metabolism, mediated by yeast, fungus and mold.
9.  According to orthodox theory, viruses enter a host cell and replicate at the host’s expense.  Replication is accomplished using enzymes, which are distinct for each virus family.  For example, RNA polymerase is used by negative stranded RNA viruses degenerates positive stranded mRNA, or as reverse transcriptase is used by retroviruses to generate DNA from their RNA template and to integrate that DNA into the host genome.
It is normal for repair proteins to generate enzymes or acidic waste products as they do their work of repair.
10.  one reason suggested for viral tropism [the tendency to infect some cells, but not others] is the presence or absence of host cell receptors that allow the virus to attach.  It is said, for example, that HIV binds to the proteins [CD4] involved with antigen presentation on a helper.  The lymphocytes, that Epstein-Barr virus binds to the complement receptor [CD2] on macrophages, that rabies virus binds to the acetylcholine receptor on neurons, and that rhino viruses bind to the adhesion proteins [ICAM-1] on mucosal cells.
See answer to number 1 above.
Theoretically, once attach, the entire virion, or a portion containing the genome and essential polymerases, penetrates into the cell saddle plasma in one of three ways: [one] translocation of the entire virus across the plasma membrane; [two] receptor mediated endocytosis of the virus and fusion with endosomal membranes; or , [three] fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane.  Theory suggests that within the cell the virus uncoats, separating its genome from its structional components and losing its infectivity before replication.  In either the nucleus or the cytoplasma, newly synthesize viral genomes and capsid proteins are assembled into progeny virions, which may then bud to the plasma membrane.  Unencapsulated viruses may be released also, directly through the membrane.
It is interesting, however, that viruses can somehow choose the “infection.”  To be aborted, latent or persistent, meaning respectively: [one] viral infections with incomplete replication cycles; [two] persisting in the cryptic state, like herpes zoster within a dorsal root ganglion, which suddenly becomes active to produce shingles; [three continuously synthesized virions, with or without altered cell function [e.g., hepatitis B].  These three ideas, especially latency, have arisen as feeble excuses for the untenable virus theory.
11.  In order for viruses to reproduce, they must complete the following four steps:
a] Adsorption and penetration of the cell.  The viral particle binds to the host cell membrane.  This is unusually a specific interaction in which a viral encoded protein on the capsid or a glycoprotein embedded in the virion envelope binds to a host cell membrane receptor and is then internalized.  This internalization occurs by endocytosis or by fusion of the virion envelope with the host cell membrane.
This is the mechanism whereby the viral particle enters the cell for the purposes of carrying out repairs to the damaged DNA or RNA.
b) Uncoating of the virus, so that the nucleic acid can be released from the capsid into the nucleus or cytoplasm.
Repair work may require uncoating.  An uncoated “virus” in the saddle plasma, may have, from the nucleus and not yet have a code, as in the case of hepatitis B , according to medical science.  A coat is then created to protect the nucleic acid, to make a communicative or response to protein complex, or to allow exiting the cell for remote function or for neutralization and recycling by the immune system.
c) Synthesis and assembly of viral products, as well as in addition of the host cell’s own DNA, RNA and protein synthesis.
Protein complex is produced in response to an alarming acidic situation — fermentation and mycotoxic stress — are capable of self-reported replication.  As suggested by Bechamp, the microzyma is specific for each organ, therefore specific repair proteins will be needed for specific cells that make a specific organ that are being disturbed by dietary and/or metabolic acidic waste products.  There is the question of why the great numbers in some cases.  One possibility is simply over reaction; for example, fever can be extreme.  Why?  To remove dietary, metabolic acids or acids from bacteria, yeast, fungus and/or mold.
d) And finally, release of virions from the host cell either by budding or lysis.
[1] Complexes leave the cell for remote function or to be neutralize; [2] repairs have failed, and complexes are released prior to or during the breakdown of the cell by acidic toxins or the immune system.
Further Considerations
Virologists referred to certain microforms as passenger viruses, which are present in asymptomatic situations, riding on their host genetic molecule like a passenger.  To the conventional mind searching for new diseases or for viral cause of unexplained ones, they are most interesting, because the status virologist in the scientific community depends upon the pathogenic potential of the viruses they study.  Due to their location, passenger viruses are thought to have much disease potential, thus their true function goes unnoticed.  These colloidal passengers are the silent majority of animal and human intranuclear proteins essential for genetic repair.
Kalokerinos and Dettman quote Dr. Fred Klenner regarding the changeability of viruses, “I am of the opinion that virus units have the potential of going from one type to another by altering their protein coat.  We see chickenpox at Thanksgiving, mumps at Christmas, read measles in the spring, and polio and Coxsackie in the summer.”  Seasonal appearance of different forms may be mediated by variations of imbalance in the biological terrain or nutritive median due to the fermentation of dietary excesses such as sugar and animal proteins that accompany holidays and seasons, calling for different repair proteins.  For example, outbreaks of polio have been associated with sugar consumption in summer.  Various psychoemotional stresses correspond to the seasons as well.”
Supporting the general idea of dietary culpability is a statement published by the great English physician, Sir Robert McCarrison in 1936: “obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all-important excite tens of disease, subservient to lavatory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we have to forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, but the right kind of food [nutrition] is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the rhonchi to food.  The most important single factor in the promotion of disease.”
Six years before BeChamp identified the microzyma as a ferment and, with his devoted associate, Professor Estor, began a 13 year odyssey of research into its nature. Florence Nightingale published a statement about the germ theory,  In ‘Notes on Nursing’, first addition, 1860, she said of infection:
“Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another.
Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our own control; or rather, as the reactions of kindly nature against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves?
I was brought out . . . . distinctly to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself in a perpetual chain of dissent, just as much as that there was a first dog, [or a first pair of dogs], and that smallpox would not begin itself anymore than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.
Since then, I have seen it with my eyes and smelt it with my nose smallpox growing up in the first specimens, ear in close rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’,  but must have begun.  Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another . . . . I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and when little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.
Would it not be far better, truer, and more practical, if we looked upon disease in this light?  For diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives, not noun- substantives.”
That is, symptoms [called diseases] are described first of the situation.
I find legitimate BeChamp’s conclusion that what are called germs of the air are fundamentally microzyma’s of beings, which are being consumed by the recycling process, i.e., some kind of vegetative digestion — putrefaction or fermentation.  In short, there are no pre-existing disease germ species.  The principals of microbial medicine constitute a fundamental biological ERROR!!!!!!  As BeChamp said, “the microbial doctrine is the greatest scientific silliness of this age.”  This is not to say there is no transmission, only that invasion is not necessary for symptogenesis, nor is it the primary mechanism for illness.  It is to say that for transmission to take place, susceptibility in the form of a compromised terrain must pre-exist in the receiver, who was then likely to be ill anyway.  With the exception of the immune component in the mucosal barrier, primary host “resistance” is a function of terrain condition rather than immunity per se.
Phantom Viruses
Hepatitis can be a painful symptom that has yielded profitable virus hunting opportunities in recent years.  Although there are several categories of this disorder, three main varieties of what is called “acute viral hepatitis” exist: Type A [formally, ‘Infectious hepatitis’], Type B [formally ‘Serum hepatitis’], and hepatitis Type C (formally ‘non A, non-B’].  The corresponding viruses are HIV, HBV, and the non-A, non-B ‘group’, now called C. Type A is said to be caused by an RNA virus, spread primarily by fecal contamination of water and food, with blood and secretions also possibly being infectious [but it is due to the acidic toxins associated with unsanitary conditions].  Hepatitis B, discovered in the sixties, is said to be caused by a DNA virus, which replicates in the hepatocyte nucleus and receives its surface coat in the cytoplasma.  It is said to be transmitted by transfused blood or blood products, or via common use of needles by intravenous drug users [but it is due primarily to over-acidification from the drugs, especially heroine.  The exchange of body fluids into the blood, whether by sterilize needles, abusive sexual activity, eccentric sexual activity, etc. can also play a role overtime, because of repeated immune stress caused by foreign proteins].  Third World babies with poor nutrition and unsanitary conditions around the time of birth are also susceptible.
The third type of hepatitis, discovered in the seventies, is found among drug users and alcoholics, and accounts for 80 to 90% of hepatitis caused by blood transfusion.  It is thus akin to B type and was at first thought by scientists to be hepatitis B until thorough testing a subject revealed no virus B nor A, for that matter.  It was thus called “non-A, non-B” hepatitis and thought to be at least two viruses and perhaps more.
In 1987 scientists believed they found a single virus causing the third type, what is known today as the hepatitis C virus.  However, what they identified was an antibody, they associated with a virus.  Now, just as with HIV, they could test patients for antibodies against an elusive or invisible phantom virus.  With this new observation, however, new paradoxes confronted the viral hypothesis.  Huge numbers of people testing positive for the Phantom C virus never developed any symptoms.  Hepatitis C is truly the result of an over-acidification or toxification of the largest filter organ in the body by such substances as lactic acid, acetylaldehyde and ethanol alcohol — not the disease of a pathological phantom virus.  It is interesting to note also that all these hepatitis viruses have incubation periods of two to 25 weeks, violating Farr’s law, [see below], yet are not classified as slow viruses.  Also, the point at which a “natural invasion” takes place, as opposed to a highly artificial in objective one, and thus, how true incubation periods are determined, is another interesting question.  Bottom-line there is no Hepatitis C virus.
A recent example of unwarranted panic in American bio medicine was the eminent hantavirus of 1994.  Presumably, it had jumped species, from mouse to man [the American Navajo Indians].  However, after supposedly killing a number of people, this phantom virus apparently made peace with the Indians and retired to its mouse reservoir.  The virus failed to materialize.  A front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle reported that CDC “epidemiologist across the nation are carefully monitoring the deer mouse population and the level of virus within it.”  But all that was left to discover of the former.  “Navajo flu” by the CDC epidemiologist [shown in their space suits] were healthy mice in the mountains.  The Navajo flu is nothing new to the Native Americans and is most likely tied to sanitation, nutrition and lifestyle.
In May 1995 , the CDC announced the new, threatening Ebola virus.  The deadly killer virus was expected to leave its hidden reservoir in the rain forest of Africa to claim Europe and the United States.  An article in Time magazine was peppered with men in space suits and color electron micrographs of the virus  [even though electron microscopes cannot take color pictures and the pictures were of parasites].  A CDC virologist suggested the virus could leave the rain forest a if “we get a virus that is both deadly to man and transmitted in the air.”  We are thus asked to fear the false image of virus somehow being launched into the air, perhaps by injection from a host, and then floating on a killer breeze to other lands.  A more imaginable scenario was suggested by European epidemiologist who heads the United Nations AIDS program.  Echoing the the CDC’s alarm, he stated, “it’s theoretically feasible.  Then infected person from Kuwait could go to Tunisia, get on a plane to New York, fall ill, and present transmission risk there.”  But within a month, the virus had disappeared in Africa, and not a single Ebola case was reported in the United States or Europe.
The World Health Organization announced on December 19, 1995 that the Ebola virus epidemic that killed 245 people in West Africa was over.  All tests on any remaining suspected cases were negative.  A somewhat unsettling revelation was that every Ebola outbreak in Africa, “is associated to have spread to public hospitals.”  As it turned out, it was associated with reused hypodermic needles in these hospitals.  Just like hantavirus, Ebola vanished, never to be heard from again, until NOW!  Most interesting is that this so-called epidemic, as epidemics will, stopped without vaccines or other drugs.  Consider the impact such stories have made upon our minds and on the way we view and understand germs.  What’s next in the virodrama, the Andromeda strain?  NO!  Here we go again with the same old phantom viral story!
There is one insidious possibility that must be mentioned in passing.  Some mysterious outbreaks of the past have shown years later to have been man-made.  In some cases, government agency have used the public to test releases of organisms and weak biochemical acidic toxins in order to verify, through medical reports, expectations of bio-warfare activity.  These incidents and the whole story of such behavior is well documented in the book, all higher forms of killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman [Hill and Wang, 1982].  In this scenario, the cause of such an incident would be constructed officially, or left as a mystery, in order to draw attention away from the truth.
  1. To read Part 2 and Part 3 and for all references for this article read Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert O. Young –, or

The Top 21 Biggest Medical Lies – Including The Flu Virus Lie!

The Top 21 Biggest Health, Nutritional and Medical Lies

The following list includes the biggest health, nutritional, and medical lies, deceit, deceptions and inventions that we have been told by a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a teacher, a nutritionist, a health guru, a Pharmaceutical Company, the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the Center of Disease Control and/or the World Health Organization, just to name a few.

1) The Mexican Swine Flu Virus is a potential pandemic and can kill you.

This is a scientific illusion. Viruses do not kill, acids kill. All viruses are nothing more than dietary and/or metabolic acid. The word virus in Latin means poison or acid. All flu’s or acids by definition effect only the gastrointestinal tract due to acidic foods and drinks ingested – not viruses. So the Mexican Swine Flu Virus that has been reported by the CDC to have killed over 1000 Mexicans is the result of an excess of gastrointestinal acid from the ingestion of acidic foods and drinks that have not been properly buffered by the stomach with alkaline salts or eliminated through the four channels of elimination – lungs, bowels, bladder and/or skin. For these unfortunate Mexicans or others in the US or around the world that have died, the cause of death was due to an excess of acidic foods and drinks, including Tequila, beer, beans, rice, corn, peanuts, yeast, soy sauce, high sugar fruit, processed sugar, artificial sugar, dairy products, chicken, turkey, beef and of course the biggest acid of all – SWINE. That’s right, the acids from PORK can kill. So 1000 Mexicans did not die from a pHantom Mexican Swine Flu Virus but they died from a dis-ease I call, “I Ate and Drank TOO Much Acidic Crap Disease” or “I Received An Acidic Flu Vaccine.” The simple solution for protecting you from an excess of gastrointestinal acid from an acidic diet and lifestyle that can and does kill is to increase your alkaline buffering mineral salts. All flu’s or acid outbreaks can be prevented and reversed with sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate. YES, it is that simple! You can prevent gastrointestinal acidosis that can lead to stomach flu, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, constipation, and even death. No need to fear a pandemic, just the acidic foods and drinks you are ingesting and more specifically an acidic toxic swine flu vaccine. You can protect yourself and your family with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet I call, “Young Living.” That is why I created the products pHour Salts, puripHy salts, pHlavor salts and pHlush salts. To learn more about these Young pHorever acid protecting products go to:

2) Pandemics are caused by air-born viruses that infect the human or animal body causing sickness, disease and death.

This line of logic is responsible for more pain, suffering and death than any other theory. It is based upon the Pasteurian germ theory that germs or pathogens cause disease. Germs DO NOT CAUSE DISEASE – ACIDIC LIFESTYLES, DIETS, DRUGS AND VACCINES CAUSE DISEASE. Dis-ease and so-called disease is NOT something you get it is something you do. HIV, HPV, EBOLA, HUNTA, SARS, AVIAN FLU, AND THE SWINE FLU ARE ALL PHANTOM VIRUSES. THEY DO NOT EXIST. What exists is acidic lifestyles, acidic diets, acidic drugs and acidic vaccines. If you put alcohol into your body you can get drunk and sick. If you put tobacco smoke into your lungs you can get sick and cancerous. If you elect to have an acidic vaccine you can get sick and die! Not from some so-called virus but from the acidic elements of the alcohol, tea, coffee, meat, cheese, eggs, tobacco, anti-biotic or anti-life vaccines, etc. The key to health, energy and vitality is to maintain the alkaline design of your body. To poison your body with a vaccine will not increase your health, energy or vitality but only prove that you can poison yourself and hopefully live through it. True immunity comes from protecting the alkaline design of the body. ALL pandemics are caused by MAN and their acidic choices not some phantom virus!

The following is an historic precedent – The year was 1921.

America was entering a decade of robust prosperity. Later called “The Roaring Twenties”, it was a time of unparalleled economic expansion. Debt money from Wall Street banks was plentiful and easy to obtain. The “Great War” was over.America was flexing her industrial muscles. Factories were being built and expanded in every major city. Automobiles began rolling off Detroit assembly lines in record numbers. The stock market began making millionaires. 
People were HEALTHY and HAPPY largely because the dreaded “world mystery disease” (which decades later became known as the “1918 Flu Pandemic”) had disappeared. Two entire years had passed with no dreaded “mystery deaths” being reported. America had cause to celebrate, and celebrate they did!
As a matter of fact, the American Public in general was so optimistic and HAPPY in 1921, that relatively few people were unhealthy as well. For the first time in decades, hospital beds were empty. The fledgling American Medical Association, formed by John D. Rockefeller just a few years earlier, was worried. Business was sagging.Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling. Something had to be done, and done immediately. False, faux epidemics of smallpox were created to solve the problem, and keep the Medical Mafia’s cash registers ringing.

We know this dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a citizen’s WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City, Missouri named “The Advertiser’s Protective Bureau”, who filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal charges against the Missouri state chapter of the AMA the Jackson Medical Society. The ‘Protective Bureau’s” official report of this cold-blooded plot reads as follows:
“In the Fall of 1921, the health of the city was unusually good, but slow for the doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city. According to the minutes of this meeting: ‘MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED, THAT A RECOMMENDATION BE MADE BY THE COMMITTEE, TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH, THAT AN EPIDEMIC OF SMALLPOX BE DECLARED IN THE CITY. (Investigation later revealed that there was NO SIGN OF AN EPIDEMIC at the time, in the city, or anywhere in the state or region!)
‘It was moved and seconded that a day be set aside, termed VACCINATION DAY, on which physicians would be stationed at ALL SCHOOLS, clinics, public buildings and hospitals to vaccinate “free of charge”. (Vaccinations are never “free”. The taxpayers are always forced to pay for every one of the “free” vaccines.)
The Protective Bureau proved in court that there WAS NO EPIDEMIC before the vaccinations!! The court records show that the Medical Society manufactured vast amounts of posters, fliers, newspaper stories and ads featuring horrific and lurid pictures of diseased children covered with massive smallpox sores and open wounds. Some pictures actually showed children’s corpses covered with the same ugly sores. 
The PANIC-DRIVEN message was clear — VACCINATE EVERYONE, or face a deadly public disease. There was a “sweeping epidemic” in the city; the disease was “highly contagious” and would “strike anyone who was not vaccinated” was the bill of goods sold! (Does this sound at all familiar today 88 years later??)
The Medical Mafia’s propaganda blitz was successful, and over a million previously healthy and happy American citizens were hypnotized and terrorized into placing the vaccine toxins into their bloodstreams. All public school children in the region were vaccinated while at school! Parents who dared question the vaccination of their children were ostracized and publicly vilified.
THE COURT RECORD ON THIS CASE IS VERY CLEAR. In the weeks and months following the “mass vaccinations” the area’s hospital beds were filled to over-flowing with VACCINE-INDUCED SMALLPOX CASES!
Tens of thousands of people became ill, and many hundreds of innocents died, and many more were permanently crippled! Of course, THE NEWSPAPERS THEN TRUMPETED HOW WISE THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT WAS TO PROMOTE THE VACCINES stating how much worse the death toll would have been without the vaccination campaign!! Untold MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of profit was generated by this massive “medical” fraud.
Thanks to the ADVERTISER’S PROTECTIVE BUREAU, however; the massive fraud was exposed and criminally prosecuted to a successful conviction. During the trial, three amazing facts were proven beyond any “reasonable doubt”.
Fact 1: The poster and advertising pictures showing the diseased and dying children used so successfully by the “doctors”, WERE NOT EVEN CASES OF LOCAL SMALLPOX CASES AS THEY WERE BILLED TO BE! The Protective Bureau documented that they were pictures of ENGLISH CHILDREN who were victims of “court-proven” cases of SMALLPOX VACCINE POISONING!! One of the pictures was of a 5-week-old baby named Mona Stevenson, of Humphrey Street, Burnley, England. A previously healthy and happy baby, Little Mona had been vaccinated for smallpox at 5 weeks of age. Four weeks later, her pox-ridden little body was placed in a tiny coffin and buried. The horrific photos of Little Mona and others in England had previously been published in British newspapers where details of the resulting CRIMINAL TRIALS were also given. The full details of the trials, as well as the pictures, were also included in a comprehensively large medical boot titled “THE HISTORY AND PATHOLOGY OF VACCINATION” by Edgar M Crookshank, MD professor of Bacteriology at the ultra-elite Kings College, London England.
Fact 2: Vaccines containing LIVE ACIDIC (so-called) VIRUSES/TOXINS, weakened (i.e. attenuated) or otherwise universally causes more diseases than the vaccine ever could prevent.
Fact 3: Vaccine-Induced-Disease (VID) is an extremely effective socio-economic tool. It has the potential to generate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF WINDFALL PROFITS, while permanently changing the social structures of large groups of people.
While the Protective Bureau won the criminal court case the American people lost. The case should have made front-page headlines around the nation, showing the Modus Operandi of certain corrupt “medical practitioners”. How, by means of fraud, treachery, and trickery, they made millions of dollars in windfall profits while thousands of innocent, trusting, and naive Americans suffered and died. The entire sordid affair, with all its damning details, was kept out of the American Press. John D. Rockefeller’s AMA, with its millions of dollars of influence made sure of that!Amazingly, even though thousands of people had died or become crippled by this managed manslaughter, the doctors involved were only given a light penalty in the form of a token fine. The medical establishment as a whole was not upset in the least by the exposure and has continued on unabated perpetuating the same crimes against humanity creating acidic vaccine-induced-dis-eases while fleecing the people continually until this present day.
It is a proven (albeit little-known) fact, EPIDEMIC/PANDEMIC MANUFACTURING IS STANDARD PRACTICE with the world-wide “Medical Mafia” circles. In order to maximize profits and re-shape geographical regions, they often manufacture a false-flag “emergency”. If there is an outbreak of mild seasonal dis-esase from over-acidic choices, they call it an influenza pandemic, give it a fancy new name, and then actually CREATE THE PANDEMIC by means of mass vaccinations using ATTENUATED, or PURE ACID!! Remember the shocking words of the AMA’s Dr. Simon Louis Katzoff who said: ” DOCTORS LIVE BY DISEASE, SO THE PUBLIC CAN EXPECT THE SUPPLY OF DISEASE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION.”

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.George Santayana

Those who are ignorant of the past, cannot be expected to remember it.True Ott, PhD, ND

 3) The Flu vaccine will protect you from the flu virus.

This is a falsehood. There is no such thing as a flu virus and therefore there is no need for a poisonous acidic flu vaccine made with chicken embryos, formaldehyde, mercury, detergent, and alcohol. The flu is the body in preservation mode increasing body temperature to activate the lymphatic system to remove excess dietary and/or metabolic acids in the tissues via respiration, perspiration, defecation and urination. The key to reversing the symptoms of the Flu is hydration with alkaline fluids and sweating with infrared sauna or exercise.

4) The 1976 “Swine Flu” Fiasco and Fraud is Being Perpetrated Today.

A solitary soldier at Ft. Dix collapses and dies following a reaction to an “experimental” acidic vaccine while completing an intense physical “forced march” exercise at Ft. Dix. Immediately, the CDC swings into action, declaring a nationwide SWINE FLU PANDEMIC is pending. Providentially, of course, the CDC just happens to have 200+MILLION DOSES of Swine Flu vaccine already stockpiled, prepared with ATTENUATED (live, yet weakened) so-called viruses and experimental acidic ADJUVANTS.

President Gerald Ford, (with proven ties to Big Pharma and Nixon’s covert viral or acid weapons labs also a key member of the “Warren Commission’s” obfuscation of the JFK murder) rolls up his sleeves on national TV and dutifully takes the vaccine. 40 million acidic vaccines are given to naive American human guinea pigs. A rash of auto-immune disorders (Guillan-Barre Syndrome GBS, and lupus) as well as a large number of deaths is immediately attributed to the acidic vaccine, and the mass vaccination campaign is halted. (What happened to the other 140 million vaccines, one may ask?) In 1979, the television news magazine 60 Minutes did a documentary investigation on this travesty-for-money scandal. Against all odds and the threats of Big Pharma, the OBJECTIVELY FAIR 60 Minutes program aired ONE TIME. There was no follow-up story, No criminal indictments were ever issued. There was no MASS-MURDER-FOR-HIRE trial. As a result, America has largely forgotten the 1976 SWINE FLU SCANDAL! Click here for “” Part I of the 60 Minutes story; and “”
Part II.

The definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. All acids kill and vaccines are all made from acid.

5) Taking antibiotics will kill bacteria.

This is medical subterfuge and distortion as even the medical community realizes that antibiotics don’t do what they are supposed to do. We say with alarm that disease is becoming resistant to antibiotics. They are not “resistant” because they have never been operative or effective. Antibiotics are the acidic waste products of fermentation. To make an antibiotic, you need a yeast or mold and some sugar for the yeast or mold to ferment. The bi-product of the yeast or mold fermenting the sugar is the acidic antibiotic. The acids from antibiotics DO NOT KILL BACTERIA. They only force the bacteria to change. Into what does bacteria change? Into yeast and mold. That is why when you take antibiotics you end up with a yeast infection! That’s the antibiotic causing the bacteria to change from one form to another. I call this process of change “biological transformation” and the reason why you should NEVER take antibiotics. Try the COWS Plan. It is safer and more effective.

6) The stomach should be acidic and contains hydrochloric acid or HCL to digest food.

This is one of the biggest scientific misconceptions ever. First, the stomach is NOT and organ of digestion. Most so-called digestion starts in the mouth. That’s why your mom said to chew your food. The stomach is an organ that alkalizes the food and liquids that you eat. The stomach cells, called the cover cells, secrete sodium bicarbonate onto the ingested food and drink to alkalize the food, not to digest the food. For every molecule of sodium bicarbonate produced by the stomach for alkalizing, a molecule of hydrochloric acid is produced as a waste product. Hydrochloric acid or HCL never touches the food or drink but falls into the gastric pits of the stomach away from the food and drink as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the top to alkalize the food and/or liquids ingested. This is necessary in order to prepare the food in an alkaline state for the duodenum and the small intestine where the liquid food is then biologically transformed into stem cells. There is NO part of the alimentary canal that does not secret sodium bicarbonate for alkalizing. In conclusion, the stomach is an organ of contribution and alkalizing, not a digestive organ as medical savants would have us believe. So now you know it is a whopper of a lie.

7) A cold is caused by a virus.

This is another whopper–a century long distortion. A cold is the body removing excess dietary and/or metabolic acids through the orifices of the body to maintain its delicate alkaline pH. Colds are NOT caused by viruses but are caused by eating too much acidic GARBAGE. I won’t get YOUR cold if MY body is properly alkaline. Excess acids can also be caused by your thoughts or negative emotions which can also give rise to the elimination of these acids through various orifices, such as your eyes, ears, mouth or nose.

8) Pharmaceutical drugs may have side-effects.

What an intentional obfuscation this is! Pharmaceutical drugs do not have side-effects; they have EFFECTS! And lots of them! If you take the drugs, plan on them affecting your health in many negative and acidic ways.

9) The brain and body runs on sugar.

This is closer to gross ignorance than a lie. Sugar is a metabolic acid and has no value in the body. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. The brain and body does NOT run on sugar; it runs on electrons – just like every other cell in the human body. Increase your healthy brain function with more electrons with electron-rich food and water.

10)  Cancer is a disease of the tissues.

NO! Cancer is not a disease of the tissues but a disease of the fluids of the body. After a trillion dollars spent since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we still pretend not to know what it is. But it has become a several hundred billion dollar industry…..larger than the automobile industry. Cancer is an acidic, environmental, dietary and/or metabolic liquid; it is NOT a cell and we ALL have some of it in our body to greater or lesser degree. The more acid we have in our body, the greater the risk for cancerous tissues. Cancer therefore is a four letter word: ACID! And cancer’s fumbling, bumbling proponents have put forth another four letter word: MYTH.

11) HIV is a virus and causes AIDS.

This is an incredible whopper! And because the real and UNEXAMINED TRUTH has been explained by several scientists for many years, it is MORE than a whopper. It is now a fraud. There is NO HIV virus. You heard me right; there is NO HIV virus! There never has been. AIDS or immune deficiency is caused by an acidic way of living, eating and thinking. There is no need for drugs, but just the need to change to an alkaline lifestyle and diet and PRESTO…. NO MORE AIDS. It works 100 percent of the time if you get going before the drugs and wrong diet have taken you right up to death’s door.

12) HPV is a virus and causes cervical cancer.

This is also an incredible whopper! HPV does not cause cervical cancer. Metabolic and/or dietary acid causes cancer. HPV is another pHantom virus. It does not exist. The cause of reproductive cancers are from the acids you produce from what you eat, what you think, and how you live. You don’t get cancer you do cancer. So stop doing cancer with an acidic lifestyle and diet and start doing “Young Living” and the pH Miracle alkaline lifestyle and diet.

13) Lyme’s Disease is caused by a spirochete bacteria or a Tick bite.

Once again this is medical science at its best trying to keep the germ and infection theory alive. There is NO bacteria or spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme’s Dis-ease. Lyme’s dis-ease is nothing more than the blood trying to purify itself from excess metabolic and/or dietary acid by removing these acids out into the colloidal connective tissues. Simply put Lyme’s dis-ease is nothing more than a person who is adsorbing and absorbing their own urine into the colloidal connective tissues. The irritation and inflammation and then degeneration one feels is all caused by dietary and/or metabolic acid that has NOT been properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination – urination, perspiration, defecation and respiration. My recommendation for so-called Lyme’s Dis-ease is an alkaline lifestyle and diet with at least 2 hours of exercise daily. In other words “get off you fat or skinny ac-id! and Go To Health!”

14) Taking digestive enzymes will help digestion.

This is a major fable and fabrication to which many holistic doctors prescribe. And it’s a dangerous one….especially for people who take digestive enzymes all the time. Enzymes are acids from fermentation and are poisonous. Just like Drano, taking enzymes will eventually destroy your alkalizing alimentary canal. One will kill you fast and one will kill you slow! Digestive enzymes may break down meat, but nutritional science clearly tells us that you shouldn’t be eating meat. They will break you down too because guess what? Your alimentary canal is meat!!

15) Blood is made in the marrow of the bones.

This inaccuracy and science fiction began with the distortions of four scientists in 1952 when they conducted starvation studies on rabbits and pigeons and decided after autopsy that blood was created in the bones. This is NOT correct. The primary site of blood production is in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the small intestine. When acids (antibiotics, acid food and drink, enzymes, probiotics) damage or destroy the intestinal villi, then the body makes blood out of various body cells such as the bones. The studies on blood in 1952 may likely have been the correct conclusion if the autopsies had been done on humans–assuming the bodies had starved to death like the rabbits and pigeons. Logically, autopsies are done on people who have been very sick and finally died. The body is so sick that blood has not been made in the the intestinal villi perhaps for some time. Now medical savants have amazingly discovered that blood can also be made in the liver. The truth is that it can also be made from all the organs and all the cells once the body is sickly enough. Hopefully, we won’t be doing autopsies on healthy bodies because they rarely die. But if we did, we’d find out where blood is really made in a healthy body….in the crypts of the intestinal villi in the twenty-seven feet of the small intestine.

16) Germs cause disease via an infection.

This is another invention based on faulty scientific premises. Germs are nothing more than the biological transformation of organized matter disorganizing. Germs therefore are the RESULT of fermenting matter and not the CAUSE of fermenting matter, just as the smoke of a fired gun is not the cause but the evidence that the gun has been fired. When you see bacteria, yeast or mold on food, this is a result of food deterioration, not a result of an infection. When I see bacteria or yeast in the blood, I know this is a result of blood or body cells biologically transforming and not a result of an infection. In other words, germs are born in us and from us. The infection can only contribute to a state of imbalance but CANNOT cause ANY specific disease. So stay away from all treatment plans, traditional or alternative that focuses on the killing germs. If the drug or supplement will kill germs it will also kill you.

17) High Cholesterol in the form of low density lipoproteins or LDL’s can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol does NOT cause heart attacks or stokes. Not a single one. This is a distortion and an inaccuracy based on faulty observation and inquiry. Environmental, dietary and metabolic acid cause heart attacks and strokes. The body releases cholesterol or LDL’s to buffer or chelate the toxic lethal affects of acid to protect the body, not harm the body. It is your thoughts, your words and your deeds that create waste products or acids. If these acids are not eliminated through urination. perspiration, defection or respiration, the body will release cholesterol or LDL’s to buffer these acids for protection and not for destruction. A recent landmark study showed that you are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke with normal or low cholesterol then a person with a total cholesterol over 300. Your risk for a heart attack or stroke increases significantly as your acid levels increase or if you lower your cholesterol with drugs without lowering your production of acid from the environment, lifestyle, diet and/or metabolism.

18) Eating protein builds muscles.

Wrong again. This is another fictitious distortion based on faulty observation based on a) preconceived notions about how the body works and b) the failure of science to sufficiently isolate variables when making so-called scientific observations. Tell the strongest animals in the world–vegetarian animals–that eating protein builds muscle. Eating protein actually makes you weak and eventually sick and tired from the debilitating acids of sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric and uric acid. The body builds muscle from blood and not from plant or animal protein. At the Ranch we grow avocados. We give our avocados minerals, water and sunshine – no protein. Yet, our avocados are 80% healthy fat and 15% protein. If you want to build muscle you have to build blood. And to build blood you have to eat green foods and lots of them.

19) Obesity is a fat problem.

I would call this a big fat lie. A big Whopper with cheese and bacon. No, I’m sorry fat doctors, fat farms and fat clinics of the world. Obesity is an acid problem, not a fat problem. The body protects itself against acidic lifestyles and diets by making and using fat. Think of fat as your parking places for environmental, dietary, and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated via urination, perspiration, defecation and/or respiration. You can now say that fat is saving your life. Thank you fat! Be glad that fat was not accumulating inside your veins and arteries. At least collecting on your hips and belly you could see the fat and decide if you want to do something about it. All you need to do is get off your fat acid and go to health with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. The average weight loss on the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is 1 pound a day – 30 pounds in 30 days. As you alkalize the fat melts away with all of its acidic contents.

20) Hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormones.

This greedy fiction and pharmaceutical deception is actually hurting ever so many unknowing innocent women. The first thing to understand is that hormones are acidic waste products of endocrine gland function. Balancing your hormones would be like balancing your car’s carbon monoxide exhaust. You would never give you car more acidic carbon monoxide to help it run better. You would change the oil, the filter or use a more energy efficient fuel. This is what you need to do when you have endocrine or energy imbalance. You need to change your lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet with liberal amounts of electron rich green foods, lots of alkaline water and plenty of exercise. You can easily try our Deluxe Pack to start the process of endocrine balance and energy. You’ll see a difference in a very short period of time.

21) Salt will cause high blood pressure and water retention.

This medical lie is a whopper. Acid causes water retention and elevates blood pressure and pulse rate. All of your body fluids are salted with sodium chloride. Salt is the catalyst for the transportation of energy. You cannot have a thought without salt. Salt is required to keep the body alkaline and preserves it from dietary and metabolic acid. If you are sick or tired you are deficient in salt. If you have sugar cravings you are deficient in salt. If you have low energy you are deficient in salt. If you have hormonal imbalance you are deficient in salt. If you have high blood pressure or if you are fluid retentive then give up your acidic lifestyle and diet not the salt. I recommend at least 12 to 14 grams of unprocessed salt every day based upon a man or woman weighing 70 kilos or 154 pounds. Salt is life. You cannot live without oxygen and you cannot live without salt!

Healthy LIfestyle Choices in Africa

My West African friends and pHROEVER YOUNG Coaches from Nigeria are sharing the “pHROEVER YOUNG Lifestyle and Diet back home with their family, friends and patients. Living in HIV and Ebola land they know that these so-called diseases are NOT caused by viruses but are caused by acidic vaccines, acidic water, acidic food and poor hygiene and sanitation. They know that an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the real medicine that will support the immune system, maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids and keep Africans free from ALL sickness and disease – including HIV, HPV, HEP C, H1N1, West Nile and Ebola.

Follow the Money!

The Great and Abominable Secret?The picture below shows genetically modified Ebola vaccines already being administered to healthy volunteers in the United States, UK, Gambia and Mali, as officials worldwide are fast-tracking the creation and approval of an Ebola vaccine. Why?

So what is the great and abominable secret?

Continue reading Follow the Money!

Ebola is to be Feared?

What is Ebola and do we need to fear Ebola?

Ebola virus (poisoning) disease (EVD), Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), or simply Ebola is an acidic dis-ease of humans and other primates with an unknow isolated antigen, according to current medical savants.

Symptoms start two days to three weeks, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pain, and headaches. Typically, vomiting, diarrhea, and rash follow, along with decreased function of the liver and kidneys due to acid buildup and improper elimination of dietary and/or metabolic acidic waste. Around this time, highly acidic people may begin to bleed both within the body and externally.

Scientist have theorized that Ebola may be acquired upon contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal. This theory has not been proven. Spreading through the air has not been documented in the natural environment. Fruit bats are believed to be a carrier and may spread the virus or acidic venom without being affected. This theory has yet to be proven. Once a human is thought to be affected, the dis-ease is thought to spread between people, as well. This theory has yet to be proven. Scientist also suggest that male survivors may be able to transmit the disease via semen for nearly two months. This theory has also yet to be proven.

To make the diagnosis Ebola, typically other diseases with identical symptoms such as malaria, cholera and other acidic hemorrhagic fevers are first excluded making Ebola very difficult to differentiate. To confirm the diagnosis, blood samples are tested for viral antibodies, since no viral RNA or virus has been isolated and then identified using the scientific method of Koch’s postulates.

Considering the acidic symptoms of Ebola poisoning it may be prudent to focus on restoring the alkaline design of the body rather than treating for any specific disease or disease symptom, with an unknown or identified pathogen. This can be done successfully for HIV, HPV, HEP C and Ebola by 1) detoxing and opening the channels of elimination, 2) healing the gut, 3) building healthy blood, and 4) hyper-perfusing the tissues with alkalinity.

For more information concerning viruses read, A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, Dr. Duesberg’s book, Inventing the AIDS virus which also covers EBOLA and The pH Miracle revised and updated.

1) “Ebola virus disease Fact sheet N°103”. World Health Organization. 2014-03-01. Retrieved 2014-04-12.
2) Jump up to: a b “2014 Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa”. WHO. 2014-04-21. Retrieved 2014-08-03.
3) Jump up to: a b C.M. Fauquet (2005). Virus taxonomy classification and nomenclature of viruses; 8th report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Oxford: Elsevier/Academic Press. p. 648. ISBN 9780080575483.

What is the Germ? What is a Virus?

What is a Germ? What is a Virus?
A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS, HEP C, HPV, Hantavirus, SARS and Ebola Hypothesis! – Part 1
“In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the Universities and Academies. If, however, someone else now comes along with new ideas to contradict the credo (that has been recited for years and passed on in turn to others) and in fact, even threaten to overturn it, and all passions are raised against this threat and no methods are left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally been excepted.” – Goethe
The first isolation of the virus was achieved in 1892 by Russian that bacteria hunter Dmitri Ivowski, who gathered fluid from disease , tobacco plants. He passed this liquid through field for fine enough to retain bacteria; yet to Ivowski’s surprise, the bacteria space free filtrate easily made healthy plants sick. In 1888, a Dutch botanist, Martinus Wilhelm Beijerinck, repeating the experiment, also recognized that there was an invisible cause and named the infectious agent, “Tobacco mosaic virus.” In the same year as Beijerinck’s report, two German scientists, purified a liquid containing ‘filterable viruses’ that caused foot and mouth disease in cattle (viruses were at one time called ‘filterable bacteria’, but eventually the term ‘filterable bacteria’ came to apply only to viruses, and was the words ‘filterable bacteria’ were dropped). Walter Reed followed in 1901 with a filtrate responsible for yellow fever, and soon dozens of other disease causing viruses were found.
In 1935, another American, Wendell M. Stanley, went back to the beginning and created pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus from a filtered liquid solution. He affirmed that these crystals could easily infect plants, and concluded that a virus was not a living organism, since it could be crystallize like salt and yet still remain infectious. Subsequently, bacteriologists all over the world began filtering for viruses, and a new era of biology was born – Virology.
Historically, medical science has a baseline on the question of whether any virus is alive. Originally, it was described as non-living, but is currently said to be an extremely complex molecule or extremely simple microorganism, and is usually referred to as a parasite having a cycle of life. (The term “Killed” is applied to certain viral vaccines, thus implying an official conviction that viruses are alive.) Commonly composed of either DNA or RNA cores with protein coverings, and having no inherent reproductive ability, viruses depend upon the host for replication. They must utilize the nucleic acids of living cells. They infect to reproduce their proteins (i.e., trick the host into producing them), which are then assembled into new viruses like cars on assembly line. Theoretically, this is their only means of surviving, and infecting new cells or hosts.
Birth of Virology — a Miscarriage?
Underlying the birth of virology was the doctrine of monomorphism — that all microorganisms (herein called microforms) are fixed species, unchangeable; that each pathological type produces (usually), only one specific disease; that microforms never arise endogenously, i.e., have absolute origin within the host; and that blood and tissues are sterile under healthy conditions. This last point warrants immediate comment. Theoretically, under ideal health conditions, the blood might be sterile, though it has the inherent potential to develop morbid microforms, as discussed in my book, Sick and Tired. Long and repeated observation of live blood in the phase contrast, darkfield microscope, however, shows that the blood can contain various microforms and otherwise asymptomatic host, or in a condition defined as normal or healthy in orthodox terms. The forms are easily visible before other physical symptoms arise. (Since long and repeated observation has correlated their presence with other disease symptoms and their disappearance with the return of health, they serve as indicators of impending outward signs of disease).
Monomorphism was the cornerstone of developments in 20th-century medical research and treatments. Refusal by the mainstream to examine fairly, much less except, the demonstrated fact of pleomorphism — that viruses and bacteria (and also yeast, fungi and mold) are evolutions from a small indestructible anatomical element, I referred to as the microzyma. That microforms can rapidly change their form (evolve and “devolve”) in vivo, one becoming another dependant upon conditions in the inner terrain (environment); that blood and tissues are not necessarily sterile; and that there are no specific diseases, but only specific disease conditions — was the foundation of a latter-day “Galileo debate.” It is so-called because those who wore the “robes” of scientific authority just like today, reprising the religious fanatics who punished the noted astronomer for his truth, would not be swayed from folly when presented with its contrary theory. These truths began in earnest with Antoine Bechamp in the 19th-century (who also endured the indignation of a fanatical clergy).
In the early third of the 20th-century, the heated debate took place over ‘filterable bacteria’ versus ‘non-filterable’ bacteria. This was a major battle concerning micromorphology (discussed briefly below). The orthodox view prevailed: bacterial forms were not small enough to pass, or did not have a smaller, earlier stage. What passed through ‘bacteria proof’ filters was something else, i.e., viruses. Standard medical textbooks, long made this filtering distinction between bacteria and viruses. Subsequently, however, the cellular nature of many filterable forms originally thought to be viruses, such as some mycoplasmas, rickettsias, and various other groups, has been established. In this writer’s opinion, with the victory of the monomorphic view, deeper understanding of infectious ‘disease’ was lost, setting the stage for cancer, degenerative symptoms, HIV. AIDS, Ebola, Hantavirus, Hep C, HPV, etc.
What You See?
A typical bacteria is about 1 micron in size. Most filterable bacterial forms now called viruses range in size from .3 microns (300 millimicrons) to .01 microns (10 millimicrons) — particularly in the colloidal range (.1 to .001 micron). Most of the larger viruses are a third to a quarter the size of the average bacteria. And size is critical because .3 microns is the resolution limit of modern-day light microscopes. Thus, as viruses were discovered (except for the very large ones, such as mumps), they required an electron microscope to be seen, especially given the the fact that Royal Rife’s microscope technology and career were destroyed by vested interests. Unfortunately, electron microscopes and the process of chemical staining disorganize or damage all specimens, whereas Rife’s technology allowed life to proceed and thus evolve under its lens. As viruses became visible to advancing technology, the ratification was that the technology revealed, two minds infected with monomorphism, protein structures deemed foreign in the body.
A New Theory
Formulated by Antoine BeChamp in the 19th-century, the microzymian principal is the basis of the new theory about ‘viruses’. Recently, this principle holds that in all living organisms are biologically indestructible anatomical elements, which BeChamp called microzymas. They are independently living organized ferments, capable of producing enzymes and capable of evolving into more complex microforms such as bacteria, yeast or mold. Bechamp’s thesis, is that disease is a condition of ones internal environment (terrain); that disease (and its symptoms) are “born of us and in us.”; and that disease is not produced by an attack of micro entities, but calls forth their endogenous evolution.
My studies and research suggests that the complexes, science calls viruses and retroviruses originate in the cell, as the microzymian as the principal suggests. However, they are created in response to an alarming acidic situation (condition of disease) for the purpose of genetic repair. They are repair proteins, evolved from anatomical elements (microzymas), not pathogenic microorganisms.
It is known that normal cell activity includes genetic repair. Both enzymes and proteins must be involved. What is the mechanism?
Viruses are organized around DNA or RNA, not both. Thus, they are quite probably intended to repair genetic molecules or other structures, and show up with disease symptoms, because the body needs them. Since viruses require a living cell/host for reproduction, how do we know that the scenario is not set in motion, for a purpose by the cell (i.e., it’s microzymas), rather than being the result of invasion? Because disease (disturbance of balance in the organism) is so prevalent, especially that which is not yet becoming indicated by common symptoms, repair proteins may be frequently or constantly present. A toxified cell may easily suffer localized damage to the genome. Since most observers are not even aware of the microzymian principal, much less understand or even consider it, and since monomorphism stresses invasion, these proteins complexes are regarded as foreign and disease is attributed to them.
Another note of interest is the size of viruses compared to the microzyma. Viruses are considered to be some of the smallest biological particles and are frequently of colloidal size: e.g., hepatitis A, 27 nanometers (.027 microns); hepatitis B (.042 microns); polio virus (.03 microns); EBV (.042 microns); HIV (.080 to .12 microns); influenza (.08 to .12 microns); mumps (.15 to .30 microns); smallpox (.30 microns); and, according to BeChamp, the microzyma (.0005 microns).
In his book, ‘The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element’, Bechamp states: “the microzyma is at the beginning and at the end of all organization. It is the fundamental anatomical element whereby the cellules, the tissues, the organs, the whole of the organism are constituted living . . . . in a state of health, the microzymas act harmoniously and our life is, in every meaning of the word, a regular fermentation. In the condition of disease, the microzymas do not act harmoniously, the fermentation is disturbed, the microzymas have either change their function or are placed in an abnormal situation by some modification of the median. The virus is either a self-ordered microzymian polymerization, or (less likely), a structure made by microzymas. It is envelope in protein which is also composed of microzymas, and could well be thought of as an autonomous molecular tool box.
Along with doctors Glen Dettman and Archie Kalokerinos, I wonder, “whether Bechamp’s writing anticipated, in some respects, the discovery of RNA and DNA?” Could the genetic structure be the construct, thus a tool, of the microzyma? They quote a personal communication [1974] from a professor Bayev of the former USSR Academy of Sciences, who discusses his work showing the molecular self- restoration from its parts of pure transfer RNA from brewers yeast is possible.
In my own research I have found molecular restoration similar to that described by Bayev. In my experiment , I used 10-year-old coagulated capillary blood from a woman with cancer. With one drop of .9% of sodium chloride, the blood was restored to an appearance and level of activity characteristic of freshly drawn sample of blood. In other words, the anatomical microzymas of the dry blood were restored to activity. Even the white blood cells became active again. One might eagerly asked for explanation of the reversal of polymers made during clotting. It is unclear at this point how this reversal takes place, except to say that what can evolve apparently has the potential to devolve. It is observable, however. For example, I have seen, and recorded on video, rod microforms retro-grading without any visible decomposition from 10 microns in length to the vicinity of .1 micron.
This research supports the very important postulates that the cell is not the smallest living biological unit, as promulgated by conventional medical science. In fact, a smaller biological unit is the imperishable micros I’m a, which is an organized, living been “of a special category without analog,” said BeChamp, who found them ready to become active in chalk deposits at least 11 million years old.
The Pleomorphic Cycle
I suggest a developmental cycle in vivo consisting of three macro stages: [1] a primitive stage comprising the repair proteins complexes; [2] an intermediate, or bacterial, stage including filterable forms such as the cell wall deficient forms described by Lida Mittman, PhD. [in Cell Wall Deficient Forms, Stealth pathogens]; and [3] a culmination stage consisting of yeast and fungal phases, and then mold, the and phase. The usual course of development would be from microzyma to repair proteins, and then to bacterium, etc. However, under certain conditions, such as, for example, it is highly likely that the microzymas can skip the primitive stage and become bacteria directly. Although these transformations are as astounding as that of a larva to a butterfly, what is equally impressive under observation is in the rapidity with which they can take place — in minutes, even seconds, sometimes. By the same token, when provoked by acidic conditions and the cycle proceeds to yeast, fungus and then mold, it may occur so rapidly that the bacterial stage, if that happens, has no time to be of any significance.
Thus, symptomgenic microforms can originate within the higher organisms without invasion, via a permutation of the endogenous microzymas when the situation calls for such change. The situation is an imbalance referred to by Bechamp as a “modification of the median.” Endogenous evolution is evident under the microscope when bacterial, yeast, and fungal forms are seen coming out of the red blood cells, which initially appear normal.
Biological Basis for the Pleomorphic Cycle
There is a common biological basis for the pleomorphic cycle and its increasing complexity of organization: more complex forms evolve inherently upon the death of an organism for the purpose of recycling its anatomical and chemical structures in the carbon cycle. The process of rapid evolution [which is reversible] is an essential life process, which, beyond the repair stage, is necessary to return a dead organism to the earth. The second and third stage microforms degenerate the body’s vital substances and tissues via putrefaction [bacteria] and fermentation [yeast and fungus].
Fermentation results in acidic waste products, which further breakdown tissue. Disease symptoms, then, especially the degenerative type, are NOT produced by viruses, but manifest as chemical decomposition, or attempted recycling via fermentation and acidic toxins, but with ‘host’ survival processes still, operable. Obviously, certain other factors may play important roles in producing symptoms, such as heavy-metal toxicity, or state of mind, for example. Some of the body survival methods also produce symptoms commonly called dis-eases. An example is eczema, and emergency expulsion of acidic toxins via the pores of the skin.
The aforementioned casual [alarming] situation, or modification of the median, is chronic tissue acidification [pH imbalance] and oxygen deprivation in the blood and tissues due to acidic forming foods, adverse lifestyle, emotional stress, and environmental stress. This is not an oversimplification! Acidification/hypoxia biochemically signals a dead host to the microzymas, while creating collapsed areas [dead zone’s] of the colloidal system in the intercellular fluid, and it is the primary physiological disease condition at which the symptoms commonly called specific diseases arise.
Thus, we distinguish between this disease condition and its consequent symptoms, which include both the morbidly evolved microzymas and the physiological science commonly thought of as specific diseases. As they develop, microforms [bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold] are actually scavenging forms of the microzyma, developed when disease in the cell life requires tissue to be broken up. These upper development forms are the ones easily visible in the blood before physical symptoms arise. They disappear, [devolve] when the recycling task is complete, once again becoming microzymas of the earth and/or air.
Virus or Liquid or Solidified Toxin/Acid?
Regarding the early period of virus isolation, a question is whether the unseen entities isolated in filtered fluids were accompanied by the waste products [mycotoxins] of fermentation by yeast and/or fungus of cellular elements, such as DNA. If virus infiltrates are injected into a host to prove virulence, it is almost certain that easily filterable molecular toxins will be introduced as well. Could Dr. Stanley’s “pure crystals of tobacco mosaic virus” have been crystallized acidic toxins? If so, they would certainly be highly symptomgenic, as are exotoxins at the intermediate stage of the cycle, for example. However, it is not proof of anything that you can create illness by poison injection, except proof of that tautological fact.
In my research utilizing darkfield and phase contrast microscopy, it is common to see acid crystallization’s in the blood. It is normal for the body to use calcium or other mineral salts, and fats as well, to chelate the acidic waste products from the morbid fermentation of body proteins, fats and sugars. Such crystal deposits are found in cancer tissue as well. A malignant tumor removed from the breasts of one of my research clients was found to have numerous calcium deposits attached to it. It is an attempt to render inactive acidic substances that make our inner streams healthy, poison our cells, and coagulated colloidal systems in blood and intercellular fluid.
The term “virus” is the Latin word for poison, and gives us insight into the immediate cause of disease symptoms — poison is: exotoxins and mycotoxins, and a toxin, exotoxins, and toxins from environmental sources, [many of which are primary or secondary mycotoxins.]. Orthodox medicine is well aware that it is bacterial toxins more than the bacteria them self. [They feed in-house], that caused the symptoms referred to as infectious disease. Little if any emphasis is placed on this fine, but important distinction. Always, the germ is emphasized. There is little too, no awareness [or knowledge that], either, of the same role played by acidic toxins of the culminate microforms of the pleomorphic cycle. Their action and the body’s response to them are frequently ascribe to viruses, which do not produce toxins because they are the toxin or acid, but are said to wreck havoc by a number of other means. However, if they participate in symptom at Genesis in a host it is because they are stimulated to evolve into more complex, toxic genetic forms.
Somewhat less likely is the possibility that they cause damage as a result of erroneous construction or function, for one reason or another — missing mineral nutrients leading to alkaline mineral deficiencies, for example.
Misconception Breeds Contempt
In addition to chemical toxicity, however, what is the impact of the fear [emotional toxicity] that the word “virus” brings to mind and heart? It has been said that fear it is the most deadly of disease conditions. If the “disease” kills one person, the fear of it may kill 20. General prejudice concerning the danger of viruses is fundamental biological error based on Louis Pasteur’s germ theory, and is itself a perpetrator of auto-suggested illness. For example, in Africa doctors attribute some AIDS sickness to “voodoo death” syndrome, the term for illnesses induced psychologically. According to one nurse, “we had people who were symptomatically AIDS patients. They were dying of AIDS, but when they were tested and found out they were negative they suddenly rebounded and are now perfectly healthy.” Ironically, if the germ theory were found on facts, it would be correct to fear viruses, except there would be few, if any, humans living to discuss the issues. These so-called pathogenic entities are to researchers, medical practitioners and the press what criminals are to detectives — the focus and justification of their existence.
The Encyclopedia Britannica has this to say about bacteria, which relates also to viruses:
“The common idea of bacteria in the minds of most people is that of the hidden and sinister scourge lying in wait for mankind. This popular conception is born of the fact that attention was first focused upon bacteria through the discovery, some seven years ago, of the relationship of bacteria to disease in man, and that in its infancy, the study of bacteriology was a branch of medical science. Relatively few people assigned to bacteria, the important position in the world of living things that they rightly occupied, for it is only a few of the bacteria known today that have developed in such a way that they can live in the human body, and for everyone of this kind, there are scores of others which are perfectly harmless and far from being regarded as the enemies of mankind, must be numbered among his best friends.
It is in fact, no exaggeration to say that upon the activities of bacteria. The very existence of man depends; indeed, without bacteria there could be no other living thing in the world; for every animal and plant owes its existence to the fertility of the soil, and this in turn depends upon the activity of the microorganisms which inhabit the soil in almost inconceivable numbers. It Is one of the main objects of this article to show how true is this statement; there will be found in it only passing reference to the organisms which produce disease in man and animals — for information on these see Pathology and Immunity. [Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed., Volume 2, page 899].
The general message of the foregoing article applies even more aptly to viruses in the sense that much fear has been bred and cultivated around them, although they never produce disease symptoms, whereas the acid waste products of bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold do. The writer of the above understands bacteria, with the exceptions that symptomgenic bacteria found in man and animals do not produce disease. [Only secondary symptoms], that their precursors are endogenous to higher organisms, and they have not “developed in such a way that they can live in the human body.”
If anything, the reverse is true. According to one theory of microbiology, microforms have colonized over eons to become higher organisms. In one sense, then, the human body has developed as a specialized environment for them.
An important dimension of the bacterial dependence of higher life forms is the floral population in the human digestive tract. Literally, these “foreign species” keep us alive. Most bacteria have the same underlying function, whether found in the soil, sewage, in the human digestive tract, or elsewhere in nature: they are an essential part of the life processes of hire organisms. They will not or cannot attack healthy cells or tissues, but certain ones will recycle sick or dead tissue in much the same way insect pests are drawn to weaker plants. As Bechamp said, “nothing is the prey of death; all things are the prey of life.”
Following in the wake of misconceptions arising from the fundamental biological error known as the germ theory of disease, defying infiltrates of disease tissue as a newly discovered infectious microforms was the birth of a major corollary error in bio science.
Viral Behavior Reconsidered
Listed below are ways of viruses are said to disrupt or destroy host cells. According to orthodox medical science and the germ theory advocates. Following each in its italics is a different interpretation following from microzymian principle:
1. Viral proteins insert into the host cells , plasma membrane and directly damage its integrity , to promote cell fusion [HIV, measles, and herpes viruses.].
Proteins are attempting to repair membrane damage, or enter cells to repair other proteins. There is the question as to whether viruses on cell walls are coming or going. In both cases, it would be a matter of whether or not a cell has been disturbed by excess fermentation and acidity. But in the former case, the cell would be dysfunctional before attachment occurs, thus requiring the repair complex. Another possibility, perhaps remote, is that dysfunctional receptors on cells are in need of repair, or they are covered by these complexes to inactivate malfunction of the cells. Positive electrical charges in a compromised acidic terrain, primarily on acidic molecules from fermentation’s, discharge cell membranes and act as mortar to stick cells together causing rouleau and clotting.
2. Viruses inhibit a host cell DNA, RNA, or protein synthesis. For example, polio virus inactivates cap-binding protein, which is essential for protein synthesis, directed by capped host cell mRNA’s, while allowing protein synthesis from uncapped polio virus in mRNA’s.
Protein inactivation is probably being done by fermentation or by acidic toxins from fermentation, while “poliovirus” is produced in the cell to reverse the damage.
3. Viruses replicate efficiently and lyse host cells, e.g., liver cells by yellow fever, and neurons by poliovirus.
Highly unlikely. The lysing is more likely caused by acidic mycotoxicosis, or by free radicals released in response to mycotoxic stress, or from other sources [I lysine radiation, for example]. Repair particles are residual after cell wall disruption.
4. Slow-virus infections [e.g., sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis caused by the measles virus] culminate in severe progressive disease is after a long latency period.
How is this demonstrated? Perhaps “latency” is a period of unsuccessful or attempted repair that eventually falters. Symptomology naturally appears in the weakest parts of the body. Excess acidity is always a systemic problem that localizes, just as cancer is a systemic acidic condition that localizes, even though it its symtogenic influence may later spread.
5. Viral antigen proteins on the surface of the host cells are recognized by the immune system, and the host lymphocytes attack, the virus infected cells [e.g., liver cells infected with hepatitis B].
Liver cells are damaged beyond repair by exotoxins and mycotoxicosis, and the immune system, our elaborate janitorial service, is cleaning out the garbage. Perhaps the repair protein antigen is expressed to signal any in response [because the cell is beyond repair], which is one explanation for why there are antibodies to these proteins.
6. Viruses damage cells involved in the host anti-microbial defense, leading to secondary infections.
The function of immune cells are damaged by bacterial or fungal waste products/acidic and/or overworked by toxic acidic overload, preventing proper cleanup and elimination of disharmonious, symptomgenic elements.
7. Viral killing the one cell type causes the death of other cells that depend on them, e.g., degeneration of muscle cells enervated by the attack of poliovirus on motor neurons.
Once again, a misinterpretation and lack of understanding that is not viral microforms that damage neurons. Acidic toxins from bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold — as well as the ferments of glucose, uric acid from proteins, hormones and acetic acids from fats — produce, or influence the body to produce, dis-ease or inflammatory symptoms. Not recognizing “virus,” for what it is, observers attribute dis-ease or disease to it.
8. Host cell responses to viruses include metabolic derangement and transformations resulting in neoplastic changes.
Metabolic derangement has occurred prior to the appearance of repair proteins, due to toxic overload in the cell. It is more likely that the proteins attempt to prevent cell transformation, and that cancerous development is cell conversion from primarily oxidative to wholly fermentation of metabolism, mediated by yeast, fungus and mold.
9. According to orthodox theory, viruses enter a host cell and replicate at the host’s expense. Replication is accomplished using enzymes, which are distinct for each virus family. For example, RNA polymerase is used by negative stranded RNA viruses degenerates positive stranded mRNA, or as reverse transcriptase is used by retroviruses to generate DNA from their RNA template and to integrate that DNA into the host genome.
It is normal for repair proteins to generate enzymes or acidic waste products as they do their work of repair.
10. one reason suggested for viral tropism [the tendency to infect some cells, but not others] is the presence or absence of host cell receptors that allow the virus to attach. It is said, for example, that HIV binds to the proteins [CD4] involved with antigen presentation on a helper. The lymphocytes, that Epstein-Barr virus binds to the complement receptor [CD2] on macrophages, that rabies virus binds to the acetylcholine receptor on neurons, and that rhino viruses bind to the adhesion proteins [ICAM-1] on mucosal cells.
See answer to number 1 above.
Theoretically, once attach, the entire virion, or a portion containing the genome and essential polymerases, penetrates into the cell saddle plasma in one of three ways: [one] translocation of the entire virus across the plasma membrane; [two] receptor mediated endocytosis of the virus and fusion with endosomal membranes; or , [three] fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane. Theory suggests that within the cell the virus uncoats, separating its genome from its structional components and losing its infectivity before replication. In either the nucleus or the cytoplasma, newly synthesize viral genomes and capsid proteins are assembled into progeny virions, which may then bud to the plasma membrane. Unencapsulated viruses may be released also, directly through the membrane.
It is interesting, however, that viruses can somehow choose the “infection.” To be aborted, latent or persistent, meaning respectively: [one] viral infections with incomplete replication cycles; [two] persisting in the cryptic state, like herpes zoster within a dorsal root ganglion, which suddenly becomes active to produce shingles; [three continuously synthesized virions, with or without altered cell function [e.g., hepatitis B]. These three ideas, especially latency, have arisen as feeble excuses for the untenable virus theory.
11. In order for viruses to reproduce, they must complete the following four steps:
a] Adsorption and penetration of the cell. The viral particle binds to the host cell membrane. This is unusually a specific interaction in which a viral encoded protein on the capsid or a glycoprotein embedded in the virion envelope binds to a host cell membrane receptor and is then internalized. This internalization occurs by endocytosis or by fusion of the virion envelope with the host cell membrane.
This is the mechanism whereby the viral particle enters the cell for the purposes of carrying out repairs to the damaged DNA or RNA.
b) Uncoating of the virus, so that the nucleic acid can be released from the capsid into the nucleus or cytoplasm.
Repair work may require uncoating. An uncoated “virus” in the saddle plasma, may have, from the nucleus and not yet have a code, as in the case of hepatitis B , according to medical science.
A coat is then created to protect the nucleic acid, to make a communicative or response to protein complex, or to allow exiting the cell for remote function or for neutralization and recycling by the immune system.
c) Synthesis and assembly of viral products, as well as in addition of the host cell’s own DNA, RNA and protein synthesis.
Protein complex is produced in response to an alarming acidic situation — fermentation and mycotoxic stress — are capable of self-reported replication. As suggested by Bechamp, the microzyma is specific for each organ, therefore specific repair proteins will be needed for specific cells that make a specific organ that are being disturbed by dietary and/or metabolic acidic waste products. There is the question of why the great numbers in some cases. One possibility is simply over reaction; for example, fever can be extreme. Why? To remove dietary, metabolic acids or acids from bacteria, yeast, fungus and/or mold.
d) And finally, release of virions from the host cell either by budding or lysis.
[1] Complexes leave the cell for remote function or to be neutralize; [2] repairs have failed, and complexes are released prior to or during the breakdown of the cell by acidic toxins or the immune system.
Further Considerations
Virologists referred to certain microforms as passenger viruses, which are present in asymptomatic situations, riding on their host genetic molecule like a passenger. To the conventional mind searching for new diseases or for viral cause of unexplained ones, they are most interesting, because the status virologist in the scientific community depends upon the pathogenic potential of the viruses they study. Due to their location, passenger viruses are thought to have much disease potential, thus their true function goes unnoticed. These colloidal passengers are the silent majority of animal and human intranuclear proteins essential for genetic repair.
Kalokerinos and Dettman quote Dr. Fred Klenner regarding the changeability of viruses, “I am of the opinion that virus units have the potential of going from one type to another by altering their protein coat. We see chickenpox at Thanksgiving, mumps at Christmas, read measles in the spring, and polio and Coxsackie in the summer.” Seasonal appearance of different forms may be mediated by variations of imbalance in the biological terrain or nutritive median due to the fermentation of dietary excesses such as sugar and animal proteins that accompany holidays and seasons, calling for different repair proteins. For example, outbreaks of polio have been associated with sugar consumption in summer. Various psychoemotional stresses correspond to the seasons as well.”
Supporting the general idea of dietary culpability is a statement published by the great English physician, Sir Robert McCarrison in 1936: “obsessed with the invisible microbe, virus, protozoa as all-important excite tens of disease, subservient to lavatory methods of diagnosis, hidebound by our system of nomenclature, we have to forget the most fundamental of all rules for the physician, but the right kind of food [nutrition] is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and the rhonchi to food. The most important single factor in the promotion of disease.”
Six years before BeChamp identified the microzyma as a ferment and, with his devoted associate, Professor Estor, began a 13 year odyssey of research into its nature. Florence Nightingale published a statement about the germ theory, In ‘Notes on Nursing’, first addition, 1860, she said of infection:
“Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another.
Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our own control; or rather, as the reactions of kindly nature against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves?
I was brought out . . . . distinctly to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself in a perpetual chain of dissent, just as much as that there was a first dog, [or a first pair of dogs], and that smallpox would not begin itself anymore than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.
Since then, I have seen it with my eyes and smelt it with my nose smallpox growing up in the first specimens, ear in close rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun. Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another . . . . I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and when little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.
Would it not be far better, truer, and more practical, if we looked upon disease in this light? For diseases, as all experience shows, are adjectives, not noun- substantives.”
That is, symptoms [called diseases] are described first of the situation.
I find legitimate BeChamp’s conclusion that what are called germs of the air are fundamentally microzyma’s of beings, which are being consumed by the recycling process, i.e., some kind of vegetative digestion — putrefaction or fermentation. In short, there are no pre-existing disease germ species. The principals of microbial medicine constitute a fundamental biological ERROR!!!!!! As BeChamp said, “the microbial doctrine is the greatest scientific silliness of this age.” This is not to say there is no transmission, only that invasion is not necessary for symptogenesis, nor is it the primary mechanism for illness. It is to say that for transmission to take place, susceptibility in the form of a compromised terrain must pre-exist in the receiver, who was then likely to be ill anyway. With the exception of the immune component in the mucosal barrier, primary host “resistance” is a function of terrain condition rather than immunity per se.
Phantom Viruses
Hepatitis can be a painful symptom that has yielded profitable virus hunting opportunities in recent years. Although there are several categories of this disorder, three main varieties of what is called “acute viral hepatitis” exist: Type A [formally, ‘Infectious hepatitis’], Type B [formally ‘Serum hepatitis’], and hepatitis Type C (formally ‘non A, non-B’]. The corresponding viruses are HIV, HBV, and the non-A, non-B ‘group’, now called C. Type A is said to be caused by an RNA virus, spread primarily by fecal contamination of water and food, with blood and secretions also possibly being infectious [but it is due to the acidic toxins associated with unsanitary conditions]. Hepatitis B, discovered in the sixties, is said to be caused by a DNA virus, which replicates in the hepatocyte nucleus and receives its surface coat in the cytoplasma. It is said to be transmitted by transfused blood or blood products, or via common use of needles by intravenous drug users [but it is due primarily to over-acidification from the drugs, especially heroine. The exchange of body fluids into the blood, whether by sterilize needles, abusive sexual activity, eccentric sexual activity, etc. can also play a role overtime, because of repeated immune stress caused by foreign proteins]. Third World babies with poor nutrition and unsanitary conditions around the time of birth are also susceptible.
The third type of hepatitis, discovered in the seventies, is found among drug users and alcoholics, and accounts for 80 to 90% of hepatitis caused by blood transfusion. It is thus akin to B type and was at first thought by scientists to be hepatitis B until thorough testing a subject revealed no virus B nor A, for that matter. It was thus called “non-A, non-B” hepatitis and thought to be at least two viruses and perhaps more.
In 1987 scientists believed they found a single virus causing the third type, what is known today as the hepatitis C virus. However, what they identified was an antibody, they associated with a virus. Now, just as with HIV, they could test patients for antibodies against an elusive or invisible phantom virus. With this new observation, however, new paradoxes confronted the viral hypothesis. Huge numbers of people testing positive for the Phantom C virus never developed any symptoms. Hepatitis C is truly the result of an over-acidification or toxification of the largest filter organ in the body by such substances as lactic acid, acetylaldehyde and ethanol alcohol — not the disease of a pathological phantom virus. It is interesting to note also that all these hepatitis viruses have incubation periods of two to 25 weeks, violating Farr’s law, [see below], yet are not classified as slow viruses. Also, the point at which a “natural invasion” takes place, as opposed to a highly artificial in objective one, and thus, how true incubation periods are determined, is another interesting question. Bottom-line there is no Hepatitis C virus.
A recent example of unwarranted panic in American bio medicine was the eminent hantavirus of 1994. Presumably, it had jumped species, from mouse to man [the American Navajo Indians]. However, after supposedly killing a number of people, this phantom virus apparently made peace with the Indians and retired to its mouse reservoir. The virus failed to materialize. A front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle reported that CDC “epidemiologist across the nation are carefully monitoring the deer mouse population and the level of virus within it.” But all that was left to discover of the former. “Navajo flu” by the CDC epidemiologist [shown in their space suits] were healthy mice in the mountains. The Navajo flu is nothing new to the Native Americans and is most likely tied to sanitation, nutrition and lifestyle.
In May 1995 , the CDC announced the new, threatening Ebola virus. The deadly killer virus was expected to leave its hidden reservoir in the rain forest of Africa to claim Europe and the United States. An article in Time magazine was peppered with men in space suits and color electron micrographs of the virus [even though electron microscopes cannot take color pictures and the pictures were of parasites]. A CDC virologist suggested the virus could leave the rain forest a if “we get a virus that is both deadly to man and transmitted in the air.” We are thus asked to fear the false image of virus somehow being launched into the air, perhaps by injection from a host, and then floating on a killer breeze to other lands. A more imaginable scenario was suggested by European epidemiologist who heads the United Nations AIDS program. Echoing the the CDC’s alarm, he stated, “it’s theoretically feasible. Then infected person from Kuwait could go to Tunisia, get on a plane to New York, fall ill, and present transmission risk there.” But within a month, the virus had disappeared in Africa, and not a single Ebola case was reported in the United States or Europe.
The World Health Organization announced on December 19, 1995 that the Ebola virus epidemic that killed 245 people in West Africa was over. All tests on any remaining suspected cases were negative. A somewhat unsettling revelation was that every Ebola outbreak in Africa, “is associated to have spread to public hospitals.” As it turned out, it was associated with reused hypodermic needles in these hospitals. Just like hantavirus, Ebola vanished, never to be heard from again, until NOW! Most interesting is that this so-called epidemic, as epidemics will, stopped without vaccines or other drugs. Consider the impact such stories have made upon our minds and on the way we view and understand germs. What’s next in the virodrama, the Andromeda strain? NO! Here we go again with the same old phantom viral story!
There is one insidious possibility that must be mentioned in passing. Some mysterious outbreaks of the past have shown years later to have been man-made. In some cases, government agency have used the public to test releases of organisms and weak biochemical acidic toxins in order to verify, through medical reports, expectations of bio-warfare activity. These incidents and the whole story of such behavior is well documented in the book, all higher forms of killing by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman [Hill and Wang, 1982]. In this scenario, the cause of such an incident would be constructed officially, or left as a mystery, in order to draw attention away from the truth.
To read Part 2 and Part 3 and for all references for this article read Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert O. Young –