Tag Archives: Case Studies

July 4th, 2018 Today is Freedom Day Are We Truly Free?

Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the Greatest Freedom Fighters of our time!

Free at Last, Free at Last! Thank God I am Free at Last!

Several years ago I had the beautiful experience to speak freely at the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Chapel in Atlanta, Georgia on the campus of Morehouse College by Professor Dean Lawrence Carter, Jr. (below I am pictured with Professor Lawrence Carter, Dean of the Martin Luther King Chapel at More House College, Atlanta, Georgia.

When introducing me to speak at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Chapel, Dr. Carter stated, “Dr. Robert O. Young is the Martin Luther King Jr. of the 21st Century.”) It was one of my greatest memories to stand at the same pulpit where Martin Luther King, Jr., Ikada, Ghandi and Mandela delivered powerful messages of freedom, love and light. There in front of thousands I was blessed to have the opportunity to share my message of freedom, love and light. A message that has now blessed the lives of millions around the World. Thank you God for the blessing of service in my life. Thank you all for the opportunities you have given me to serve you, my brothers and sisters – my friends.

One of my favorite quotes of Martin Luther King, Jr. is one that has impacted my life in so many ways, “Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” Yes, it was hard to be incarcerated for 5 months at the East Mesa Re-entry Facility, but I want you all to know that I have no regrets! Today, I am so grateful to be home with my family and friends.

After almost 35 years of studying and learning about acid – base chemistry in vertebrates, and the same number of years attempting to share what I have observed and learned, I am enormously gratified to see the larger scientific community beginning to recognize and validate my work, research and discoveries. It has been a long journey out of darkness. Almost every day now some new scientific paper is published that validates my work such as the discovery of a new and the largest organ of the body called the interstitium. Recently at a scientific conference I heard a noted scientist say, “In certain conditions, we believe it is better to have the tissues properly alkalized.” He did not give me credit, but his knowledge came from my work. You have no idea how far the journey has been from where I started to hearing those words from a distinguished member of the scientific community.

I have lived with doubt and criticism for so long that I have come to understand it as actually encouraging and exciting. No one takes the time to write to a newspaper about something that does not interest them. When people take the time to read, investigate and try to understand and then to sit down and write to an editor to complain, what they are really doing is asking questions; asking the author to explain his or her self; to defend their work. It is wonderfully energetic and encouraging to see people interested and asking questions. Asking questions is the first step towards knowledge. It is a sign of courage and intellectual bravery to ask questions and seek knowledge.

We, as humans, live in such profound darkness. Not knowing what is in the dark is a very scary thing. We, like children, need to know there are no boogey men under the bed. The truth is adults are afraid too. We tell our children there are no boogey men, but we still look under the bed ourselves just to be sure. The truth is we don’t know so much more than we do know.

We live in a Universe of what Donald Rumsfeld, the former American Secretary of Defense, called “Unknown Unknowns”. The more we learn, the more we realize how much we still don’t know. Albert Einstein once quipped, “Intelligence is a very humbling thing. It makes us realize that what the greatest of us knows, pales in comparison to that which none of us knows”. Knowledge is always being accumulated. Much of it disturbs our serenity. We want to believe we know at least most of what is to be known. But, alas, we know so very little.

We are much better off today than most humans were when they died in their 30′s, of things like infected teeth, which dentists today deal with so easily, and from minor wounds, that surgeons today routinely stitch up in minor medical clinics. Our knowledge is greater than it was for even our parents. We continue to learn, in spite of our very human desire to believe we already know most of what we need to know. Today it is said that all of human knowledge is compounding about every 3 years. In other words, we will learn more in the next 3 years than we have learned in our entire previous recorded history. My work is in that record. Today the medical professions, and healers around the world are just beginning to understand what I have been teaching for over 3 decades.

The very thing that people complain about, is actually a result of the broader acceptance of my work in the scientific community. When someone writes, “I…was shocked to discover a number of UK companies promoting practices and diets based on his theories.” It both excites and encourages me that people are finally beginning to “get it.” I can understand why “getting it” is so unnerving. It recognizes that all along there has been a boogey man under the bed that we did not know was there! The good news is, now that we know that living an acidic lifestyle will make us sick, and accelerate aging and hastens death, we can do something about it! Just like now we can treat infected teeth and stitch up wounds, that once killed us at a very early age.

I still laugh every now and then about a joke I heard on the old American Hee Haw TV show years ago, “Junior” said, “A man told me he broke his leg in two places. I told him the thing to do was to stay out of those places!” It’s the same with an acidic lifestyle. If the things you are doing are making you sick, then stop doing them! As it has been said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

I have had people object to my saying that an HIV, Ebola or Zika Virus does not cause AIDS or disease. A great percentage of the larger scientific community does not believe that either. Are you familiar with the name Luc Antoine Montagnier? He received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the HIV virus. Where is he NOW? He was a World Famous Professor and Scientist at the University of Paris. In 2011, Dr, Montagnier lost his position at the University of Paris and was exiled to China. Why? Because he reversed his position on the so-called HIV virus, its existence and cause of AIDS. How would I know this? Because we lectured together as the Key Note Speakers in October, 2011 in Milan, Italy and he shared his horrific story with me. I am in good company. The way to shut us all up is not to exile us or to through us in jail, but for someone to prove that HIV, Ebola or Zika actually does cause AIDS or disease. using the scientific method called, Koch’s postulates. That hasn’t been done, because it can’t be done. HIV, Hep C, Ebola and Zika are all phantom viruses. Scientists have never isolated these viruses or proven that they cause any disease. In fact, everyone in Brazil knows that Zika is not a virus and does not cause birth defects. They know that these birth defects are being caused by eating fruit and vegetables that are laced with an acidic toxic chemical called Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine), a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant.

Some people object to my theory of multiforms or pleomorphism and the origins of what are called bacteria, yeast, mold and viruses. But, you don’t have to know or understand the origins of these biological forms to understand that if your body is properly alkalized none of them can reproduce and none of them can cause any of the ill effects thought to be associated with them. How these biological forms arise is, and has been for centuries, a great debate. The proof of my work is in the results. For at least a century, it has been known that cancers form and thrive only in overly acidic tissue.” I did not develop that knowledge, I only explained it. Don’t blame the messenger for the message.

Diabetes is another condition that has been largely misunderstood. For decades the way the medical community dealt with diabetes was only to treat the symptoms. The symptoms were targeted, because it was not known what causes diabetes. I like to say, we have always known what caused diabetes, we just did not like the answer. The answer has always been, change your lifestyle, and change your diet! But, we humans like our cures to fit our lifestyles not to adjust our lifestyles to prevent the conditions. You want to turn diabetes around over night? Get all of the animal proteins out of your diet, along with all of the simple carbohydrates and sugars, stop drinking acidic beverages, and eating highly acid foods, add back in the alkaline green plants and simply watch what happens. Learn the cause and the self-cure for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by reading The pH Miracle for Diabetes!


Here is something fun for your family members to do. Go on the Internet and Google “Eggs cause Diabetes.” I have been saying that for years to howls of criticism. Now the larger scientific community is beginning to understand what I have been saying, and my critics are stunned… What!?

ALL animal proteins are acidic and cause degenerative conditions we like to call diseases. Sorry.. it’s the message that is not liked. I’m just the messenger.

One last thing, I get criticized frequently because I did not receive my Ph.D. from Harvard or Johns Hopkins, or some other favored institution. I wish I could have afforded those institutions, but the schools I attended were and are fine institutions. Snob appeal does not make a good institution. We just love to establish ranks of exclusions. In the U. S. to have attended a fine engineering school you need to have attended MIT, or Stanford… most recently California Institute of Technology has taken the lead, but the truth is the Indian Institute of Technology in India is widely recognized as the finest engineering school in the World.

Institutions do not make the quality of their students. The students make the quality of the Institutions. In fact, institutions do not “teach” creativity or innovation. All institutions do is teach what is presently known, not what is yet to be discovered. More often than not, throughout time, our greatest discoveries have come from individuals with very little formal education, Steve Jobs from Apple, Mark Zuckerberg, the guy that started Facebook and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Unfettered by dogma and entrenched lore, visionaries look at the world with new eyes and see things others could not or cannot see.

I am very proud of the knowledge I was given by the institutions I attended, but I am most proud of the work I have done that has expanded that knowledge and built on what was known when I was in University… work that after 35 plus years is finally being recognized and validated… work that is finally reaching the victims of ignorance, and making a difference in their lives. Read the following article of Inger Hartelius and how she reversed her terminal lung cancer condition –

Click on this link to read Inger’s story: http://www.drrobertyoung.com/casestudy.html


What I encourage everyone to do, especially my critics, is to continue to read, study, ponder, listen and learn; take charge of your own health and do what works! This is how I have come to all of my conclusions… watching and studying what works, and building on that evidence. Scholars can argue about WHY an apple falls from the tree, but the important thing is to note is that it does!

God bless you all and God bless America with the capacity to love one another and NEVER turn away from a soul who is in need of a helping hand. I promise you it will do your soul good.

In Love and God’s Healing Light,

Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

PS What Does It Mean to be Truly Free?

What is freedom if it is not to be free in every way, from our most minute cell to our most expansive dreams? He is free who can afford to let the interactions between the cell and spirit take place in a most harmonious and loving way. There is no freedom in the philosophies of men. Freedom of that sort lasts for only a duration of a thought, of an act. To be truly free is to be able to establish peace between all opposition within us! To realize that the circumstances of our lives are not important as compared to the kindness, thoughtfulness, acceptance, understanding, and love we show to others.

The above picture is a micrograph of healthy live red blood cells seen under pHase Contrast microscopy.

To read and learn more about the work, research and findings of Robert O Young go to: http://www.drrobertyoung.com

To attend a pH Miracle Retreat go to: http://www.phmiracleretreat.com


Come listen and learn from Key Note Speakers, Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner and Galina Migalko MSc, MD, NMD, in four different countries around the World as they lecture on non-invasive medical diagnostics, the interstitium, pH, nutrition and their break-through research on prevention and non-invasive treatments for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, infections, and many more acidic-caused diseases.

To pre-register for one or more World Conferences please email phmiraclelife@gmail.com and receive an additional 10 to 20 percent discount on the listed early-bird pricing. You can also register by phone by calling 760 484 1075.

When you enroll in one of our Conferences you will receive a credit for a live and dried blood cell analysis, valued at 1200 euros.

Please check out the Countries, Cities, Dates and Pricing below!


What Is Our Greatest Health Risk?

Are electromagnetic fields from cell towers. cell phones, WiFi, 4G and soon 5G, computers, electrical appliances making us sick and tired? Are we just living longer or are we living better? Why is there an epidemic in cancer, autism, depression, heart disease, etc.,?

“The World is not dangerous because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein

The biggest health threat to the Human Body is electromagnetic pollution. The explosion of Samsung phones, iPhones WiFi, WiMax, 4G network, video game consoles, remote-control toys, electric cars and the soon to be released the 5G network, has fundamentally changed our electrical environment. You can’t see it, you can’t taste it, you can’t touch it, you can’t smell it; but the air all around us is increasingly filled with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is penetrating our bodies and disrupting our body chemistry – perhaps forever.

Every moment of every day, invisible fields of toxic fields of energy are striking our bodies like tiny darts, triggering dozens of bio-chemical reactions, which undermine our health and stealthily lay the groundwork for sickness and disease.

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How does this happen?

As Nobel-prize nominee, Dr. Robert Becker described in “The Body Electric,” our brains; our hearts and every one of the seventy trillion cells in our bodies operate on electrical impulses. These minuscule electrical fields can easily be disrupted by the electropollution around us, especially when frequency wavelength is in the brainwave region (0-33 hertz), or matches up with and resonates with electrically-charged particles like ions and chemicals or organs of the body.

Dr. Becker also found that healing only takes place if the current at the point of injury is negatively charged. When it turns positive, the healing process shuts down. So, even our ability to heal is fundamentally dependent upon electrical fields and thus subject to interference from ambient EMR.

In the 1960s NASA found that astronauts would lose up to 50% of their bone mass in just weeks without the presence of the earth’s natural electromagnetic field. Later an artificial version of the earth’s electromagnetic field was added to the spacecraft, which reduced the problem.

Human life could not exist without the presence of natural electromagnetic fields. But what about the explosion of artificial magnetic fields around us, how are these burgeoning signals affecting us? Since the early 1960s, there has been an ongoing debate between scientists, government, industry and the military as to the health impacts on humans from electromagnetic radiation. In fact more than 16,000 studies have tackled the issue. Now, more than 6000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects.

Another 10,000 fail to find the connection. US regulators and policy-makers are using these numbers as a rationale to continue to approve the deployment of unproven technologies. They typically claim that there is no consensus in the science. Despite the science showing a better than 1 in 3 chance (38%) that wireless technologies are causing harmful bio-effects, these regulators and policy-makers are betting that these ‘untested’ technologies won’t make us sick.

But how do they know?

The US government is neither tracking the health effects of these newly adopted technologies nor has it funded a single non-classified study on the biological effects of wireless technologies since the late 1990’s. During that time twelve new ubiquitous technologies have been rolled-out, including public WiFi, 3rd generation (3G) cell phones, 3G Cellular networks, Bluetooth, WiMax, DECT cordless phones, 4G and 5G cell phones have now been deployed in cars with GPS, phones and devices. Meanwhile the fourteen international scientists, who produced the BioInitiative Report (www.bioinitiative.org) document more than two thousand, mostly independent studies, which connect wireless and other EMR with the following: DNA damage, brain cancer, Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, children’s cancers (leukemia), immune system dysfunction, cardiac symptoms, alteration of melatonin production, inflammation and electromagnetic sensitivity. The 630 page report also links numerous modern age symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, concentration issues, fuzzy thinking, joint and muscle pain and memory loss to wireless.

As science is often crippled by abstract experiments with unproven simplifying assumptions, a better way to judge and validate scientific findings may be to look at the key health trends:

Beginning in the 1980’s at the advent of the ‘wireless revolution’ a profound change in our national health began to quietly unfold. It began with the emergence of a bevy of previously-unknown auto-immune diseases like chronic fatigue (CFS), lupus, environmental illness (EI) and fibromyalgia. Soon an explosion in neurological disorders began with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s all showing a dramatic increase. Next, the incidence of certain cancers began to suddenly rise such as melanoma, testicular, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancers. Then, in the 1990s, ailments like diabetes, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ ADHD) and Autism began to explode.

In the past fifteen years sleep disturbances and mood disorders have sky-rocketed. In the 1970s only about 4% suffered from sleep issues. It is now closer to 60%.

Meanwhile more than 18 million Americans are clinically diagnosed as depressed. Depression in children is growing at 23%. It should be no surprise that the top selling pharmaceutical drugs are for pain, depression, and sleep.

What has happened to our health?

It might surprise you to know that the 1950s, when there were few health clubs; the American diet was loaded with fat; vitamin supplements were rare; executives downed three martinis at lunch and everyone smoked like a smokestack, may have been the healthiest decade ever. Expectations for getting cancer were only 1 in 6; it is now 1 in 2 for men. Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and most modern autoimmune diseases were unheard of. Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and ALS were rare. Diabetes was only beginning to emerge and heart disease for young people was unusual.

In the previous three decades, we had extended the average life expectancy from 55 to 72 years – a 31% gain. Well here’s the good news: we now live to 80 – 8 more years. But more than half of that eight year gain is spent in a nursing home, suffering from either dementia, or Alzheimer’s.

What has happened to our health?

Despite the many advances in medicine during the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the US and other industrialized nations have been experiencing explosions in disease and pervasive ill-health. While many scientists and the pharmaceutical industry are rushing to find drugs to manage the symptoms of these illnesses, almost no progress has been made to find root causes. Theories abound on the causes and underlying factors for the big six diseases: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s et al), autoimmune disorders and allergies (asthma).

We’ve gotten really good at managing symptoms the past two decades but no one can explain the spontaneous explosion of the six major disease groups with no obvious connection that began in the 1980’s. Almost everyone agrees that these diseases are closely associated with environmental, and/or lifestyle and dietary choices. This has been the basis of my research that all sickness and disease is the result of an acidic way of living, breathing, eating and thinking. www.drrobertyoung.com

We hear incessantly about the importance of an alkaline diet and daily exercise; the impacts from smoking; and exposures to chemicals and other toxins in our environment. When you add highly acidic electromagnetic fields of energy you have the main actors in the emerging health drama!

Millions are spent each year on research, attacking the possible causation of the big six diseases. Most of this research is approached from either a purely biological or chemical angle. Sometimes there is an interdisciplinary approach, involving experts in biology and chemistry. Yet the human organism is clearly much more than simply the sum of body parts, operating in a bio-chemical paradigm. The missing factor is the role of electrical energy and the tiny electromagnetic fields that are triggering our heart, our brain, our endocrine system and constantly transmitting messages to every cell in our body. More importantly we are blinded by continuing to ignore the pivotal role of electrical disturbances transmitted from our environment that is setting off a chain of bio-chemical events that are leading to an epidemic of disease.

Is electro pollution a unifying factor in the exploding diseases that are making us all so sick?


The Evidence

There has been two landmark events that shed new light on the science, linking EMR from wireless technologies to broad health impacts, dozens of biological effects and virtually all of the currently exploding diseases.

In July 2010, a previously unrecognized collection of nearly 5000 studies linking low-level wireless signals to bioeffects was discovered by noted scientist, Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University in Ontario, Canada. More than 2300 of these studies, concerned with radio-frequency and microwave radiation, were compiled by Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD, an officer in the US Navy at the request of the Naval Medical Research Institute. Many of these studies were previously classified and others originated in Eastern Block nations such as the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia and have only recently been translated. Here is a sampling from Dr. Glaser’s report on the 122 biological phenomena (effects) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation:

This treasure trove of “lost” science that was compiled at the request of the US Navy opens the door for a real renaissance in research for scientists, who are examining the link between wireless technologies and impacts to our health. But will it be enough to awaken the US government to this call to action?

Meanwhile in a spectacular announcement that received very little coverage in August 2010, noted epidemiologist, Samuel Milham, MD makes the link between the growth of electrification and the incidence of four of the big six diseases. In “Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization.” Dr. Milham connects dirty electricity with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders like ALS and suicide.

Dirty electricity refers to unusable electrical energy, which is caused by the interference of electronics on the power lines within your home, office or public building. It is virtually everywhere. Dirty electricity is created by fluorescent lights, dimmer switches, cell phone chargers, plasma TVs, laptop computers and the dramatic increase of electronics all around us. Seven studies have shown that what is considered electrical noise on power lines is also biologically-active. (Havas, Milham, Morgan et al). These studies, many of which were performed in schools, shows that this electrical noise may be causing, or worsening health conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), chronic fatigue, diabetes (glucose rise) and asthma.

Four of the dis-eases most associated with inflammation – cancer, heart disease, diabetes and neurological disorders are directly linked to dirty electricity. Both Dr. Zorach Glaser’s bibliography and the BioInitiative Report (www.bioinitiative.org) separately connect electrical fields from wireless technologies with inflammation.

“Inflammation is a symptom of increased metabolic, dietary and environmental acidity, such as lactic acid, which can be measured in the extracellular fluids including the blood and the interstitial fluids which makes up more than 66 percent of all body fluids,” according to Robert O Young PhD.


In addition, Dr. Young states, “the inflammation connection can be confirmed through pH and chemistry testing of the body fluids and is the most important health issue of our time.” Electromagnetic frequencies from wireless technologies according to Dr. Young causes inflammation and inflammation leads to:


Heart disease

Autoimmune disease


Neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS and MS

Attention Deficit Disorder, as TIME Magazine proposed in “The Fires Within,” then the mystery of these diseases, which have been exploding since the advent of the wireless revolution in the 1980’s has been finally solved!

Meanwhile a World of the smart grid, super WiFi, 4G and 5G even a more toxic cellular network of electromagnetic pollution is all around us and flooding our body. With these powerful and ‘untested’ wireless technologies which have been deployed Worldwide, the time has never been better to pause and ask the question:

Are YOU willing to continue to use these wireless technologies when WE now KNOW they are making us sick and tired?

To learn more about the research, discoveries and findings of Robert O Young go to: www.drrobertyoung.com

To attend a health and fitness Retreat go to: www.phmiracleretreat.com

Attend a World Conference in San Antonio, Texas November 14th and 15th

The World Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy this November 14th & 15, in San Antonio, Texas

Join Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner and Galina Migalko MSc, MD, NMD as they share their break-through research, discoveries and findings in the early detection, prevention and treatment of all cancerous conditions.

Sign-up before July 31st and YOU will receive an additional 10 percent discount off the Early Bird discounted registration fee.


To receive the additional 10 percent off the published registration fees please give us a call at: 760 751 8321 or email us at: phmiraclelife@gmail.com

Only Registration Includes:

Access to all conference sessions

Coffee breaks during the conference

Handbook & Conference Kit

Lunch during the conference

Certificate of Presentation/Participation

Package A Includes:

Above features including the following…

2 Nights’ Accommodation i.e. on November 14th, 2018 and November 15th, 2018

Package B Includes:

Above features including the following…

1 Extra Night Accommodation i.e. on November 16th, 2018

For Student Delegates

Access to All Sessions

Coffee breaks during the conference

Conference Kit and Souvenir

Lunch during the conference

Glenn Stone’s pH Miracle Story – Reversing Cancer NOW!


Glenn Stone’s pH Miracle Story
I was born August 22nd 1956 in Brooklyn, New York as a completely healthy baby. According to my mom at 11 months I spoke a few words and was crawling without any challenges. At 15 months old I had a complete vocabulary and was already walking normally. At 18 months I developed (hosted) baby Roseola and ran a high fever of 104 degrees F for three days straight. During that time the doctors told my parents to place me into cold baths and keep cold cloths on my joints and body several times a day.
After the baby Roseola, for the next 2 years western medicine tried to figure out what was wrong with me. They labeled me with the possibility of MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Cerebal Palsey, and other neuromuscular diseases. At approximately 24 months old I was walking up a flight of stairs and my mom noticed that I was limping and asked me if I had any pain. I replied: What is pain? My mom explained to me that it was a burning, aching, pulling, stabbing or sharp feeling and I said it was all of those things.
At the age of 3 my mom took me to the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan. She reported to the Dr. that I had pain, inflammation and swelling in all of my major joints.  They then recommended a specialist in rheumatology. Dr. Roguff ordered a Sed Rate and RH-Factor test of my blood. Both were high off the charts positive. I was then diagnosed me with JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis). The treatment for JRA in 1959 was unfortunately the same as it is now. High doses of anti-inflammatory medication, auto-immune builders, and cortisone.
Also at 3 years of age, the Doctors immediately put me on highly acidic St. Joseph’s chewable aspirin for children: 8 at a time, 5 times a day for a total of 40 pills a day. One year later they increased the dose from 8 to 12 pills at a time for a total of 60 pills a day. They continued this dosage until I was finally able to swallow Bayer aspirins and it was 2 of them every 3-4 hours. This later on all proved to wreak havoc on my entire digestive system. At age 5-8 years old they were giving me gold injections, yes that’s real gold, one CC of it in the hip once a month. Luckily for me the nurse was really cute but the injection really hurt and took almost a half hour to administer. At about 8 ½ years old we were up visiting my grandparents in the Catskill mountains in Mountaindale, New York after finishing a passover dinner I complained to my parents that I had a slight belly ache. The slight belly ache turned out to be an appendix that was about to burst inside of me.
After I complained about the belly ache, my mom proceeded to put a heating pad on my belly and giving me milk of magnesia. Unknowingly, both of these remedies made the situation a lot worse. When the pain got worse for me my mom knew that if I complained about it, something was really seriously wrong, due to my high pain tolerance. She called the local doctor and this countryman came in wearing his pajamas and slippers. He proceeded to do a rectal appendix test with his finger and said that the appendix was extremely swollen and ready to burst. My mom paged the doctors at HSS and asked them if we could drive back to the city from the Catskills, which was about a 2 ½ hour drive at night, safely enough for them to treat me. The doctor in the Catskills told my primary doctors that he felt that I would not make the trip back. My parents agreed to take me to the local hospital where they are really equipped for skiing, hiking and outdoor accidents. My parents were concerned about their ability to deal with an erupting appendix. By the time I got to the hospital the pain had quadrupled and my blood test showing that it was appendicitis. They immediately prepped me for surgery. During the surgery the appendix blew up and I had a drain in the side of my chest for almost 4 weeks. The best thing about this was my Aunt and Uncle drove up that night with Rockem Sockem robots for me to play with at the hospital. Later on western medicine figured out that the gold shots blew up my appendix. That put an end to the gold shots. They then started to put me on cortisone for the inflammation and pain. The cortisone made my body, face, hands and arms look like somebody hooked me up to an airpump and blew me up.
For the next few years western medicine had been increasing my anti-inflammatory “acidic” medication and cortisols. When I was 10 years old my mom and dad took me off all the cortisones and for the next few years I continued to take the other acidic medications. Later that year we moved out of Brooklyn to New Jersey so that I could attend school without having to walk up and down stairs with crutches. All of the public schools either had an elevator or were single floor. At age 13 my body went through puberty and the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms seemed to dissipate but I was left with all of the deformities.
For most of my high school years I had bleeding ulcers, continual heartburn and was diagnosed with reflux esophagitis and I had difficulties swallowing. As a byproduct I became anemic. The doctors gave me iron pills which caused chronic constipation and rectal bleeding. It took three hiatal hernia repair surgeries to alleviate many of my symptoms. I was in intensive care for most of my seven week stay. The third operation was done by a specialist in Boston who invented the Nissen Wrap. During this time I also had the Gastroenterologist continually dilate my esophagus by inserting mercury filled rubber tubes down my esophagus to keep it open enough for me to swallow food. My doctor also advised that I drink chocolate and vanilla milkshakes with raw egg for energy and to neutralize the acid in my stomach and esophagus. All this did was create more mucus, more congestion and more health challenges. They kept trying to treat the symptoms instead of getting to the root cause.
Throughout my high school and college years, the Orthopedic Doctors put me on pain narcotics such as Tylenol-3 and Percocet to alleviate my functional pain and inflammation due to the deformities in my body. No one told me at this point that all I needed to do was to take different kinds of healthy oils to lubricate my joints.
At 17 years of age I drove a regular car with no special equipment and in 1974 I attended Rutgers University studying pre-medicine. I dropped out of college my third year because I did not want to be associated with the doctors of the future. I then went on to become an entrepreneur and established my own sound, communications and DJ company. In March of 1982 I met my significant other and soul partner Lori Gilmore and by September 10th 1984 I was engaged to be married.
I brought Lori to my yearly checkup to meet my Orthopedic Surgeon from 1962 to 1986 whose Father pioneered the first total hip replacement in the United States. He recommended two total hip replacements because my hips were locking every time I went to the bathroom or bent over, and to be able to easily perform sexually. I had two total hip replacements and was up walking with crutches in two weeks. I was featured in the New York Times magazine May 5th 1985 in an article titled “Redesigning Human Bones”. Both surgeries were performed in record time. Just when I thought I was ready to start my new life with Lori, on the day of discharge a resident Orthopedist working four days straight without sleep dropped me off of an X-Ray table during my final X-Ray and broke the right thigh completely in half. It took five major procedures over the course of one year for me to recover. During one of the procedures they put me into skeletal traction and a full body cast which caused me to eat and drink laying down which re-aggravated my esophagus. In order to take me home for the summer in a body cast, Lori had to learn how to give me high doses of Morphine Sulfate injections seven to nine times a day. In 1986 Lori and I made a dream come true by committing our lives to each other and I was able to stand for the entire ceremony.

This is when I met Dr. Young and started making major shifts in my life.
In 1998 I went to an Anthony Robbins seminar and little did I know my life would never be the same again. In addition to doing a 10 foot hot coal firewalk, transformation was about to begin for Lori and I. We were taught a paradigm shift about our lifestyle and diet. We went from eating the Standard American (SAD) diet to starting a 10 day challenge where Lori and I moved away from all animal products, dairy, sugars and processed foods. We continued to live on a fruit and vegetable way of living and we never felt better. I was now able to cut my pain medication from 480mg a day to less than 200 mg a day. I also resigned from going to a pain psychologist and neurologist and told them it was time to take charge of my own health. Later on that year in September at another Anthony Robbins Event called Life Mastery, Tony introduced us to Shelley and Dr. Robert O. Young. Tony asked Dr. Young to demonstrate microscopy personally on Lori and I. Dr. Young did my live and dry blood and told me I was loaded with yeast, fungus and mold. My colon was a mess and that my esophagus had a lot of inflammation. From looking at my blood, he suggested that I eliminate the sweet fruits and carbohydrates that were feeding the yeast and go on an alkaline lifestyle and diet. I was feeling so good that I did not listen. Lori on the other hand, embraced the program, started drinking the greens and other supplements that Dr. Young had created and ran the New York City marathon with only two months training from Stu Mittleman. Six months later I had blood in my stool and food got stuck in my esophagus. I was rapidly losing weight and it was apparent that anything I was eating was not being assimilated or eliminated properly. Anthony Robbins found out about my situation through a mutual friend and called us. Using the power of questions Tony convinced me to go into the hospital to use western medicine for diagnostics and to get my essential body fluids back to normal. He also suggested that we contact Dr. Young to offer us support and guidance. In the hospital I was diagnosed with Digestive Failure/Stage 4 Colon Cancer and Stage 3 Esophogeal Cancer. I went from a 34 inch waste down to a 28 inch waste and from 134 lbs down to 65 lbs. I literally looked like a skeleton. Dr. Young suggested that we get Glenn strong enough so he can leave the hospital and start a 100% alkalizing program. The treatment suggested by my gastroenterologist and nutritionist was chemical therapy (chemo), radiation and a colostomy bag. When we declined this treatment and were ready to check ourselves out of the hospital they would only allow us to do so after we agreed to be seen by a hospital psychiatrist and take full legal responsibility for signing ourselves out. Lori had to borrow another patients wheelchair in order to transport me from the hospital bed to the car. Upon leaving, the Gastroenterologist admitted that Dr. Young’s colloidal liquid lightning vitamin and mineral drops as well as alkalizing supplements kept me alive and sustained me during this hospital stay. Once we left I immediately started drinking and eating 100% alkaline liquids: soups, shakes, smoothies and a gallon of water with pH drops per day. I went on what would be a one year liquid feast. Dr. Young told Lori and I that in order to get rid of all the acid that was in my body for so many years that I was going to possibly lose additional weight because fat binds to acid. We had blind faith in Dr. Young and Shelly and in 12 weeks both cancers were gone. I am proud to say in October 2013 I have been cancer free for 16 years, lowered my pain medication from 400mg down to 78mg and living an awesome alkalarian with the love of my life. I am a pH Miracle.
Two other times Dr. Young has saved my life
On one of my gasping for air trips to the hospital, Dr. Young and Tony Robbins called to wish me a happy birthday. Tony told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  He suggested that an endocrinologist and a kidney doctor take me completely off of the hydrocortisone and fludrocortizone and monitor my condition while I was in the hospital. Within 24 hours my blood pressure went down to 120/70. I eliminated the fludrocortizone and lowered the hydrocortizone from 50mg to 5mg in the morning and 2 ½ at night.
My last microscopy showed my adrenal glands were 90% better.
In 2009, 4 years ago, my sodium levels due to all the metal in my body, went down to 107 and I went in a coma for almost 5 days. Western medicine told us that the blood sodium should be 130-139. Dr. Young suggested that my blood sodium should be 142 or higher. When I got out of the coma, Dr. Young created the 4 salts, the pHlavor Salts and the pHlush supplements to help everyone by providing the body with alkalizing sodium. He also created the COWS program which stands for Cholorophyll, Oxygen, Oil, Water and Salts. This program saved my lfie once again. In the last 16 years since I have known the Youngs, they have helped save and change my life 7 times, all due to western medicine screw ups. In 2007 the doctors put me on higher doses of hydrocortizone and fludocortizone for what I was labeled with having addisons disease and adrenal insufficiency, besides the JRA which arrested itself at age 13. Both uncurable according to western medicine. These doses of medication caused congested heart failure and a very high blood pressure of 180/120.
Dr. Young taught me that all of our organs and cells can regenerate within 120 days. He was right.  There has been a total of 7 times that Dr. Young has saved my life due to mistakes that western medicine has made. I strongly recommend this program and lifestyle to anyone at any age. The biggest life lesson I have learned is to ask lots of questions and don’t assume that just because they wear a white coat that they are god and can determine whether you can live or die. You must be your own self advocate. Our bodies are alkaline by design, acidic by function and will heal itself when it’s properly supported with alkalizing foods and drinks.

In 2008, Lori and I moved from New Jersey to San Diego in order to spread this message around the world, and Lori and I worked at the Ranch for 3 years. We continue to do cleanses for Dr. Young every three months with our friend Brian Claypool teaching other people how to become their own pH Miracle.