Tag Archives: pH Miracle


In response to an email I received several years ago, a pH
Miracle friend, G.H., wrote:
“I read all of your lengthy newsletters but on this one I have to ask, how acidic is it to be bombarded with “the sky is falling” way too long newsletters?
You claim to have read David Hawkins books, have you read Truth vs Falsehood? If you did, it did not stay with you. The highest vibration of food was for chocolate chip cookies baked by a mother for her children with love.
Did you read Emoto’s book on water?
On praying for polluted lakes and rivers and the effect it has on the crystallation of that water. Can the same not be said for our bodies? We are bodies of energy, where we put that energy may be as important as what we put into it.
As much as I enjoy your newsletters, they are bordering on scare tactics and we really don’t need to hear from you more than once a day.
A Response to G.H.
In a light-hearted vein, I wrote to G.H. and said, in essence, that the delete button was an option.
Yet, G.H. brings up some good points.
1) If my emails are tooooooo long, then it’s ok not to read them if you don’t have time.
Or if you are on vacation. Or if you lost your eye glasses. Or if you are sleepy…or just got fired…or…your spouse tells you
whatever it is that you’ve been waiting to hear…….goodness!
You don’t have to read them at all!
You can delete them or save them for later.
Many of the emails that I get are toooooooo long also. But, “thank you Lord for allowing us to communicate with people and the honor of their very long emails.
And when I receive loooooong emails, they seem even more lengthy when I’m in a hurry, under stress, or needing to drink my greens and eat more alkaline foods.
So, may I suggest not to kill the messenger, but figure out how to live your life with as much peace and harmony as possible.
2) Chocolate chip cookies baked with love by a Mother for her children may calibrate quite high. Thank goodness. Anything done with love calibrates high.
According to Hawkins, Kamikazee pilots in WWII calibrated above 200, (entry level to integrity) but only because the pilots thought they were doing something loyal to their country, loving for their countrymen, and giving their lives in an honorable way so that others could be happy.
The world is a complicated place!
When Hawkins discusses food, he is aware that there are higher energies than matter.
Mind over matter is not just a “saying.”
If and when you and I calibrate at 600, we can probably eat all the chocolate chip cookies we want without getting sick.
But Hawkins also says that less than 1,000 people on earth calibrate above 600 (peace).
He also says that only about 6 out of 1,000 people calibrate above 500 (love).
What if a lovey-dovey cookie is eaten by an irritated child who is jealous that his sister got two cookies and he got only one? Does the lovey-dovey cookie cancel out the anger of the child who calibrates around 150?
Where does the “love” accrue when the mother bakes cookies? To her? To the children? To the world?
I know that some would argue that it accrues to the stockholders of the Hershey’s chocolate chip company.
I don’t understand all the more subtle nuances of energy. Nor does anyone else. Not yet. But Hawkins seems to come as close as anyone.
Yet, Hawkins is not arguing that we should eat more acidic foods and water. He is arguing that if you can raise your level of consciousness to a high enough level (love, joy, peace, enlightenment) that such energies serve to mitigate the effects of energy at lower levels (matter, for instance.)
But, I humbly suggest that I may understand pH better than Hawkins. And until we live our life in perfect peace and harmony, and I hope we can all do this one day soon, I’d avoid too many acidic chocolate chip cookies.
In fact, I would suggest avoiding ALL acidic foods and drinks would serve to move us all to a higher level of consciousness (love, joy, peace and enlightenment). In that day, you would see the lion laying down with the lamb eating leaves and grass.
3) Emoto’s book is brilliant. But it is also my understanding that it is a compilation of many peoples’ work. I am sure that many forms of energy can effect the molecules of water. And this is similar to what Candace Pert asserts when she talks about “molecules of emotion.”
4) I do not intend to scare people to death, especially just before Halloween. I intend to scare people alive!
The reason we honk at the dog crossing the street is to scare him/her so that he/she might avoid streets and cars. Fear good! Ignorance bad!
I want folks to understand what to be afraid of!
Every Avatar who ever gave spiritual advice has warned us to fear sin and evil. I’m not an expert on spiritual matters. Well, maybe a little. But I am an expert on the acidity and alkalinity of food and water and what it does to the human, animal or plant body.
If I can keep folks away from eating too many chocolate chip cookies, I don’t mind making people a little “noivous.”
Mother’s love, good! Mother’s cooking….still needing more research…
In Love and Gods Healing Light,
Robert O. Young, DSc, Ph.D., Naturopathic Practitioner and Preventologist
PS If you can’t remember the looooong email I sent out or posted. it was called, “The Most Important Article I Have Ever Written.”
I have included this article at the end of this email, with some changes, so “YOU” can decide whether or not to read this very important article again, that may save your life or the life of someone you love – or just hit “delete”.
I hope you will take the time to read it and understand that I send this email out in love and peace. Please share this post with others.
PSS According to David Hawkins I am one of the 5 in 1000.
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The Most Important Article I Have Ever Written!

What Causes Cancer, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Diabetes, MS, Lupus, Dementia, Sepsis, Multiple Sclerosis and the list goes on and on and on?
A rise in the alkalinity of the blood plasma above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)–any rise–is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium (I call this dis-ease latent tissue acidosis) as the blood attempts to maintain its delicate pH at 7.365.
There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity.
The body will ALWAYS overcompensate for the excess acidity in the Interstitium fluids (the largest organ of the human body) by over-alkalizing the blood to maintain homeostasis.
I call this the “teeter-totter” effect.
Along comes the traditional medical attendant and perceives that there is too much alkalinity, when really there is not.
This is an important concept to grasp, so let’s oversimplify a bit. The Interstitium fluids have become acidic.

The blood “knows” that!

So, it pours out extra alkalinity or alkaline phosphate into the blood and the blood pH spikes up to a higher than normal pH.
It’s like when we get the bejeebers scared out of us by something innocent, we over-react.
When suddenly alarmed, a person might scream, holler, faint, get mad, strike out, drop the vase, kick the dog, or even have a heart attack. The blood does the same thing. A knee-jerk reaction…well, actually, a blood-jerk reaction.
Alternatively, how many times have you heard of a car going off the shoulder of the road and the driver over-reacts, jerks the wheel back, and flies into the other lane of oncoming traffic. It happens all the time. Incidentally, if that does happen to you, you’re better off not to interfere. Stay on the shoulder. Let the wheel stay there for a moment. Slow the car down. But don’t overreact.
Mainstream medicine, not understanding the cause of the excessive alkalinity pouring into the blood, may try and stop the rushing over-alkalization. But that’s the wrong move.

We’re better off not to interfere.

Once more. When your little boy falls down, sees mama going out the door, or is scared of the boogey man, what happens? He not only cries, but how often do we see a child go into a big, fat over-reaction?
Sometimes, they really get worked up. It’s a natural over-reaction to a typical situation.
Now it’s Dad’s turn to over-react. Along comes Dad and says to keep quiet, don’t be such a little sissy, put a lid on it, grow up, stop that crying, OR ELSE…
Since I have digressed to make a point, I may as well digress all the way. Wrong move, Dad. If you do that often enough, the message you send to your child is don’t have feelings, don’t express your feelings, you are not acceptable, don’t act like a child even though you are a child, and don’t be who you are. So don’t over-react Dad. Better to let the child get it out, stay in the room, validate their feelings, and use a little Active Listening (www.gordontraining.com).
Strong feelings can come and go…or come and stay. If you’re really klutzy, you could be orchestrating chronic emotional issues for a lifetime.
Gee, thanks Dad.

Now, back to the blood and Interstitium fluids.


Interstitial fluids of the Interstiitum are acidic. Here comes a flood of alkalinity–even so much that the pH rises in the blood plasma and concerns the western medical establishment.
But whatever it was that caused the pH to over-react must be understood. Acidic Interstitium fluids mean problems ahead, correct? (We are the only research group in the World measuring the pH of the Interstitium)
Not only do we need alkalinity but lots of it!
The acidic Interstium fluids will soon even out the rise in
blood pH, and we will need additional alkalinity to wipe out the acidic Interstium fluid problem.
Cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, MS, sepsis, etc. are not diseases of alkalinity but are diseases of acidity!
The body uses the calcium of the bones as well as other buffers (bicarbonate, hemoglobin, sodium, magnesium from the muscles, etc.) to chelate or buffer acidity! That is why there are always microcalcifications found in the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, bones, prostate, muscles, joints, blood vessels and brain before the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, bones, prostate, muscles, joints, blood vessels and brain cancer tumor shows up.

Why prior to the tumor?

Because the body will always try and protect and preserve the blood and Interstitium by buffering acids with the alkalinity of calcium. The bones are always affected in any cancer, heart condition, stroke, diabetes, lupus, arthritis, MS, sepsis, etc. because the bones are an excellent source of calcium for buffering dietary and
metabolic acids.
So is Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke or Diabetes, MS, dementia, ALS, sepsis, HIV, etc., the disease?
Then is the loss of bone mass the disease or the calcium deposits in the liver, pancreas, breast, brain, etc. the disease?
Is the increase in the alkaline phosphates the disease?
These are all symptoms, not diseases!
Then the disease must be the over-acidity?
Well yes, and no.

Then what is the disease?

The “yes” part I call acidosis or hyperacidity. That is an acceptable term for the condition.
But it is really much more.
The “no” part is that it’s more than acidity. It’s a psychological disorder. It’s a sociological malaise. It’s a cultural-anthropological phenomenon. And once people understand the truth and the scientific foundation of “New Biology”TM, and once people understand the science of what I have been writing about for three, the better part of 4 decades, it may then become to be understood as a “moral disease” as well.
And why is that, you ask?
Is committing suicide a moral issue?
Well, yes.
Is drinking yourself to death a moral issue?
Well, yes.
Is allowing your children to become obese flying in the face of natural law?
Well, yes, assuming you are aware of what’s happening and have other options.
If you say “yes” to these last few questions, then we are looking at a very, complex psychological, sociological, cultural, biological and moral phenomenon.
Once you know and believe that over-acidity causes every disease and ALL dis-ease, then to ignore that fact is a form of suicide!
Just like Samson who killed a 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, every day people use same instrument with their daily lifestyle and dietary choices – the jawbone.
When you eat poorly, you pull the trigger every day of your life, and eventually, the gun fires. The bullet might hit you square in the head like a massive heart attack or stroke, or it may kill you more slowly like a cancer, or it may simply put you in a fog for the next 15 years like Alzheimer’s or dementia.
This “disease-phenomenon” is an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking and believing!!!
Yes, this is the cause of ALL disease–ALL that disturbs the central balance of organized matter that leads to excess acidity in the blood and then the Interstium fluids that then leads to genetic mutations and the death of the cell, the tissues, the organs and the glands. In other words the death of the whole body, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
It is ALL that leads to increases in alkaline phosphates.
It is ALL microcalcifications in the liver, pancreas, breast, brain, prostate, and so on, and so on.
ALL liver, pancreas, breast, bladder, bowel, prostate, brain, etc., tumors. ALL liver, pancreas, breast, bladder, bowel, prostate, brain, etc. cancer and ALL potential bone cancer!!!!
First, we must understand that ALL of the above sicknesses and diseases are NOT sicknesses or diseases but a symptom of acidosis and catarrh that has built up in the blood and intestitial fluids that has significantly effected the white blood cells’ ability (the janitorial and garbage collectors for the blood and tissues) to remove metabolic, dietary acids and degenerative matter.
When we are dealing with any symptom or any biological effect, we need to look to the cause. To understand the cause is not difficult nor is the understanding of the treatment.
The “New Biology”TM explains the cause and effect of all sickness and disease in addition to explaining how to improve the quality and quantity of life.
For example, enervation (the deprivation of force or strength) and muscle weakness per se is not a disease.
Weakness, or lost power, is not a disease; but, by causing a flagging of the elimination of tissue-waste which is toxic, the blood becomes charged with acids.
I call this Acidosis–poison in the blood and then the Interstitium fluids. This is disease and when the acidic toxins accumulate beyond the toleration point, a crisis takes place. This means that the poison or acid (the so-called virus) is being eliminated–often through the skin, the third kidney.
We can call this disease, but it is not!
The only disease is systemic Acidosis which localizes in the weakest parts of our body.
And what we call disease, are symptoms produced by the forced vicarious elimination of acids from the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium through the mucous membrane.
When the elimination takes place through the mucous membrane of the nose, it is called a cold–catarrh of the nose. And where these crises are repeated for years, the mucous membrane thickens and ulcerates, and the bones enlarge, closing the passages.
At this stage, hay fever or asthma develops.
When the throat and tonsils, or any of the respiratory passages, become the seat of the crises of acidity, we have croup, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc.
When the acids locate in the cranial cavity we have dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, muddle thinking, forgetfulness, and even depression.
When the acids locate in the gastrointestinal tract we have IBS, gastrointestinal dysmotility, autonomic dysfunction, carotid stenosis and ischemic colitis.
When the acids are expressed through the skin we have psoriasis.
When the acids locate in the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, prostate, uterus or brain tissue we have microcalcifications of these acids that then leads to tumors and liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, prostate, uterus or brain cancer.

What is in the name?

All are symptoms of the expulsion of acids from the blood, to the Interstitum fluids at the different points named.
They are of the same character essentially and evolve from the one cause, namely, systemic acidosis, as a crisis of toxemia.
The description can be extended to every organ of the body, including the largest organ, the skin, causing melanoma cancer.
For any organ that is enervated below the average standard from stress of habit, from work, or worry, from injury, or any other cause, that organ may become the location of the crises of systemic acidosis.
The symptoms presented differ with each organ affected. That fact gives color to the erroneous belief that every symptom-complex is a separate and distinct disease.
But, thanks to the new light and knowledge of being shed by the “New Biology”TM upon nomenclature involved in the naming of a disease, every symptom-complex goes back to the one and only cause of all diseases, namely, systemic acidosis of the Interstitium fluids and then the blood plasma and finally the intracellular fluids causing genetic mutation to the death of the cell.
To find the cause of all symptomologies including cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, sepsis, muscular dystrophy, AIDS, sepsis, etc., start with colds and catarrh, and watch the pathology as it travels through “The Seven Stages of Acidity(TM), beginning with:
1) enervation,
2) sensitivity and irritation (IBS),
3) catarrh, (the common cold)
4) inflammation, (arthritis)
5) induration (lupus, lymes, fibromyalgia),
6) ulceration and then to (colitis)
7) degeneration – cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, polio, multiple dystrophy, ALS, etc.
How well could you try to find the cause of man by ignoring his conception, embryonic life, childhood, manhood, etc.
Nature’s order is interfered with by enervation habits until systemic acidosis of the Interstitium fluids and then the blood is established.
Then a vaccination (seen in Gulf War Syndrome and Spanish Flu Epidemic) or an infection (really an outfection) from any source will act as a firebrand. Sooner or later cause the most vulnerable organ (the bowels) will undergo organic change. The organ, however, has nothing to do with cause, and directing treatment toward the organ compounds the problem and is nonsense!
Examples of this wrong thinking yield blood transfusions for pernicious anemia, gland treatment for gland impotency, the cutting out of stones, ulcers and tumors.
There is no question that one of the most pernicious practices in vogue today is treating so-called disease with disease and immunizing with the products of disease.
Current medical science calls this form of pathological thinking a “vaccination.” This my friends is the real psuedo-science!
When the cause is not known, how is prevention or cure possible except by luck?
Producing a mild form of smallpox using vaccine is the same as introducing a poison or acidity into a healthy person.
It makes no sense!
Certainly only pathological thinking can arrive at such conclusions. Vaccine or autogenous remedies (metabolic acids) are made from the products of disease.
This also includes ALL antibiotics which are products of disease!
The idea that disease can be made to cure itself is an end-product of pathological thinking!
If prevention and cure mean producing disease, surely prevention and cure are not desirable. If prevention can be accomplished, then cures will not be needed!
It is not disease, it is cause “in all its aspects” that we need to know before we can take steps to prevent or cure “disease.”
Cause is constant, ever present, and always the same. Only effects, and the object on which a cause acts, change.
And the change is most inconstant.
To illustrate: a catarrh of the stomach presents first irritation, then inflammation, then ulceration, and finally indulation and cancer.
Not all cases run true to form. Only a small percentage evolve to ulcer and fewer reach the cancer stage. More acidic toxins exit via acute food poisoning or acute indigestion then by chronic diseases.
Most Americans are challenged with the symptomology of indigestion, which can include acid reflux, diarrhea and/or constipation.
The proper way to study disease is to study health and every influence favorable or not favorable to its continuance.
Our western system of medicine has been preoccupied with the study of disease, not health.

Disease is Perverted health!

Any influence that lowers energy becomes disease producing. Disease cannot be its own cause, neither can it be its own cure and certainly not is own prevention!
My personal discovery of the truth of ALL sickness and disease – that acidosis is the cause of all so-called diseases–came about slowly, step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.
At first, I postulated that yeast and molds must be the general cause of disease. Then I decided that it was not yeast and molds but that the body becoming enervated. But wait a minute, enervation is not a disease; disease must be due to dietary, metabolic, respiratory and/or environmental acids.
I reasoned that localized or systemic acidosis is the true general cause of all disease and must be autogenerated. And if disease is due to autogenerated acids, what is the cause of that autogeneration?
The answer is found in understanding the nature of matter and how it organizes and disorganizes. I realized that there must be a physical or emotional disturbance to organized matter before it can begin its disorganization.
And when matter begins to disorganize, it gives rise to autogenerated acids. This is true for all matter!
To illustrate, take a physical injury to a joint which is often complicated with the prior symptom of rheumatism. The rheumatism previous to the injury was potentially in the blood and/or tissues. Just what change had taken place in the matter which, under stress of injury or shock of any kind, would cause a reaction with fever?
I could not understand until the “Acidosis Theory” suggested itself to my mind. After that, the cause of disease unfolded before me in an easy and natural manner.
I called this new paradigm for ALL sickness and disease “The Cycle of Imbalance.” You can read about “The Cycle of Imbalance” in my book, “Sick and Tired, Reclaim You Inner Terrain.” You can order this book at:
In a few words, without systemic acidosis, there can be no sickness or disease and there can be NO CANCER! NO HEART ATTACK! NO STROKE! NO DIABETES! NO DEMENTIA! NO SEPSIS, NO ALS, NO ALZHEIMERS, in other words, NO DIS-EASE!
It is also true that without systemic acidosis there can be NO PAIN!
Therefore, pain equals acid and acid equals pain.
I knew that the waste products of cellular disorganization and metabolism were toxic and that the only reason why we were not poisoned by it was because it was removed from the organism as fast as it was produced.
Then I discovered that the acid was retained in the blood and then interstitial fluids of the Insterstitium when there was a checking of elimination.
Then, the cause of the checking had to be determined. In time, I thought out the cause of all sickness and disease. I knew that when we had normal energy, organic functioning was normal.
Then came the discovery that enervation caused a checking of elimination.
The cause of ALL sickness and disease is NOW found!
Enervation checks elimination of the dietary, metabolic, respiratory and environmental acidic waste products!


of cellular transformation or disorganization.
Retention of metabolic, respiratory, environmental and dietary ACIDS is the first and the only cause of ALL sickness and disease!
One of the first things to do to get rid of any so-called disease is to get rid of all the acid, for it is this state of the blood and then Interstitium fluid that makes disease possible.
Infection, drugs and food poisoning may kill, but if they do not, they will be short-lived in a subject that is free from enervation and acids that are being held in the compartments of the Interstitium fluids.
Conversely, the poisoning will linger in the system until the acid is overcome. Then and only then will elimination remove all traces of outfection – ACID.
Syphilitic outfection (herpes, warts, moles of any color) is pronouncedly an acidic subject thrown into great virulency by poor nutrition, lifestyle and conventional treatment.
The same is true with HIV/AIDS. The so-called infection which in reality is an outfection of acid, is the least offender of the trio. Add fear (false evidence appearing real) wrong eating, poor sanitation and wrong lifestyle choices and we have a formidable symptom complex that serves to justify all that professional syphilomaniacs HIV/AID somaniacs say and write about these dis-eases.
Remove systemic acidosis of the Interstitium fluids, drugging, FEAR, poor sanitation, wrong lifestyle choices, and vile eating, and there is little left. What is left can be easily thrown out of the body by Nature!
Scientific research is being carried on vigorously in an attempt to find the cause of disease. The conception of disease is that the cause is individual. Here is where investigators meet their Waterloo. All of the so-called diseases are increasing symptom complexes due to repeated crises of systemic acidosis of the Interstitium and then the blood plasma.

Diseases have no independent existence!

As soon as acidity is controlled, the symptoms disappear unless an organ has been forced by innumerable crises to degenerate.
Even organic change, when the organ is not destroyed, will come back by correcting the life and getting rid of the true cause–the crisis of acidosis!
All symptoms of all so-called diseases have one origin.
All diseases are ONE!
Unity in all things is Nature’s plan.
Polytheism is gone, and everything pertaining to it and coming out of it must go.
So you NOW have the truth! No more LIES!
There is only one sickness, one disease, and NOW only one treatment.
The one sickness and disease is the over-acidification of the Interstitium and then the blood and then finally the tissues, organs and glands due to an inverted way of living, eating, drinking, breathing, thinking and believing.
The one treatment is to alkalize and energize with Dr. Robert Young’s pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet Plan.
We all need to go back to the Garden of Eden and start living and eating GREEN. (Genesis Chapter 1 verses 28 – 30)
I call this eating like “COWS” which stands for the following:
C = Chlorophyll from green plants
O = Oxygen – nascent oxygen or singlet oxygen
W = Water – alkaline water at a 9.5 pH
S = Salt – liquid mineral ionized salts
You can learn more about this program on our website or in my books, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, The pH Miracle revised and updated, The pH Miracle for Cancer, Back to the House of Health I and II and Sick and Tired, which you can also purchase through Amazon.com or http://www.phmiracleproducts.com
The complete program is a 12 to 16 week program that includes the alkaline foods outlined in Chapter 11 of the pH Miracle revised and updated book.
You start off the program with a 14 to 21 day liquid feast.
You can eat as much and as often as you like as long as the food is green and pureed and/or juiced.
The soups such as the Broccoli Soup, Aspar/Zinc Soup, The Healing Soup and the Popeye Soup with lots of avocados are excellent to eat during the liquid feast.
You also need to begin taking the nutritional supplements while drinking at least 4 to 6 liters of Greens a day.
Start out gradually drinking 1 liter of Greens per day and then work up to 2, then 3, then 4, until you are drinking 6 liters a day.
When you take the nutritional supplements, take 5 drops 6 times a day of the liquid colloids under the tongue, (except the pH drops which are taken in purified water and NEVER taken under the tongue) away from meals, or taking 1 capsule 3 to 6 times a day of the encapsulated products with meals.
I would suggest taking 4 capsules every 4 waking hours of the bowel cleansing formula.
The bowel cleansing product helps to keep acids moving through normal elimination.
After you complete the 14 to 21 day liquid feast, you can then begin introducing some solid food but it still needs to be as green as possible. Remember, when you are green you are clean. I would suggest not only the vegetable soups, but steam fry vegetables and lots of salads.
Make sure you use only lemon or lime and good oils on your salads for the dressing.
Another tip is to include liberal amounts of flax, hemp, avocado and olive oil in or with your soups and salads. I suggest a minimum of 5 to 6 tablespoons of good oils every day. And you should be supplementing pomegranate seed oil everyday.
For information on pomegranate and avocado seed oil go to:
In conclusion, the medical world has been looking for a remedy to cure ALL disease, notwithstanding the obvious fact that nature needs NO REMEDY and NO CURE. She needs only an opportunity to exercise her own prerogative of self-healing.

Cures! There are NO CURES! And there will be NO CURES Found!

The subconscious builds health or disease according to OUR ORDER! And we do it with our thoughts, our words and our deeds.
If we send impulses of irritation, discontent, unhappiness, complaining, hate, envy, selfishness, greed, lust, and the biggest one of all pride, the subconscious builds us in the image of OUR ORDER!
The movie “Sicko” suggests we need a health program for every man, woman and child in the US. This health program must start with the education on how to prevent disease with what we eat, drink, breathe, think and believe.
To insure more people in the US under the current health system does not bring more health. We do not need more medicine! We need more education on how to maintain the alkaline design of our body!
We need to empower ourselves to effect a reconciliation between our subconscious creator and ourselves.
What we need is to learn self-control, respect, poise, relaxation, deep breathing, alkaline eating and drinking, and especially alkaline exercising!
And when these impulses are sent over the sympathetic nerves to our subconscious creator, we will begin to receive images of a more ideal man or woman, until an approach to “Perfection is Attained”.
Sickness and disease, including the symptoms of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, sepsis, tumors, HIV/AIDS, MS, lupus, depression, hyperthyroidism, Wilson’s Syndrome, fibromyalgia, pain in every joint and muscle, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle cramps, allergies (food), asthma, bronchitis, frequent colds, candida, hypoglycemia, allergic reaction to any chemical, chronic fatiguing, food cravings, indigestion, inflamed joints, insomnia, mood swings, gas, bloating, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, pneumonia, ulcers, stomach and bowel cramps and even memory loss is the culmination of years of abuse of nutrition and years of acids from faulty elimination by forcing the bowels to move.

We don’t GET sick and tired we DO sick and tired!

The most powerful way to eliminate metabolic and dietary acids in the blood, the Interstitium fluids and finally the intracellular fluids is following the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Dietary Plan.
You are the builder of tomorrow, and you need not pay a fortuneteller, doctor, lawyer, preacher, or banker to tell you what will happen to you tomorrow.
Nothing will happen.
The inevitable will come.
You will inherit the fruits of today’s sowing.
I hope you find these thoughts and suggestions helpful when dealing with ANY symptomology, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.
Your life, Your Health, Your Fitness, Your Energy is the consequence of your daily choices and you are free to choose!
I pray that you choose wisely! The quality and the quantity of your life depends upon it.
In love and Gods healing light,
Robert O. Young DSc, Phd, Naturopathic Practitioner, Preventologist
PS My hope is that you will share this articles with everyone that you know, love and care about.
In the last days Paul prophesied, “Men ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” 2 Timonthy 3:7
Paul’s prophesy has been fulfilled in our day!
Not part of our pH Miracle Living Community?
For other scientific articles of Dr. Robert O Young go to: http://www.drrobertyoung.com
For non-invasive blood and interstitial fluid of the Interstitium testing for the chemistry and functionality of all organs and organ systems call: 818-987-6886 or go to: http://www.universalmedicalimaging.com or email: universalmedicalimaging@yahoo.com
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In the Garden of Indian Wisdom

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Ancient Ayurvedic medicine has found a new home at Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa. The same gentleness, the same intensity, the same wisdom. The result is our splendid Ayurvedic Park in the most secluded corner of our garden. Massages, yoga lessons, pilates. The body, relaxes, it listens, and it is happy.


This is the “crowning” massage of Ayurvedic medicine. Hands glide over the body and envelop it in the warmth of oil perfumed with aromatic Indian essences, spices and medicinal plants. The effects are instant and profound: the blood and lymph circulation is reactivated, the spine relaxes, the muscles are toned and the body eliminates toxins, stress and fatigue.

Forteveda signature massage

First and foremost, posture and suppleness. This massage with Ayurvedic oil based on Indian herbs relaxes muscles and ligaments and ensures the posture of the body is correct, relaxed and harmonious.

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Shirodara and four hands treatment

Just say the word “shirodara” and you are whisked away to another dimension, with a massage that reaches into the very depths of your psyche. Opening the door to the mind and releasing all the tension is a trickle of warm oil that anoints the forehead. At the same time the therapists’ hands glide over the body and help you achieve inner peace in the gentlest way possible.

Hatha Flow & Vinyasa

From the very ancient discipline of yoga, a smooth series of asana to be performed by harmonizing the breath and movements, in order to control the hold and the configuration of every position.

Gentle Hatha

Ideal for all levels of physical ability, this gentle yoga combines a sequence of relaxing postures to practice meditation. What you gain is a new awareness helping you to balance body and mind perfectly.

Younga Yoga

From meditation, a new kind of suppleness

From the age-old wisdom of the East comes the answer to the problems we suffer from today: stress and anxiety, not to mention bad posture and stiffness. We are talking about yoga, a meditative practice that combines a spiritual quest with a vision that regenerates the body and breathing. In keeping with the holistic vision of its treatments and in the peace of its garden, Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa has set aside a special area for yoga, its schools and its most authoritative maestros.

In particular, Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa offers Yin Yoga that works on the “yin”, as against the dynamic “yang”, concentrating on the ligaments, tendons and joints. This discipline allows all the muscles to relax and strengthens the deepest connective tissue, improving flexibility and the whole body’s capacity for movement.

To learn more or to register for YOUR pH Miracle Retreat go to: http://www.phmiracleretreat.com and http://www.drrobertyoung.com

To learn more or to register for YOUR pH Miracle Retreat go to: http://phmiracleretreat.com/pH_miracle_retreat.html

The pH Miracle Health, Wellness and Fitness Retreats at Forte Village, Sardegna, Italy

 The pH Miracle Health, Wellness and Fitness Center at Forte Village, Sardegna, Italy – Rated by Forbes as one of the top 5 Resorts and Medical Spas in the World!
Watch the following video presentations to see the beauty and healing place of Forte Village Resort and Medical Spa in the blue zone of the World!

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Watch the video below as  YOU see what YOU will experience during your stay at one of the most incredible resorts and medical spas in the World!

1) A beautiful deluxe Bungalow within walking distance of the Spa, Pools, and beaches!

2) Alkalizing green juices daily

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3) Alkaline breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

4) Seven alkalizing detoxing and energizing pools


5) Non-invasive blood testing (150 blood parameters tested), thermography and live and dried blood cell analysis


6) Daily Yoga and mediation

7) Beautiful white sand beaches

8) Tennis (Clay, Grass and Hard Courts)

9) Salt water, aloe vera and magnesium pools for detoxification and pain relief

10) Bicycling

11) Bowling

12) Basketball

13) Hiking

14) Fitness Training Center

15) Daily Lymphatic Massage

16) Sports Center

17) Infrared Sauna

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20) Shopping

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Check out the map of the Forte Village Resort!

Over 40 acres of beauty!

To learn more or for pricing contact us at: phmiraclelife@gmail.com or call 760-484-1075


Say NO-MAM to Mammography!

Is X-Ray Mammography Accelerating The Epidemic of Breast Cancer?
Dr. Robert Young

 M.Sc., D.Sc.,Ph.D.,N.D.

Naturopathic Physician at the pH Miracle Ti Sana Medical Spa, Arlate, Italy

Is X-Ray Mammography Accelerating The Epidemic of Breast Cancer?

While a growing body of research now suggests that x-ray mammography is causing more harm than good in the millions of women who subject themselves to breast screenings, annually, without knowledge of their true health risks, the primary focus has been on the harms associated with over-diagnosis and over-treatment, and not the radiobiological dangers of the procedure itself.

In 2006, a paper published in the British Journal of Radiobiology, titled “Enhanced biological effectiveness of low energy X-rays and implications for the UK breast screening programme,” revealed the type of radiation used in x-ray-based breast screenings is much more carcinogenic than previously believed:

Recent radiobiological studies have provided compelling evidence that the low energy X-rays as used in mammography are approximately four times – but possibly as much as six times – more effective in causing mutational damage than higher energy X-rays. Since current radiation risk estimates are based on the effects of high energy gamma radiation, this implies that the risks of radiation-induced breast cancers for mammography X-rays are underestimated by the same factor.[1]

In other words, the radiation risk model used to determine whether the benefit of breast screenings in asymptomatic women outweighs their harm, underestimates the risk of mammography-induced breast and related cancers by between 4-600%.

The authors continued:

Risk estimates for radiation-induced cancer – principally derived from the atomic bomb survivor study (ABSS) – are based on the effects of high energy gamma-rays and thus the implication is that the risks of radiation-induced breast cancer arising from mammography may be higher than that assumed based on standard risks estimates.

This is not the only study to demonstrate mammography X-rays are more carcinogenic than atomic bomb spectrum radiation. There is also an extensive amount of data on the downside of x-ray mammography.

Sadly, even if one uses the outdated radiation risk model (which underestimates the harm done),* the weight of the scientific evidence (as determined by the work of The Cochrane Collaboration) actually shows that breast screenings are in all likelihood not doing any net good in those who undergo them.

In a 2009 Cochrane Database Systematic Review,** also known as the Gøtzsche and Nielsen’s Cochrane Review, titled “Screening for breast cancer with mammography,” the authors revealed the tenuous statistical justifications for mass breast screenings: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/x-ray-mammography-every-woman-whose-life-prolonged-10-womens-lives-will-be-shortened-ie

Screening led to 30% overdiagnosis and overtreatment, or an absolute risk increase of 0.5%. This means that for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will have her life prolonged and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily. Furthermore, more than 200 women will experience important psychological distress for many months because of false positive findings. It is thus not clear whether screening does more good than harm.[2]

In this review, the basis for estimating unnecessary treatment was the 35% increased risk of surgery among women who underwent screenings. Many of the surgeries, in fact, were the result of women being diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a “cancer” that would not exists as a clinically relevant entity were it not for the fact that it is detectable through x-ray mammography. DCIS, in the vast majority of cases, has no palpable lesion or symptoms, and some experts believe it should be completely reclassified as a non-cancerous condition.

A more recent study published in the British Medical Journal in 2011 titled, “Possible net harms of breast cancer screening: updated modeling of Forrest report,” not only confirmed the Gøtzsche and Nielsen’s Cochrane Review findings, but found the situation likely worse:

This analysis supports the claim that the introduction of breast cancer screening might have caused net harm for up to 10 years after the start of screening.[3]

So, let’s assume that these reviews are correct, and at the very least, the screenings are not doing any good, and at worst, causing more harm than good. The salient question, however, is how much more harm than good? If we consider that, according to data from Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2011), a mammogram uses 4 mSv of radiation vs. the .02 mSv of your average chest x-ray (which is 200 times more radiation), and then, we factor in the 4-600% higher genotoxicity/carcinogenicity associated with the specific “low-energy” wavelengths used in mammography, it is highly possible that beyond the epidemic of over-diagnosis and over-treatment, mammograms are planting seeds of radiation-induced cancer within the breasts of millions of women.*** 

With the advent of non-ionizing radiation based medical diagnostic technologies, such as thermography and ultrasound, it has become vitally important that patients educate themselves about the alternatives to x-ray mammography that already exist.  Until then, we must use our good sense – and research like this – to inform our decisions, and as far as the unintended adverse effects of radiation go, erring on the side of caution whenever possible.

Using 3-D Full Body Bio-Electro Scanning (FBBES), Full Body Thermography (FBT) and Full Body Ultrasound (FBU) to Determine the Best Possible Strategy for Preventing and/or Reversing a Cancerous Breast Condition [7]

In modern day oncology, surgeons biopsy the lymph nodes to determine how cancer is spreading or provide staging. Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that is found in these lymph nodes which are catch-basins for acidic waste and cancerous cells are responsible for breaking-down and removing cellular acidic waste and cancerous cells. Impaired lymphocytes and/or congested lymph nodes are at least one major factor in the many areas I test for functionality.

The lymphatic system, the lymph nodes and the lymphocytes themselves must be functional in preventing and reversing any cancerous condition.

Using electrodes attached to the head, hands and feet I am able to test the functionality of the lymphatic system, circulatory system, muscular system, skeletal system, endocrine system, neurological system, reproductive system, vascular system, digestive system,  and respiratory system.  interstitial chemistry, interstitial pH for metabolic acidosis and the electro-conductivity of the cells to determine the state of health of ALL organs, glands and tissues in the prevention and reversal of any cancerous condition.[7]

I also test clinically for nutritional deficiencies and metabolic alkalosis or acidosis by measuring the  interstitial chemistry, interstitial pH and the electro-conductivity.  Measuring the pH of the interstitial fluids is more revealing of a cancerous condition since the blood is always trying to maintain its delicate alkaline pH of 7.365 and will not vary much.  Based upon my theory that cancer is a compromised acidic environment of the interstitial fluids which may negatively affect the state of health of ALL body cells which make up the organs, glands and tissues.  It is significantly more important to measure interstitial and intracellular fluids than blood fluids in order to obtain a correct chemistry and pH when making nutritional recommendations in the prevention and treatment of a cancerous condition. [4, 5, 6,7,8,9]

The following are quantitative measurements in healthy patients, without cancer, comparing Blood fluids with Intracellular and Interstitial fluids of the body compartments as a benchmark which I use to determine deficiencies in alkalizing minerals, protein and whether or not the patient is in metabolic acidosis or a pre-cancerous or cancerous condition (Note: all cancer patients are in interstitial metabolic acidosis, low in interstitial sodium and high in interstitial calcium and potassium): [8,9]

1) Sodium: Na+ mEq/l

Venous blood: 130, Arterial blood: 137, Capillary blood: 135, Intracellular fluid: 10 and Interstitial fluid: 135

2) Potassium: K+ mEq/l

Venous blood: 3.2, Arterial blood: 3.5, Capillary blood: 4, Intracellular fluid: 140 and Interstitial fluid: 3.17

3) Calcium: Ca++ mEq/l

Venous blood: 2.5, Arterial blood: 2.2, Capillary blood: 2.3, Intracellular fluid: 0.0001 and Interstitial fluid: 1.55

4) Magnesium: Mg mEq/l

Venous blood: 0.64, Arterial blood: 0.62, Capillary blood: 0.60, Intracellular fluid: 58 and Interstitial fluid: 0.50

5) Chloride: Cl- mEq/l

Venous blood: 104, Arterial blood: 101, Capillary blood: 103, Intracellular fluid: 4 and Interstitial fluid: 106

6) Bicarbonate: HCO3 mEq/l

Venous blood: 22, Arterial blood: 24, Capillary blood: 23, Intracellular fluid: 10 and Interstitial fluid: 24

7) Phosphorus: P mE/l

Venous blood: 2.5, Arterial blood: 2.3, Capillary blood: 2, Intracellular fluid: 75 and Interstitial fluid: 0.70

8) Sulfate: SO4 mEq/l

Venous blood: 0.8, Arterial blood: 0.6, Capillary blood: 0.5, Intracellular fluid: 2 and Interstitial fluid: 0

9) Glycemia mg/dl

Venous blood: 1, Arterial blood: 1, Capillary blood: 1.01, Intracellular fluid: 0.20 and Interstitial fluid: 0.90

10) Cholesterol mg/dl

Venous blood: 0.66, Arterial blood: 0.630, Capillary blood: 0.676, Intracellular fluid: 0.2 and Interstitial fluid: 0.188

11) Partial Pressure of Oxygen or PO2 mmHg

Venous blood: 80, Arterial blood: 90, Capillary blood: 89, Intracellular fluid: 20 and Interstitial fluid: 87.2

12) Carbon Dioxide Or PCO2

Venous blood: 46, Arterial blood: 40, Capillary blood: 42, Intracellular fluid: 50 and Interstitial fluid: 46

13) pH or potential of hydrogen

Venous blood: 7.36, Arterial blood: 7.4, Capillary blood: 7.38, Intracellular fluid: 7.2 and Interstitial fluid: 7.36

14) Protein g/dl

Venous blood: 72, Arterial blood: 74, Capillary blood: 73.7, Intracellular fluid: 68 and Interstitial fluid: 20.6

As I correct the deficiencies in the intracellular and interstitial fluids targeted with key alkalizing nutritional treatments, patients see the difference through follow-up tests using quantitative non-invasive 3-D Full Body Bio-Electro scanning.  They also feel the difference physiologically and functionally.[4,5,6,7]

This is how I know proper alkalizing nutritional support in any cancerous condition is important in the prevention and treatment of cancer, the  metastasis of cancer and the shrinking of a cancerous cyst or mass without chemotherapy and/or radiation. The best part about these alkalizing nutritional treatments is they are helpful in most, if not in all cancerous conditions.[4, 5,6,7]

The following case study is with one of my patients who was diagnosed by biopsy with inflammatory ductal cell carcinoma who reversed her cancerous condition without chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.[7]

Using breast thermography and tumor location and size measured by breast ultrasound you can see the week by week thermography progress of a 14.2cm tumor in the left breast reduce to less than 2cm in 7 weeks of treatment using ANI protocol as outlined in this article and in Chapter 11 of the pH Miracle revised and updated book. (4,5,6,7)

The safest, painless, non-invasive, affordable full body screening tests are a combination of a Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound and Thermography, which may give the Physician about 95% accuracy in detecting breast cancer.[7]

Thermography is a physiological, non-invasive screening procedure that detects and records infrared heat emissions from the pre-cancerous or cancerous area, which can aid in the early detection of abnormal changes in body tissues, organs and glands. Thermography offers information that no other procedure can provide. The procedure is based on the principle that chemical and blood vessel activity in both pre-cancerous or cancerous tissue and the area surrounding a developing cancer is almost always higher in temperature than in the normal tissue.

Since pre-cancerous and cancerous masses are highly metabolic tissues, they need an abundant supply of nutrients to maintain their growth. The cells release substances that stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (neoangiogenesis). This process results in an increase in surface temperatures of the affected tissue, organ or gland.

The most promising aspect of medical diagnostic thermography is its ability to spot abnormalities years before the tumor is seen on any anatomical test. Since thermal imaging detects changes at the cellular level, this test can detect activity 8 to 10 years before any other test. This makes it unique in that it affords the physician the opportunity to view changes before the actual formation of the cancerous tumor.

Studies have shown that by the time a tumor has grown to sufficient size to be detectable by physical examination or mammography, it has in fact been growing for about seven years achieving more than 25 doublings of the malignant cell colony. At 90 days there are two cells, at one year there are 16 cells, and at five years there are 1,048,576 cells–an amount that is still undetectable by a mammogram. Thermography has the ability to provide the patient with future risk assessment. If discovered, certain thermographic risk markers can warn the patient that she/he needs to work closely with their physician with regular checkups to monitor her  health. [7]


Full-body ultrasound is an anatomical non-invasive, painless screening test without ionized radiation. Ultrasound, also known as sonography, uses sound waves to outline a part of the body. For this test, a small instrument called a transducer is placed on the skin (which is often first lubricated with ultrasound gel) and emits sound waves off body tissues. The echoes are converted by a computer into an image that is displayed on a computer screen.

Ultrasound imaging is “real-time,” meaning that it can show exactly what’s happening in the tissue, organ or gland at that moment, help to distinguish between cysts (fluid-filled sacs) and solid masses, detect increased vascularity around or within the mass, see the shape, exact size and location of the mass, cyst, calcification or dilated mammary ducts.

These safe medical diagnostic tests can be done on early bases for a regular check up, or more often if the problem was detected, to monitor a noninvasive alkalizing nutritional treatment progress.

Early detection, which includes self examination and safe, painless, non-invasive medical diagnostic Full Body Bio-electro Scan(FBBES) Full Body Thermography (FBT) and Full Body Ultrasound (FBU) screenings with no ionizing radiation coupled with a supportive alkalizing nutritional diet and ANI whether or not the patient is receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation, I have found clinically that this approach in a precancerous or cancerous condition will saves lives![4,5,6,7]

If you have questions concerning any specific acidic cancerous condition or to learn more about ANI and a alkalizing nutritional dietary and lifestyle protocol in the prevention and reversal of any precancerous or cancerous condition, please read The pH Miracle revised and update, The pH Miracle for Cancer and Reverse Cancer NOW. [4,5,6] http://www.phoreveryoung.com  You can also email: phmiraclelife@gmail.com

Additional Resources:

Is X-ray Mammography Findings Cancer or Benign Lesions? 

The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Does Chemo & Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant?

*This discrepancy in radiation risk models/estimates follows from two fundamental problems: 1) the older risk model was based on higher-energy radiation emissions, such as are given off from atomic bomb blasts 2) it was a crude model, developed before the discovery of DNA and a full understanding of radiotoxicity/genotoxicity.

** Keep in mind that the Cochrane Database Review is at the top of the “food chain” of truth, in the highly touted “evidence-based model” of conventional medicine. Cochrane Database Reviews are produced by The Cochrane Collaboration, which is internationally recognized as the benchmark for high quality, evidence-based information concerning the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of common health care interventions. The organization, comprised of over 28,000 dedicated people from over 100 countries, prides itself on being an “independent” source of information, and historically has not been afraid to point out the corrupting influence of industry, which increasingly co-opts  the biomedical research and publishing fields.

***The low-energy wavelengths cause double strand breaks within the DNA of susceptible cells, which the cell can not repair. Through time these mutations result in “neoplastic transformation”; radiation has the ability to induce a cancerous phenotype within formerly healthy cells that has cancer stem cell-like (CSC) properties.


[1] Enhanced biological effectiveness of low energy X-rays and implications for the UK breast screening programme. Br J Radiol. 2006 Mar ;79(939):195-200. PMID: 16498030 

[2] Screening for breast cancer with mammography. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009(4):CD001877. Epub 2009 Oct 7. PMID: 19821284

[3] Possible net harms of breast cancer screening: updated modelling of Forrest report. BMJ. 2011 ;343:d7627. Epub 2011 Dec 8. PMID: 22155336

[4] Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., ND and Shelley Redford Young, LMT, “The pH Miracle revised and updated,”Hachett Publishing, Boston, USA, June, 2010.

[5] Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., ND and Shelley Redford Young, LMT, “The pH Miracle for Cancer,” Hikari Omni Publishing, Valley Center, California, September, 2015.

[6] Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., ND, Shelley Redford Young, LMT and Matt Traverso, “Reverse Cancer Now,” Hikari Omni Publishing, Valley Center, California, July, 2014.

[7] Galina Migalko, MD, ND, Universal Medical Imaging Group, Valley Village, California, http://www.universalmedicalimaging,com

[8] Reference Studies: Niels Fough-Anderson, Burton M, Attura, BElla T. Attura, Ole Siggard-Andersen, Clinical Chemistry, 41/10, 1522-1525, (1995)

[9] Gilariyi M., Bcriyi C., Fekete J, Ikreriyi K., Kovach AGB, “Ion Concentration in Subcutaneous Interstitial Fluid Measured versus Expected Values.” AMJ of Physiololgy 1988.

– See more at: www.phoreveryoung.com and http://www.phoreveryoung.wordpress.com

The Cure for Cancer? That’s an easy question to answer! The Cure for Cancer is Found in its Prevention NOT in its Treatment! – Dr. Robert O. Young

Do you know what rotten apples, grapefruit or bananas look like? If you do then you know what cancer cells look like. Cancer cells are nothing more that healthy cells that are spoiling because of a compromised environment! Look at the picture below and you will see colorized cancerous body cells rotting in their toxic acidic environment.

What compromises the internal environment of a human body that causes body cells to begin spoiling and rotting? The answer is simple! The body’s build-up of acidic metabolic and dietary waste that has not been properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination – urination, defecation, respiration and perspiration!

Cancer is not a noun but an adjective that describes what is happening to body cells in an acidic environment due to an acidic lifestyle and diet. www.phoreveryoung.com
To learn more about Dr. Robert O. Young go to: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drrobertoyoung
To read more of Dr. Young’s articles go to: www.phoreveryoung.wordpress.com
To join Dr. Young on Twitter go to: @drrobertyoung
To watch more videos on YouTube go to: https://www.youtube.com/user/pHMiracleCenter
Join Dr. Young on Facebook at: The PH Miracle Medical Association or The pH Miracle
To purchase Dr. Young’s books or nutritional productts go to: www.phoreveryoung.com or www.phmiracle.com

La sangre es el elemento clave del ser humano, cuídala con la dieta alcalina, por Robert Young


La calidad de nuestra sangre depende de lo que comemos, bebemos, sentimos y pensamos. Producimos de 3 a 4 millones de nuevas células rojas de la sangre cada segundo, por lo que es imprescindible contar con LA MEJOR CALIDAD de nutrientes cada vez. Esta nutrición se consigue a través de un estilo de vida y dieta alcalina.

Un análisis de sangre microscópica es el punto de partida para el descubrimiento de la vitalidad y la capacidad de regeneración, a través de un estilo de vida alcalina que implica muchos pasos desarrollados por el Dr. Robert Young. Voy a describir algunos de los pasos más importantes:

Microscopía Nutricional – un análisis innovador y revolucionario. Dr. Robert Young es considerado el mayor especialista del mundo en microscopía nutricional, quien a trabajado durante más de 30 años en esta área. Es autor del best seller “La milagrosa dieta del pH” , concluyendo que sólo existe una enfermedad la cual es debida a una hiper-acidificación de nuestro cuerpo consecuencia de lo que comemos, bebemos, pensamos y sentimos. En los últimos 30 años, su investigación se ha centrado en los efectos de los alimentos en la sangre y tejidos. El método del Dr. Robert Young se compone de 2 pruebas complementarias:

– Análisis de contraste de fase ( análisis liveblood )
– Análisis y de campo claro ( análisis dryblood ).


El propósito principal de este procedimiento es analizar los desequilibrios en la sangre, con el fin de prevenir la enfermedad. En la mayoría de los casos, estos desequilibrios se expresan en la sangre antes de la manifestación de una enfermedad. Permitir tener un “sistema de alerta temprana” que previene futuros problemas de salud.

El equilibrio ácido / alcalino

El término pH significa “potencial de hidrógeno” y se utiliza para indicar la concentración de iones de hidrógeno (H +) en un fluido. Desde la disolución de los ácidos es que produce la H+, sabemos que cuantos más H+ están presentes, la solución será más ácida. Por lo tanto, lo que muestra la concentración de estos iones, es que el pH indica si un fluido es ácida, neutra o alcalina (básica). La escala de pH varía entre 1,0 y 14,0. Valores por debajo de 7 se considera ácido, valor de 7 es neutro y valores por encima de 7 se considera alcalino.

Según el Dr. Robert Young, nuestro pH de la sangre es ligeramente alcalino y tiene un valor muy específico de 7.365. Valores significativamente por encima o por debajo de estos no son compatibles con la vida. El equilibrio del pH de la sangre es uno de los equilibrio químico más importante del cuerpo humano.

Por otro lado, mantener el pH alcalino de los fluidos restantes (especialmente de orina y saliva), es también un requisito previo para estar sano. Esta prueba es una herramienta fácil de hacer, el uso de tiras reactivas de papel que permiten la medición del pH de la saliva y la orina, lo que nos da la información importante acerca de nuestro indicador de pH (acidez o alcalinidad interna).

Así como nuestro cuerpo hace lo que sea necesario para regular nuestra temperatura, hace lo mismo para mantener el pH de la sangre, células y otros fluidos, este estado ligeramente alcalino (pH 7,365). Debido a esta situación, nuestro cuerpo utiliza las reservas alcalinas (de magnesio, calcio, potasio y sodio) para neutralizar los ácidos que se alimentan de o resultantes de los procesos metabólicos. Estas reservas alcalinas se agotan fácilmente porque la mayoría de la gente tiene una dieta que provoca una acidificación masiva de células, tejidos, órganos, y posiblemente de sangre.

¿Qué hace a un alimento ácido o alcalino?


Los factores más importantes son: que el alimento sea rico en minerales alcalinos tales como el magnesio, el potasio, el sodio y/o el calcio. No obstante, a pesar de contener cualquiera de estos minerales, tendrá un efecto acidificante si contiene azúcar, levaduras, si está fermentado (como la soja), si está refinado, procesado o cocinado, también si se usa el microondas.

La acidosis sistémica crónica es causada por la acumulación de exceso de acidez en el cuerpo con la consiguiente reducción de minerales alcalinos debido a la necesidad del organismo para mantener el pH de la sangre a 7,365 y compensar tal acidez. Si no tenemos estas reservas alcalinas, los desequilibrios que pueden manifestarse de las siguientes maneras surgir:

  • Pérdida de potasio y de magnesio que conduce a la hipertensión, la inflamación y el dolor asociado con esta inflamación.
  • La pérdida de calcio que conduce a debilidad ósea y el desarrollo de la osteoporosis;
  • Riesgo de formación de “piedras” en los riñones (debido a la cristalización del ácido);
  • La pérdida de masa muscular, con la consiguiente disminución de la fuerza y el envejecimiento;
  • Intoxicación hepática debido a la acumulación de residuos tóxicos en el cuerpo;
  • La deshidratación crónica y el aumento de la retención de líquidos;
  • Aumento de los radicales libres que causan el envejecimiento prematuro y debilitan el sistema inmunológico;
  • La destrucción de las vellosidades intestinales y el desequilibrio de la flora intestinal.

¿Cuál es la dieta alcalina IDEAL?


La palabra dieta se asocia generalmente a un protocolo de la dieta restrictiva, sin embargo la palabra en cuestión
tiene su origen en la palabra griega ‘diaita’, lo que significa estilo de vida.

La dieta alcalina es un estilo de vida y un enfoque muy simple para la salud que abarca otros factores más allá de la alimentación. Este estilo de vida se hizo famoso cuando Gwyneth Paltrow, Donna Karan, Victoria Beckham y otras estrellas de Hollywood afirmaros ser seguidoras de la dieta alcalina desarrollada por el Dr. Young. Otro ejemplo muy reciente es el caso de Bill Clinton, el ex presidente de EE.UU. Después de varios problemas de corazón, decidió cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios y adoptar este protocolo, con el apoyo del famoso médico Dr. Dean Ornish, y obtuvo una pérdida de peso increíble y una notable mejora en su salud.

Según el análisis de los alimentos que causan acidez, tenemos algunos como estos: las bebidas gaseosas, pizza, pasteles y galletas, comidas cocinadas en el horno microondas, pan, café, helado, queso, champiñones, alcohol, etc. .

Los alimentos que ayudan a nuestro cuerpo a mantener su diseño alcalino encontramos algunos como: los vegetales frescos y orgánicos (sin productos químicos o plaguicidas), aceites saludables (aceite de oliva virgen extra y ácidos grasos omega 3, 6 y 9 aceites en la proporción correcta), almendras (sin cáscara), granos enteros, preferiblemente sin gluten, germinados, aguacate, granada, pomelo, etc ..

En esta página encontrarás una extensa tabla con los alimentos alcalinos y ácidos. 

Podemos mejorar nuestra salud y vitalidad a través de un enfoque holístico que pretende no curar un síntoma o una parte del cuerpo, sino sanar y equilibrar su conjunto, proporcionando una mejor salud, la longevidad y la calidad de vida.

por el Dr. Robert O. Young

Meet Dr. Robert O. Young in Fort Lauderdale/Miami and New York City!


Welcome to NEW LIFE EXPO 2015. Renaissance Man Entrepreneur, Mark Becker has done it again. He is bringing the NEW LIFE EXPO, the largest Holistic Health, Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Metaphysical and Spiritual Expo in America for over twenty-five years to Fort Lauderdale/Miami, Florida on March 14-16 and New York City at the Hotel Pennsylvania, (33rd St and 7th Ave.) on March 20-22, 2015, showcasing over 200 innovative cutting-edge exhibitors and speakers from around the world including Dr. Robert O. Young, (The pH Miracle Man), Dan Millman (The Peaceful Warrior), Lynn Andrews (The Medicine Woman), Judy Satori, Kat James, Sean Morton and a multitude of Holistic Medical Doctors. Isn’t it time that you begin to experience all of the things you wanted to try but just couldn’t find the time for?

Dr. Young will also be offering ONE-on ONE consultations during his visit to Fort Lauderdale from March 14 to March 18 and his visit to New York City from March 19th to March 24th.  To learn more or to set up your ONE-on-ONE consultation with Dr. Young email to: phmiraclelivng@aol.com or call 760-484-1075.

So if you are the person who wants to open your mind to all possibilities to reach your maximum potential, then NEWLIFE EXPO is for you. The law of attraction will have you meet thousands of people who have a zest for life like yourself.

Have you read about complimentary medicine or integrative medicine or holistic medicine or alternative medicine and you know that you must learn more about it, but just haven’t?

For all of you, you owe it to yourself to come to the NEWLIFE EXPO on March 14-16 in Fort Lauderdale/Miami Florida and March 20-22, at the Hotel Pennsylvania on Seventh Avenue at 32nd Street . You will be entering the Disneyland of mind, body and spirit. For only $20 at door you can experience lectures, dance performances, music and exhibits daily. A true Miami and New York Bargain.

Let the NEWLIFE EXPO answer all of your questions. You will be able to attend lectures (nine lectures going on every hour for these three days) taught by some of the most innovative minds on the planet, as well as meet the authors you have read about. Let them answer your deepest questions and autograph copies of their books for you.

Visit the NEWLIFE Bookstore located where every book will be sold for half-price. Think you will go hungry at the expo? Never! Visit our Natural Foods Dining Area. You can even have your palms read and your backs massaged.

Visit the 150 exhibit booths and sample their products and share their knowledge. Our incredible panels: The Nutrition Panel, Three Strange Universe Panels, the Sexuality & Sensuality Panel, the Vibrational Healing-Light Language Panel and Raw Food Panel.

Don’t miss our 150 lecturers who will enlighten you with their expertise. Yes, experience the products of the new millennium. Don’t let life pass you by. You know that the water you drink isn’t healthy, but you do not know which water purifier to buy. You want to buy an air purifier but you don’t want to get ripped off. You have a friend or relative who isn’t feeling well and their doctor isn’t helping them but your intuition knows that your doctor doesn’t know all of the options he/she has available to them. Or your life isn’t as healthy or vital or as exciting as it used to be. Come to the NEWLIFE EXPO and meet over 14,000 people who want to learn the same things as you. Take a weekend out of your ordinary life and enjoy an extraordinary world of possibilities. Who knows, you might even fall in love. One thing I can promise is that your life will never be the same. Aren’t you worth $20 for a day or $40 (in advance) for a whole weekend and explore what may be tomorrow’s new healing discoveries?

Dr. Robert O. Young will also be offering One-on-One consultations during the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami and New York City New Life Expos.  If you are interested in meeting with Dr. Young you can receive additional information by emailing to: phmiracleliving@aol.com  You can also call at: 760 484 1075.

And remember… it’s YOUR body, YOUR Health, YOUR LIFE and YOUR choice!!!
For more information or to register go to: http://www.newlifeexpo.com

A Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Lyme’s Dis-Ease

Hi, Dr. Young.

We spoke on the phone a few times and you had asked for my testimonial regarding my alkaline diet and how it affected me and/or changed my life.


In 2000, I had been bitten by a tick and had become infected with Lyme’s Disease. The issue was that I didn’t know I had Lyme’s for 10 years!  I didn’t get properly diagnosed until tests were run to find out why my arms were going numb. Anyway, once I was finally diagnosed, nothing that any of my medical doctors had given me had helped at all. In fact, I just felt worse.

Continue reading A Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Lyme’s Dis-Ease

Walnuts – Food For A Healthy Brain

If you’re tired of counting sheep at night, maybe a pre-bedtime snack of walnuts would help you get daily needed rest.”

Is there a connection between how a food looks and what it does for your body?   Check out the following picture of the walnut and the human brain.  The old adage of walnuts being brain food is based upon the ‘law of similiars’ that like provides nutrition and healing for like.  So walnuts go support the brain, a tomato with its four chambers to support the heart, an avocado to support the male and female reproductive organs are all examples of like supports like or like heals like.


It is very interesting  how much a walnut half looks like a brain. The human brain is made up of about 60% of what is called “structural fat” and requires high-quality fats, like omega-3’s to function properly by keeping the brain fluid and flexible. Walnuts are loaded with omega-3’s, which make them the ultimate “brain food.”

Some studies have linked low consumption of omega-3s to depression and decreased cognitive function. So making walnuts part of your alkaline diet (in moderation, of course) could be a good way  to boost your spirits as well as your IQ.

We all need sleep to stay balanced.  Did you know that walnuts also triple melatonin levels in the body?  Melatonin is one of the body’s sleep regulating hormones, so if you’re tired of counting sheep at night, maybe a pre-bedtime snack of walnuts would help you get your daily needed sleep.

Walnuts also contain manganese, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium—all nutrients which are important to good health, and walnuts, like most nuts, can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health when eaten as part of an alkaline lifestyle and diet.

What is Diagnostic Ultrasound? Where Can You Get A Full-Body Diagnostic Ultrasound?


What is Ultrasound? It reflects Sound, which is the basis of life and even has healing powers. Not convinced? Then think of those times when you have lost yourself completely listening to good music or perhaps mesmerized by the sound created by sea waves bashing against the shore? Now may be you agree with the remarkable power of sound to provide comfort. Sound is nothing but a form of vibration, known to evoke myriad emotions. For many of us, certain sounds bring back fond memories that could send us into raptures. For some others, it could mean a recollection of sad events that have happened in their lives.

All in all, sound provides a powerful emotional trigger eliciting varied responses from all those within earshot. The simplest definition of sound – is ‘a wave with a string of compressions in the air’. When we talk, our vocal chords vibrate back and forth.

This vibration disturbs the air molecules nearby. When this disturbance hits the eardrum, the vibration is picked up by the nerves to the brain, which perceives the sound. However, human beings cannot hear all forms of sound. The human ear recognizes sounds if the vibrations per second, called as frequency, falls between 20 and 20,000 vibrations per second. This measure could vary between persons. Subsonic waves portray frequencies below audible waves. Those waves with frequencies higher than the audible range are called as ultrasonic waves. If speech is Silver, Silence is Golden. The above quote holds good especially in the case of ultrasound waves, which is being used for obtaining information about the structure and function of the human body. Ultrasound waves for imaging are generated by transducers, which convert electrical energy into sound energy. These waves are transmitted through the human body by placing the transducer over the surface of the skin.

When these sound waves travel through the human body, it is reflected back by the organs present inside, just like how a ball bounces back after hitting a wall. The sound waves, which are thus reflected, are again picked up by the same transducer. This is then transformed into visual images that provide a real time imaging of the organ being studied. The information that is obtained can then be permanently recorded on hard copy, film, videotape or both. Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging, also called ultrasound scanning or sonography, is a method of obtaining images from inside the human body through the use of high-frequency sound waves. The reflected sound wave echoes are recorded and displayed as a real-time visual image.

No radiation (x-ray) is involved in ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound is a useful way of examining many of the body’s internal organs, including but not limited to the carotid, thyroid, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, bladder, prostate, uterus and ovaries, veins and arteries. Obstetric ultrasound refers to the specialized use of sound waves to visualize and thus determine the condition of a pregnant woman and her embryo or fetus. Because ultrasound images are captured in real time, they can show movement of internal tissues and organs and enable physicians to see blood flow and heart valve functions.

This can help to diagnose a variety of heart conditions and to assess damage after a heart attack or other illness. Someone you know has undergone an ultrasound exam. Whether it’s to get a first glimpse of a developing baby in the womb or to determine the risk of heart attack, doctors use ultrasound widely in women and men, children and seniors to gain advanced insights into the inner workings of the body. In fact, ultrasound is the most utilized form of diagnostic imaging available today. Despite today’s sophisticated, high-tech systems, ultrasound remains a science built upon the simple sound wave. By beaming high-frequency sound waves into the body, physicians can translate the “echoes” that bounce off body tissues and organs into “sound you can see,” colorful, visual images that provide valuable medical information. Heart disease, stroke, abnormalities in the abdomen or reproductive system, and more – all exhibit telltale signs that ultrasound can help to detect.

Safe, affordable and non-invasive, ultrasound is also portable. Very sick or fragile patients, for example, who might not be able to travel to a radiology lab without risking further injury, can essentially have the lab wheeled to them. That’s an important advantage when you need to conduct an exam on a grandmother who is bedridden or an incubator-bound premature baby.

For half a century now, ultrasound has been there to help families and their doctors determine what’s wrong-or not-with the body and determine the best, most effective means possible to get and stay. Clinicians have often referred to ultrasound technology as the “stethoscope of the future,” predicting that as the equipment shrinks in size, it will one day be as common at the bedside as that trusty tool around every physician’s neck.

Universal Medical Imaging Group and PH Miracle provide anyone with the opportunity to learn more about their health and offers a Full Body Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan which can be combine with Full Body Thermography and 3D Bio-Electro Scan. —- http://www.phoreveryoung.com/store.html#!/Full-Body-Medical-Diagnostic-Imaging/p/44025225/category=11390124 http://universalmedicalimaging.com/ultrasound.html http://www.phmiracleliving.com/t-MedicalImaging.aspx#ultrasound

Press Release – For Immediate Release – The pH Miracle for Cancer

Women pH Miracle Book Cover


By Robert O. Young, D.Sc., Ph. D. ND, and Shelley Redford Young, LMT

www.phmiracle.com, http://www.phmiraclebooks.com, http://www.phoreveryoung.wordpress.com,

ISBN 978-0-9910800-0-7

The latest addition to the successful pH Miracle series is THE pH MIRACLE FOR CANCER: Discover the truth about the cause, prevention, treatments, and reversal of all types of cancer (Panacea Publishing, Inc. January 2015; $24.95).

Subject: Dawn K., Stage IV Metastatic Cancer in Remission

Dawn received news from her oncologist that her Stage IV metastatic cancer is in remission. The primary site was the right breast that affected the lymphatic system and the skeletal system. For the last 12 weeks Dawn followed an integrated cancer protocol including Dr. Young’s pH Miracle for Cancer and once a week treatments of taxol, a powerful antioxidant derived from the bark of the Yew tree. The following are the before and after PET scans validating her cancer reversal. Below you can see the bright yellow and red areas in the spine and the hip indicating the cancerous condition. Now in the follow-up scans those cancerous areas in the lymph and bone are completely gone! Dawn is a shining example of integrated medicine and a beacon of hope and light for all patients who have been diagnosed with metastatic cancer.

dawnbonecancerbeforeScreen Shot 2013-10-08 at 10.12.19 PMdawnhipcancerbeforedawnhipcancerafter

Before Treatment            After Treatment                 Before Treatment                After Treatment

To learn more about how to prevent or reverse, “Cancer deaths are at an all-time high, and most conventional cancer treatments are tragically ineffective. The pH Miracle for Cancer will provide you with a valuable perspective that you will likely not hear about from your doctor.” – Michel Kahaleh, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine

The pH Miracle for Cancer does not ‘hope’ for your body to go into remission. It takes you well past that stage, into vibrant and strong health. Dr. Young states that, “This book is NOT about remission. It is about restoring your body to a healthy state free from cancer. It is about reversing cancer to a cure!”

Dr. Robert O. Young extends a personal invitation to any researcher in cancer, editor of any magazine, newspaper, or news television program, to visit the pH Miracle Research Center and learn the truth about preventing and reversing cancer.


Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a nationally renowned microbiologist and nutritionist who speaks to audiences around the world on health and wellness. He is head of the Innerlight Biological Research and Health Foundation, and a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association. He is a much sought after lecturer, Health Education Speaker and Top Researcher in the “Healing Effects of Alkalinity”

Shelley Redford Young is a licensed massage therapist and a chef, specializing in optimum nutrition. She has contributed to all the gourmet alkaline recipes that are promoted in all of pH Miracle Series Books. She is a full time art professor and marvels at masterpieces of art with her food presentations and “Fun with “CHEF Shelley” Segments.   She has traveled the world and perfected the recipes that help heal your body, your mind and your soul.


Visit Dr. Robert Young and Shelley Redford Young at: www.phmiracleliving.com, www.phoreveryoung.com, www.phoreveryoung.wordpress.com