Big Pharma and Mega Hospitals Running Scared!

I want to express my gratitude and support for Dr. Zubin Damania and his team of health care professionals at Turntable Health Clinic for taking a giant step forward in the education and prevention of sickness and disease. What a breath of fresh air.

One thought on “Big Pharma and Mega Hospitals Running Scared!”

  1. I've been following Z Dogg since he was an Emergency Room resident. Z Dogg is firmly PRO-VACCINE and PRO- conventional medicine. The idea that he is promoting a form of exercise at his clinic is commendable, but hardly revolutionary.

    I love Z Dogg and his video messages. They are entertaining and informative. Z Dogg would be completely dismayed to find out that an anti-doctor/mainstream science based person like Young was USING him in any way to promote himself.


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